Roman Turner is a classically trained French chef turned developer. He's now a Software Developer at America's Test Kitchen. He and Brittany discuss personal branding, attracting and keeping members in the Ruby/Rails community and advice for junior developers seeking their first role. Show Notes & Links: America's Test Kitchen ( Jeweler’s Apprentice ( Roman (@scoop_law) / Twitter ( Sponsored By: Ho...
Nov 09, 2022•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast An episode to inspire everyone who is passionate about Junior Rails developers finding roles! Dave Paola is the founder of Sierra Rails, a new development agency based on the idea that combining Ruby on Rails with the apprenticeship model can produce big results. Show Notes & Links: Episode 307: Choosing the Right Tech Stack with Dave Paola ( Sierra Rails ( Exposing your Ignorance by Sierra Rails (
Nov 02, 2022•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast Meg Gutshall is a Ruby on Rails application developer at Penn Medicine with a passion for open source. Brittany asks Meg about her love of Virtual Coffee, her fond memories of Mike Rogers and her role as a core team member of Ruby for Good. Show Notes & Links: Penn Medicine ( Virtual Coffee ( Ruby for Good ( meg_gutshall - Twitter ( meg-gutshall (Meg Gutshall) - GitHub (https:...
Oct 26, 2022•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast Object Shapes is merged and headed to Ruby 3.2! Fresh off of her world tour, Jemma catches up with Brittany about RubyKaigi, Euroku and Rails SaaS. After talking about Rubyconf Mini plans, the pair discuss the new Data.define feature coming to Ruby 3.2 as well. Show Notes & Links: Rubyconf Mini Tickets ( Implement Object Shapes #6386 by jemmaissroff ( Add Data class...
Oct 19, 2022•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast Andy Croll is back and he has something to say. Brittany and Andy chat from their cupboards about My First Ruby Friend, bringing yourself to work, Apple note driven development and Rubyconf Mini. They spend the rest of the episode on Andy's podcast pitch. Show Notes & Links: My First Ruby Friend ( One Ruby Thing - Andy Croll ( Rubyconf Mini 2022 ( Chats in the Cupboard ( Andy Cr...
Oct 12, 2022•36 min•Transcript available on Metacast Reunited and it feels so good! Friend of the show and host of Code and the Coding Coders who Code it, Drew Bragg, is back today. Together, he and Brittany discuss the upcoming Rails SaaS Conference and their goals for attending. They also hash out Drew's game show talk for Rubyconf Mini and how he is straddling a Rails upgrade and ViewComponent upgrade at work. Show Notes & Links: Code and the Coding Coders who Code it ( Rails SaaS Conference (
Oct 05, 2022•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast After diving into CrossFit and their favorite comfort foods, Nick and Brittany talk all things conferences: RubyKaigi 2022, Rails SaaS and Rubyconf 2022. Nick ends the episode by sharing some cool Rails upgrade tooling he is working on. Show Notes & Links: CrossFit ( RubyKaigi 2022 ( Rails SaaS Conference ( Rubyconf 2022 ( Rubyconf Mini 2022 ( Sponsored By: Honeybadger...
Sep 28, 2022•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Brittany returns to the the Rubber Duck Dev Show! In this episode, Chris and Creston discuss the different viewpoints and objectives for engineering managers vs. product managers with Brittany Martin & Josh Gaastra. Show Notes & Links: Rubber Duck Dev Show | Wednesdays at 8p EST ( Sponsored By: Scout APM ( Try their error monitoring and APM free for 14-days, no credit card needed! And as an added bonus for Ruby on Rails listeners...
Sep 21, 2022•51 min•Transcript available on Metacast Joel Schlundt is the CTO of TextUs and Brittany's boss. After diving into two origin stories, the pair discuss the Senior Backend Engineer role they are hiring for, applications they never want to build again and the importance of off-sites for remote teams. They cap the conversation off with a horror story. Announcements The Ruby on Rails Podcast Store ( Fun original designs like “Tell Me Your Developer Origin Story”...
Sep 14, 2022•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast Jemma, one of the co-organizers of RubyConf Mini, chats with Brittany on why she decided to organize RubyConf Mini (November 15 - November 17, 2022 in Providence, Rhode Island). The two co-hosts discuss CFPs, organizing challenges and more importantly, who should consider attending RubyConf Mini. They also celebrate Jemma getting her Japanese visa for RubyKaigi 2022. Show Notes & Links: RubyConf Mini ( RubyKaigi 2022 ( Sponsored By: Scout...
