Today on Like It Matters Radio Mr. Black wants listeners to consider the grand question: “How do you want to be remembered?” Dr. Covey wrote a billion-dollar book called, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”. Mr. Black will focus on his second habit, “Begin with the end in Mind”. Distance reflection is a powerful way to create the seeds of change within. When we look at our lives from the end, it looks different! Sometimes a change of position...
Mar 11, 2025•46 min•Ep 10•Transcript available on Metacast What is lacking in today’s chaotic world is Emotional Intelligence. People can’t move through conflict, they can’t forgive, never forget, and keep a pound of flesh and a record of wrong. We won’t socialize with someone who votes differently than we do, and we judge others by their external features; The color of the skin, their sexual preference, who they vote for! It is a mess! To quote Rodney King, “Can’t we all just get a long?” What is la...
Mar 04, 2025•47 min•Ep 9•Transcript available on Metacast Today on Like It Matters Radio Mr. Black wants listeners to consider a Grand Question, “Which one are you gonna be?” Life is about choices, and about what we do with the consequences of those choices. If we are going to be honest let’s admit; 1- Life aint no fair. 2- Life Is Hard. The Bible says that a righteous man will stumble 7 times but get back up. The wicked will stumble into ruin. We cannot control what happens to us in life, but we can choose how...
Feb 25, 2025•47 min•Ep 8•Transcript available on Metacast Heart disease remains the top killer of Americans as risk factors continue to grow. Studies show a decrease in Emotional Intelligence in Americans. Attitudes that become skills like empathy, self-awareness and emotional regulation are on the decline. The pandemic seems to have changed the DNA of many Americans. Burnout is on the rise, Excessive screen time that leads to a decline in non-verbal cue interpretation, empathy development and the ability to move through conflict have strug...
Feb 18, 2025•47 min•Ep 7•Transcript available on Metacast Can’t we all just get along? This was the cry of Rodney King after the infamous Los Angeles riots in 1992, as chaos, racial anger and hatred boiled over and Los Angeles burned in a different way than today. It seems like America, our cities, our communities, our families are dealing with so much confusion, anger and hopelessness that we are having a tough time getting along. Today on Like It Matters Radio Mr. Black wants to make the point that we are at a precipice, the TIME IS...
Feb 11, 2025•48 min•Ep 6•Transcript available on Metacast Do you think you can? Do you think you can’t? Do you wonder what I’m thinking? On today’s hour of power Mr. Black will talk about the power of our thinking and doing. If you think you can, or think you can’t, you are right, is a quote attributed to Henry Ford. Mr. Black uses this quote as a launching point and has a dual purpose for the topic. 1st he shows the listeners that the search for simple truths is not clear, or easy- but the process ...
Feb 04, 2025•48 min•Ep 5•Transcript available on Metacast Choices and Consequences, the Alpha and Omega; The Cause and effect! Do you ever wonder how we got to where we are in our country today? The pandemic of poor mental health. 40-60% of college graduates are not prepared for the workforce. People can’t eat with someone who votes differently. People killing and maiming unknown people just to hurt people. Americans are having fewer kids, if they have any at all. Men are struggling starting families, getting homes a...
Jan 21, 2025•48 min•Ep 4•Transcript available on Metacast Activity versus Productivity; Time to Decide. As we start this new year, we need to realize that we are judged by what we do with our time. At the end of one’s life, we all get together and listen to a Eulogy, or now we call it, a celebration of life- it is always about this: What did that person- who is in a box at the front of the room- what did they do with their time? Today, on Like It Matters Radio Mr. Black is going to encourage listeners to consider how they are going to...
Jan 21, 2025•47 min•Ep 3•Transcript available on Metacast Do you think you are doing something wrong because things are hard in your life? Do you believe the road to a life of significance should be easier? Today on Like It Matters Radio Mr. Black will bring some HOPE to your frame of reference for ADVERSITY! Adversity is FOOD for WARRIORS. As the 2 ‘good’ spies in Numbers 14 knew, “Our Giants are food for us!”. The way we view, and handle adversity will make our LEGACY, or make the NEWS. Whe...
Jan 14, 2025•48 min•Transcript available on Metacast S10e1 New Beginnings. Embracing UP UNTIL NOW Do you understand the power of your Belief system? Do you know the power of UP UNTIL NOW? It’s a NEW YEAR, a NEW HOPE and a NEW opportunity. Change is possible with the right mindset, and good resources to encourage and empower. Today On Like It Matters Radio Mr. Black wants to help you IGNITE a fire in your heart, and plant HOPE in your mind that you can change, and this year can be much better than last year! Today listeners ...
