The Crossroads of Destiny
Acorn and Greg join Team Avatar and Zuko at the crossroads of their destinies. Whose side will Zuko pick? Can Aang open the last chakrah and access the Avatar State? All this and more on BOOK TWO of Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg join Team Avatar and Zuko at the crossroads of their destinies. Whose side will Zuko pick? Can Aang open the last chakrah and access the Avatar State? All this and more on BOOK TWO of Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg join Aang in his spiritual training at the Eastern Air Temple and learn about the seven chakrahs. Can Azula keep up her charade? Will Aang ever get used to onion banana juice? All this and more on BOOK TWO of Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg join Team Avatar as they try to convince the Earth King that the 100 Year War actually exists. Can the king be convinced? Why is Zuko suddenly not feeling so great? All this and more on BOOK TWO of Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg watch as Jet is reunited with Team Avatar, but something seems amiss. Why can’t Jet seem to remember the past few days? What is the deal with this pretty lake? All this and more on BOOK TWO of Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg relive the heart-wrenching events of Appa's disappearance from the sky bison's point of view. How far away has Appa been from his friends this whole time? Is Appa cut out for the circus life? All this and more on BOOK TWO of Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg take some much needed R&R as they experience the sights and sounds of Ba Sing Se. Does Sokka have what it takes to win a haiku poem battle? Would Aang have a future in working with animals if he wasn’t The Avatar? We hope you brought your tissues for all these tales and more on BOOK TWO of Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg join Team Avatar as they crash a party at the palace and meet the true mastermind behind the throne: Long Feng. Can they BEAR the truth? Will Jet expose Zuko and Uncle as Fire Nation? All this and more on BOOK TWO of Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg abandon all hope as they cross the infamous Serpent's Pass AND try to stop the Fire Nation’s attack on Ba Sing Se! Who is this guard that has it out for Sokka? And can the team outwit Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, and a bunch of drill engineers? All this and more on BOOK TWO of Avatar: The Podcast!
It's the QUENCHIEST episode yet as Acorn and Greg join Team Avatar as they try to escape the Si Wong Desert and begin the search for Appa. What are the long term effects of cactus juice? Anyone fancy a friendly game of Pai Sho? All this and more on BOOK TWO of Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg try to remember if they have any overdue books as they make their way to THE LIBRARY! Just how pristine is The Misty Palm Oasis? Is it just us, or did those Sandbenders get just a little too close to Appa? All this and more on BOOK TWO of Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg join Aang on his first day of earthbending! Will Aang’s spirit get crushed by the rocky lessons Toph has planned for him? What bending secrets will Uncle Iroh pass on to Zuko? And hang on...where the heck did Sokka go?? All this and more on BOOK TWO of Avatar: The Podcast!
Greg and Acorn learn about the possible side effects of sleep deprivation as Azula gives chase to Team Avatar! How is Azula able to catch up to the Gaang so quickly? Will something happen if Sokka pulls an all-nighter? All this and more on BOOK TWO of Avatar: The Podcast!
Greg and Acorn learn more about Zuko’s past as he wanders the Earth Kingdom. Has Zuko forgotten who he is? Does Azula always lie? All this and more on BOOK TWO of Avatar: The Podcast!
Greg and Acorn check out Earth Rumble VI and get a glimpse of the reigning champion — THE BLIND BANDIT! Can Team Avatar convince Toph to be Aang’s earth bending teacher? Will Greg and Acorn survive the excitement of meeting Toph? All this and more on BOOK TWO of Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg celebrate Avatar Day with the warm, inviting, friendly villagers of Chin Village who definitely do not hate or burn effigies of The Avatar. Will Aang's name as the Avatar get cleared by Katara and Sokka's sleuthing? Who are these mysterious men riding komodo rhinos? All this and more on BOOK TWO of Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn & Greg find themselves being drawn to A SWAMP!? Who is the giggling girl Aang sees? What does Arctic Hen and Possum Chicken have in common? All this and more on BOOK TWO of Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg head back to Omashu to begin Aang’s earth bending lessons and OH NO, IT’S BEEN TAKEN OVER BY THE FIRE NATION! Will Team Avatar find the imprisoned Bumi? How does one start a pentapox plague? All this and more on BOOK TWO of Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg meet some musically inclined nomads on their way to Omashu. How did the great city of Omashu get its name? What is Appa's greatest fear? All this and more on BOOK TWO of Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg finally dive into Book Two and learn more about the incredible Avatar State. Why is Sokka being so blah and why does General Fong seem so familiar? All this and more on BOOK TWO of Avatar: The Podcast!
On this EDITION of Aang Mail, Acorn and Greg tally up the results of everyone's favorite characters from those who have written in and build the first ever OFFICIAL TOP 10 CHARACTERS FROM BOOK ONE list!!! Aang Mail is our little way of saying thank you to all of our wonderful fans as we dive into our mailbox and answer questions from you! So thank you all so much for writing in!
Welcome to another edition of Aang Mail! Acorn and Greg talk about the harsh reality of a life-sized Appa, their lack of math skills, and IS THIS OUR FIRST OZAI FAN WRITING IN!? Aang Mail is our little way of saying thank you to all of our wonderful fans as we dive into our mailbox and answer questions from you! So thank you all so much for writing in!
Welcome to another edition of Aang Mail! Which Easter egg did Acorn and Greg totally miss on Kyoshi Island? What does one dear listener have to say about everyone's favorite goofy kid? Aang Mail is our little way of saying thank you to all of our wonderful fans as we dive into our mailbox and answer questions from you! So thank you all so much for writing in!
Welcome to another edition of Aang Mail! What do Iroh and people from Midwest America have in common? Will Acorn and Greg cover The Legend of Korra eventually? Aang Mail is our little way of saying thank you to all of our wonderful fans as we dive into our mailbox and answer questions from you! So thank you all so much for writing in!
Welcome to the first EVER episode of Aang Mail! Aang Mail is our little way of saying thank you to all of our wonderful fans as we dive into our mailbox and answer questions from you!
Acorn and Greg take on M. Night Shyamalan’s 2010 blockbuster and discuss the things they like, the things they can’t stand, and draw comparisons between the movie and the show. Will Greg and Acorn make it through in one piece? Find out on this episode of Avatar: The Podcast!
You won't want to miss this episode as Acorn and Greg turn the final page on Book One and take a look at the season as a whole! What lesson can be learned from the season? Greg and Acorn discuss the MVP of Book One AND a special announcement is teased! All this and more on Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg journey back to the Spirit World in the Book One Finale! What’s so special about Yue’s hair? Will Zuko FINALLY capture The AVATAR and restore his honor? All this and more on Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg prepare themselves for the invasion of The Fire Nation during their stay at The Northern Water Tribe. Will the history books speak of Zhao's invasion favorably? What's the deal with these koi fish? All this and more on this episode of Avatar: The Podcast!
Acorn and Greg become waterbending students when they meet Master Paaku ... well, Greg does anyway! Can Katara change the ways of the Northern Water Tribe? Why does Sokka find their destination so beautiful? All of this and more on Avatar: The Podcast!
On this episode, Acorn and Greg meet the new inhabitants of the Northern Air Temple! Can Aang adjust to the new "upgrades" in the temple? What is the best way to detect a gas leak? All this and more on Avatar: The Podcast!