On today's special broadcast we feature an exclusive interview we conducted with Dr. David Wood at the Our Strong Tower Conference in Anaheim, CA in 2020. Host Chad Davidson discusses the "holes in the narrative" controversy among Muslim scholars regarding the Quran and whether it has been perfectly and miraculously preserved. David Wood's YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/Acts17Apologetics Link to video verson of this discussion https://youtu.be/TwTFh5Kxc2c...
Dec 20, 2021•28 min•Ep 494•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode we review a debate between James White and William Lane Craig on the problem of evil under the framework of Molinism and Calvinism. Original Debate Between James White & William Lane Craig https://youtu.be/ECcN-fisQRk Does Ephesians 1:4 Prove Calvinism? https://youtu.be/EFsYewEqPjc The Foundations of Augustinian-Calvinism with Dr. Ken Wilson https://youtu.be/-KK000-97wk Calvinism vs Libertarian Free Will with Dr. Ken Wilson https://youtu.be/4OPwqUMfa6k...
Dec 16, 2021•1 hr•Ep 492•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode we interview former secular Jew Dr. Jeffrey Kran while at The Our Strong Tower Conference 2021. We discuss his Jewish roots as well as many important topics pertaining to the Old Testament and the Jewish Messiah. Jeffrey's Website http://www.zionsbanner.org/
Dec 13, 2021•29 min•Ep 491•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode we take a look at the influence of Calvinism on the translation of the King James Bible.
Dec 09, 2021•30 min•Ep 111•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode we sit down with Reverend Anthony Rogers and discuss who he believes The Angel of the LORD is. We also talk about topics such as the Trinity in the Old Testament as well as debates he has had with Brandon Tatum and different scholars around the world. Anthony Rogers Debate on The Angel of the Lord https://tinyurl.com/22k93pk4 Anthony Rogers Debate with Brandon Tatum https://tinyurl.com/mvn7kudb Debate: Dr. Shabir Ally vs. Rev. Anthony Rogers https://tinyurl.com/2p8rkjnv...
Dec 06, 2021•42 min•Ep 490•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode we discuss whether or not Christians are to still regard the Sabbath day as Holy as well as different religions that still hold to this doctrine.
Dec 03, 2021•58 min•Ep 489•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode we discuss aliens, UFOs, and extra-terrestrial experiences with alien expert Gary Bates. We specifically look through the lenses of scripture and personal testimonies to get a deeper understanding on whether aliens really do exist. Gary Bates Website https://creation.com/ Alien Intrusion: Unmasking a deception (DVD) https://tinyurl.com/5ap89scw Alien Intrusion (Book) https://tinyurl.com/3eyzknb3...
Nov 29, 2021•1 hr•Ep 488•Transcript available on Metacast This broadcast discusses the "Reawaken America" event that took place Nov 11-13, 2021 at John Hagee's Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, TX. On display were many heretical movements, teachers and artists. Bethel or Beth-Hell? Series https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx...
Nov 25, 2021•1 hr 29 min•Ep 487•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode of the Good Fight Radio Show we are joined by Pastor Joe Schimmel to discuss with Leighton Flowers why it was that Leighton left Calvinism as well as the dangers Calvinists face within this doctrine. Leighton Flowers Website https://soteriology101.com/ Leighton Flowers YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/Soteriology101 God's Provision For All: A Defense of God's Goodness(Book) https://amzn.to/3x7KlE7 The Potter's Promise: A Biblical Defense of Traditional Soteriology(Book) https...
Nov 22, 2021•1 hr•Ep 486•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode we take a look at some of the key players that will have influence during the End Times. This episode was recorded live during Good Fight Ministries' trip to San Antonio Texas on November 13th 2021.
Nov 18, 2021•1 hr•Ep 485•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode we discover some of the hidden places seen in the Old Testament ranging from Mount Sinai to the Parting of The Red Sea with none other than expert explorer Bob Cornuke The Search For The Real Mt. Sinai (Movie) https://tinyurl.com/4rms8sdp Bob Cornuke's Website https://baseinstitute.org/
Nov 15, 2021•29 min•Ep 484•Transcript available on Metacast On this broadcast we discuss the doctrine of the rapture and why we believe it is important to have proper exegesis of the scriptures in order to understand this major event. Link to YouTube Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5AQCoD764Q The Great Rapture Debate Series https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx... Left Behind or Led Astray https://www.goodfight.org/product/lef... Distinguishing Between Damnable and Flammable Heresies https://tinyurl.com/3a7mwzdy...
