New year, new strategy! Make 2024 worthwhile by taking action on what will give long-term success to your network marketing business. Rob Sperry can help you simplify the recruiting process, create duplication and never run out of leads. “One of the most important ingredients in this business is being an example for your team to follow.” More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intro 02:21 - Is recruiting a scary word for...
Jan 09, 2024•17 min•Ep 317•Transcript available on Metacast Even during tough times, there are people out there crushing it in their network marketing business! We brought the amazing Jenn Cooper to talk about what will have the biggest impact in the profession this year, and how making a conscious change will determine how your business develops. “You’ll never go wrong building your skill set, because that’s what's gonna make you money, no matter what’s going on in the world.” Join The Run With Champions Text “CHAMPION” to 518-261-0766 for details More ...
Jan 04, 2024•22 min•Ep 316•Transcript available on Metacast I could buy an island if I got my annual income every month! Imagine accelerating your network marketing business so much that your sales and earnings quadruple this year… Now that’s something to be excited about! Let me teach you how it’s done. “I don’t know any other business that can change your life as fast as network marketing can. The problem is, people think it’s like putting popcorn in the microwave.” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.c...
Jan 02, 2024•17 min•Ep 315•Transcript available on Metacast Eric Worre interviewed us and we talked about the most valuable lessons that had the biggest impact in our lives and our network marketing business. Some were tough, some were really tough, but we got through it and we wouldn’t change a comma in our story. “The toughest experiences teach you the most valuable lessons.” More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intro 01:59 - If you find yourself in this situation as you bui...
Dec 28, 2023•22 min•Ep 314•Transcript available on Metacast In this special episode we were interviewed by Eric Worre, and we dug deep into our network marketing story with details we rarely mention. These good and bad experiences are what helped us develop our skill in the business! “Cherish every moment, good or bad, because there’s a valuable lesson that will serve you for life.” More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intro 06:35 - This is what Network Marketing looked like b...
Dec 26, 2023•29 min•Ep 313•Transcript available on Metacast Having too many leads is a positive problem! Amanda Young changed her network marketing business in 4 weeks, but here’s the full story on how her inbox got flooded with new leads and prospects, what she did before, why she pivoted and how she keeps the momentum going. “I was doing the TikTok trends and dances, but what changed everything for me was learning how to talk to people through short-form video!” More juicy resources:
Dec 21, 2023•19 min•Ep 312•Transcript available on Metacast We want everyone in the network marketing business to be smart about money, so we called Brandon Forbes to teach you about Infinite Banking and how everyone can use it to build long-term wealth that can last generations. Could this be an option for you? “Infinite Banking is like being your own bank, and what’s amazing is that everyone can start a plan at their own pace!” More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intro 01:0...
Dec 19, 2023•29 min•Ep 311•Transcript available on Metacast Wanna build another business at the same time as your network marketing opportunity? There’s a right way to do it and a wrong way to do it. Here’s what I learnt after all these years exploring ways to supplement my income, while taking care of my family and my reputation. “Even when times are tough, having a long-term vision will always take you on the right path.” More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intro 02:07 - Ev...
Dec 14, 2023•20 min•Ep 310•Transcript available on Metacast You can quickly go from hobby to pro in your network marketing business! I asked Brandy Sinoto to share her inspiring story and the things she’s learnt along the way that can help other people build a solid foundation for success. “You can’t grow your business if you don’t grow yourself first.” More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intro 01:09 - Meet Brandy Sinoto, a Holistic Health Practitioner turned entrepreneur 05:...
Dec 12, 2023•32 min•Ep 309•Transcript available on Metacast We don't want you to just earn money with your network marketing business, we want you to build wealth! But how do you get ahead in finance if you don't know much about it? You learn from people with experience and results. We brought Brian Carruthers, a top earner in our industry, to teach us about money. "Most people are tempted by quick money and spend it right away. Building wealth means taking control of your finances with a goal in mind." More juicy resources:
Dec 07, 2023•23 min•Ep 308•Transcript available on Metacast She has hundreds of customers, she’s consistently recruiting and she’s crushing it with video! Listen to what Michelle Churchill is doing in her network marketing business and step it up a notch in yours. These simple strategies can help you get more leads, improve your prospecting and level up your recruiting! “I went live every day for 90 days on social media, and I didn’t get a single sale… Imagine if I would have given up!” More juicy resources: https://m...
Dec 05, 2023•25 min•Ep 307•Transcript available on Metacast The next 18 months could be very important for your Network Marketing Business. Do you feel ready to take it to the next level? Eric Worre will teach you everything you need. More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intro 02:32 - If you’re in Network Marketing and you’re not attending this event, you’re missing out 05:23 - Here’s why the next 18 months are going to be critical 10:10 - Why now is primetime to double your e...
Nov 30, 2023•14 min•Ep 306•Transcript available on Metacast You weren’t taught how to build a business? Had a bad upbringing? The economy is bad? These are all things beyond your control, but are you holding on to them to put the blame on something? Or are you willing to succeed despite the adversity? Allan Blain had everything, or at least it seemed like it on the surface. He let it all go to focus on Network Marketing and what this profession could give him and his family. “Tough situations make tough leaders.” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyle...
Nov 28, 2023•19 min•Ep 305•Transcript available on Metacast Would it be awesome to get rich right after starting your network marketing business? As good as it sounds, I think the best answer is no. I used to wait tables and I started network marketing because I wanted freedom. It was a tough road where I almost quit several times, but it was worth it! And today I can teach others how to do the same. “This is the only business I know where people want you to succeed. Where people help you grow! And the more you grow, the more you earn!” More juicy resour...
