1.了解什么是 “送命题” 。 2.玩回答 “送命题” 的游戏。 Support our work by joining our funding plan and access to 1,500 minutes+ transcriptions, including in this one at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
1.了解什么是 “送命题” 。 2.玩回答 “送命题” 的游戏。 Support our work by joining our funding plan and access to 1,500 minutes+ transcriptions, including in this one at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 1.了解包拯这个人物及其生平。 2.听一个和包拯有关的故事。 Support our work by joining our funding plan and access to 1,400 minutes+ transcriptions, including in this one at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 了解中国孩子12个经典童年游戏的规则及玩法。 Support our work by joining our funding plan and access to 1,400 minutes+ transcriptions, including in this one at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 1.了解网络流行语——“我爸是李刚。”的意义、来源及用法。 2.练习发音。 Support our work by joining our funding plan and access to 1,400 minutes+ transcriptions, including in this one at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 1.了解谜语的定义、构成。 2.了解谜语的起源和发展。 3.了解民间谜和文义谜的区别。 4.一起猜谜语。 Support our work by joining our funding plan and access to 1,400 minutes+ transcriptions, including in this one at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 1.了解济公的生平。 2.了解《济公传说》。 3.听一个关于济公的民间故事。 Support our work by joining our funding plan and access to 1,400 minutes+ transcriptions, including in this one at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 1.了解清明节的来源与发展。 2.了解清明节的文化与习俗。 Support our work by joining our funding plan and access to 1,400 minutes+ transcriptions, including in this one at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 1.了解10个最容易被大家读错的字词。 2.练习发音。 Support our work by joining our funding plan and access to 1,400 minutes+ transcriptions, including in this one at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 1.了解在现今中国婚礼前夜的习俗。 2.了解婚礼当天的流程。 3.了解中国现代的婚礼、婚宴是怎样的。 Support our work by joining our funding plan and access to 1,400 minutes+ transcriptions, including in this one at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 1.了解在现今中国怎样合法结婚。 2.了解在婚礼前要准备些什么。 Support our work by joining our funding plan and access to 1,400 minutes+ transcriptions, including in this one at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 1.听成语故事《柳暗花明》。 2.了解成柳暗花明语的出处、用法、意义。 3.练习发音。 Join our funding plan and download the full transcription of this episode at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 得到五个帮你达成今年中文学习目标的建议。 Join our funding plan and download the full transcription of this episode at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 学会人与人之间常用的祝福语。 Join our funding plan and download the full transcription of this episode at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 了解2021年度中国潮人最爱使用的10大短语。 Join our funding plan and download the full transcription of this episode at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 了解时下中国年轻人最流行的娱乐 、 社交活动 。 Join our funding plan and download the full transcription of this episode at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 了解青岛这个城市。 Join our funding plan and download the full transcription of this episode at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 1.了解网络流行语“老司机, 带带我”的出处、意义及用法。 2.练习发音。 Join our funding plan and download the full transcription of this episode at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 1.初步了解《三国演义》。 2.了解“章回体”小说。 Join our funding plan and download the full transcription of this episode at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 1.了解什么是绕口令。 2.一起来玩绕口令的游戏。 Join our funding plan and download the full transcription of this episode at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 1.了解10个最容易被大家读错的字词。 2.练习发音。 Join our funding plan and download the full transcription of this episode at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 1.听智伯送钟的故事。 2.初步了解法家著作《韩非子》。 Join our funding plan and download the full transcription of this episode at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 了解中国的禁忌文化。 Join our funding plan and download the full transcription of this episode at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 1.了解“脑筋急转弯”游戏及它的玩法。 2.一起来玩“脑筋急转弯”游戏! Join our funding plan and download the full transcription of this episode at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 收听和了解中国民间四大爱情故事中的《梁山伯与祝英台》。 Download the full transcription of this episode at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 1.听成语故事《刮目相看》。 2.了解成语“刮目相看”、“吴下阿蒙”的意思。 3.练习发音。 Download the full transcription of this episode at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 1.了解10个最容易被大家读错的字词。 2.练习发音。 Download the full transcription of this episode at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 了解10个中国网络流行词的意义及用法。 Download the full transcription of this episode at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 了解学习外语给我们带来的好处。 Download the full transcription of this episode at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 1. 听成语故事——鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利。 2.了解成语故事——鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利的意义。 3.练习发音。 Download the full transcription of this episode at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/
欢迎收听《自然而然说中文》,在这一期的节目里,你能够: 1.了解什么是土味文化。 2.了解什么是土味情话。 3.听一些有意思的土味情话。 Download the full transcription of this episode at: https://speakchinesenaturally.com/