Jan 07, 2025•49 min•Ep 1•Transcript available on Metacast How have you invested your time this last year? Do you know what time it is? Are you making the time to get ready for a powerful, productive and peaceful 2025? Do you know the times you are living in? ‘Looking back to move forward’ is the focus on today’s Like It Matters Radio. There are 2 Greek works that we translate into time, they help us understand the meaning of time. Chronos is quantitative and Kairos is qualitative. Chronos is a set time on a watch or sun dial. Kairos i...
Dec 31, 2024•49 min•Transcript available on Metacast Are you ready for Christmas? Are you looking for HOPE? Will you open the gift of HOPE this Holiday Season? Christmas means more hope. Today on Like It Matters Radio Mr. Black wants to give you the gift of HOPE. What is the meaning of Christmas? That question has been asked for Millenium, and today Mr. Black will attempt to bring his listeners to an understanding and the opportunity to open the gift that is freely given by the Child in the manger who was wrapped in swaddli...
Dec 24, 2024•48 min•Ep 21•Transcript available on Metacast When you live your life like It Matters, it does! It is the code of ethics of the Warrior. It is an inner drive that any leader can grab ahold of. It is a MINDSET that creates a sense of urgency. Planes crash and people die, it is a fact of life. When we live our lives, like time is running out, then we live it at a brisker pace, and in a more purposeful, passionate pattern. Today Mr. Black will discuss the understanding that time is fleeting. We have all been given a set amount of time to live ...
Dec 17, 2024•48 min•Ep 20•Transcript available on Metacast Do you ever wonder why some people fight and some people don’t? Do you ever question why some people get so worked up about things? Today on Like It Matters Radio Mr. Black wants to talk about, “Why we fight”. I know as a Christian many believers think that we shouldn’t get into politics or get too wrapped up in the laws and governing of this world- since we are sojourners. However, we are called to be SALT and LIGHT in this decaying world! Today Mr. Black will be joined by a spokesman for the S...
Dec 10, 2024•50 min•Ep 19•Transcript available on Metacast What is driving you? The Patterns in our lives, get us what we are getting. Why do you do what you do? Why do you get up each day, do what you do, go home at night and do it again? Why are you so driven, or so laid back? Why do you drive the way you do, or do anything- the way you do? Join Mr. Black for an hour of power as he talks about his travels and impact over the last 10 days. Mr. Black shares stories about his trip to Oregon and the impact on Team 889 in Dallas, and the Emotional Intellig...
Dec 03, 2024•49 min•Transcript available on Metacast Epiphany, The House of Cards. Epiphany is defined as a moment of sudden revelation or insight. Today On Like it Matters Radio Mr. Black is going to go into the machinations of how we work as humans, to create our Belief system (BS). Everything we do, or do not do, is driven by a belief system. When we have a drastic change on a HIGH-LEVEL Belief, it changes those below it, causing a “house of cards” to fall. Dr. Dilts and the Logical Levels show us that from the psychological point of view there...
Nov 26, 2024•49 min•Ep 17•Transcript available on Metacast Worldview; The deciding frame. Why do people do what they do? We just finished an election, have you ever wondered HOW, and WHY someone would vote for that person you voted against? Answers to those questions and more will be received by spending the time to listen to this important discussion. It is all about the FRAMEs in our lives! Mr. Black will be joined by Pastor, Leadership Awakening Graduate, and friend of Like It Matters- Jesse Hamberger. Listeners will understand the 6 Neurological lev...
Nov 19, 2024•48 min•Transcript available on Metacast Constant and Never-Ending Improvement; The Attitude of Effective Leaders. God calls us to Constant and Never-Ending Improvement. We are called to be NEW CREATIONS, getting better mentally, spiritually, emotionally and personally. This is why we believe the sign of a Leader is, Under Construction. The Japanese are world renowned for their quality of life, and of manufacturing. What I believe makes the Japanese people stand out is their attitude, their mindset of Continual Improvement. An American...
Nov 12, 2024•48 min•Transcript available on Metacast Under Construction The sign of an Effective Leader. Good is the enemy of Great is a concept Leadership guru and author Jim Collins expounded and expanded on in his book, “Good to Great; Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t.” John D. Rockefeller told us, “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great”. Collins said, “The enemy of great is NOT bad, the enemy of great is good”. Under Construction for a leader means Constant and Never-ending Improvement (CANI). Today Mr. Black...
Nov 05, 2024•47 min•Transcript available on Metacast Protocol: How is your pattern working for you? Our patterns in life get us what we are getting. Einstein famously defined insanity as: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. He also said, ‘You can never solve a problem at the same level it was created at.” We are getting exactly the results we have programmed ourselves to get. As a Warrior, a Leader, a Conduit, this is where we affect change! If we don’t like the RESULTS then we get to, CHANGE the APPROACH, as we cha...
