What Real Love Really Is According to the Bible
God shows us what Real Love is in His Word! Today I am going to deep dive into that topic and the topic of love in general.
God shows us what Real Love is in His Word! Today I am going to deep dive into that topic and the topic of love in general.
Our human nature is always selfish! We want more and say we need more, but is that really what is best? In today’s podcast I will take a deeper dive into this question and hopefully encourage you as you live life! I pray the Holy Spirit would convict you as well. That you wouldn’t just walk away being encouraged but that you would leave transformed!
Many people like myself watch movies and tv shows all the time. But how many of us really think about the content we are letting our eyes see? I would say not many! In today’s episode we will tackle this semi controversial topic of movies and tv shows!
This isn’t a joke friends! If you are here today and call yourself a Christian I hope you mean it! I walked in darkness for so long (really not that long I suppose, but long enough) and I felt the weight of it. Will you walk as a true Christ follower and look to the Lord?
Do you ever feel worthless? Like you have nothing to offer? Or maybe you have been told you are good enough. Well in today’s episode I’m gonna tackle this issue with simple answers. And ultimately the scriptures to guide us all!
What is the Gospel? This is a question we hear, but many, like me, don’t know what to do when we hear it! That scares me! In today’s episode I dive deep into a passionate talk about this very subject!
Too often we feel the weight of trying to fit in, but I urge you all as scripture points out to flee these passions and to pursue Christ above all else! I know that this is usually easier said then done but I hope in today’s episode you will find some encouragement. I do also hope that it is convicting and thought provoking.
So many of us struggle to use our words to build up! Maybe we cuss all the times or maybe we make crude jokes. Well I’m today’s episode I want to share some scripture with you all and have a thought provoking conversation about this issue!
We all know mental health is a HUGE issue that this world faces! It makes me so sad to see the pain that many are facing. Today I want to intro into the topic of mental health by first reading the truths of scripture as encouragement. Second, to share my story and why this topic is so important. And lastly, to give a quick couple though provoking questions!
As we leave 2020 let us all look forward to 2021 and the many things the Lord will do! Here are the notes I used in this podcast that way you can go back and look through each piece of scripture that I used. 1. Move Forward (Philippians 3:14-16, John 5:8, Hebrews 12:1-2) 2. Put Two Feet Down Every Day and Be Thankful (Psalm 100) 3. Be In Community (Ephesians 4, Hebrews 10:24-25) 4. Live More for Christ and Less for self (Matthew 6:24) 5. Read the Bible, Pray, Proclaim the Gospel Everyday (...
Hey everyone welcome to Fight the Good Fight, a Christian podcast, where we will touch on relevant topics in the world all while examining and proclaiming the truth's of Scripture. On the opening episode I (Zachary) will introduce myself and talk a little about the meaning behind the name and the reason I am doing this podcast. I am so thankful to have this opportunity to do this and I hope that it encourages, convicts and blesses the lives of many. To God be the Glory ALWAYS!