On today's special interview with Lydia Kaiser at NRB 2022 in Nashville, TN, we learn about her favorite way to reach children as well as how you can join in the fight of reaching them with the Gospel Child Evangelism Fellowship's Website https://www.cefonline.com Click here for a CEF Chapter near you https://chapters.cefonline.com
Jun 13, 2022•24 min•Ep 522•Transcript available on Metacast On today's broadcast we discuss the recent increase in curiosity about Scientology given the release of the new Tom Cruise movie, Top Gun: Maverick. We explore the satanic roots of Scientology and its founder, L. Ron Hubbard. They Sold Their Souls for Rock n Roll https://tinyurl.com/22bft5fs Scientology & Satanism https://youtu.be/xBfMjHEw8Zw...
Jun 09, 2022•58 min•Ep 523•Transcript available on Metacast On today's broadcast we finish our discussion on the newest book from Pastor Greg Laurie titled "Lennon, Dylan, Alice, & Jesus." They Sold Their Souls for Rock n Roll https://tinyurl.com/yp972s4y Bob Dylan and the Devil at the Crossroads https://youtu.be/2JCrx3LP78I Kesha: The Satanic Cult Leader https://youtu.be/e8GfWJKyPVc
May 31, 2022•59 min•Ep 521•Transcript available on Metacast On today's broadcast we take a look at the newest book from Pastor Greg Laurie titled "Lennon, Dylan, Alice, & Jesus" and how it completely misses the truth of the reality behind these musicians. They Sold Their Souls for Rock n Roll https://tinyurl.com/yp972s4y
May 30, 2022•1 hr•Ep 520•Transcript available on Metacast On today's broadcast we answer bible questions from you, our audience, during our livestream. We also answer questions sent in from our Patreon supporters. Some topics covered are: who populates the millennium, cutting people off from our lives, is Sunday worship the mark of the beast, and more! Learn more about Good Fight Ministries: https://allmylinks.com/goodfight Check out our latest DVD here! https://marveldcexposed.com...
May 26, 2022•1 hr 21 min•Ep 519•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode we sit down with Counter Culture Mom, Tina Griffin at NRB 2022 in Nashville, TN where we discuss the importance of Godly parenting as well as her story as a Hollywood actress Tina Griffin's Website https://counterculturemom.com
May 16, 2022•33 min•Ep 518•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode we discuss the latest Doctor Strange movie, where Hollywood has taken it, and some of the latest reactions. Marvel & DC's War on God https://marveldcexposed.com The video version of this episode https://youtu.be/32bX83GMuwc...
May 12, 2022•1 hr•Ep 517•Transcript available on Metacast On today's special podcast we discuss the Greek word "apostasia" found in 2 Thessalonians 2:3. Some who hold to a pre-tribulation rapture view believe that this word means a physical or spatial departure, rather than the commonly held view of falling away, defecting, or a rebellion from the faith. We take a look at various Christian experts' positions, how they draw their conclusions, and where we stand on this issue. The Great Rapture Debate https://tinyurl.com/2p8h72mz Left Behind or Led Astra...
May 05, 2022•1 hr 16 min•Ep 516•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode we sit down with Timothy Mahoney at NRB 2022 in Nashville, TN to get insight on his film "Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus". We talk about what went into making the film, the discoveries found, and what impact the film has had. Timothy Mahoney's Website https://thinkingmanfilms.com Patterns of Evidence Website https://patternsofevidence.com/exodus-film/ The Seven Churches of Revelation: Times of Fire https://7churches.com/times-of-fire/...
May 02, 2022•38 min•Ep 515•Transcript available on Metacast On today's broadcast we answer various bible questions from our Patreon supporters. Some topics covered are: spiritual warfare, baptism, secular music, New Age practices, the sabbath, and more.
Apr 28, 2022•1 hr 27 min•Ep 514•Transcript available on Metacast On today's broadcast Pastor Joe Schimmel takes us through the entire bible examining just how Jesus is victorious over the devil and how our victory is in Christ.
Apr 21, 2022•1 hr•Ep 513•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode we feature a sit down we had with R. L. Solberg at NRB 2022 in Nashville, TN where we discussed many issues pertaining to what Solberg calls "Torahism" and the issues surrounding the growing Hebrew Roots Movement. Torahism: Are Christians Required to Keep the Law of Moses? (Book) https://amzn.to/3ue0sjm Divergence: Examining Jewish-Christian Relations in the Early Church (Book) https://amzn.to/3r1T88v R. L. Solberg Official Website https://rlsolberg.com/...
Apr 18, 2022•26 min•Ep 510•Transcript available on Metacast On today's broadcast we discuss Disney's choice to go woke and submit to the cultural minority's dangerous gender ideology. Disney’s “Frozen” Is Demonic https://youtu.be/CaHL2YZANhw Disney’s Onward Into Necromancy and Witchcraft https://youtu.be/j2upd3k95oI Is The Gospel Coalition Promoting Witchcraft Through Disney's Frozen https://youtu.be/pdwftHoOCIk...
Apr 14, 2022•56 min•Ep 512•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode we feature a sit down we had with the band Shane & Shane at NRB 2022 in Nashville, TN to discuss things pertaining to their walks with Christ, as well as what it's like to be Christian artists in today's world. The Worship Initiative (Website) https://theworshipinitiative.com Shane and Shane's Website https://www.shaneandshane.com
Apr 11, 2022•32 min•Ep 511•Transcript available on Metacast On today's broadcast we listen to some pre-tribulation rapture arguments from John MacArthur, Jack Hibbs and Billy Crone and look to the scriptures to answer them. Left Behind or Led Astray? Examining the Origins of the Secret Pre-Tribulation Rapture (DVD) https://tinyurl.com/2p8w2b2a...
