UTT: "I'm the Lawnmower"
Bfore finishing Dead Reign 3, the guys talk about Bob's dad's funny expression, their own takes on the Game Awards 2024 adding their own personal takes on it and more!
Bfore finishing Dead Reign 3, the guys talk about Bob's dad's funny expression, their own takes on the Game Awards 2024 adding their own personal takes on it and more!
Before recording the night's session, the guys talk about installing hooks in Cheddar's new apartment, how Dead Reign 3 is shaping up so far, Danny's recording live from a B&B, Alex's Call of Duty username, Mermaid Water, and more!
Before the night's recording, the guys talk about Cheddar's stolen PS5 and no good terrible month so far, exploding a wall with diarherria, someone plays "Which One's the Cheddar?", Danny's frustrating Wal-Mart encounter, other pet peeves, and more!
Way back before Under the Table, the guys talked about a guy cooking up meth and canning it into energy drinks and about a news story where inmates nearly riot after they'd been cut off from getting porn in their cells.
Before recording for tonight's session, the guys talk about Derek's very real hardships he's been dealing with and hopefully getting some encouragement from the other guys, getting things off their chest ranting about their pet peeves involving wiping butts, toilet paper, school buses, and more!
Before recording tonight's episode the guys talk about surprise meat in burritos, rolling terrible last week, too many flavors in Dr Pepper, the cowboy season coming up, and more!
Before recording the night's session, the guys talk about the butterfly effect, pretty women getting away with things, having a crush on Ryan Reynolds, burrito bowls but with hotdogs, Alien and Predator movies, and more!
Before the guys find out again that there's no episode tonight, the guys talk about their favorite candy, what's in nougat, RC Cola, how to say "Reese's", and more!
Before the guys don't have a session tonight, they talk about Bob's encounters with hitting deer on the road, the weird guy that works with cops to pick up roadkill, the guys' up coming vacation together, sounding, and more!
Before the night's session, the guys talk about Joe's hate for Bloodborne, Joe's Z&D fighting game he's cooking up, the Steam game of the week, the hawk tuah girl's lame podcast, Alex's short story, bathtubs full of eggnog and more!
Welcome to the Uncanny Inn, where oddities come to drink for free! 🍻 Any and all characters from past seasons come to meet, greet, and share a drink in a seasonless format amid the floating tavern in the middle of subspace! Jump into any session of Uncanny Inn to see who comes in the door and what they'll get up to next! Tonight in the Uncanny Inn, Juke Gremmer, Dr. Bob, Linda (Star Boy's mom), and Michael Scarn are transported to the tavern for the first time. Haggis, our beautiful owner, give...
After the surprise member not showing up for recording, the guys talk about metabytes, the new Steam game, Garlox the Destroyer irl, JK Rowling, how the Interdimensional Tavern is held together by a single character, and more!
Receiving the go ahead from Captain Zodge, the group has two options in front of them to deal with the Vanthamper conspiracy to take over Baldur's Gate and evict the Flaming Fist guard from it. Choosing the a more delicate option, the party decides to talk to and convince, or perhaps persuade with less words, the aspiring duke's son, Americk to help them take down his mother in order to save Baldur's Gate and maybe the whole realm.
The party gathers back at Elfsong Tavern to consult with Captain Zodge about their successful mission of dealing with the Dead Three cultists. With their names now cleared of their crimes and with heavy rewards in their pockets, the party then continues onward to follow a new lead on the Vanthampers, a family whose goal is to overthrow Baldur's Gate by eliminating all of the Flaming Fist forces. With such a complex conspiracy, our party must work alone to possibly try to save the entire city....
The party completes their mission, eliminating the cultists within their secret cavern after barely making it out alive. Now with a huge accomplishment under their belt, the Dead Three find themselves at odds with our players after they emerge topside back into Baldur's Gate.
The party continues through the dungeon of the Dead Three Cultists uncovering more twists and turns. Someone obtains a DM custom weapon after someone else carelessly attacks a crypt, which comes of use when they encounter one of the largest threats within the dungeon. Will they even survive?
The party continues through the Dead Three Dungeon pushing to the end, not before encountering more of its secrets, triggering traps of lethal proportion, and a deadly necromancer.
The party follow up on information gathered from the Elfsong Tavern and head to the bath house to look for a secret entrance used by the Dead Three cultists. Finding them will gain trust from the Flaming Fist Captain, and possibly earn respect enough to clear their names from the murder that brings them together.
A party drawn together under strange circumstances tied to a murder in the city. Since then, the guard have closed off the borders and prevented anyone from entering or exiting Baldur's Gate. Now those involved in the murder having kept it secret, find themselves set on a quest to help a Captain of the Flaming Fist gather information from an informant at Elfsong Tavern.
Before the official season begins for D&D 5th Edition's "Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus" campaign, the party must first decide on some major roles and conditions for which the story begins. They select to start being tied to a particular murder in Baldur's Gate, being executed by one in the party, lied about by another, while the rest were simple bystanders pulled into the growing conspiracy. What happens next will be the beginning a grand adventure.
Before the night's recording the guys talk about their discord, Sam getting drunk, apple cider vinegar, Alex's fat burrito, how we'll all die, and more!
The guys learn they're not recording a game session upon being down a party member and instead talk about some Chasm Inferno stuff, Talk Tuah Podcast, the party in which Danny met Lenny, the new upcoming PS5 Pro, and more!
Before they record the night's session, the guys talk about Sam's new stuff at work, their "training in the mountains" stories of how they got better at video games, new Z&D characters, and more!
Before recording the night's session the guys talk about how to pronounce Pancheros, Cheddar's hot family, Napoleon Dynamite, using Red Bull cans as "size reference", the Tropic Terror episode, and more!
Before recording for tonight's session, the guys talk about underwear habits and brands, laughing at podcasts, a funny laughs clip, cheddar's new car, some rather taboo things said during last week's episode in Vietnam that was cut, driving through haunted towns in Iowa, and more!
While waiting to record for the night's game of Z&D, the guys agonize waiting for Alex, guess the week's "new and trending" Steam game title, beer, creating their Vietnam characters, and more!
Before playing the night's game session, the guys talk about Kingassripper (the farting on my roommate's door guy), Sam's modded Baldur's Gate, the story behind the "grandpa made me suck his peepee" joke, and more!
Play with the rest of the guys as Derek, our resident "Cheddar", cooks up the toughest of questions for the first Z&D trivia game!
The guys get most of them together for a live session of Under the Table shenanigans! For the first time Alex sits in live alongside a new guest Cody. Together everyone plays an intense game of Million Dollars But, certain details of conception are shared, Danny simps over Lenny, and more!
The guys put their fresh spin from hearing the news about what happened at the Trump rally right after it happened, a crazy show about Alaskan hill billys and how they punch fish to survive, how Alex is an old soul, Capri Suns, and more!