Nov 11, 2021•27 min•Ep 483•Transcript available on Metacast On this broadcast we discuss the doctrine of the rapture and why we believe it is important to have proper exegesis of the scriptures in order to understand this major event. Link to this Episode on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5AQCoD764Q The Great Rapture Debate Series https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx... Left Behind or Led Astray https://www.goodfight.org/product/lef... Distinguishing Between Damnable and Flammable Heresies https://tinyurl.com/3a7mwzdy...
Nov 10, 2021•30 min•Ep 482•Transcript available on Metacast On this broadcast we discuss the doctrine of the rapture and why we believe it is important to have proper exegesis of the scriptures in order to understand this major event. Link to the YouTube Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5AQCoD764Q The Great Rapture Debate Series https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx... Left Behind or Led Astray https://www.goodfight.org/product/lef... Distinguishing Between Damnable and Flammable Heresies https://tinyurl.com/3a7mwzdy...
Nov 09, 2021•30 min•Ep 481•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode we we sit down with scholar and apologist Dr. John Oswalt to discuss the importance of the Old Testament as well as other topics of importance. John Oswalt's Website https://calledtobetransformed.net/ The Holy One of Israel: Studies in the Book of Isaiah https://amzn.to/3q4SkAl The Bible Among the Myths: Unique Revelation or Just Ancient Literature? https://amzn.to/3EMa5IJ Called to Be Holy https://amzn.to/3CPaRnB (The Book of Isaiah) The New International Commentary on the Ol...
Nov 08, 2021•56 min•Ep 480•Transcript available on Metacast On today's broadcast we discuss whether it is appropriate for believers in Jesus Christ to participate in and celebrate Halloween. We also talk about some of the history of how this celebration came to be. Halloween: A Satanic Holiday https://tinyurl.com/c97dyvur A Christian Response to Halloween https://tinyurl.com/ysb5cw6f Halloween: Trick or Treat? https://tinyurl.com/ypj6yu97...
Nov 04, 2021•1 hr•Ep 479•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode we interview Dr. Frank Turek from Cross Examined to discuss issues that relate to apologetics, deconstructionism, and answers against Atheism. Cross Examined (YouTube Channel) https://www.youtube.com/c/CrossExamined Cross Examined Website https://crossexamined.org/ Frank Turek Answers Atheist's 3 Objections to Christianity(Carter Video) https://youtu.be/XjHhtWL_3Og I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist (Book) https://tinyurl.com/cd5vfhaj Does God Exist? (Frank Turek vs Ch...
Nov 01, 2021•57 min•Ep 478•Transcript available on Metacast On today's broadcast we discuss a question that came into the ministry about the warnings given to the seven churches starting in Revelation 2. Some argue that these warnings are not relevant to the church today, that they only applied to the seven churches they were given to. In this episode in particular we will discuss mainly the dangers of dispensationalism. The Great Rapture Debate https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx... Who is the Restrainer? https://youtu.be/5Avs1eaS1ng The Great Pre Tri...
Oct 28, 2021•44 min•Ep 477•Transcript available on Metacast On today's broadcast we discuss a question that came into the ministry about the warnings given to the seven churches starting in Revelation 2. Some argue that these warnings are not relevant to the church today, that they only applied to the seven churches they were given to. We will also further discuss the doctrine of dispensationalism. The Great Rapture Debate https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLx... Who is the Restrainer? https://youtu.be/5Avs1eaS1ng The Great Pre Trib Rapture Deception htt...
Oct 27, 2021•46 min•Ep 476•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode of The Good Fight Radio Show we interview Wesley Huff a Canadian speaker and writer. We examine claims found throughout the western world, the reliability of scripture, as well as differences we have with Bart Ehrman and Joe Rogan. Wesley Huff's Homepage https://www.wesleyhuff.com/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/wesley_huff Facebook https://www.facebook.com/wesleylivingstonehuff YouTube https://www.youtube.com/wesleyhuff Wesley's Video: The Book of Enoch is quoted in the ...
