Lusk Dad, Who Drives Kids Uninsured, Gets Snitched On During Live Debate
On this episode we heard from Eric, whos neighbour drives his kids to and from school every day...UNINSURED. The unemployed Father can't afford the insurance!
On this episode we heard from Eric, whos neighbour drives his kids to and from school every day...UNINSURED. The unemployed Father can't afford the insurance!
On this episode we heard how a proud Father wants to coach his sons football team, so the club asked him to fill out a Garda vetting form. He has now failed to get clearance, because of a conviction for cocaine possession, when he was 18. His wife thinks this is very unfair.
"My brother is constantly taking and posting selfies at our dad's graveside... Its disgusting...." A family feud was debated on this episode of OM. Jeremy annoyed a lot of listeners with his opinion on Graveside Selfies branding them TACKY
On this episode Layla said she's terrified of the bonfire in her area of Kilbarrack, because it's become so big and out of control. She wants to contact the council to report stockpiling...her husband said she'll ruin local kids fun.
Today on the show we heard from a Drogheda woman who is contemplating back her ex who dumped her last year for his ex... Then things took an absolutely bonkers and hilarious turn when a Dublin phoned in to tell his ex (who listens to this podcast) that he wants her back and to profess his undying love for her... But the conversation just got crazier and crazier until it hit peak crazy!!! We were left in tears of laughter by what Jimmy did LIVE on air.... Our sides were splitting as the things we...
On this episode we heard from 'Lauren', who told us the devestating, long last impact a house break-in had on her and her young family. She's also terrified to have to face the burgular in court next week.
On this episode Jess hits out at parents, whos kids end up on drugs. She said "if your kids end up addicted to drugs it's your fault for neglecting them and letting it happen"
On this episode Holly complained about the anti-social behaviour of drug addicts on the No. 27 Dublin Bus. She was horrified to witness one shooting up recently. She wants their bus passes taken from them
"I dropped my car into him to be fixed... 2 weeks later, he started sending me d**k pics"... This Dublin woman's story divided opinion and angered one particular woman who branded him "A Predator"
On this episode of Opinions Matter, A former Joyrider, who terrorised Crumlin for years, explains why kids are still robbing cars... And then blames the Gardai for it happening!
On this episode 'David' told us of a traumatic experience he had outside Blanchardstown/Connolly Hospital this week. He asked for advise about whether he should go to the Gardaí
A regular Opinions Matter Caller said it's morally wrong that wealthy parents will receive the two double payments of Childrens allowance granted in this weeks budget. He said poorer people deserve more, as they really need it.
On this episode a listener complained that men are allowed parade around naked in his local gym/swimming pool, in front of young children. He said it should be illegal.
On this episode we debated a viral video in which a teacher explained her horror at the proposed content of new Junior Cert sex education. Parents spoke out about what is being planned.
This episode is like the Jeremy Kyle Show! Natasha is a single mum with 4 kids who says that men are showing her no interest. Her ex then contacted the show to drop a few home truths!
On this episode a listener branded a post on a Clondalkin facebook page as racist. Lola said the social media warning, that the area is not safe for women after dark because of 'unvetted migrants', is outrageous.
TRIGGER WARNING - This episode contains several triggering stories about child bullying. An 8 year old attending school in Swords is being horrificly bullied... and when we heard what he is being bullied over we were left sleechless and feeling beyond sick and repulsed... His mother told him to take on the bullies. Take a listen to what happened.. the poor kid!
On today's episode: Our jaws literally dropped after caller Joseph went off on a crazy rant about Tallaght and the people who live there. He then explained why he was forced to move out of there: His African wife was subjected to vile racist abuse.
Opinions Matter Exclusive: On this episode we hear about a creche in north country Dublin which has angered parents over handing out leaflets suggeting that all kids attending, get the flu vaccine. Anti-Vaxers demanded we name the creche, on this episode!
On this episode, regular caller John hit out at this weeks Dublin City anti-immigrant and pro-refugee protests - after they caused his partner to miss a vital hospital appointment. He called for such protests to be held at weekends, to inconvenience less people.
On this episode we heard from staff in a Dublin hotel who say they're being sued by a traveller couple for refusing their wedding. The hotel claims there was a fight at a previous family wedding in the venue. The couple say it's anti-traveller discrimination.
On this episode Lydia demanded an apology from the lads over throwaway comments they made about drug dealing in Corduff. She said it's a beautiful area with no crime!!!
On this episode Jordan aksed why any woman, like his own sister, could date a drug dealer. Her family have ghosted her, but she's loving the lifestyle. Jeremy annoyed callers with his opinion on dealers...and Adrian got a 'warning'.
WARNING: THIS IS NOT FOR YOUNG EARS!!! Today on the show we heard from a man who has been left horrified and disgusted by an ""incident" he was involved in over the weekend at a late bar in Tallaght after he hooked up with a random woman!! He said the shocking discovery has made him sick to his stomach... but then we heard from the woman in questions friend... and things got really intense!!! Her friend told us all about this woman and what exactly happened on Saturday night! This caused war on ...
"You're a stuck up snobby p**ck"!!! Jeremy said his recent outdoor meal in Dublin city centre was ruined by beggars walking by and annoying him. He then went one step too far and Adrian completely lost it with him on air and let rip!
On this episode we got reaction to a scary incident in Dublin 15 involving school kids, allegedly being attacked by someone brandishing a knife. Local TD's have appealed for people to stop sharing the video.
On this episode we heard from Tina who admitted that she told her 10 year old daughter exactly why she and Daddy split up...he'd had an affair. We asked if children that young deserve the whole truth about a breakup, or should it be sugar coated?
On this episode the parents of an underage teenage girl have just found out that she's been having sex with her 18 year old boyfriend. Her Father wants to report him to the Gardai for statutory rape.
Explicit Content On This Episode - Gary found out that his girlfriend had more than 20 previous lovers... so he ran for the hills! Our jaws dropped when Maureen came on air with a bizarre rant about women who sleep around. Wait until you hear what she had to say!
**We received vile messages and threats from trolls over this topic" after Jeremy said he was embarrassed by the fans who booed God Save The King, at the Match on Saturday. One of those fans came on air and it all blew up!