Say Hi To Taylor For Me!
Cameron is gettingh the HEAT about that Taylor Swift concert...
Cameron is gettingh the HEAT about that Taylor Swift concert...
We almost met our fate on a roller coaster...
Another week, another glass half empty!
Katie went to another Psychic!
VERY divisive this week...#SORRYNOTSORRY
We might be investing in some expensive candles...
4 Day Work Weeks, Tattoos, and some DOG NEWS!
We are SCARED...but we are PREPARED!
Did you know Bob Barker was still alive?
We are NOT prepared for the end of the world...
Cameron is tripping this week...and Katie is HERE for it!
We're on a cruise...but we still did a pod for you...look at us!
Turns out we were told a TON of lies as kids!
What TikTok purchase are we thinking about this week?
Who still eats applesauce?
At this point, we need a nursing home for Cameron
After 6 years, we're still learning new things about each other every single day...
One hell of a Judge Judy moment this week - and should Katie become a doctor?!
Pardon our dust...our brain dust.
Another week, another 40 minutes of RAGE
Anyone want to join us in our international move?!
Katie has a habit Cameron doesn't understand - and what the EFF is Easter Monday!?