Oct 25, 2021•59 min•Ep 475•Transcript available on Metacast On today's broadcast we discuss the agenda that is afoot to normalize same sex relationships and lure young children into the gay lifestyle. Satan's Gay Agenda for Your Children (YouTube) https://youtu.be/H5qgvp6TEMY The X-Men Movies and the Gay Agenda (YouTube) https://youtu.be/2qWceLl65IM Satan's Sex Scheme (YouTube) https://youtu.be/Ua4CiI-qLpo...
Oct 21, 2021•1 hr•Ep 474•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode we interview one of the World's most foremost Creationists Ken Ham, as well as discuss with him the importance of taking Genesis literally. Ken Ham's Homepage https://answersingenesis.org/ Divided Nation: Cultures in Chaos & A Conflicted Church https://amzn.to/3B5t5jj Bill Nye Tours the Ark Encounter with Ken Ham https://youtu.be/PPLRhVdNp5M...
Oct 18, 2021•28 min•Ep 473•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode we answer a common question that comes into our ministry about whether it is wise to have children if we are entering or already in the end times.
Oct 14, 2021•59 min•Ep 472•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode we sit down with Eric Ludy the Founder and Director of Ellerslie Discipleship Training. On this special broadcast we look at a variety of different topics ranging from, adoption as Christians to what real Biblical discipleship looks like within the church. Ellerslie YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/EllerslieTraining A Call to Anguish (Video) https://tinyurl.com/3tbx8ymx Eric Ludy - The Gospel (Video) https://tinyurl.com/b2cahrcm Eric Ludy - Ancient War Cry (Video) htt...
Oct 11, 2021•59 min•Ep 471•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode sit down with Vocab Malone to discuss the interesting topic of Hebrew Israelism, how this newer religion is gaining ground, and how we can defend the Biblical faith in response to their beliefs. Vocab Malone's Website http://streetapologist.com Vocab Malone's YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/VocabMalone Barack Obama vs The Black Hebrew Israelites: Introduction to the History & Beliefs of 1West Hebrew Israelism https://amzn.to/3kVIXQt Commentary on the New Testament Us...
Oct 04, 2021•1 hr•Ep 469•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode we discuss who Satan is according to the Bible as well as uncovering some of the schemes that he uses to sway people from their simple devotion to Christ. Joe Schimmel's testimony https://tinyurl.com/7jt7zjb4 The Submerging Church https://amzn.to/3lCFWoi
Sep 30, 2021•59 min•Ep 470•Transcript available on Metacast On today’s episode we sit down with detective and author J. Warner Wallace to talk about his new book “Person of Interest”, as well as making the case for Jesus’ importance outside the Holy Scriptures. Person of Interest: Why Jesus Still Matters in a World that Rejects the Bible https://amzn.to/3m2wBVW Cold-Case Christianity: A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of the Gospels https://amzn.to/2ZvXn1j God's Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Un...
Sep 27, 2021•54 min•Ep 468•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode we sit down with a former abortion worker to discuss the different arguments for why someone might consider having an abortion. In the abortion industry and need help? https://www.abortionworker.com Looking into Pro-Life Ministries? https://www.proloveministries.org Considering having an abortion? https://www.loveline.com Need help with a traumatic experience? https://www.lovelouder.com The Dark Secrets of Planned Parenthood https://tinyurl.com/2zkb3hj3...
Sep 23, 2021•30 min•Ep 467•Transcript available on Metacast On today's special interview we sit down with Dr. Jonathan Sarfati and discuss multiple topics stemming from whether or not we can trust the biblical account found in Genesis. Dr. Jonathan Sarfati's Website https://creation.com/ Refuting Compromise https://tinyurl.com/7ap7hxbm The Genesis Account: A theological, historical, and scientific commentary on Genesis 1–11 https://tinyurl.com/jkp5ux65 Alien Intrusion (Updated & Expanded) https://tinyurl.com/x9sb4tez...
Sep 21, 2021•57 min•Ep 466•Transcript available on Metacast On today's episode we look at how a transgender fighter takes pride in beating a girl as well as how Satan continues to deceive many by changing what it means to be male and female. The Bridal-City Part 1 https://tinyurl.com/2z4st3xx The Bridal City-Part 2 https://tinyurl.com/5fcjuh99 The Bridal City-Part 3 https://tinyurl.com/3ktj8pfk The Coming Great Divorce Part 4 https://tinyurl.com/ymk7c8xe...
Sep 16, 2021•58 min•Ep 465•Transcript available on Metacast