The Gary DeMar Podcast - podcast cover

The Gary DeMar Podcast

Author, Theologian, Exegete, and Comic Book collector, Gary DeMar does what he does best: Talk about everything and anything, relating it to how the world actually works. Welcome to the Gary DeMar Podcast!


A Monumental Shift

Gary interviews Kirk Cameron briefly about the influence of Marshall Foster and the application of the biblical worldview to all of life. Our view of history matters and affects how we live in the present. Christians must know their biblical history, as well as the history of the church and Christians throughout the last 2000 years.

Aug 10, 202212 minEp 306Transcript available on Metacast

The Failure of Christian Socialism

The recent passing of Ronald Sider is an opportunity for Gary to tell the sad history of Christian socialism in America. Acts 4-5 is often appealed to as an example of this, but as Gary points out, it was 1) voluntary, and 2) tied to the coming destruction of Jerusalem. Christians must not be manipulated into unproductive mindsets by academic and economic guilt peddlers. Get Gary North's book, Christian Economics in One Lesson ....

Aug 08, 202232 minEp 305Transcript available on Metacast

The End of What Age?

Gary discusses Dr. Michael Brown's recent article, "What Does the Bible Say About the End of the Age?" At the end of his article, Dr. Brown lists several points as a summary of his view and Gary responds to them with Scripture and first century context. Get Gary's book, Last Days Madness .

Aug 05, 202242 minEp 304Transcript available on Metacast

The Anti-Morality of Abortion

Gary discusses recent comments coming from rabid pro-abortionists about their dissatisfaction with the Supreme Court's Dobbs decision in June. Abortion advocates have no logical, scientific, or moral leg to stand on, yet they still can't stop running their mouths and showing everyone what they actually believe. Get Gary's book, Restoring the Foundation of Civilization ....

Aug 03, 202230 minEp 303Transcript available on Metacast

Inflation and Revelation 6

Gary discusses an economic statement made by a seminary professor surrounding economics and Revelation 6. This professor said that inflation will be much worse during what he believes is a future "great tribulation." Gary responds to both the economic and the biblical statements required by such a view.

Aug 01, 202221 minEp 302Transcript available on Metacast

The Storyteller of America's Christian History

Marshall Foster (1945-2022) is the topic of conversation today. Marshall died on July 22, 2022 from pancreatic cancer. Gary relates a few of his own memories of Marshall and how he was instrumental in the beginnings of American Vision. Marshall was a gifted storyteller and one of the best at teaching America's providential history using stories and vivid detail. The episode concludes with a short compilation of Marshall doing what he did best: teaching history with stories. Be sure to check out ...

Jul 29, 202221 minEp 301Transcript available on Metacast

Churches and Worldview Issues

Gary discusses several recent instances of Christians not being able to answer basic challenges to a biblical worldview. The Bible speaks about all of life, not only how to go to heaven or how to pray. God's law lays out the rules for society and how individual behavior affects a culture, for good and for bad. Christianity has answers for every objection that is brought against it, but most modern Christians have not been prepared and taught how to think biblically. Watch the Darwinist abortioni...

Jul 27, 202221 minEp 300Transcript available on Metacast

America is NOT a Christian Nation

Gary responds to a Facebook commenter who claimed America was not founded as a Christian nation. The commenter uses the phrase from the Treaty of Tripoli in 1797 to make his case. His use is nothing new and it is both revisionist history and taken out of its proper textual context. Click here to watch the video explaining Bonhoeffer's Theory of Stupidity .

Jul 25, 202225 minEp 299Transcript available on Metacast

The Five-Point Covenant

In this rebroadcast, Gary DeMar sits down with the late Dr. Gary North for a discussion about the 5-point covenant model. Dr. North shows that the covenant is unavoidable and always flows out from the very first point: "Who's in Charge?" Every area of human life and responsibility can be viewed, taught, and understood through this covenant model.

Jul 22, 202221 minTranscript available on Metacast

What About the Church Ages?

