The flood is over, now what?
In this episode of Daily Manna Pastor Paul discusses what happens right after the flood ended in Genesis 7. And how God is going to continue something that he already began.
In this episode of Daily Manna Pastor Paul discusses what happens right after the flood ended in Genesis 7. And how God is going to continue something that he already began.
After just seeing God's judgement being poured down on earth in the time of Noah. And the the bible mentions something that could seem strange: " ...and the Lord remembered Noah..." Pastor Paul answers the question that might come to mind: Did God forget about Noah?
Pastor Paul discusses the story of the flood that has left echoes on almost every culture and continent. We tend to remember the storybook version that we are told as children but when studied in depth as an adult you see that it's actually a devastating story of destruction.
Pastor Paul discusses how the flood actually happened and how 8 people witnessed it from a sheltered perspective and how the rest of the world experienced destruction.
After "all the buildup" finally we come to the flood. And before the flood there's a curious 7 day pause. Pastor Paul discusses how just before the flood God gives 7 last days.
After finishing Genesis 6 here we see how after the murder of Abel, sin took over the world. The descendants of Cain forgot of God's commandments. This led God to give a deadline of 120 years for repentance.
Up until now, we've been discussing the character on Noah, and what was happening in the days of Noah and the society in what he lived. And how this led to God giving him the instructions of the ark of gopher wood.
As a culture, we've all grown up with story and coloring books of the story of Noah and his ark presenting a nice and adventurous story. In this episode of Daily Manna , Pastor Paul answers the question of: "What possible reason could've God had to take this harsh decision on Earth?"
In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul talks about how we are studying the bible from a literal standpoint. So even in moments where it's a little hard to understand, we believe it is the literal account of history. And how in Genesis 6, sin has taken over the world causing the great flood.
In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul describes the people that were on earth weren't cavemen. He also describes how many were there by the time of the great flood in Genesis 7.
After the fall, there where basically 2 sets of people: the ones that hated God and embraced sin (descendants of Cain) and the ones that were righteous in the eyes of the Lord (descendants of Seth). Pastor Paul talks about how this separation of man from God leads up to the great flood.
In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul discusses how the descendants of Adam through Seth, lead to the righteous man of Noah and eventually the flood.
In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul talks about the downward spiral of the descendants of Cain ending on Lamec. He talks about even after this downward spiral, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
After he murdered his brother, he was banished from the land of his father and sent to Nod with his wife. Cain then established a city. In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul talks about that.
In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul answers the question that might confuse many people: Where did Cain get his wife from? After the murder of his brother, Cain is sent to Nod.
Just like God did with his parents, He approaches Cain in question. "What have you done?" In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul slows down a bit and studies that conversation between God and Cain.
Cain and Abel. In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul talks about the offerings that the brothers brought forth to the Lord and how envy and pride took over the life and decisions of one of the brothers of this accounting.
Adam and Eve have been kicked out of the Garden of Eden and had children. In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul talks about the children of Adam and Eve and that infamous moment in the first family. He talks about how sin (especially in the life of one son) has gone further than just disobeying God.
Pastor Paul talks about what is home and the implications of being kicked out of the Garden of Eden. In this episode of Daily Manna, we study about why would God separate us from Him.
In this episode of Daily Manna Pastor Paul discusses the consequences of their acts, and what natural processes the sin of man caused. One of these curses is the curse of the ground.
In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul continues with the fall of man. He studies why man fell, who is Satan, what is sin and how God was planning from even before time began how to fix this problem.
Pastor Paul describes what people call the protoevangelium and what it means to have a promise of salvation from God Himself this early in the bible.
Pastor Paul just described the sin of Adam and Eve and now he goes over their immediate reaction of covering themselves in shame.
Pastor Paul goes in depth on the fall of man, and asks the question: what would be your reaction if you were in their position and a serpent would've asked you to disobey God's commandments?
In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul goes over the first time Satan appears in the bible, described in Genesis 3 as a serpent. And how this serpent caused man to sin.
Pastor Paul goes over the original sin of disobedience of His creation. He also describes the serpent itself.
Pastor Paul goes over the creation of man and woman, and why God made Eve from the rib of Adam, and what it could mean.
Pastor Paul discusses the 'catch 22-type' question of: If God knows everything then He must have known that man would sin by eating the forbidden fruit, so why would he put the tree in the middle of the Garden in the first place?
In this episode of Daily Manna goes over the description of The Garden of Eden and its beauty. And how as Christians we will one day be able to walk at that very same Garden.
In this episode of Daily Manna, Pastor Paul talks about how in Genesis chapter 2 the bible takes a step back and goes over the details of God's perfect creation.