How to maximize your time and energy as a working mom - with Molly Nickles!
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Today on the Simplified Organization podcast, I have Molly Nickles, also known as The Modern Homeschooler on Intagram. She's always had a job while homeschooling - and not always part time only, either! Find out how she manages a full time job (for someone else!) while homeschooling 2 teens - and why she thinks it's good for her kids, too.
Free master pantry resources: Betsy's wisdom: By 10am, I have to choose what's for dinner that day and take one step toward getting it ready, even if it's just taking the meat out to thaw.
Find Betsy at - where she's prereading new books for you and your kids Betsy's planning wisdom: I like to think of management as balancing humility and honesty when I plan. So the humility part is that the Lord doesn't really need me to accomplish these things. I mean, I feel like I'm indispensable to the plan, but I'm really not . And then honesty about what is on my plate and what I need to not add to my plate. Check out this playlist for more of my videos about planning: ht...
Free alignment card guide:
Amanda Sewell is a homeschooling mom of 6 and recently returned to the US from the mission field. In the latest episode of The Simplified Organization show, Amanda shares what she's learned about feeling stuck and how to get out of that mental mire of discouragement.
Get your printable alignment card: Find Melissa at -- free workshop Find Melissa Cummings at and
Free workshop: Sibling Relationship Lab: Lynna's channel: Large Family Homeschooling: Lynna Sutherland is a homeschool mom of eight and the host of the Sibling Relationship Lab podcast. She loves to encourage moms in the freedom they have in Christ in parenting and homeschooling. In today's episode she tells us her best tips for realistic and practical orga...
Free workshop: Sibling Relationship Lab: Lynna's channel: Large Family Homeschooling: Lynna Sutherland is a homeschool mom of eight and the host of the Sibling Relationship Lab podcast. She loves to encourage moms in the freedom they have in Christ in parenting and homeschooling. In today's episode she addresses how she handles feelings of overwhelm as a la...
Find Lauren at where she keeps a thoughtful and insightful blog. Free workshop: We have to acknowledge the reality we are in to actually address our vague overwhelm.
Free workshop: We have to acknowledge the reality we are in to actually address our vague overwhelm. Find Lauren at where she keeps a thoughtful and insightful blog.
One of Pam's brilliant concepts is the "minimum viable day." When I need homeschool planning tips, I go to Pam Barnhill. Every summer I print out my pages from Plan Your Year to put our homeschool year together. So I wanted to have her on to talk about what makes planning work and how to be consistent with our plans. Listen to my conversation with Pam Barnhill in today's episode of The Simplified Organization Podcast.
Time Budget Template: Part 2 of my conversation with Viriginia Lee Rogers focuses on how to organize your attitude when you feel like you're going nuts keeping up with details and people, when it feels like there's not enough time to do it all (maybe there actually isn't!)
Handle overwhelm better: -- free workshop As moms, we need to be realistic about what's actually going on behind our grumpy, irritable moods. We might think there's something terribly wrong, that we need to totally revamp our whole life and self, when really we just need to get enough sleep.
Free Brain Dump Guide: Stop using your head like a briefcase because it's making you feel overwhelmed and incapable of handling life. So much of what we do as moms at home doesn't have a tangible result at the end of the day. It's hard to recognize what we've done and be satisfied in it, but that recognition and satisfaction is the attitude adjustment we need to recapture the joy of mothering and homemaking.
Free Workshop: Today we're going to chat about feeling overwhelmed and about practical ways to organize your attitude. Leisa and her husband and three kids have built their own home in Southern Idaho, first living and homeschooling in a camper while the home was under construction. So she knows a thing or two about overwhelm.
Amy's Bible Memory resources: The best way to keep our attitude under control and live out the fruit of the Spirit is to memorize and recite Scripture every day, all the time. Amy gives us some tips and helps to weave Bible memory work into our lives as homeschoolers and women.
No More Perfectionism Workshop! Perfectionism trips us all up and sometimes we don't even realize it's our problem. We don't have to do things perfectly to be fulfilling our responsibilities well. Perfectionism is really just a guise for self-centeredness. Listen to Amy Sloan of Humility and Doxology remind us how to give up identifying as a perfectionist.
Free pantry printables & guides: Abby feeds 40+ people on the regular when it's lambing season - not as a big social event where people bring their polite appetites, but where people are coming in after a long day of hard labor and will go back out again afterward. So Abby has all kinds of tips and hacks up her sleeve to make planning and executing large, hearty, satisfying meals doable on repeat.
Free "plans that stick" workshop: If we spend time planning but never look at those plans, we're just wasting time. If we make plans that are completely unrealistic, then we're just wasting time planning. If you aren't sticking to your plans, the problem might lie in your planning. Let's talk about how to make better plans AND then stick with them.
Find Kortney's resources: Welcome to Simplified Organization, a show for busy moms who are looking for practical help in managing their homes, families, and lives for God's glory. We keep it real without complaining and we help women overcome the overwhelm and perfectionism that comes from the comparison game. In this episode, Kortney shares her menu planning, weekly overview, and weekly review process that helps her keep her plates spinning....
Free Workshop: Kortney Garrison is a poet and a homeschool mama of three who works from home as the Community Director for Read-Aloud Revival. She also blogs at Welcome to Simplified Organization, a show for busy moms who are looking for practical help in managing their homes, families, and lives for God's glory. We keep it real without complaining and we help women overcome the overwhelm and perfectionism that comes from the comparison game. Well, my sche...
free brain dump guide: The root cause of procrastination and laziness is most often attitude. Again, ask yourself questions and find out the reason behind your attitude; with that information, fixing your attitude and overcoming procrastination will be simple. Don’t let your mind be a cluttered storage unit itself. Before you clear out all those back rooms, pods, or storage units, clear out your mind. By doing this and by bringing your physical and menta...
Stefani Mons shares her insights from meal planning, homeschooling, and parenting with chronic illness.
Stefani Mons, a Texas homeschool mom and Convivial Circle Community Manager, chats about what to do when you find yourself too easily irritated with your kids.
Free pantry printables: Dawn has worked hard to make meals meaningful times of family relationship-building. She shares her insights and best tips from her years of practice. Meal planning, menu making, cooking, and feeding our family takes a lot of our time - and that's how it should be!
Free overwhelm workshop: With teens, activities, homeschooling, and work, Dawn Garrett juggles many plates. She is the community manager for Your Morning Basket with Pam Barnhill and she homeschools her three high schoolers who are each busy and active. Dawn shares how she juggles it all and what she does when she feels overwhelmed - and why she doesn't think it's so bad to feel overwhelm. You'll be encouraged by Dawn's down-to-earth and practical insights!...