Gary discusses the concept of "church ages" and what the letters to the seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3 represent. Are we in the "last age," the Laodicean age? Or could the text simply mean what it says and be referring to seven historical churches in the mid-first century? And does this mean that Revelation 2 and 3 mean nothing to us today?

Jul 20, 202220 minEp 298Transcript available on Metacast

What the Founders Believed

Gary responds to a statement from Hawaiian Sen. Mazie Hirono claiming that we have no idea what the Founding Fathers believed. Sen. Hirono is trying to reinterpret the Constitution for her own purposes and wants to disregard the thousands and thousands of pages of books, letters, and articles written by the Founding Fathers describing exactly what they believed and why they wrote the Constitution the way they did.

Jul 18, 202225 minEp 297Transcript available on Metacast

Evolution is a Religion

Gary shows how to force unbelievers to live consistently with their stated anti-God beliefs. This is the wedge of apologetics known as presuppositionalism. Using Proverbs 26:4-5 as his text, Gary shows that 1) evolution is a religion, and 2) it cannot produce a morality short of "only the strong survive."

Jul 15, 202243 minTranscript available on Metacast

Daniel 12 and the Resurrection

Gary answers a listener question about Daniel 12 and the resurrection of the dead. Connecting various verses and passages from the Old and New Testaments, Gary shows that once again, the Bible is its own best interpreter. We must be careful to not bend the Bible to our own preconceived ideas, but conform our ideas to the Biblical text. Click here for Jim Jordan's masterful Daniel commentary, The Handwriting on the Wall . Click here for Ken Gentry's article on this topic....

Jul 13, 202224 minEp 296Transcript available on Metacast

The Martyrdom of Antipas

Gary answers a listener question about the supposed historical fact that Antipas (mentioned in Revelation 2:13) was martyred in the mid-90s AD under Domitian. If true, this would mean the book of Revelation was written after the destruction of the city and the temple in AD 70. Preterists maintain that the book was written during Nero's reign in the mid-60s AD. So which view is correct and why does it matter?

Jul 11, 202231 minEp 295Transcript available on Metacast

Dobbs and What Comes Next

Gary discusses the recent Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v Wade and what it means and what comes next. Christians must be involved in every area of life—from womb to tomb—and be ready to give both spiritual and physical help where it's needed. In order to be ready, there must be preparation and a strategy.

Jul 08, 202225 minTranscript available on Metacast

The Founding of America

Every Fourth of July, we celebrate the "birth of the United States," but this is not quite accurate. The nation of America was born much earlier in the colonies. Thirteen colonies with independent governments and intact constitutions were operating in 1776. Gary discusses the early history of the colonies, and how they founded their laws and constitutions on the Bible.

Jul 06, 202229 minEp 293Transcript available on Metacast

The Church and the Ekklesia

Gary answers a listener question about the word "church" and how it is used by the Bible and interpreters over the years. Is God "doing something new" in the New Testament, or is He fulfilling exactly what He promised in the Old Testament? Was God's plan for His people changed when they rejected Jesus as their Messiah?

Jul 01, 202229 minEp 292Transcript available on Metacast

Electric Cars and Government Intervention

Gary discusses electric cars and the current administration's love affair with making political laws influenced by climate change. There is much to like about the EV industry, but there is also much to be addressed and figured out before EV can challenge the internal combustion engine and petroleum. Government doesn't understand economics, yet they consistently make decisions with huge economic ramifications, and usually for the worse.

Jun 29, 202234 minEp 291Transcript available on Metacast

Persecution and Persistence

Gary discusses how Paul and the apostles approached promised persecution and tribulation during their own lifetimes and ministries. Paul was told that chains awaited him in Jerusalem, yet he went anyway. Persecution may await us as well, but we are called to daily obedience and to preach and live the Gospel regardless of the political or cultural situation. Just as Caleb was not dissuaded by the giants living in the Promised Land, neither should we.

