Ep12 Gen Z Language and Trends - The Bottom Line
#12 GenZ language & trends - What's important to GenZ & how to engage a highly informed generation
#12 GenZ language & trends - What's important to GenZ & how to engage a highly informed generation
#11 Can Concealed Carrying Really Be Part of Your Lifestyle? Episode 11 The Bottom Line https://alexoathletica.com
Skylab founder Dean Grey with the answer to cancel culture and Big Tech overreach
Victor Avila takes us through the loss of his partner as well as being shot 3 times himself. Surviving it and now running for office to fight for freedom once again.
Who is doing what to combat a broken entertainment industry. Eric July and Philipa Booyens discuss Marvel DC and a new brand of Comic Book heroes
Identifying Fear and how the challenge and combat it in your life
A most informative conversation with Suzanne Grishman, Exec Director of Mercury One and a leader in preserving and educating on the importance of teaching truth and our nations history.
An in depth discussion with Julie Pickren about Comprehensive Sex Ed. and how children are being targeted through education. FB - @Julie4SBOE
Jaco with guest Philipa A. Booyens, screenplay writer and author, diving into the importance of family and dealing with family dynamics.
Highlighting Kinney county, military vulnerabilities, cartel movement, late night flights and so much more… A real conversation with Col. Allen West about my as well as his border visit. What is really going on, who is involved and what is the duty of the administrations to defend and protect our country and people.
Getting to the bottom line of what stress is, how it affects us and how we can deal with it. With featured guest Philipa A. Booyens. Learn more at www.Jacobooyens.com. IG: @jaco.booyens
Discussing purpose and culture with Philipa A. Booyens. Learn more at www.jacobooyens.com.
In order to take our culture back and truly deal with the underlying issues at hand, we have to get to The Bottom Line and get tough again. Learn more at www.jacobooyens.com. and subscribe to this podcast as well as our YouTube channel.
Starting the second season of the Bottom Line featuring guest Philipa A. Booyens. Let’s deal with root issues and start slaying dragons. Learn more at www.jacobooyens.com
Learn how to identify opportunity and win. Jaco is a speaker, abolitionist and author fighting sex trafficking. He is the founder of SHAREtogether (www.sharetogethernow.org), director of 8 DAYS and creates content that transforms culture at After Eden Pictures. Fellow at Falkirk Center (www.falkirkcenter.com). Learn more at www.jacobooyens.com.
Unforgiveness can anchor you down. Time to forgive. Jaco is a speaker, abolitionist and author fighting sex trafficking. He is the founder of SHAREtogether ( www.sharetogethernow.org ), director of 8 DAYS and creates content that transforms culture at After Eden Pictures. Fellow at Falkirk Center ( www.falkirkcenter.com ). Learn more at www.jacobooyensministries.org .
We need to feel and think again. A whole brain society restores our America. Conversation with Philipa A. Booyens from www.insightscene.com. Jaco is a speaker, abolitionist and author fighting sex trafficking. He is the founder of SHAREtogether (www.sharetogethernow.org), director of 8 DAYS and creates content that transforms culture at After Eden Pictures. Fellow at Falkirk Center (www.falkirkcenter.com). Learn more at www.jacobooyensministries.org.
Time to break spiritual agreements. Jaco is a speaker, abolitionist and author fighting sex trafficking. He is the founder of SHAREtogether ( www.sharetogethernow.org ), director of 8 DAYS and creates content that transforms culture at After Eden Pictures. Fellow at Falkirk Center ( www.falkirkcenter.com ). Learn more at www.jacobooyensministries.org .
Restoring our America starts with learning to be grateful again. Jaco is a speaker, abolitionist and author fighting sex trafficking. He is the founder of SHAREtogether, director of 8 DAYS and creates content that transforms culture at After Eden Pictures. Jaco is a Falkirk Center Fellow at Liberty University. Learn more at www.jacobooyensministries.org .
Restoring our America starts by taking personal accountability. Conversation with Philipa A. Booyens from www.insightscene.com . Jaco is a speaker, abolitionist and author fighting sex trafficking. He is the founder of SHAREtogether, director of 8 DAYS and creates content that transforms culture at After Eden Pictures. Fellow at Falkirk Center. Learn more at www.jacobooyensministries.org .
Restoring our America starts with learning to be grateful again. Jaco is a speaker, abolitionist and author fighting sex trafficking. He is the founder of SHAREtogether, director of 8 DAYS and creates content that transforms culture at After Eden Pictures. Jaco is a Falkirk Center Fellow at Liberty University. Learn more at www.jacobooyensministries.org .
Restore Our America with Jaco Booyens, a speaker, abolitionist and author fighting sex trafficking. He is the founder of SHAREtogether, director of 8 DAYS and creates content that transforms culture at After Eden Pictures. Jaco is a Falkirk Center Fellow at Liberty University. Learn more at www.jacobooyensministries.org.
Restore Our America with Jaco Booyens, a speaker, abolitionist and author fighting sex trafficking. He is the founder of SHAREtogether, director of 8 DAYS and creates content that transforms culture at After Eden Pictures. Jaco is a Falkirk Center Fellow at Liberty University. Learn more at www.jacobooyensministries.org.