On this episode, Maria and Meghan each give you their top 3 best, actionable, really-good tips for you to immediately improve your Magic game. No wishy-washy tips here! Only things you can log onto Arena tonight and put into action! PLUS: Magic news to keep your week afloat, a look at the draft archetypes in Ultimate Masters (there miiiight be auras??), our hosts get on their soapbox to deliver an important message, and what would you bring me if I asked you for a Pop Tart? Give the Gift of your...
Nov 28, 2018•1 hr 7 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan welcome Pro Tour Guilds of Ravnica champion Andrew Elenbogen! Andrew tells the story of his Magic journey, makes us cry with some of his favorite Magic memories, and makes us laugh as we discuss his favorite social deduction games. PLUS: A recap of Grand Prix Milwaukee & what it means for the top decks in Standard, BRAND SPANKIN’ NEW Ultimate Masters preview cards (thanks Wizards of the Coast!) and all the Magic News you can (personally) use! Don’...
Nov 21, 2018•1 hr 19 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan talk everything Pro Tour! If you want to know the inside info about what happened at PT Guilds of Ravnica – this show is for you. Our hosts dive into the top decks, the fringe decks, the top strategy for draft, and some of the best stories to come out of the big tournament. PLUS: special guest Rookie of the Year Sam Ihlenfeldt stops by along with pro tour competitor and Amateur Pro Greg Michel! Find out what it’s like to play on the PT and how it fee...
Nov 13, 2018•1 hr 4 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan give you the full rundown in the week of Magic news – and, this week, there’s a lot to unpack! Hello, Ultimate Masters! (Cue the drooling). PLUS: Grand Prix Atlanta gives us new decks in Modern & Meghan is NOT here for Bant Spirits, our hosts prep you for this weekend’s Pro Tour with their spicy predictions and a classic #sockbet – but, this time, you can join in on their brackets, too! And, hey…have you ever see a flea circus? ...
Nov 06, 2018•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan give you a deep dive on current Standard ahead of the Pro Tour (just two weekends away!) It’ll help you decide what to play at FMN, a PPTQ, or what to build on Arena. If you’re waffling between decks (or want to know what your opponent is playing) this episode will be a great guide. Limited is also not left out! Our hosts give their thoughts on Guilds of Ravnica draft now that we’re deep into the format. What guilds are the best? What are some ...
Oct 30, 2018•1 hr•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan put on their headphones, turn up the mics and dust off the keyboard – it’s time to celebrate 300 episodes with a musical! You’ll hear songs about everything from Maria’s favorite deck archetype, to Meghan’s unique problem with Commander, to cracking boosters alone, late at night. You don’t want to miss this celebration of everything Good Luck High Five, in somewhat competent song! …In our defense, all songs were written ...
Oct 23, 2018•37 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan have a MEGA announcement to make! They invite a special guest on the show to explain in more detail…but we’ll give you a hint: you just might want to keep a close eye on the Pro Tour Team Series this season!! (Whaaaat?!) PLUS: A deep dive on new Standard as Maria flexes her Boros muscles with the help of Aurelia and a certain Bugler, Meghan dishes about the Magic Bracket that endeavors to name the most “Magic” card in all of Magic history...
Oct 16, 2018•56 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan introduce the world to new Standard! What exciting new decks have the first tournaments revealed to us? What has the addition of Guilds of Ravnica wrought? And can mono-red continue to reign supreme?! PLUS: a deep dive on what you should be drafting and building in Sealed with Guilds Limited (find out which guilds are best!), Flavor Text Theatre brings you some much needed advice in the new game of Advice Panel, and we were certainly ALL wondering about the true...
Oct 09, 2018•56 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan share the awesomeness that was their Guilds of Ravnica prerelease! What decks did they build? What cards over-performed? Which ones were disappointments?! Find out! PLUS: Arena enters Open Beta and our hosts are OBSESSED, Cutest Card and Grossest Card in Ravnica are crowned, and a somber discussion of our hosts’ reaction and personal opinions about the controversy from the Magic World Championship – which hits pretty close to home. OH…and also ...
Oct 02, 2018•1 hr 18 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maira and Meghan are joined by the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-around great guy (and Regional Coordinator for the North), Judge Rob! Judge Rob will walk you through all the new Guilds of Ravnica mechanics and tricky card interactions you might run into at your prerelease this weekend. Don’t leave home without listening to this episode! PLUS: A quick recap of the World Championship, Arena enters Open Beta, and the 2018 Hall of Fame class is revealed! Support More High Five...
