Marketing Made Simple - podcast cover

Marketing Made Simple

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Every week on Marketing Made Simple, you'll get practical tips to make your marketing easy and make it work!


#82: Amy Porterfield—5 Email Marketing Secrets for Long-Term Business Growth

Help us deliver even more value each episode by completing our Hero Maker survey at . What are you loving each week? What do you want more of? How else can we help make your marketing easy and make it work? Let us know! Just go to . -- Have you ever wondered if your marketing strategy can sustain your business for the long haul? Every business needs a dependable marketing plan to generate qualified leads for their business. But if you don’t have a mark...

Jan 11, 202328 minTranscript available on Metacast

#81: Leveraging the Science of Human Behavior in Marketing

Help us deliver even more value each episode by completing our Hero Maker survey at . What are you loving each week? What do you want more of? How else can we help make your marketing easy and make it work? Let us know! Just go to . -- What if you knew exactly what would motivate your customers to take action? Here’s a secret: you don’t have to guess at what that would be! There’s a science behind human behavior, and you can leverage it to get more cur...

Jan 04, 202329 minTranscript available on Metacast

#80: Marketing Takeaways From This Year's Top Episodes (Best of 2022—Part 2)

Position your marketing and messaging for success heading in the new year with Part 2 of our Marketing Mixtape. In this episode, J.J. and April continue calling out the best marketing takeaways from this year to help you get even more clarity and inspiration going into 2023! Help the podcast deliver even more value by completing our Hero Maker survey at . Let us know what you're loving and what you're wanting more of in future episodes! Just go to . Re...

Dec 28, 202231 minTranscript available on Metacast

BONUS: Business Made Simple—Top Business Growth Hacks of 2022

Running a business can be exhausting and complex. As a business owner, you have to think about every aspect of your business including sales, finances, marketing, product development, and so much more! If you don’t take a step back every now and then to look at the big picture, you can get so lost in the details that you miss important opportunities for growth. In this bonus episode of the Business Made Simple Podcast, you'll get the top business growth hacks highlighted from the best episodes o...

Dec 26, 202230 minTranscript available on Metacast

#79: Marketing Takeaways From This Year's Top Episodes (Best of 2022—Part 1)

If you’re feeling overwhelmed as we close out 2022, you’re not alone! Many business owners and marketers feel the weight of incomplete projects, initiatives that never got started, and stress from trying to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of digital marketing. To make matters worse, you’re not even sure what to prioritize for 2023. Instead of overworking yourself or getting paralyzed thinking about all there is to do, take a moment to take a step back with us. In this episode, J.J. and ...

Dec 21, 202235 minTranscript available on Metacast

#78: Is Your Website Costing You Customers?

Are you stuck trying to figure out how to design and organize your website? You’re not alone. Creating your company website is one of the most important steps you take when you build your business. But if you’re like a lot of companies, you’re so close to your business that it’s hard to step back and see it from your customer’s perspective. And when your website isn’t tailored to resonate with your specific audience, it’s going to cost you customers. In today’s episode, J.J. and April talk with ...

Dec 14, 202226 minTranscript available on Metacast

#77: 4 Tips for Recruiting Top Talent to Join Your Team

If you’re stretched thin and having trouble recruiting the right people to join your team, it can feel like an uphill battle. You have to keep doing the work at hand while taking on the time-consuming task of hiring new team members. It can be discouraging, especially when so many businesses are struggling to find good employees. In today’s episode, J.J. and April talk with Becky Martin, StoryBrand Certified Guide, about how the StoryBrand framework can help you find the right people faster. Lis...

Dec 07, 202229 minTranscript available on Metacast

#76: How to Succeed With Bigger Clients and Their Gatekeepers

Working with bigger clients usually means a bigger paycheck, but it can be hard to get past the gatekeeper and convince the decision maker to work with you. If you’re not used to selling to larger businesses, you might assume that the gatekeeper is going to communicate the right information up the chain. But in reality, it will be more like a game of telephone where your message gets lost in translation, costing you important business deals. In today’s episode, J.J. and April talk with StoryBran...

