Exodus - PART 4: The Plagues
Exodus 5 - 10 (CSB) The plagues of Egypt help us see the sovereignty and power of God.
Exodus 5 - 10 (CSB) The plagues of Egypt help us see the sovereignty and power of God.
Exodus 4:21-22 (CSB) Through His death and resurrection, Jesus is the “First Fruits” who guarantees the future resurrection and eternal life of many other sons and daughters of God. This is the Fathers’ heart for us.
Exodus 3 & 4 (CSB) God always provides that which He requires. Our role is to be obedient so that we can see and experience that.
Exodus Chapters 1&2 (CSB) As we kick off our new series from Exodus, Pastor One seeks to answer the question of how did the Israelites get to where they were in Egypt, and he once again shows us the faithfulness of God.
Mark 16:9-20 (CSB) Amazement at Jesus Christ seems to be the theme of Mark. So the questions is will you put your faith in this Servant King who is clothed in awe and wonder? Will your astonishment lead you to fall to your knees in worship and reverence and cause you to confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord?
Mark 16:9-20 (CSB) Amazement at Jesus Christ seems to be the theme of Mark. So the questions is will you put your faith in this Servant King who is clothed in awe and wonder? Will your astonishment lead you to fall to your knees in worship and reverence and cause you to confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord?
Mark 13:32 - 37 (ESV) Jesus teaches us that, because we don’t know the day He will return, let’s keep working, keep awake and beware of the things in this world that spiritually lull us to sleep.
Mark 13:1-31 (CSB) Jesus warns us that His second coming is imminent. He calls us to watch out, to be on guard and to stay alert. When you begin to see certain things happening in the present, they are an indication of what's coming in the future.
Psalm 107 This psalm reminds us of God’s kind, merciful and loving disposition toward us all the time regardless of our disposition towards Him. Moreover, the love we see here prepares us to understand its expression and fulfilment in Christ.
Mark 12:35 - 44 (CSB) In our text today, Jesus preaches on who He is, by faithfully preaching from God’s word, in a way that recognises that God’s word was authored and put together under the guidance and influence of the Holy Spirit - and in a way that seeks to do justice and honour, to this Holy text. In doing this, He reveals God’s truths and calls out Israel's false teachers. Finally, He goes on to speak about what true giving in a believer's life should look like.
Mark 12:28-34 (CSB) If we call ourselves followers of Jesus and if we love God our Father then, we will see from this text today that, that is hugely significant and it means something for the way in which we live our lives and for how engage with others.
Mark 12:18-27 (CSB) Is our thinking of heaven too small, is it too earthly? Are we missing out on the power of God because we have created a personal idea of who He is, instead of what has been revealed to us about Him in the Scriptures? Have we become modern day Sadducees?
Just as one person did it wrong and got us in all this trouble with sin and death, another person did it right and got us out of it. But more than just getting us out of trouble, He got us into life! One man said no to God and put many people in the wrong; one man said yes to God and put many in the right.
Mark 14:22-26 (CSB) When we partake of Communion and remember Jesus’ body broken and blood shed for us, we must celebrate that this was fulfilled on the cross and that this was promised long ago, all the way back in Genesis 14. The meal of Melchizedek is the bread and the wine, but it’s so much more. We go beyond the appearances of bread and wine to the reality of the Son of God and His body and blood, soul and divinity. By that one sacrifice, we have confidence. By that one sacrifice, we have f...
Luke 11:1-11 (CSB) The Cross was necessary. And only the True King could face such a battle for the souls of humanity and quench the wrath of God settling our debt and obtaining for us Freedom. Only a True King could win that war, many had tried before and had come up short. Jesus was different, He went all the way. And it all began on Palm Sunday.
Ephesians 2:1-10 What God accomplished through Jesus on the Cross is the greatest gift we could ever receive and this gift bears fruit for His glory and for our joy.
