In this bonus episode of the podcast, Gary discusses the Atlanta Braves, the World Series, and Voter ID laws. Major League Baseball moved the All-Star Game away from Atlanta in July because of the state's voting laws. But now, MLB can't avoid Georgia because of the Braves' postseason success.
Oct 28, 2021•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast In Acts 16:18, we read that Paul became "greatly annoyed." It's time for the Church to become greatly annoyed and begin doing something about the nonsense they see around them. Pushback is happening in some places and at some times, but there needs to be much more. If you're not annoyed yet, you're not paying attention.
Oct 27, 2021•29 min•Ep 193•Transcript available on Metacast Pushback is beginning against the "cancel culture" and Southwest Airlines, Netflix, and the NFL are right in the middle of it. In the upside-down world of today's politics and culture, there are celebrities and groups getting shouted down for "unapproved" facts and beliefs. These attempts to shut down freedom of speech are not going unnoticed.
Oct 25, 2021•29 min•Ep 192•Transcript available on Metacast Christians will often object to getting involved in politics because it's a "dirty business." Yes it is, which is exactly why Christians need to be involved. Dirt (sin) is a fact of life in a fallen world, but leaving it accumulate by ignoring it is not the biblical solution. In Chapter 8 of Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths , Gary discusses this and much more about Christians and dirty jobs.
Oct 22, 2021•26 min•Ep 191•Transcript available on Metacast Political liberals are more than willing to use every means necessary to get their message out, even breaking tax laws. Conservatives and Christians seldom have this boldness. In fact, many Christians don't even see the reason to be involved. The Apostle Paul would not agree.
Oct 20, 2021•21 min•Ep 190•Transcript available on Metacast Gary finishes his conversation with Rev. Mickey Schneider about his fifty-year pulpit ministry. Pastor Schneider reveals more of the connections he had with major figures in 20th century Reformed Theology. The church grows through the individual connections and relationships made over the years. Christians should always take the opportunity to meet new people and learn new things from other Christians. You never know where it may lead...
Oct 18, 2021•18 min•Ep 189•Transcript available on Metacast In Chapter 7 of Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths , Gary discusses the claim that the Church should not be involved in social and cultural issues. The Bible is God's Word and we live in God's World, so we should certainly expect that His Word should be applicable to His world. Throughout history, the Church has been a powerful agent for change in the world; that belief needs to be taught once again.
Oct 15, 2021•26 min•Ep 188•Transcript available on Metacast Gary continues his discussion with Rev. Mickey Schneider about the history and major figures involved in Reformed Theology and Southern Presbyterianism over the last half century. Pastor Schneider makes the point that all of us have feet of clay and none of us "has it all figured out." We should learn and change, learn and change some more, keeping all the good that we have learned while discarding the bad. This is how we grow in our faith and understanding.
Oct 13, 2021•26 min•Ep 187•Transcript available on Metacast This is the first part of several of an interview that Gary recorded with Rev. Mickey Schneider. Pastor Schneider has been instrumental in many of the important events that have transpired in Reformed Christianity in the last 50 years. He knows everyone and has been everywhere. In many ways, Pastor Schneider helped lead the modern resurgence of Reformed theology while never being its leader.
Oct 11, 2021•27 min•Ep 186•Transcript available on Metacast In Chapter 6 of Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths , Gary answers the objection of many Christians to being involved in politics and culture because Jesus didn't do these things. First, yes He did. Second, there's many things that Jesus did that Christians aren't required to do, just as there's many things that Jesus didn't do that His followers are expected to do.
Oct 08, 2021•23 min•Ep 185•Transcript available on Metacast Gary discusses a recent video by college professor, Bart Ehrman. Professor Ehrman is a well-known textual critic of the New Testament and is working on a new book based on the final book of the Bible. If the video is any indication, Professor Ehrman will be taking issue with much of modern interpretations of Revelation, mostly informed by 200 years of Dispensationalism and the Rapture. Gary points out that the preterist interpretation of Bible prophecy doesn't appear to be a part of Ehrman's res...
Oct 06, 2021•27 min•Ep 184•Transcript available on Metacast Gary discusses film and movies with Marcus Pittman, founder of The conversation begins with the marvels of modern medicine and surgical procedures and ends with economics. In between, Gary and Marcus discuss science, movies, television, and music and how Christianity is the foundation of all of them. Marcus reveals how is seeking to apply the crowd-funding model to entertainment choices and allowing viewers to influence what gets made.
Oct 04, 2021•28 min•Ep 183•Transcript available on Metacast Gary talks movies and television with Loor.TV screenwriter Jason Farley. As a former pastor, Jason recognizes the Bible as a story, and how its story should influence our own entertainment and storytelling. Culture is affected most deeply by its stories, and Christians too often tell weak stories in very poor ways with unrealistic characters. If Christianity is serious about changing the culture it must begin writing and telling better stories.
Oct 01, 2021•30 min•Ep 182•Transcript available on Metacast Gary interviews Douglas Wilson at the Fight, Laugh, Feast Conference about the beginnings of his writing and teaching ministry. They discuss the formative years of Doug's upbringing and why he and his wife decided to start a Christian school. Doug also reveals the primary reason why his father chose Moscow, Idaho as the place to begin his own teaching ministry.
