Rachel and Leah ask to leave
In this episode of Daily Manna we see as the Lord tells Jacob to go back to his land. Pastor Paul talks about how Jacob informs his wives what God had told him to do.
In this episode of Daily Manna we see as the Lord tells Jacob to go back to his land. Pastor Paul talks about how Jacob informs his wives what God had told him to do.
Pastor Paul talks about the discussion between Jacob and his boss Laban. And how Jacob were to keep all the animals that were "flawed".
In this episode of Daily Manna, we see Jacob beginning the process of unhooking his train from his uncle Laban.
In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul continues on Genesis 30 and we're seeing the natural results of polygamy.
From the beginning of time we see that God's plan for marriage was one man and one woman. Even though polygamy was widely practiced, it was never God's intent. in this episode of Daily Manna we see the consequences of that.
In this episode of Daily Manna Pastor Paul is at Genesis 29 where Jacob is coming into his uncle's house and falls in love with Laban's mother.
On the run from his brother Esau, Jacob following the steps of Abraham and Isaac, builds an altar to commemorate what he saw.
Pastor Paul talks about the encounter that Jacob had with the Lord, similar to the one his father and grandfather had.
In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul talks about the fallout from jacob's and Rebecca's tricking Isaac into giving Jacob the blessing. Now Jacob is on the run from his brother.
In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul talks about how many times frases are lost in translation. The word of God should be studied chapter by chapter, verse by verse, idea by idea in order to truly understand it.
In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul continues on the story of the deception of Isaac and the anger that his blessing on the wrong son has caused on Esau.
In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul talks about the problems that "trying to help out God" may cause. In Genesis 27 Isaac does not recognize his son because of his eyesight.
In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul talks about the major deception that Jacob does on his father and the lasting consequences that it had.
In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul talks about the pivotal moment that trancends to even today. Heading into Genesis 27, isaac blesses the wrong son.
In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul talks about the difficulties that Isaac was confronting and when Isaac reopens a well.
In the past episodes of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul has talked about the romance between Isaac and Rebecca. But in this episode of Daily Manna we see Isaac do as his father did by lying about his relationship with his wife.
With a famine in the land, Isaac goes through a test of faith but does not do as his father did. Pastor Paul talks about how of the patriarchs Isaac has proven to be the one with the most faith in the Lord.
In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul continues the story of Jacob and Esau. We see the two boys as men with completely different characters and ways to live.
In this episode of Daily Manna, right in the middle of Genesis 25 Pastor Paul talks about the birth of Jacob and Esau. He explores how there is a difficult dynamic between these brothers that reverberates even today.
In Genesis 25 Abraham's life is about summarized but now the main plot of the story moves into Isaac. Isaac following pattern, is having trouble conceiving.
In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul walks into the beginning of Genesis 25. And explores the wedding of Abraham with Keturah.
We've just seen the servant have dinner with the family of Rebecca. In this episode of daily Manna, Pastor Paul talks about how Rebecca's family sends her off willfully and bless her.
The Servant of Abraham goes into Mesopotamia to find a wife for Isaac. In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul talks about how the nameless servant praises the Lord after he asks for a sign to find this woman.
In the middle of Genesis 24 the servant of Abraham is looking for a wife for Isaac, and he finds a woman at a well. in this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul talks about the encounter the Servant has with the parents of Rebecca.
We are seeing the servant arrive at Mesopotamia, and see Rebecca. In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul talks about why was it so important for Abraham that Isaac not go back into the land of his father.
In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul talks about marriage in the bible. Abraham was asking Isaac to get married and finds him a wife.
Sarah, the beloved wife of the father of our faith has died. And now Abraham is trying to buy a piece of land in an area that the Lord had already promised him to bury Sarah.
In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul finishes chapter 22 by explaining the reason why the author might include genealogies. Then Pastor Paul goes into the death of Abraham's wife: Sarah.
We've seen many ups and downs with Abraham as the father of our faith. In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul talks about the test of faith God gave to Abraham. Foreshadowing the pain that God himself went through at the death of Christ.
We'e talked about the horrible testimony of Abraham lacking faith. Pastor Paul talks about how maybe he has been redeemed.