Oct 29, 2024•50 min•Transcript available on Metacast The Power of Persuasion. Believing a lie as if it were the truth, this is what happens when the truth is eschewed and manipulated for political science purposes. There is an all-out assault on the human psyche…for the truth…and if we cannot find truth then we are all in big trouble!! Understanding the power of motivation, the ability to move an individual is important in understanding the Mass Formation and Propagandizing of the masses. The same things that motivate a person to act or believe ar...
Oct 22, 2024•49 min•Transcript available on Metacast False Evidence Appearing Real is what is Holding us back. Have you ever wondered what is Holding you back from getting, doing and being more? What if it is FEAR? And what if you could change that, and remove the biggest obstacle from your path? On today’s hour of power Mr. Black goes into the sinister minister of failure- FEAR! When we are aware of our enemy then we can understand the wiles of our enemy and how to effectively overcome their schemes. On Todays Like It Matters Radio you will learn...
Oct 15, 2024•50 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is many warriors GOOD FIGHT! Are you lacking clear vision in certain areas of life? Do you want to know the TRUTH even if you don’t FEEL like it? When we don’t know the truth of what is going on, then we have a hard time being properly prepared for the battles that will ensue. In today's Spiritual and Political climate in America it is hard to get beyond TRIBAL feelings. Of the 66 books in the Bible not a one of them is called “Feelings” or “Opinions”, yet our Political and Spiritual cognit...
Oct 08, 2024•49 min•Transcript available on Metacast What is the condition of your head and your heart? From the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks, and from the overflow of the focus our feet move. We are programmed creatures. Psychologist Alfred Adler posits that by the time a child is 5-years old a majority of their map of reality is in place. Programming in the psychological world can also be phrased as Conditioning. Conditioning is a fundamental learning process where certain experiences or stimuli make actions more, or less likely. There...
Oct 02, 2024•49 min•Transcript available on Metacast Assassinations: Truth and Trump. Debates, Death, and Dismemberment. If you watch the news, and watched the debate, then you can see America has become a killing field. We not only attempt to kill those that expose the deep state, but we also kill our unborn children, and we kill peoples livelihood and lives with vicious, unrelenting personal attacks- if you are not part of the machine, if you are NOT WOKE. Assassination can be defined as: murder by sudden or secret attack often for political rea...
Sep 27, 2024•1 hr 13 min•Ep 8•Transcript available on Metacast What are you talking about? Why the Narrative matters. Everything we do, or do not do, is driven by a belief system. Frank Outlaw is credited with the statement; “Watch your thoughts, they become words; watch your words, they become actions; watch your actions, they become habits; watch your habits, they become character; watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.” All what Mr. Outlaw stated is driven by our Self-Talk. We believe what we tell ourselves repeatedly. Whether we are talking ...
Sep 17, 2024•59 min•Transcript available on Metacast Mr. Scott V. Black has been in the trenches walking with businesses and their leaders for more than 30 years. Helping them in their civic, personal and professional experiences to live their lives LIKE IT MATTERS. He is a master trainer, a human behavioral specialist, and disciplined in transactional analysis, cognitive behavioral therapy, logotherapy and as a human potential and life coach. His 30 years of transformational training is now available daily on the Radio to give his listeners Hope,...
Sep 09, 2024•59 min•Transcript available on Metacast Clear Vision; The Leaders Compass. Without a Vision, people perish! The Bible tells us the importance to life of VISION. Clear Vision allows us to ask and answer 3 questions: Where am I now? Where am I going? What will it take to get there, and how long? Having a clear vision allows for others to feel led, and secure in living their life like it matters. Understanding our Mission and aligning the Mission and the Vision is the next process. Understanding how our mission statement consists of 3 th...
Sep 03, 2024•49 min•Ep 5•Transcript available on Metacast The Road to Sturgis; Reasons why. Every human being wears a hat labeled WIIFM: What is in it for me. We are programmed creatures. We do what we do because of drivers. Pain, trauma, Belief Systems, experiences, disappointments and many other things drive us to do what we do. This is why UNDERSTANDING goes a long way. We don’t need JUSTICE in this world to have PEACE. We need UNDERSTANDING. If I can understand you a little better, and you can understand me a little better, doesn’t it make sense th...
Aug 30, 2024•2 hr 22 min•Transcript available on Metacast Levels of Change, Sturgis Style. Mr. Black has just returned from the 84th annual Motorcycle Rally in Sturgis, South Dakota. Mr. Black has learned much and impacted many. Today He will discuss the lessons learned from his yearly sojourn to the Black Hills. Hurting People Hurt people is a common understanding among people seeking healing and reconciliation. As leaders it is important to understand WHY people do what they do. Mr. Black will share some of the basic reasons why people do what they d...
Aug 26, 2024•48 min•Transcript available on Metacast