Sep 29, 2021•22 min•Ep 181•Transcript available on Metacast Gary concludes his discussion with Pastor Richard Henry about popular "end-time" interpretations. The book of Revelation tells us that it is a book of "signs." Too often, popular writers try to make these signs "literal" in the sense of reality and not in the sense of the literature. Reading Revelation "literally" means reading it on its own first-century terms, not with a modern 21st century mindset.
Sep 27, 2021•23 min•Ep 180•Transcript available on Metacast In this second part of his interview with Pastor Richard Henry, Gary continues discussing modern technology and Bible prophecy. Barcodes, microchips, cell phones, and even Monster Energy drink have all been connected to the book of Revelation and the "end times." But the events the Bible speaks of make much more sense when interpreted through a first-century fulfillment. Interpreting the Bible with the Bible, instead of with modern technologies and fads, is always the better method.
Sep 24, 2021•27 min•Ep 179•Transcript available on Metacast In this three-part interview with Pastor Richard Henry, Gary discusses the current scare over the vaccine, tyranny, buying and selling, the rapture, and the "mark of the beast." In this first part, Gary addresses biblical hermeneutics and the current phenomenon of "internet exegesis," which seeks to apply modern events to Bible prophecy.
Sep 22, 2021•28 min•Ep 178•Transcript available on Metacast Gary responds to an email that he received from a critic. The email is similar to the sign someone posted on our dumpster (see previous episode). Dividing lines are becoming clear and Christians are going to be forced to make a decision. This is a worldview battle with very real consequences.
Sep 20, 2021•24 min•Ep 177•Transcript available on Metacast Someone posted a sign on the American Vision dumpster declaring that Gary created a "hate group." The sign was complete with QR codes for anyone wanting further reading during their trip to the trash bin. Gary discusses this claim and the continuing misinformation about AV (and other Christians) coming from the left.
Sep 17, 2021•20 min•Ep 176•Transcript available on Metacast Gary interviews former pro baseball player Dennis Sarfate about his new role at Apologia Ministries. Dennis goes around the country and encourages individuals to push bills through their local and state legislatures to help end the scourge of legalized abortion in America.
Sep 15, 2021•21 min•Ep 175•Transcript available on Metacast In Chapter 5 of Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths , Gary discusses the political and social demand that Christians should be neutral in the public sphere. He points out the absurdity and impossibility for anyone—Christian and non-Christian alike—to remain neutral in any debate or topic. Everyone has operating presuppositions and a worldview; neutrality is a myth.
Sep 10, 2021•29 min•Ep 173•Transcript available on Metacast Gary discusses a comment he saw on Facebook trying to connect leprosy and cleanliness laws in the Old Testament with coronavirus restrictions. Significant differences exist between leprosy and viruses, but that is only the beginning of the story.
Sep 08, 2021•27 min•Ep 172•Transcript available on Metacast In Romans 11, Paul talks about the Jews being "jealous" of the Gentiles. Was this fulfilled in the first century, or is this speaking of events off in the distant future? Does God have a future plan for Israel, separate from His plan for the Church?
Sep 06, 2021•18 min•Ep 171•Transcript available on Metacast In this final part of his interview with Dr. Gary North, Gary DeMar asks what can be done right now. What should concerned Christians be doing to stop the seemingly overwhelming tide of governmental increase and tyranny? How should the Church respond?
Sep 03, 2021•25 min•Ep 170•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Gary North discusses R.J. Rushdoony and Cornelius Van Til and what a comprehensive worldview looks like. Christianity must begin responding with a clear biblical witness that is informed by a clear biblical understanding. The research and academic work has been done; now it must be implemented and lived out.
Sep 01, 2021•23 min•Ep 169•Transcript available on Metacast In this first part of a three-part interview, Gary DeMar talks with Dr. Gary North about the need for Christians to take action. The research and study has all been done. The books and newsletters have all been written. More information isn't necessary; action is what is needed now.
Aug 30, 2021•22 min•Ep 168•Transcript available on Metacast You've heard it said over and over again that morality can't be legislated. This is impossible. Every law is an imposition of someone's morality. In Chapter 4 of Myths, Lies and Half-Truths , Gary discusses this topic in much more depth, showing the impossibility of a "neutral" law system.
Aug 27, 2021•21 min•Ep 167•Transcript available on Metacast Proving how out of touch they are with world issues, the Biden administration is forcing social agendas as a final public spectacle in Afghanistan. Removing our troops and staff from the country has been coupled with flying a rainbow flag over the embassy. This does not promote pride nor build trust for American policies.
Aug 25, 2021•12 min•Ep 166•Transcript available on Metacast Gary responds to an author that claims to refute his book, Last Days Madness . The author makes similar arguments to those that have been made by various dispensationalists over the years, but his novel modification of the translation of Matthew 24:34 inspired Gary to interact directly.
Aug 23, 2021•33 min•Ep 165•Transcript available on Metacast Is the Gospel simply praying a prayer to follow Jesus, or is it a life defined by actually following Jesus? What does it mean to obey the Gospel? Biblical salvation changes the whole person from the inside out; it is a comprehensive change. A true Christian is known by works, not by words. Gary discusses this and much more in Chapter 3 of Myths, Lies, and Half-Truths .
Aug 20, 2021•24 min•Ep 164•Transcript available on Metacast