Parable of the Wedding Banquet
This week we're talking weddings - well actually the parable of the wedding banquet found in Matthew 22.
This week we're talking weddings - well actually the parable of the wedding banquet found in Matthew 22.
This week we are talking about the idea of the Kingdom of God - a kingdom unlike anything the world offers.
This week our "passage" is just a single verse from the book of Proverbs - but it still lead to plenty for us to talk about.
This week, we're getting ready for Easter and talking about Phil Wickham's song Sunday is Coming .
This week we are talking about the Parable of the Two Sons found in Matthew 21 and discussing how there are no perfect kids, and even less perfect adults.
This week we are talking about the Fruit of the Spirit, which Paul talks about in Galatians 5.
This week we are bringing you one of our longest episodes ever as we talk about one whole verse - 2 Chronicles 7:14.
This week we are discussing the song "Unity Hymn" by Mike Donehy formerly of Tenth Avenue North.
We're looking at this brief parable found in Matthew 7 about the speck in your brother's eye.
The B-I-B-L-E, yes that's the book for me - and so we're going to talk about it this week - why it's important, what makes it different, and how it changes our lives.
This week we are talking about doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with our God as we dive into Micah 6:8.
This week we are discussing the song Fear is not my Future by Maverick City Music.
This week we talk about the Parable of Workers in a Vineyard found in Matthew 20.
What is church, what is it all about, why do we do it, why is it important - we cover all that and more as we spend some time this week talking about the idea of church.
This week we kick off the new year with a look into Psalm 23 and discussion about our shepherd and how much we need Him.
This week we are talking about the song Grace Alone by King's Kaleidoscope.
This week we are looking at the Parable of the Rich Fool found in Luke 12.
This week we are talking about some of the common symbols of Christmas and some of the meaning behind those that can remind us and point us toward Jesus.
Tis the season for talking about Jesus birth, so this week we look at the birth of Jesus from the Gospel of Matthew.
We are kicking off the holiday season with this song by Crowder that works as a great transition from Thanksgiving into Christmas.
This week we are looking at another parable -this time from Matthew 7 - the story of the wise and foolish builders that Jesus tells at the conclusion of his sermon on the mount. Feel free to sing and do the motions.
This week we are talking about tithing, and what the Bible actually has to say about how and more importantly why we give.
This week we are talking through 1 Peter 2:9, seeing who we are in Christ, what that means for us, and how Christ made that possible.
This week we are discussing the song "You've Already Won" by Shane & Shane.
This week we discuss the parable of the Pharisee & the Tax Collector found in Luke 18.
This week we dive into the concept of Hope - how does the world define it, and how does the Word of God define it and talk about it.
This week we are in John 13 to talk about Jesus washing the disciples feet.
This week we are diving into our first Bob Dylan song and we are talking about Forever Young....I know rather appropriate for us.
This week we are looking at Jesus parable about the sheep and the goats from Matthew 25.
This week we're talking about the idea of sin. What is it, what does the Bible say about it, how do we deal with it.