Jun 27, 202233 minEp 290Transcript available on Metacast

All Christians are Preterists

What’s the difference between eschatology and Bible prophecy? Does it make a difference what view you take in relation to future things? Gary talks about his experience sitting down with a seminary class and discussing various views on biblical prophetic interpretation.

Jun 24, 202226 minEp 84Transcript available on Metacast

Responding to Critics

Gary responds to two individuals critical of his own eschatological view and points out that preterism is the only position that takes the Bible text literally. Letting the Bible interpret itself can never yield any of the Rapture positions, despite how many times adherents claim that Preterists are "scoffers."

Jun 22, 202224 minEp 289Transcript available on Metacast

No Fear of the Future

Gary answers several questions from a listener who is fearful and anxious about the world based on what local pastors are preaching and teaching about the "end times." The events they are claiming are for today happened in the first century and fulfilled the prophecies in the very timeframe Jesus claimed they would. Christians should not be fearful; the victory is won and the Kingdom is growing, despite what certain people are saying.

Jun 17, 202232 minEp 288Transcript available on Metacast

Eschatology in Mexico

Gary recently returned from a Pastor's Conference in Mexico, where he spoke to a hundred pastors or so about eschatology. On today's podcast, Gary discusses his travel to and from Mexico, his experiences while he was there, and his takeaways from teaching through a translator.

Jun 15, 202230 minEp 287Transcript available on Metacast

Everyone Has a Worldview

In this second part of his interview with David Vaughn, Gary discusses worldviews and their importance. Everyone, regardless of religious belief or lack thereof, has a worldview. Facts do not self-interpret; facts are interpreted by people and all people interpret through a particular grid of what they believe about ultimate truth and reality. Worldviews are inescapable, and it is vital to understand this in order to effectively communicate with others, otherwise we talk past the issues and each...

Jun 13, 202224 minEp 286Transcript available on Metacast

Reclaiming the Moral Center

Gary is interviewed by David Vaughn on his radio show, Worldview Matters . Gary and David discuss two big topics currently in the media: abortion and mass shootings. Gary points out that every moral argument requires a foundational system and that the biblical worldview protects both the unborn child and the right to self-defense.

Jun 10, 202225 minEp 285Transcript available on Metacast

Revelation 20 and the Thousand Years

Gary discusses Revelation 20 and the enduring topic of the thousand years and the various millennial positions found among Christians. None of the positions base their view explicitly on the small amount of information found in Revelation 20, which means they look elsewhere in the Bible for support.

Jun 08, 202228 minEp 103Transcript available on Metacast

The Man of Lawlessness

Gary answers a listener question about 2 Thessalonians 2 and the man of lawlessness. Understanding Paul's second letter to the Thessalonians must be interpreted through the events of his first letter. Finding the rapture, the Roman Catholic church, or any other number of prophetic events in this chapter is simply not a valid way to interpret Scripture.

Jun 06, 202228 minEp 284Transcript available on Metacast

The Two Witnesses

Gary answers a listener question about the two witnesses from Revelation 11. Are these actual people, or groups of people, or something else? There is of course an Old Testament applicability to these witnesses and we must not ignore the OT requirement in interpreting Revelation 11, as well as the rest of the book.

Jun 03, 202221 minEp 283Transcript available on Metacast

Abortion and Church and State

Abortion issues are continuing to polarize the national news stories. Nancy Pelosi was even barred from taking Communion by a church leader because of her public support of abortion. It is causing many media figures to say very dumb things, but is revealing their true motivations and beliefs.

Jun 01, 202225 minEp 282Transcript available on Metacast

Christian Insurrectionists

Gary responds to a message from a pastor in Tennessee threatening civil disobedience. There are many paths available to American Christians, but taking up arms should not be one of them. Anti-Christian ideologies are self-defeating and we are beginning to witness the unraveling of humanistic thought in many areas. Christians must be steadfast in their daily roles of taking every thought captive and destroying speculations and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God (2 Corinthians...

May 27, 202223 minEp 281Transcript available on Metacast