Nov 30, 202227 minTranscript available on Metacast

#75: When the Words Aren’t Flowing in Your Marketing (How to Get Unstuck!)

Have you ever felt like your marketing message just isn’t coming together? It can be mind-numbing to stare at a blank screen, constantly deleting the few words you manage to tap out on your keyboard. When the words don’t flow easily, it can bring up questions like, “why is it so hard to explain why my business matters?!” or “I’m a marketer, why isn’t this easier?!” In today’s episode, J.J. and April share a marketing makeover story featuring Stacey Brown Randall, an author, podcast host, and ent...

Nov 23, 202233 minTranscript available on Metacast

#74: Feeling Sluggish? Do This to Energize Your Marketing and Finish Out the Year Strong!

With the end of the year on the horizon, are you finding yourself feeling sluggish and unmotivated with your business and marketing efforts? You’re not alone! That’s why our newest Marketing Made Simple Podcast series is called “Energize.” From now until the end of the year, each episode will be centered around giving you the specific tips you'll need to reenergize your marketing and gain back momentum. If you need an extra boost, this series is for you! In today’s episode, you'll hear an inspir...

Nov 16, 202232 minTranscript available on Metacast

#73: Three Marketing Must-Dos for Local Businesses

What was your favorite episode or actionable step of 2022? Call 615-649-0705 before Friday November, 11 and let us know! Your favorites could be included in the upcoming Marketing Mix Tape greatest hits episode closing out the year. If you're running a local business, you know your marketing strategy needs to look different than online businesses or location-agnostic companies. You may even find your tried and true marketing plays aren't working when your potential customers are all local, espec...

Nov 09, 202231 minTranscript available on Metacast

#72: How to Fundraise Using the StoryBrand Framework

What was your favorite episode or actionable step of 2022? Call 615-649-0705 before Friday November, 11 and let us know! Your favorites could be included in the upcoming Marketing Mix Tape greatest hits episode closing out the year. Asking people for money can feel awkward and intimidating, even if you’re fundraising for an amazing cause! Not only is it hard to find the right words, there’s often enormous pressure when you know how much every gift matters for your organization. But fundraising d...

Nov 02, 202227 minTranscript available on Metacast

#71: How to Market Multiple Products Without Confusing Customers

What was your favorite episode or actionable step of 2022? Call 615-649-0705 before Friday November, 11 and let us know! Your favorites could be included in the upcoming Marketing Mix Tape greatest hits episode closing out the year. Does your company do so much that it’s hard to explain what you offer? If you try to communicate too many things to your audience, they won’t know what to do with your products and services. Instead of becoming a part of people's lives, you’ll go into the “junk drawe...

Oct 26, 202230 minTranscript available on Metacast

#70: "How Do I Make My Copy Clear, But Not Boring?"

The StoryBrand framework is all about clarity. But will using the StoryBrand framework make you sound boring? In today’s episode, J.J. and April tackle this question with the help of Jessie Congleton, StoryBrand Certified Guide and professional copywriter and marketing strategist. As a copywriter who has crafted messaging for multiple brands, Jessie provides expert advice on how to create authentic, personality-packed copy without sacrificing clarity. First, Jessie recommends writing with clarit...

Oct 19, 202230 minTranscript available on Metacast

#69: Does StoryBrand Work for Faith-Based Organizations?

Have you experienced success after implementing the StoryBrand Framework to clarify your messaging and marketing? We want to hear about it! Call 615-649-0705 and share your story of success in a voicemail before Friday October, 14 for a chance to have it featured on an upcoming episode. Just call 615-649-0705 to share your story of success. We can't wait to hear from you! Many people are uncomfortable putting the words “church” and “marketing” in the same sentence. Does “marketing” have a place ...

