Photo Assignments :: Red
This week’s photo assignment is simply called RED – there are some amazing photos here. Music from Epidemic Sound:
This week’s photo assignment is simply called RED – there are some amazing photos here. Music from Epidemic Sound:
I often address topics related to creativity and inspiration in photography. I also firmly believe that one of the strongest ways to stay inspired and create new things is to have influences outside the photography world. Chef's Table on Netflix Brewmasters
Richard Avedon began his most seminal body of work called In The American West in the late 70’s. Commissioned by the Amon Carter Museum of American Art it hasn’t been displayed in the museum since the opening. Currently there is a small show of selections from the work. I have a plan of doing a deep dive with these photographs.
Understanding color and using a color palette approach to composition can give more power to your photos, particularly when you want to use accent colors. Limiting these palettes can draw the viewer in to your photo and make a bold statement.
Are photos from a DSLR better than photos from an iPhone? Is 35mm better than large format? Does any of this matter? Cameras don’t make pictures, people do. Lets talk about why your gear does NOT matter.
Photo Assignments are a bi-weekly photo challenge designed for all of us to improve our creative thinking, learn and become better photographers. Thumbnail image by Lee Parry
My 9th grade year had to be the low point of my life. This is a story about the remarkable person who changed everything.
Introduced in 1988, the Nikon F4 is one of the classics in the F series of 35mm SLR film cameras. It was the second flagship Nikon camera to incorporate autofocus (after the Nikon F3AF in 1983) and also added Matrix metering to the lineup. I bough mine in the early 2000’s and it was my main camera for several years. One of the best film cameras Nikon made and here are 5 reasons why you should own one. Music by Joey Pecoraro
Photo Assignment #4 was to work with shooting from high camera angles. This is probably the best work that has been submitted yet. I’m seeing some really serious improvement in the photos you all are taking! Thumbnail image by Richard Watson Music by Joey Pecoraro
Doubt is the necessary evil of creativity. We all doubt our photography, we all doubt the work we are doing. Learning how to manage doubt is the key to success in the creative work that you are trying to achieve as a photographer. 10 YEAR PHOTO ESSAY BY JOHN FREE
I’ve been working with the Panasonic 12mm 1.4 Leica Summilux for a few weeks now and wanted to share some images and video footage from this lens. Not only is it incredible, but its making me thing very differently about micro 4/3 in general. This thing is amazing. Get it at B&H: This video is sponsored by Squarespace For a free trail and 10% off your initial order, visit and use offer code AOP on checkout.
This is the third photo assignment in a series on camera angles. Much like low angle photography, shooting from high angles has a sense of drama but in the opposite way we achieve it from low angles. Be sure to share your work on social media using the hashtag #photoassignments – for Facebook you can post your images on the Art of Photography page directly.
There’s something that’s bothering me about the online photography community that I want to get off my chest. I know I can’t control how people behave but I think this is worth opening a discussion about. Don’t feed the trolls.
Color plays a unique role in photography when its used effectively. In the early days of photography, images were rendered in monochrome. Today we have the unique advantage of unlimited possibilities with technology to do almost anything we can imagine, but the challenge of color still remains. Color is most effective when it plays an important roll in the image. Books: Ernst Haas – Color Correction Luigi Ghirri – Kodachrome Saul Leiter – Early Color...
I got a letter this week from Erin who is 14 and wants to pursue a career in photography and film making. She asked me what is the most important lesson that I have learned as a photographer.
Photo Assignment #3 was a study in eye-level composition. Eye-level is a pretty open ended concept, but I felt it was worth doing since we were doing low and high angle photography and all three deal with essentially how you would photograph using depth. It was really amazing to see the range of interpretation of the photos people submitted. If you’d like to see all of the submissions – use the hashtag #photoassignments on Twitter and Instagram or visit the Facebook page. Poster image by Michael...
The Panasonic Lumix GX850 – aka the GF800 or the GF9 depending on where in the world you live, is the latest offering from Panasonic. This camera features a compact design but has a micro 4/3 sensor and the ability to change lenses. There are a few stumbling blocks, but this is an excellent camera for traveling and vlogging and comes in at an amazing price point. Get it at B&H This video is sponsored by Squarespace – For a free trial and 10% off your order, visit Squarespac...
Got confirmation on a project literally 2 days ago - so here we are back in New York City.
The results are in - here are some viewer submissions for Photo Assignment 1. Honestly I didn't think anyone would do the journal - its a lot of work but I was shocked at the number of people who did them! If you want to see more, Facebook and Twitter seemed to be the most popular for submitting. Here are some links: Facebook - (I've pinned the post to the top of the page) Twitter -
A few months ago I did a video called NOBODY CARES ABOUT YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY. In that video I expressed an importance for photographers to make work that matters. That has quickly become the photography question I get asked the most about.
The Q&A session got a little personal today but I did enjoy it. Rarely do I talk about my own work or my influences, but you ask I answer. Lets get to it!
Catching up on viewer mail - there is some amazing stuff to share with you today! Big thanks to those who have shared their photography on the channel. David Sumner :: With Liberty and Justice For All Chris Smith :: Print Emiliano Rodriguez :: Scattered Black and White Wim Winters :: Authentic Sound The Beethoven Video - Order his CD here: Travis D...
Okay I'm half serious here - this is the Stork Mach 1 - sister to the smaller Sparrow M1. While joking around with a friend I set out to build the ultimate selfie stick! Whether you're making photographs, video, live-streaming, light or dark, no matter what the climate. This thing has you covered. Parts List: Generic Tripod Mount for iPhone MeFoto SideKick360 (small) MeFoto SideKick360 Plus (for larger phones) Friction Arm http...
Photo Assignment #2 will explore variations on low-angle point-of-view photography. The subject matter is open to your own choice, but everything must be shot at ground level. Use the concepts we worked on in the first assignment. Use your journal, print your work, comment and remember to shoot variations.
Here's a tutorial on syncing audio with video in post production. I'll cover Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere CC and iMovie. If you want to build a Sparrow Mach 1 for yourself, here's the complete parts list on Amazon:
Rumors are circulating about a Hasselblad acquisition from DJI, Ektachrome is brought back from the dead and I'll answer some questions about creativity…
Canon announces the new Powershot G9 X Mark II What is new? Not that much… Preorder at B&H Silver - Black -
CES is going on in Las Vegas this week as we see Panasonic finally deliver their flagship camera that we've been waiting for. After the quick tease at Photokina, the Panasonic Lumix GH5 is finally here. Pre-Order now at B&H ::
Happy New Year! I haven’t done mail time in a while so that’s what we are doing in this video – thanks to everyone who sent something in! If you want to send me something – the address is below. Thanks to Lukas Hüsgen, Quentin Cherrier, Jon Wilkening, Emil Handke and Fabaine/Erick!
Answering your photography questions… by far the most popular of them relate to getting your work into galleries or seen by museum curators. Lets talk about that. Leading a creative life means being creative in other areas as well. I think this is vital to photography or any of the arts for that matter. Photographers tend to chase careers that are decades behind us. The answer is KAWS. KAWS is the moniker of contemporary artist and designer Brian Donnelly who works out of Brooklyn. If a graffiti...