Sep 07, 2022•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast The tech industry is in unprecedented times with the amount of layoffs happening. Brittany and Brian share their personal layoff stories and offer some advice to laid off employees, retained employees and companies. While empathizing with the shock layoffs cause, the duo offer some silver linings. Show Notes & Links: Tech Layoffs In 2022: The U.S. Companies That Have Cut Jobs ( Tracker ( Sponsored By: Honeyba...
Aug 31, 2022•28 min•Transcript available on Metacast Brittany welcomes John Crepezzi, founder of All Aboard Bootcamp, on to the show. After geeking out over John's storied career path through Ruby (including the ISMs at Genius) the two dive into why and how John created a free Ruby/Rails/JS bootcamp for under-represented groups. Show Notes & Links: GitHub - ice-cube-ruby/ice_cube: Ruby Date Recurrence Library ( The Genius ISM’s ( All Aboard Bootcamp (https://all...
Aug 24, 2022•36 min•Transcript available on Metacast Mina Slater is a developer on Mission Control, thoughtbot's DevOps and SRE team and serves as a Scholarship program organizer with Ruby Central. Mina details why it is humbling to embrace the cloud and what SRE means. She and Brittany then share their hot takes consulting versus working on a product team. Show Notes & Links: thoughtbot Mission Control ( Site Reliability Engineering: Google ( Mina Slater (@minar528) on Twitter (https://tw...
Aug 17, 2022•28 min•Transcript available on Metacast After congratulating Jemma on her talk acceptance to RubyKaigi, the duo discuss how to handle when a co-worker is departing. From handling communication to acknowledging the importance of the departing, it's a topic that should resonate with many developers. They wrap up exclaiming over first #rubyfriend. Show Notes & Links: RubyKaigi 2022 ( Hire Me: I'm Excellent at Quitting by Brittany Martin - YouTube ( first #rubyfriend ...
Aug 10, 2022•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast Brittany guested on the Rubber Duck Dev Show, a livestream with two Rubyists (Chris & Creston) who chat live about all the aspects of development. They talk over the origins of how Brittany became the host of The Ruby on Rails Podcast and their thoughts and struggles on project management. Show Notes & Links: Rubber Duck Dev Show | Wednesdays at 8p EST ( Sponsored By: Honeybadger ( Honeybadger makes you a DevOps hero by combining err...
Aug 03, 2022•53 min•Transcript available on Metacast Irina Nazarova is the CEO of Evil Martians, a consulting company known as authors of PostCSS, AnyCable, imgproxy, and many blog posts and tutorials. She and Brittany discuss both her developer and CEO origin stories, sustainable opensource, leading really talented developers and Google Apps Script. Show Notes & Links: Evil Martians ( whitequark/parser: A Ruby parser. - GitHub ( All of the Evil Martians's Open Source Libraries (https:...
Jul 27, 2022•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Nick is officially an influencer! After Nick accidentally launched a co-host of Rubyists learning Japanese (including Brittany!), the duo chat about learning styles and recommended podcasts. Oh, and upgrade your Rails applications, listeners! Show Notes & Links: Duolingo ( akr / all-ruby ( Leetcode ( Naming Things ( Rubber Duck Dev Show ( Rails Versions...
Jul 20, 2022•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Making her podcast debut, Julie J is a junior engineer at Codecademy from Skillsoft. Julie answers Brittany's questions about how she learned to code, her role at Codecademy and her involvement in the Neurodivergent ERG at Codecademy. Then, Julie reveals her plans for a new podcast in the Ruby community! Show Notes & Links: Codecademy ( Code in Place ( All Aboard Bootcamp ( Julie (@codewithjulie) / Twitte...
Jul 13, 2022•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Moderated By: Brittany Martin, The Ruby on Rails Podcast ( Panelists: Aaron Francis, Framework Friends ( Andy Croll, Chats in the Cupboard ( Brian Mariani, The Ruby on Rails Podcast ( Drew Bragg, Coding Coders ( Jason Charnes, Remote Ruby ( Jemma Issroff, The Ruby on Rails Podcast (
Jul 06, 2022•43 min•Transcript available on Metacast Enchanté. Aurelie Verrot is a developer originally from France who now lives in California. She is Software Engineer at Zendesk, working in the i18n team. She answers all of Brittany's questions about working at Zendesk, translating the beloved Women On Rails newsletter and Show Notes & Links: General Assembly ( Zendesk ( Women On Rails Newsletter ( ( ...
