Does it feel like everyone’s network marketing business is growing except yours? How are top leaders still recruiting during tough times? What’s John Melton’s prospecting secret? I’m gonna tell you all of this and more. But I’m not gonna sugarcoat it. Things need to change if you’re serious about your business. “You and I have the same 24 hours in a day. What are you doing with your time?” More juicy resources: 00:00 - ...
Apr 23, 2024•8 min•Ep 347•Transcript available on Metacast Learn to handle objections like a boss! Michelle Churchill back to teach you more of the strategies that made her become the top recruiter in our company. She wasn’t always like this, she had to get better. You think you sound too spammy? Hate getting “no” for an answer? Let’s help you change that! More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intro 01:34 - If you want to Rank Up and Bank Up in your business, this event is a mu...
Apr 18, 2024•21 min•Ep 346•Transcript available on Metacast My team is one of the best in the history of network marketing. I'm not saying that to brag about it, I'm telling you so you can do what I do! How we get rank advancements every month! How we keep breaking our own records! How everyone is excited to be part of this opportunity! You can do the same with your team! Here's the truth about being a good leader, and where to start. “Become a better person and you’ll attract better people.” More juicy resources: htt...
Apr 16, 2024•11 min•Ep 345•Transcript available on Metacast Michelle Churchill took my spot as the #1 recruiter in our company! She learnt from the best. Now it’s her turn to teach you the strategies she’s using in her network marketing business, that will help you recruit and sell like never before. More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intro 02:32 - Best tips to boost your confidence and get work done 05:21 - Easy actions you can take to start duplicating your results 10:24 - ...
Apr 11, 2024•20 min•Ep 344•Transcript available on Metacast We asked the My Lifestyle Academy community for questions that can help you grow your network marketing business in 2024. These are some of the best from the Live Q&A. Wanna ask a question to John & Nadya Melton? Join the free group: More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intro 01:55 - Start getting a better close ratio by following this exact framework 05:33 - If you’re a leader ...
Apr 09, 2024•12 min•Ep 343•Transcript available on Metacast Breaking News: The ATM System doesn’t work anymore! Use this new tool for network marketing! I’ve heard this many times over the years, but all those new and automated strategies didn’t even survive. The ATM did! Why? Because it’s simple and it’s duplicatable. Anyone can do it & teach others how to. So who’s saying the ATM system is dead? The ones that don’t know how to use it. Let me teach you how it works. “Don’t buy our ATM Business Academy because it’s gonna save you thousands of hours.” htt...
Apr 04, 2024•10 min•Ep 342•Transcript available on Metacast Your upline can have a huge impact on your network marketing success. But you can learn something even from the worst leaders! Let’s talk about how you can make the best out for your business, whether you have a good or bad upline. “I learnt the most from the bad upline leaders I had because I leant exactly what not to do.” More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intro 01:34 - If you have an unsupportive upline, you need ...
Apr 02, 2024•11 min•Ep 341•Transcript available on Metacast You reached out to all your leads, prospects and customers to promote a big sale. But now what? Here’s what to do to keep growing your network marketing business all year long. Sales and promos are the perfect excuse to talk to more people. “The top leaders in your company don’t wait for a sale. They plant seeds all year long and harvest the fruit when it’s ready.” More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intro 02:22 - If ...
Mar 28, 2024•13 min•Ep 340•Transcript available on Metacast Remember when you started your network marketing business? Before you started managing people and obsessing about the unimportant details, you were ignorance on fire. Maybe experience has made you lose focus, and you’re actually on the right path to destroying your team and making less money. Let’s get you back on track. “You need to reset every once in a while, think about why you got started, why you’re still in the business and how you’re helping others.” More juicy resources: https://mylifes...
