Rocked by the Shocker! - Amazing Spider-Man #72 (1969)
In this episode of Web Tales, as the titles suggests, we find out who gets rocked by the Shocker as he tries to obtain the mysterious tablet. Also, Aunt May prepares for her trip "down south"
In this episode of Web Tales, as the titles suggests, we find out who gets rocked by the Shocker as he tries to obtain the mysterious tablet. Also, Aunt May prepares for her trip "down south"
Quicksilver is in town and he's here to take Spidey to jail! Watch as the fight ensues full of Crash Bandicoot spins and forearm attacks. Also in this episode, Robbie takes control of The Daily Bugle as Jonah recovers in hospital and things start changing for the better. All this and Spidey still has to figure how to get rid of that damn tablet.
We take a break from Kingpin fat shaming and take a trip to Algeria! Spidey takes a trip to Africa to find out what really happened to his parents. Multiple guest appearances ensue!
Daily Bugle mobile!!! Nuff said
In this strangely sexy episode of Web Tales, Spidey goes shirtless to fight the Kingpin in order to get back the mysterious ancient tablet. We also get a lot of fat shaming of the Kingpin. Be sure to tune in!
In this controversy free episode of Web Tales, The Kingpin decides to steal an old tablet while a student protest is going on. Will he succeed? Is the Kingpin fat or just really strong? And finally, will Logan ever move to Canada?
In this very special episode of Web Tales, tiny Spidey battles a giant Mysterio, who we wonder is he still Zach Gallifinakis Mysterio or shredded Mysterio? Also did Mysterio cause MJ to get a perm? All this and the first appearance of Randy Robertson.
Mysterio's is out from jail, and he wants revenge! Find out what he has in mind for the web slinger in this must listen to episode of Web Tales!!!
Spidey is stuck in prison. But while Captain Stacy and Foggy Nelson discuss the ethics and legal ramifications of unmasking Spider-Man, a prison break happens! And old web head has to decide is he going to try and escape with the non Fancy Dan's clothing shop wearing convicts, or do the right thing and save Captain Stacy.
In another special episode of Web Tales, Spidey battles the Vulture in a grudge match. But more importantly, this issue contains one of the most frightening things ever.... MJ gets a perm! It has to be seen to be believed!
In today's episode, the original Vulture Adrian Toomes turns out to not be dead after all and he's out for revenge against his usurper Blackie Drago. What follows is possibly our best or worst episode ever, you the listeners decide!
In this weeks episode we get introduced to the most dastardly villain of all, the evil advertiser Montgomery G Bliss. How far will he go to get the Inhuman Meduse to be a part of his ad campaign for Heavenly Hair Spray? Is Spidey going to be treated like a whipping boy again? Also in this episode, Norman Osborn seems to be tripping on acid and just how old is Captain Stacy?
I could talk about what happens this episode, but it's really about Ice Cream and Steve showing up to a strip club. A must listen!!!
In this episode of Web Tales, Spidey has to duke it out with the Kingpin once and again. But Peter has to fight an old man with a cane. Which battle will have more long lasting damage to his life? Listen and find out!
In this very special episode of Web Tales (they all are), Mary Jane gets a job as a gogo dancer, Peter is trying see Aunt May who is once again in the hospital. But more importantly, who is this new villain, The Brainwasher, who is operating in the shadows to control New York's elites? Listen on and find out!!!
Spencer Smythe is still angry that Spider-Man got the best of his machines, so he's back with an upgraded version. Can Spider-Man escape another robot with an iPad showing Jonah's gloating face the whole time? Also will Spidey ever get his memories back?
Ka-Zar, the jungle man from the Savage Land, is in New York City and gets conned by Jolly Jonah to go hunt Spider-Man. Worse still, Spidey still has no memory of who he is. Listen on for an amnesia ridden episode of Web Tales!!!
This may be wackiest episode of Web Tales yet. Spider-Man and the Human Torch team up to take on Mysterio and The Wizard in a tale full of misunderstandings and a fat Mysterio!
Another legendary character, Captain George Stacy, makes their first appearance (it's just a board meeting though). But in the main story of this issue, Spider-Man has no memory of who he is, so he just helps out Doctor Octopus. What ensues is Spidey constantly fighting the urge to punch Ock in the face, Jonah finally able to say he was right and Gwen realizing maybe she does have a thing for Peter.
It's over! Doc Ock has finally defeated his arch enemy Spider-Man! Find out how during this socially distanced episode of Web Tales!
Peter's biggest nightmare has come true : Doctor Octopus has moved in with Aunt May! He's the boarder in their house and Peter can't do anything about it! Find out what the Doctor is really up! Plus Jameson needs some pictures, pictures of Spider-Man !
Now that everyone is stuck inside, why not listen to some old web tales! This week, Flash is back from Nam, really fast apparently. Professor Warren is being a creeper and Doc Ock just really needs that science machine. Another week in the wonderful world of Spidey!
In part 3 of the Kingpin's intro story, Spidey and Jonah have to escape potential drowning in a Batman level trap. We also see something we never thought we would : Alpha Ned Leeds! The Kingpin is nobody's fool!
That's right folks, everyone's favorite right hand man to Jonah, Robbie Robertson, makes his first appearance this issue! But wait there's more! The Kingpin smashes a miniature city and we get the bargain Enforcers! All this and another edition of "What Color is Peter's Jacket"! Another must listen episode of the Web Tales podcast!!!
We've made it all the way to issue #50 folks!! And this is a big one! First up we've got Spider-Man no more. Basically Peter is tired of all the crap life as Spider-Man brings him, so he decides he's done! Yeah, because that always works out well for him. Next we have the introduction of a major new villain. We won't spoil who it is, but if you're a true Spidey fan you already know. Thank you everyone who listened. We've still got a long way to go and look forward to continuing the journey with ...
What's more dangerous then the new Vulture? How about Kraven and the new Vulture. In this episode, Spidey has to battle both foes, as well as fool his Aunt May into thinking he's sick and getting ready to pose for Spider Quarterly (SQ).
After getting injured in an undisclosed accident, the original Vulture is near death and decides to pass his legacy on to a new Vulture, Blackie Drago. What chance does Spidey have against a younger and more powerful Vulture!. On top of that there is a snowstorm in New York City and Peter has a head cold, he's totally screwed!!!
In this episode of Web Tales, Kraven is released from prison and has his eyes set on revenge. But not against our friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man, he wants his payday he feels that the Green Goblin owes him. But double G is "dead", so he's going after the next closest person: Norman Osborn. Listen how Kraven uses his boob laser to stop Spidey and prove once and for all that no one messes with Kraven the Hunter!!!
We've made it to episode 50!! Thank you to all who have listened along the way. Now enough of the sappy stuff! In this episode, The Avengers decide to give Spider-Man a shot at joining them. What happens next is Spidey pulling an Eric Foreman and screwing everything up. This is basically a comedy issue!!
Everyone's favorite yellow padded super-villain, The Shocker, makes his first appearance and battles Spidey during some bank robbery (because of course a villain robs a bank). Also this issue, Peter contemplates moving out with Harry and will Patch discovery Spider-Man's true identity? Listen to find out!!