Oct 12, 202232 minTranscript available on Metacast

#68: How to “Sell” Without Making People Feel Awkward

If you think “gag me” when you hear “sales,” you’re not alone! The idea of being sold to or selling to someone else can easily remind us of a pushy salesperson or an uncomfortable situation. But if you’re in business, you’re in sales. So how can you effectively sell your product without coming across as manipulative or desperate? In today’s episode, J.J. and April continue the conversation about how you can implement our new sales framework, The Customer is the Hero. Special guest and StoryBrand...

Oct 05, 202224 minTranscript available on Metacast

#67: NEW—A Sales Framework for People Who HATE Selling

If you're like most people, you hate being sold to and hate selling to others – it just feels icky! But if you want your business to survive and thrive, you have to sell! Here’s the good news: Your sales conversations don’t have to feel awkward or manipulative. When you learn the storytelling framework for sales, you can stop pushing products and start inviting customers into a story where their problem gets solved. In today’s episode, J.J. and April talk with Donald Miller about Business Made S...

Sep 28, 202230 minTranscript available on Metacast

#66: How to Successfully Crowdfund Your New Business Idea

Looking to raise money to start your business or fund an upcoming product? Crowdfunding can be an effective way to hit the market with a bang. Not only do they provide the funds you need, crowdfunding campaigns can create unparalleled hype and awareness for your new product. But if you’ve never done it before, how can you avoid getting lost in the noise and ensure success around hitting your goal? In today’s episode, J.J. and April talk with StoryBrand certified guide, Moses Mehraban about how t...

Sep 21, 202235 minTranscript available on Metacast

#65: Marketing Hacks You Need to Grow Your Podcast

Starting and growing a podcast can feel like an uphill battle. There aren’t a lot of resources out there on how to grow a podcast and expand listenership. But if you know how to leverage a few key resources and use tried-and-true marketing techniques, you can grow your podcast audience and start impacting more people. In today’s episode, April and J.J. chat with Aleya Harris, a StoryBrand Certified Guide and host of her own podcast, Flourishing Entrepreneur . Aleya shares insider tips on how get...

Sep 14, 202231 minTranscript available on Metacast

#64: Unifying Your Team & Improving B2B Marketing Strategies

Do you need to get your marketing team on the same page or do better B2B marketing? The StoryBrand marketing framework has helped thousands of small businesses and solo marketers, but it is also highly effective for bringing consistency to large marketing teams or improving B2B marketing strategies. In today’s episode, JJ and April talk with Jessica Embree, a team member of a StoryBrand certified marketing agency, about how businesses of any size or audience can get more results from their marke...

Sep 07, 202232 minTranscript available on Metacast

#63: How You Can Be the Next StoryBrand Success Story

Are you finally ready to get your marketing strategy DONE? Listen in to hear 3 success stories of businesses who attended the StoryBrand Marketing Livestream and got their marketing strategy nailed down in just 2 days. Every business needs to figure out its marketing MESSAGING and marketing PLAN, and this workshop will help you create yours. In today’s episode, JJ and April talk with Josh Brammer, StoryBrand Certified Guide and Livestream Coach, about 3 clients he took through the StoryBrand Liv...

Aug 31, 202228 minTranscript available on Metacast

#62: How to Fix Your Marketing in 2 Days

Sick of marketing that isn’t working for your business? You can fix your marketing in 2 days with a StoryBrand Marketing Livestream Workshop. This 2-day virtual workshop will give you everything you need to fix your marketing once and for all. Need to create a sales funnel? Write or fix your website? Create brand messaging? You’ll walk out with all of that and more. In today’s episode, JJ and April talk with StoryBrand Certified Guide, Krista Smith, about what to expect when you attend the Story...

Aug 24, 202229 minTranscript available on Metacast

#61: Create Brand Messaging That Works (BrandScript Deep Dive)

Do you feel like you’re at a loss for words when it comes to writing the messaging for your brand? Whether you need to create (or elevate) your website, emails, or ad copy, you don’t have to guess at what will resonate with your audience. When you create and use a BrandScript, you can clarify your message, make more money with your words, and get your product out to more people! In today’s episode, J.J., April, and StoryBrand Certified Guide Kristin Spiotto walk business owner and realtor, Jesse...