Sep 25, 2018•1 hr 21 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan get geared up for the 2019 Magic the Gathering World Championship! Our hosts draft a team of players (whose team will win?!), chat about the formats, and make some guesses as to what the biggest tourney of the year will hold. PLUS: More Guilds of Ravnica preview cards, all the Magic news you need (a Player of the Year playoff?! Sweeeeeet), and several “facts” about everyone’s favorite inventor of the U.S. Postal Service. Support More High Fives...
Sep 18, 2018•51 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan release their EXCLUSIVE Guilds of Ravnica preview card given to them by Wizards of the Coast! What is it? All we can say is that it’s mean, green, and …has one of Maria’s favorite keywords. Wink, wink! PLUS: Esteemed guest Magic Von Expert the Magic Expert drops by the studio to give us a few hints about Guilds and promote his new book, Maria and Meghan craft a new un-official “Official” Guild Quiz (find out your guild for the Prere...
Sep 11, 2018•54 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan welcome Amateur Pro (and newly minted TWO-TIME Pro Tour competitor) Greg back to the show! The trio talks spicy new preview cards and mechanics for Guilds of Ravnica (Greg might like Selesnya a biiiit too much…) and Maria and Meghan take an official quiz to figure out their guild alignment. SPOILER ALERT: This quiz goes very poorly for one of our hosts! PLUS: Standard chat ahead of the World Championship, brief Modern chat ahead of Grand Prix Detroit, and ...
Sep 04, 2018•1 hr 9 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan celebrate the official name change of the podcast to Good Luck High Five! Join them in reliving some of the best memories of the Magic the Amateuring days and answering all sorts of questions from an Instagram AMA. PLUS: the Magic news you’ll need to start your week off right, a spicy new(ish) Modern deck from Grand Prix Prague, and a Flavor Text Theatre that will keep you guessing! Good Luck High Five, everyone! Support GLHF! http://www.patreon.com/glhfma...
Aug 29, 2018•58 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan share their thoughts on the 2018 Magic the Gathering Hall of Fame! Who will they vote for and why? What players impress them the most? Find out! PLUS: Our two hosts share their favorite Magic memories, look back at the past year in Magic’s successes and lessons learned (using Mark Rosewater’s latest article), and talk about the REAL Golden Age of television…the early 90s. Yup. Join the MtA club & support the show! http://www.patreon.com/mta...
Aug 21, 2018•1 hr 2 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan move around the boxes in their brain palaces (#brainpalace) to figure out how to best plan for your turn. When should you be thinking about what you’re going to do? How do you remember if you’ve played a land? Why should you practice being “present” during your games? All those questions will be answered – AND MORE! PLUS: a look at Standard after Grand Prix Brussels (Sprouts) and Orlando, Flavor Text Theatre plays The Match Game, an...
Aug 14, 2018•52 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan recap the wild and wonderful tournament that was Pro Tour 25th Anniversary! There really is no place like…a hometown PT. They’ll share the top decks in Legacy, Modern, and Standard as well as HOT NEW HITS that hit the tables this past weekend. (Who saw Death’s Shadow coming Legacy? Or Vengevine in Modern? Or Fog in Standard?!) PLUS: Meghan gets on her stump about Modern Spirits, Maria sleeps through classic movies, and Sock Bet is a total wash....
Aug 07, 2018•50 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan preview Pro Tour 25th Anniversary! It’s the biggest, baddest, bestest Pro Tour in Magic’s history – and we’re here for it! Find out which team our hosts think will take down the whole thing and which decks will rise to the top in Standard, Modern, and Legacy. PLUS: a wrap of hometown Grand Prix Minneapolis with plenty of Magic Lessons Learned from Meghan, spicy draft decks that can win in M19 from Maria, and a Flavor Text Theatre MadLibs ...
Jul 31, 2018•1 hr•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan help you figure out how to crack M19 Core Set Sealed and Draft after Grand Prix Sacramento and leading up to Grand Prix Minneapolis! What’s the best color? The best rare? Find out! PLUS: Commander 2018 previews are upon us, Meghan contemplates why she is bad at mulligans, and Maria invents the son of a famous Magic artist. OH YEAH, and someone PLEASE help Meghan figure out the name of this gosh darned horror movie! Support the show! http://www.patreon.com/...
Jul 24, 2018•59 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan give you their first thoughts on M19 Core Set after a few drafts are under their belts. They’ll also share some successful Magic Online Standard decks (there is a cat deck! Fur real!), put a few cards on notice in What is This Card?!, and play The Match Game with a very special guest. BONUS: Maria accurately describes the stages of grief, and Meghan presses The Button. Support the show! http://www.patreon.com/mtacast Enter our July giveaway: https://gleam....