Jun 29, 2022•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Brittany and Nick took a foray into handheld console gaming before celebrating Nick's new role at Shopify on the Ruby/Rails Infra team. They chatted about their favorite parts of Railsconf including Nick's Ruby Archaeology talk and Shopify's Railsconf Afterparty Twitter Space. Also, Past Rubies is back! Show Notes & Links: Unofficial RailsConf Afterparty today on Twitter Spaces | Shopify ( Euruko 2022 CFP ( Ru...
Jun 22, 2022•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast Brittany had questions about how to contribute to Ruby but luckily, Jemma was here to explain the process and explain her most recent proposal: Object shapes for Ruby. Object shapes are a technique for representing properties of an object. The two then debate reaching sustainable open source software. Show Notes & Links: Feature #18776: Object Shapes ( Stripe Press — Working in Public ( GitHub user sends notificat...
Jun 15, 2022•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast David Hill is a Staff Software Engineer with CareRev. He just gave his first ever conference presentation at RailsConf 2022, titled “React-ing to Hotwire”. He is thinking about starting a podcast (yes!) so he asks Brittany her thoughts on co-hosts and topics. Show Notes & Links: React-ing to Hotwire | Railsconf 2022 ( The Rails SaaS Conference ( Framework Friends ( Code and the Coding Cod...
Jun 08, 2022•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Live from Portland, OR is the Ruby Podcast Panel recording from Railsconf 2022! The panelists discuss why they are loyal to podcasting, the state of the Ruby and Rails communities, opening doors for juniors into our industry and themes they noted from the conference. Moderated By: Jemma Issroff, The Ruby on Rails Podcast ( Panelists: Brittany Martin, The Ruby on Rails Podcast ( Nick Schwaderer, The Ruby on Rails Podcast (https://t...
Jun 01, 2022•44 min•Transcript available on Metacast Brian is back with his insights on how the Rails hiring market is fairing, the differences between JS and Rails recruiting, whether avoiding whiteboarding is a good sign and how companies can effectively evaluate potential developers. Show Notes & Links: Mirror Placement ( poteto / hiring-without-whiteboards ( Sponsored By: Honeybadger ( Honeybadger makes you a DevOps hero by combini...
May 25, 2022•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast Andrea Fomera is a Senior Software Developer at Podia who finds enjoyment in updating dependencies and crafting high quality, robust and maintainable code. She and Brittany flash forward to Railsconf Day 2 to discuss Andrea's talk, goals for the conference and an epic quest to find the best donut in Portland. Show Notes & Links: Andrea's Personal Site ( Andrea Fomera (@afomera) · Twitter ( Learn Hotwire by Building a Forum (
May 18, 2022•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Fresh off of treading water in a sweatsuit for a swim test, Brittany called up Jemma to do a live brainstorm for the Railsconf 2022 Podcast Panel. After discussing Jemma's team trip to London for Shopify, they go over the panel participants, moderation strategies and potential topics. Show Notes & Links: Railsconf 2022 COVID Policy ( Ruby Podcast @ Railsconf 2022 on Day 1 ( Remote Ruby ( Framework Friend...
May 11, 2022•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Steve Lynch is an Engineering Manager at Root Insurance, working with a full-stack team on a Rails and React stack. Brittany invited Steve on to the show to discuss Engineering Management and his Rubyconf talk, "I Read It But Don't Get It, or How to Tackle Technical Texts" so she could tackle some texts on her bookshelf. Show Notes & Links: Voulez-Vous with Zach and Steve ( I Read It But Don't Get It, or How to Tackle Technical Texts by Steve Lynch | Rubyconf 2...
May 04, 2022•35 min•Transcript available on Metacast Andrew Strovers is a Senior Software Engineer out of Omaha, Nebraska. Being that he has serious opinions on trust and communication in the workplace, he was the perfect guest to discuss retros: how to reward vulnerability, adjust to the remote components and incorporate fun. Show Notes & Links: UpDog ( Nathan Knisley on LinkedIn ( Andrew Strovers on LinkedIn ( Sponsored By: Honeybadger ...
Apr 27, 2022•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Brittany interviews Drew Bragg, the Staff Engineer at Within3 and the host of the new Code and the Coding Coders who Code it podcast about his origin, his love of the Ruby community and their experience at Sin City Ruby. The pair then switch host seats and Drew interviews Brittany about her love of burpees, what she is working on, her blockers and what she currently finds interesting. Show Notes & Links: With3 ( Code and the Coding Coders who Code it Podcast (
Apr 20, 2022•44 min•Transcript available on Metacast