Apr 07, 2022•2 hr 30 min•Ep 509•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode we take a look at some of the more conspiratorial statements regarding the end times and what the Bible has to say about the New World Order. Video version of this episode is found here: https://youtu.be/hygdBrOj5Sg
Mar 31, 2022•1 hr•Ep 508•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode of The Good Fight Radio Show we take a look at what the Scriptures have to say about the heart of God in the midst of tragedy or heartbreak.
Mar 24, 2022•1 hr•Ep 507•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode we have a conversation with Walt Heyer, an author, speaker, and ex-transgender who has devoted his life to Christ. He tells the story of his redemption, his detransitioning, and the dangers of believing the lies that are told to the transgender community Walt Heyer's Website https://waltheyer.com Struggling with Gender Dysphoria? https://sexchangeregret.com Trans Life Survivors (Book) https://amzn.to/3sH1Ydo A Transgender's Faith (Book) https://amzn.to/3sFvjVy Articles of Impe...
Mar 14, 2022•51 min•Ep 506•Transcript available on Metacast On today's broadcast Chad Davidson is down in Costa Rica and gives us the latest with special guest David Villalobos. Also Joe Schimmel talks about the Super Bowl video Good Fight Ministries just released as well as the release date of the next documentary "Marvel and DC's War on God." Link to Video Version of This Episode on Youtube https://youtu.be/6DdOqF454Xo
Feb 24, 2022•56 min•Ep 505•Transcript available on Metacast On today's broadcast we discuss a recent confrontation that took place at a Wu-Tang Clan concert between Grammy Award-winning "Christian" rap artist Lecrae and a street preacher. Lecrae, who was attending the concert, took exception to how the evangelist was preaching the gospel. Link to Video Version of This Episode on Youtube https://youtu.be/PqwOn6bZBKk
Feb 17, 2022•59 min•Ep 504•Transcript available on Metacast This special broadcast of The Good Fight Radio Show is a follow-up to our previous episode on churches singing secular music in their worship services. This episode discusses the biblical pursuit of worship. Churches Singing the Songs of Fools https://youtu.be/phK9usYrsHU
Feb 10, 2022•1 hr•Ep 503•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode we discuss another question brought to us regarding where a believer goes when we die? Is there such a thing as "Soul Sleep"? What is the difference between Hades and Hell?
Feb 07, 2022•30 min•Ep 502•Transcript available on Metacast On today's broadcast of The Good Fight Radio Show we discuss the trend of many churches who are performing secular songs during their worship service. Link to the Video https://youtu.be/phK9usYrsHU
Feb 03, 2022•1 hr 24 min•Ep 501•Transcript available on Metacast On today's Good Fight Radio Show broadcast we discuss what it means to sell your soul to Satan for riches and fame. What does it profit if one gains the whole world but forfeits their soul?
Jan 27, 2022•1 hr•Ep 500•Transcript available on Metacast On today's Good Fight Radio broadcast we discuss the latest news concerning the pandemic and the variety of news and data being disseminated to the public. Is the Vaccine the Mark of the Beast https://youtu.be/8qE-JUHGa_I The Great Reset: A Live Discussion on the New World Order https://youtu.be/7QxfiplsWSc
Jan 20, 2022•1 hr 18 min•Ep 499•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode we sit down with award-winning director and producer Ralph Strean to discuss his work on Genesis: Paradise Lost, as well as his brand new project, The Ark and the Darkness: Noah's Flood. Support Ralph Strean and The Ark and the Darkness project: https://www.igg.me/at/arkmovie Genesis: Paradise Lost https://genesismovie.com Check out They Sold Their Souls for Rock and Roll https://tinyurl.com/2p975e84 Learn more about Good Fight Ministries: https://allmylinks.com/goodfight...
Jan 17, 2022•58 min•Ep 498•Transcript available on Metacast A live broadcast from Ensenada, Mexico with Pastor Jonathan Ball (BHC Ensenada), Chad Davidson, Pastor Joe Schimmel, and David Villalobos (BHC Costa Rica). They discuss how our church plants are going, along with testimonials of what God is doing and the impact of the ministries that are bearing much fruit to the glory of God! True Pura Vida in Costa Rica https://youtu.be/lJO_yjpTrlQ
Jan 10, 2022•1 hr 15 min•Ep 497•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode we interview author Stephen C. Meyer and ask him if science has disproven the existence of God. Stephen C. Meyer Website https://stephencmeyer.org/ Return of the God Hypothesis https://amzn.to/3kfLhlu Darwin's Doubt https://amzn.to/2VFXVjl Signature in the Cell https://amzn.to/3yVWnAe...
Dec 30, 2021•1 hr 1 min•Ep 496•Transcript available on Metacast On today’s episode we speak with special guest Dr. Michael J. Kruger, a professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC. Official Website https://www.michaeljkruger.com/ Canon Revisited https://amzn.to/3ssItlL Book by Michael J. Kruger, Amazon The Heresy of Orthodoxy https://amzn.to/3aRRXAU Book by Michael J. Kruger, Amazon Surviving Religion 101 https://amzn.to/3spVg8s Book by Michael J. Kruger, Amazon...
Dec 27, 2021•56 min•Ep 495•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode we review a debate between James White and William Lane Craig on the problem of evil under the framework of Molinism and Calvinism. Original Debate Between James White & William Lane Craig https://youtu.be/ECcN-fisQRk Does Ephesians 1:4 Prove Calvinism? https://youtu.be/EFsYewEqPjc The Foundations of Augustinian-Calvinism with Dr. Ken Wilson https://youtu.be/-KK000-97wk Calvinism vs Libertarian Free Will with Dr. Ken Wilson https://youtu.be/4OPwqUMfa6k...
Dec 23, 2021•1 hr•Ep 493•Transcript available on Metacast