Nigel Farage returns
Nigel Farage returns
Nigel Farage returns
UK election campaign begins
End of the Liberal Order & Return of War - John Mearsheimer, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen
Putin confident, Zelensky unstable. Cuban missile crisis scheme
Crossing Red Lines w/ Jeffrey Sachs (Live)
NATO Escalation & Propaganda - Glenn Greenwald, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen
UK elections and democracy erosion w/ Dr. Neema Parvini (Live)
Biden's Ukraine Policy Shift w/ Lt. Col. Daniel Davis
WSJ: US actively preparing for war with China
Pavel ammo debacle. Hieronymus Bosch frontline
ATACMS, F16s, boots on the ground; Russian warnings ignored
US/NATO escalation to strike Russia
Putin & King of Bahrain; Ready to mediate in Middle East
NATO's war with Russia w/ Dmitry Orlov (Live)
Georgia passes foreign agents law. Armenia protests
Neocon China hawks; Ukraine failed, focus on Taiwan
Putin & Lukashenko prepare for NATO escalation
UK uniparty agrees to hold July 4 elections The Duran: Episode 1913
The Dangerous Interregnum - Geoff Roberts, Glenn Diesen & Matthew Blackburn
Militaristic EU - Clare Daly, Mick Wallace, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen
Hot summer ahead; ICC, Assange, UKR, Putin-Xi, Slovakia, Iran & more w/ Robert Barnes (Live)
Presidency ends, mobilization begins
Iran tragedy and political stability
China & Russia, better than alliance
US Without a Strategy in Ukraine? - Stephen Bryen, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen
Robert Fico, Slovak patriot
Putin & Xi, preparing for big sanctions war w/ Alex Krainer (Live)
EU takes on China
Vassals pushing for Ukraine intervention w/ Emil Cosman (Live)
Kiev blame game. Kharkov debacle The Duran: Episode 1907