Mar 26, 2024•12 min•Ep 339•Transcript available on Metacast Affiliate Marketing VS Network Marketing, which one is better? Julie Burke talks about the pros and cons of these businesses after diving deep into both. “Residual income was the deal breaker for me when deciding what business to keep.” More juicy resources:
Mar 21, 2024•17 min•Ep 338•Transcript available on Metacast Sales are the perfect excuse to reach out to new and existing customers! But we forget how to speak like a human when we’re trying to sell something, and we end up sounding like an infomercial. Prepare yourself for the next sale in your network marketing business with the best tips from John Melton. “Salesmen get ignored when they’re pushy and desperate. Don't be a salesman!” More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intro ...
Mar 19, 2024•13 min•Ep 337•Transcript available on Metacast Level up your Facebook recruiting strategy with the best tips from Fazer Brookes! If other social media platforms are working well for you, keep going! But Facebook is still the king for most network marketing because of all the tools and features it has. Here’s how to use them. “Can you build a network marketing business without Facebook? Yes, but you can also do home parties and hotel meetings.” More juicy resources: ...
Mar 14, 2024•18 min•Ep 336•Transcript available on Metacast Feel like your network marketing business is going through a dry spell? If you’re struggling with getting new leads, sales and recruits, I’m gonna tell you the reasons why and how to fix it. “When I switch to selling mode, beg-and-convince mode or even management mode, I know I have to take a step back to basics.” More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intro 01:39 - This is a common struggle for many, so here’s what you ...
Mar 12, 2024•14 min•Ep 335•Transcript available on Metacast This is what turned the best recruits in my network marketing business into top leaders. And it all starts with YOU. For your team to grow, you gotta grow first, you gotta lead by example. I know it sounds like a lot of weight on your shoulders, but remember: You are not alone! You have a whole company backing you up! I promise you, all that effort leads to a simple system for duplication and your team running on full power. But none of that will happen if you're not willing to fail forward. If ...
Mar 07, 2024•15 min•Ep 334•Transcript available on Metacast There’s no perfect type of person to recruit for your network marketing business, but I’m gonna tell you some of the top qualities to look for when bringing someone new in your team. I’m also giving you a simple method to find the best recruits that will be a great match for your products and opportunity. It’s all about connecting with communities that relate to you. “When you try to recruit everyone, nobody wants to join.” More juicy resources: https://mylif...
Mar 05, 2024•11 min•Ep 333•Transcript available on Metacast Anybody could quit your network marketing business, at any time, for any reason. That’s a harsh reality. I can almost guarantee you’re going to experience this, so I wanted to prepare you for when it happens so you can avoid the drama. No matter what side you’re on, this conversation will help you do what’s right. “It’s easy to get burnt in the heat of the moment. Stay professional. Be the bigger person.” More juicy resources:
Feb 29, 2024•10 min•Ep 332•Transcript available on Metacast These mistakes are hurting your network marketing business! Eric Worre knows you can do better, and all it takes is a few simple actions to figure things out and move forward with momentum like never before. “Most people underutilize all aspects of network marketing because they’re afraid, and then wonder why their business died off.” More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intro 00:58 - One of the biggest shifts in the r...
Feb 27, 2024•14 min•Ep 331•Transcript available on Metacast Are you struggling to increase your earnings? Here’s what you need to do to make 6 figures in your network marketing business. All through leveraging social media, learning simple skills, developing your personal brand and a duplicatable system that your team can easily follow. “You need a lot of skills to have a successful network marketing business, but none of it is rocket science.” More juicy resources: 00:00 - Epis...
Feb 22, 2024•9 min•Ep 330•Transcript available on Metacast Wish your network marketing team was doing more? These are the best tips that help my team rank up every month! And it’s not some wacky inspirational talk, it’s simple actions and activities that you can implement right now! “Set yourself apart as a leader, and your team will set itself apart from other teams.” More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intro 01:13 - Get your teammates into action with this simple challenge ...
Feb 20, 2024•9 min•Ep 329•Transcript available on Metacast Find the right people for your network marketing business using social media! Don’t know where to start? We brought Kayla Betts to teach you everything that’s working out for her and her team, and to inspire you to work towards your dreams until you get to the goal. Because it’s possible! “Nothing of value is easy to get, but you decide how hard you make the road for yourself.” More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intr...