Aug 17, 202238 minTranscript available on Metacast

#60: What You ACTUALLY Need to Know About SEO

There is a lot of misinformation and confusion when it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO). You’ve probably heard that SEO can be a great tool to get your message out to more customers, but since you’re not an SEO expert, it can seem intimidating and complicated to get started! This week, J.J. and April talk to StoryBrand Certified Guide, Kurien Abraham, about easy and effective ways to get started with SEO. You’ll find out key things you can do to improve your SEO (no coding knowledge nee...

Aug 10, 202235 minTranscript available on Metacast

#59: Is It Time to Throw Out Your Brand Message?

Does your original brand messaging need a refresh? If so, it’s probably because your business is growing. Congratulations! Great businesses usually find new problems to solve for their customers and create new products as solutions. But this can create a problem for you: your original messaging no longer encompasses all that you have to offer. In today’s episode, J.J. and April talk with StoryBrand certified guide Daniel Bussius about how to rework your messaging to more accurately represent you...

Aug 03, 202228 minTranscript available on Metacast

#58: How to Start a Successful Marketing Side Hustle

Ever wonder if you could make money with a marketing side hustle? If so, this episode is for you. In today’s conversation we hear from Elizabeth, a therapist from Chicago who has used the StoryBrand framework to grow her practice. Now she's wondering if she could start a side hustle helping other therapists with their marketing. Listen in as Macy Robison, Head of the StoryBrand Guide program, joins J.J. and April to give practical tips on growing a great marketing business. Whether you are think...

Jul 27, 202224 minTranscript available on Metacast

#57: How to Escape a Marketing Rut

Feeling uninspired when it comes to marketing? We have your back! So many business owners get stuck not knowing how to keep their marketing fresh and relevant. When you’re at a loss for content and advertising ideas, there are some specific things you can do to get the wheels turning again. In today’s episode, StoryBrand Certified Guide Julia Block Pearson gives brilliant tips in response to a voicemail we received from a Hero Maker. Like many business owners, this Hero Maker is stuck in a marke...

Jul 20, 202220 minTranscript available on Metacast

#56: How to Use LinkedIn Ads to Grow Your Business

Are you leveraging the power of LinkedIn? When it comes to growing your business, it’s crucial to show up in the spaces and platforms your target audience uses. Chances are, one of those spaces is LinkedIn. Posting content and connecting with a few prospects is one thing, but it can feel daunting to figure out LinkedIn’s ad platform. That’s why J.J. and April are talking with StoryBrand Certified Guide Evan Knox, a LinkedIn expert. In today’s episode, you’ll get clear steps on how to use LinkedI...

Jul 13, 202230 minTranscript available on Metacast

#55: Five Effective Ways to Highlight the Problem You Solve for Customers

You might offer an amazing product or service with incredible value but if you aren't clearly talking about it in your marketing as well as on your website, you are leaving all those potential customers in the dark! In today's episode, J.J. and April answer a question from a Hero Maker like you who's struggling to get his potential customers to realize they even have a problem before showing them how his business can help fix it. They also talk with marketing expert and StoryBrand Certified Guid...

Jul 06, 202224 minTranscript available on Metacast

#54: Solutions to Your Toughest Marketing Questions

Every week on the Marketing Made Simple Podcast, we break down different ways you can use the StoryBrand framework to clarify your message and grow your business. But because your business is unique, so are your marketing problems! That is exactly why our newest series is all about giving you the specific answers you need around the specific problems holding you back when it comes to your marketing and messaging. In today's episode, J.J. and April hear from Hero Makers like you about what's stil...

Jun 29, 202232 minTranscript available on Metacast
Marketing Made Simple podcast - Listen or read transcript on Metacast