Jul 17, 2018•49 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan give you their first impressions of Magic’s newest core set: Magic 2019! How did their prerelease go? What cards impressed them the most (or the least)? What CRITICAL ERROR did Maria make in her Cutest Card assessment? It’s shocking! PLUS: Updates in the world of Modern from Grand Prix São Paulo, Maria shares her lessons in learning more about Control, and Meghan loves Colossal Dreadmaw. BONUS: Flavor Text Theatre’s M19 Movie Pitches are here&#...
Jul 10, 2018•57 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan welcome Regional Coordinator for the North, Judge Rob! (Doesn’t that tile sound like something out of Game of Thrones?!) Rob will walk everyone through anything tricky that could come up at your M19 Core Set Prerelease! Don’t get caught unawares. Or without underwears. That’s just good advice. PLUS: Maria crowns the Cutest Card in M19 while Meghan picks the Grossest Card and is Chromium the Mutable naked when it transforms into a hexproof human...
Jul 03, 2018•57 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan don their caps and gowns and get ready to graduate from the greatness that was Dominaria! They’ll relive their favorite drafts, say “goodbye” to their favorite (and least favorite!) cards, and pay homage to the best designs in the set. PLUS: Standard Corner is BACK and all about the most awesome non-red and non-Teferi decks brought to Grand Prix Pittsburgh, and Meghan asks a very important and fart-related question to Magic players everywhere. ...
Jun 26, 2018•1 hr 1 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan recap the insanity, the awesomeness, and the hangovers that were Grand Prix Vegas. Find out how our hosts fared in the Modern and Limited main events as well as the spicy sides they chose to take on! You’ll also hear some EPIC bad beats, a PSA on board-state regulation from Meghan, and be introduced to a shiny *brand new* M19 preview card! PLUS: M & M dive into more juicy M19 previews, a fun new segment is born in “The Button”, and the ladi...
Jun 20, 2018•1 hr 12 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan get majorly hyped for Grand Prix Vegas! They’ll tell you all about how testing is going for the Modern main event (spoiler alert: it’s…going??), Maria dives ultra-deep on how to build your deck in Dominaria Sealed, and Meghan makes last-second changes to her ENTIRE LIST in Modern. PLUS: The Top Five Things You Need to Know in Magic This Week is chock-full of amazing stuff, spicy M19 previews hit the interwebz, and the Slippery Moguls are up aga...
Jun 12, 2018•48 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan share stories from inside Pro Tour Dominaria! Find out what they really think about Goblin Chainwhirler, hear about the craziest drafts they witnessed, and learn what deck they’d play if they’d been throwing down. PLUS: all the Magic news you can handle, what to play if you don’t want to play red, and Meghan learns about fruit. Become an amazing supporter of the show: http://www.patreon.com/mtacast Enter our June Giveaway: https://gleam.io/LTIC...
Jun 05, 2018•49 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan get hyped for Pro Tour Dominaria with the help of their good friends and coverage crew-mates Brian David-Marshall and Tim Willoughby! Join in their late-night recording session (aka party) as they talk what’s cool/bad/awesome in Draft (BDM insists he can build Spider Spawning in this set), what top cards they think they’ll see at the top tables in Standard (Meghan is sad about Heart of Kiran), and play an epic Flavor Text Theatre Match Game that̵...
May 31, 2018•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan blow your magical minds with two brand spankin’ new Battlebond preview cards! Want to know what they are? WELL, PROBABLY TAKE A LISTEN, DOOD! Our hosts will also showcase other spicy new Battlebond cards and review the set’s Two-Headed-Giant-focused mechanics. PLUS: Meghan recaps the madness at Grand Prix Toronto (just like the air, Karn is ALL AROUND US), Maria invents a very Minnesotan planeswalker, and it’s another insanity-laden segment of ...
May 22, 2018•55 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan (as is their custom nowadays) give you the Top 5 things you need to know in Magic this week! They also break down **new** Dominaria Standard after Grand Prix Birmingham and share the SPOOKIEST stories (maybe ever?!) from their epic journeys in the Magic Online & Arena queues! PLUS: A rousing game of Pick, Lick, or Flick and YOU DECIDE what is wrong with Maria’s neck! Become an amazing supporter of the show: http://www.patreon.com/mtacast Enter our May ...
May 15, 2018•52 min•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode, Maria and Meghan recap all the madcap madness that was Grand Prix Dallas-Fort Worth (or should we simply say “Fort Worth”?) as players traveled to the Lone Star State to try their hand at Dominaria Limited. Our hosts will give you all the info you need to know on exactly how the format plays out if you’re heading to a PPTQ Sealed tournament, planning to slay at FNM draft, or just want to beat up baddies on Magic Online. PLUS: All the news you need to know as yo...
May 08, 2018•46 min•Transcript available on Metacast