Feb 15, 2024•18 min•Ep 328•Transcript available on Metacast Imagine your network marketing business on autopilot. Sounds amazing! That way you don’t even have to talk to people or get rejected! But here’s the problem with that: You can’t automate relationships. You can’t automate mentorship. Let’s talk about the things you can actually automate, and the strategies around it. “The magic is in the work you’re avoiding.” More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intro 01:02 - If you’re...
Feb 13, 2024•11 min•Ep 327•Transcript available on Metacast It’s normal for you to be bad at social media. But what’s the solution? You get good at it! These are the most effective social media strategies to help you crush it on your socials 2024. You don’t have to do everything, you just have to take it one step at a time and see what works for you. “Don’t expect people to pay attention to you, if you don’t know who you’re talking to.” More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intr...
Feb 08, 2024•14 min•Ep 326•Transcript available on Metacast The most important step when getting started in network marketing is, well, starting! And your new recruits are gonna do a lot of nothing if you overwhelm them. Here’s how to launch or relaunch a network marketing business without wasting time or getting stuck. “You can’t automate relationships! Connect with your team, guide them with baby steps and help them make progress.” More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intro 0...
Feb 06, 2024•14 min•Ep 325•Transcript available on Metacast I don't have time, I don't have money, my dog ate my homework... Objections, I've heard them all and I have an answer for every one of them! Let me teach you how to crush any objection your prospects may have about your network marketing business or products. Without lying, without making it more confusing and in the most meaningful way. "Objections are good because they give you the opportunity to help prospects identify and overcome obstacles." More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy....
Feb 01, 2024•16 min•Ep 324•Transcript available on Metacast Hiring a VA isn’t for everyone, but imagine how good it would feel to delegate the tedious tasks to someone else so you can focus on the money making activities! I’m not talking about just anyone that can get the job done, but someone who actually knows your brand and network marketing business. Shokoufeh & Nefty Mendiola created an agency specialized in giving you your time back, so you can achieve more, with a little help. “How much is an hour of your time worth?” Hire your perfect VA: https:/...
Jan 30, 2024•13 min•Ep 323•Transcript available on Metacast She has a community of over 60,000 people! Collaboration, communication and connection, that’s the formula for the perfect network marketing team! Listen to how Tina Margaris built a Facebook ATM group that even has a waiting list of prospects who want to join. “We built a group where we welcome every member individually. We provide value without expecting anything in return. We built a real community!” More juicy resources:
Jan 25, 2024•18 min•Ep 322•Transcript available on Metacast I want 2024 to be the year you go all in! I know letting go of the excuses is easier said than done. I know fear is a scary beast that holds you back. But 5 years from now, I want you to look back and say: That’s the year when I changed my network marketing business! “Mistakes are the best teachers for lessons we need to learn. And I’ve learnt a lot!” More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intro 01:45 - One thing you can...
Jan 23, 2024•14 min•Ep 321•Transcript available on Metacast Imagine you 10x your network marketing business this year. How bad do you want it? Because I'm giving you the scripts and strategies that will help you get there, and I'm handing them to you on a silver platter! This is the year you get over your fears, you get over the excuses and just get things done, no matter what. "I'm not here to beg and convince anyone. I'm here to change lives." More juicy resources: 00:00 - Epi...
Jan 18, 2024•16 min•Ep 320•Transcript available on Metacast She makes network marketing look easy! But before finding success with her current company, Ashley was doing huge amounts of work & getting tiny rewards. Listen to her story, learn from her strategy and implement it in your business. “Being consistent and having a simple system are the pillars of my success in network marketing.” More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intro 02:13 - If you’re a stay-at-home mom who wants ...
Jan 16, 2024•20 min•Ep 319•Transcript available on Metacast Earn more in your network marketing business by doing these things! Making money is the reason you got started in this profession, so if you feel ready to take it to the next level, it’s time to take it seriously. Let’s talk about better leads, focused action and more! “If you want to change your business, you gotta start by changing yourself first.” More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intro 00:56 - This should be on...
Jan 11, 2024•13 min•Ep 318•Transcript available on Metacast