Jesus' Divine Prerogatives
References: 1. David Wood's website: Acts 17 Apologetics This is episode 33.
References: 1. David Wood's website: Acts 17 Apologetics This is episode 33.
References: 1. Tetragrammaton 2. Criterion of dissimilarity 3. Rudolph Bultmann 4. Ernst Kasemann 5. The Son Rises by William Lane Craig 6. The Olivet Discourse 7. Acts17Apologetics with David Wood 8. The exact words criterion This is episode 32.
References: 1. Abba, the small children’s name for father in Aramaic. 2. The Mind of Jesus by William Barclay. 3. A Faith For All Seasons by Ted M. Dorman. This is episode 31.
References: 1. The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. 2. Cold-Case Christianity by J. Warner Wallace. 3. Titles: Yahweh and Son of God. 4. The Fatherhood of God: national for Israel and individual for followers of Christ. 5. Judaism, Vol. 2 by G. F. Moore. This is episode 30.
Cross references: 1. 4 occasions where Jesus overtly disclosed His identity as Messiah. 2. In the interchange with the high priest in Matthew 26:57-67 Jesus acceded to being called by 3 divine named: Christ, Son of God, and Son of Man. 3. In 9 other situations Jesus indirectly admitted to being the Messiah. This is episode 29.
Cross references: 1. The Myth of God Incarnate by John Hick et al. 2. Reasonable Faith by William Lane Craig. 3. The Christian Tradition by Jaroslav Pelikan. 4. Cold-Case Christianity by J. Warner Wallace. 5. Meaning of anointing. This is episode 28.
Cross References: 1. Richard Dawkins 2. Bart Ehrmann 3. Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis 4. Handbook of Christian Apologetics by Peter Kreeft and Ronald K. Tacelli 5. Who Made God? Edited by Ravi Zacharias and Norman Geisler 6. Reasonable Faith, Crissway Books, 1984, by William Lane Craig 7. Answers to Tough Questions Skeptics Ask About the Christian Faith,Tyndale, 1980, by Josh McDowell and Don Stewart This is episode 27.