Mark 11:27-12:17 Do you recognise Jesus as the beloved son of God, sent by God the Father? Have you received Him as your Lord and Saviour? And if so, is He at the very centre of your life, as you seek to please God the Father above all other things?
Mark 11:12-25 Our passage today clearly teaches us that Jesus isn’t interested in what our spirituality or religion might look like from a distance, when up close, it is found to be fruitless.
Mark 10:32-52 As Jesus draws nearer to Jerusalem and His last week before His death, we notice a sense of urgency. He reminds His disciples and followers once again that He is going to die. This is all part of His upside-down kingdom. Jesus further displays aspects of this upside-down kingdom culminating with a public declaration of Him being the Messianic King.
Mark 10:1-31 Following the servant King Jesus should affect His followers' view of marriage; it should influence our attitude to children; it has implications for how we view material possessions and finally, it should alter our approach to position, status and standing in this world.
Mark 9: 30-50 In this text we explore 'greatness' in God's Kingdom. We unpack themes of service, rivalry, holiness, and love - within a Gospel paradigm. We are encouraged to abandon self-serving agendas and to pursue holiness in view of Christ's accomplishments at the cross and in the resurrection.
Mark 9:2-29 After Jesus shockingly reveals that He must suffer and die, and then rise again after three days, the next two events provide assurance that He really is the promised Son of Man, and that despite a time of suffering and death, His future glory is certainly coming. We should put our faith in Him, pray to Him to help us overcome our unbelief, commit to following Him and thus share in His coming glory.
John 17 (ESV) When Jesus' prays to His Father in John 17, He reveals a heart for His people like no other place in the Bible. Jesus' prayer here in this chapter, reveals His desire for Himself, His apostles and His Church. We pray that the study of this majestic prayer would cause you to enjoy fellowship with the Trinity.
Psalm 51 We are looking at the Prayer of Confession and the power it holds in giving us ultimate freedom. We explore how to approach God in Confession and some outcomes from a healthy confession.
Paul teaches us about the priority of praying for God’s power in our lives. As we continue with our 21 days of prayer, our text for today, Ephesians 3: 14-21 will teach us not just the importance of prayer but also what to prioritise in our prayer life.
Psalm 141:2 (ESV) Let my prayer be counted as incense before you, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice! A panel discusses what prayer is and why we as Christians should engage in prayer. We also speak about some of the different types of prayers and what we as a family of believers should bear in mind as we embark on a 3 week prayer journey.
Ecclesiastes 3: 9-22 As we look forward to 2021, we need to view all work that God brings across our path as a way to delight in God, but, we need to remember that even good, healthy, wholesome earthly work & pleasures, gifted to us by God will never completely satisfy us as God’s people. We also need to thank God for all that He has so generously gifted us in this earthy life and we need to worship God for who He is. God’s value in our life does not change depending on our earthly circumsta...
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Only with God is true meaning found for His people on earth. God is in ultimate control, even over time, as he provides the various cycles of life for each of us to participate in. Although there will be many times where it feels like everything seems to be contradicting this wisdom & truth, we must not stop believing in Jesus, His Gospel of saving grace and of course the hope we find in Him. Therefore we should rather view life’s trials and tribulations as opportunities t...
Luke 2:1-20 We look back to the first arrival of Jesus, and then we look forward to His eventual second arrival. As we do that, we experience His light, hope, peace and healing. We see that no matter what our circumstances, discomforts and inconveniences are this Christmas, Christ encourages us as He reminds us that God is not yet done. He sees you, He is for you and He wants to use you, as you put your faith and trust in him, and humbly and obediently follow Jesus.
Psalm 69 We continue our journey through Advent, we are looking at Psalm 69, zooming in on how do we move from having a broken heart/crushed spirit to being made whole again. This year has definitely left some of us depleted and somehow broken in some areas of our lives. It’s easier for us to detect physical pain and get help, but we seldom detect emotional pain and therefore we don’t get help for it. Let’s learn how to detect a broken spirit and how God is willing and able to make us whole agai...