Nov 23, 2023•18 min•Ep 304•Transcript available on Metacast Prospecting and recruiting are the most important things in your network marketing business, and the more people you talk to, the more success you’re gonna have. Starting conversations is one of the most difficult things for everyone. Here are my best tips for you to get good at it! “Get out there being a human first and a marketer second. Wash off that commission breath and show up with good intentions!” More juicy resources:
Nov 21, 2023•14 min•Ep 303•Transcript available on Metacast A top leader left your company? Someone poached your best recruit? The economy is bad? Sorry if I don’t seem surprised, but I’ve been through it all and even worse! It's inevitable, everyone has to experience their own dose of bad stuff in business and in life! Listen to the mindset that helped me push through. “Looking back at all the bad experiences I’ve had, I wouldn’t change them for anything. Because they were the most valuable lessons life has given me.” More juicy resources: https://mylif...
Nov 16, 2023•10 min•Ep 302•Transcript available on Metacast A dream business gives you freedom, flexibility and fulfillment. These 5 steps will help you turn that network marketing dream into a reality! But don’t bother trying this out if you can’t get past step #1… “Network marketing is basically a personal development with a compensation plan attached to it. The more you grow, learn and put into practice, the more you earn!” More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intro 02:51 -...
Nov 14, 2023•16 min•Ep 301•Transcript available on Metacast How the ATM system changed our business forever and turned us into top earners. In this episode I was interviewed by the amazing Jennifer Abbs as a training for her network marketing team. Listen to how we used to run our business before, why we wanted to change it and how we got there. This is what we teach our own team! “Our home business was a lie because we were never home! So found a way to change that.” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.c...
Nov 09, 2023•19 min•Ep 300•Transcript available on Metacast Network marketing is a bit complicated, which is why you need to keep it simple! But instead you run wild and give your prospects an information overload, which is why they end up doing a bunch of nothing! Let’s talk about how to go easy on your prospecting and keep it that way. “I don’t get excited when I recruit someone, I get excited when that person sees the potential in the business!” More juicy resources: 00:00 -...
Nov 07, 2023•15 min•Ep 299•Transcript available on Metacast Is your past holding back your network marketing business from success? Or maybe your story is nothing special. Beth Brannan is here to defy your beliefs and tell you you should do it anyway. Send that message, start that conversation, make that video, tap that button to go live! Because one day you will look back and feel proud of who you’ve become. Listen to her story and get inspired! “If you can figure out people, how to talk to them, build relationships and genuinely care about helping them...
Nov 02, 2023•26 min•Ep 298•Transcript available on Metacast Your social media page is more than just making videos and posts. It’s about starting conversations, connecting with people and building relationships. Meghan Ashman started doing something completely different online before her network marketing journey. Years later, she has found success in the industry through commitment, consistency and curiosity. “Social media changes every day, but if you stay true to who you are and stay consistent on sharing what you love, you will eventually reach the p...
Oct 31, 2023•20 min•Ep 297•Transcript available on Metacast You wanna build a big team but you struggle with recruiting and what to say to people to join your network marketing team? Don’t worry, we all do. But I know you have huge potential because you want to change that. These tips will make it easier for you to reach out to people. “Go that extra mile for that one person, as if they were the only new person joining your team.” More juicy resources:
Oct 26, 2023•17 min•Ep 296•Transcript available on Metacast I’ve seen people come & go in network marketing. Avoiding these mistakes is how you’ll be one who stays and actually grows your business. But John, I’m not successful and talented like you and Nadya… well guess what? Neither was I. “The biggest mistake you can make in network marketing is only being able to see that quick buck you could make tomorrow. Where’s your long-term vision??” More juicy resources:
Oct 24, 2023•22 min•Ep 295•Transcript available on Metacast Imagine yourself recruiting 8,000 people in your network marketing business… Doubt starts kicking in, fear holds you down and then you’re back in reality. Tom Challan faced the same insecurities you’re facing today, and he’s sharing with you what got him through and pushed him forward. “It’s not about how many people you’re gonna recruit, it’s about how many lives you’re gonna change for good.” More juicy resources:
Oct 19, 2023•21 min•Ep 294•Transcript available on Metacast What’s the right thing to lead with to increase sales and recruiting? The answer is simple… and a little complicated too: It depends! It depends who you’re talking to and what they are looking for. In this episode I’m giving you the best tips to grow your network marketing business, no matter what. “Even if they say no today, you’re planting seeds. And you keep watering them. That’s the long-term plan for your business.” More juicy resources: https://mylifest...
Oct 17, 2023•11 min•Ep 293•Transcript available on Metacast Wanna do what top earners are doing online? Frazer Brookes knows all about social media and he teaches marketing strategies in our industry. These are the mistakes to avoid in 2023 to increase your reach, retention and duplication! Join the $1,000 Dollar Challenge 00:00 - Episode intro 02:26 - If you’re a leader in the network marketing space, here’s one thing you need to stop and start teaching your people 07:45 - This is one absolute fact when it comes to so...
Oct 12, 2023•25 min•Ep 292•Transcript available on Metacast If your strategy isn’t working, you gotta turn things around and reinvent it! This is exactly what Staci Hall did to transform her network marketing business, and she is crushing it on TikTok right now! “What works for me may not be what works for you, but it’s amazing when you find it! So don’t stop trying!” More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intro 03:05 - The secret to becoming influential without being an influen...
Oct 10, 2023•24 min•Ep 291•Transcript available on Metacast Engagement is down and most of the likes and comments you get come from content unrelated to your network marketing business? You gotta learn how to start conversations that open an opportunity for your business. Bob Heilig knows all about it. “When you learn how to paint the big picture to a prospect, when you learn how to communicate the long-term vision, that’s when your business blows up." Join the workshop: 00:00 - Episode intro 02:35 - An absolute truth...
Oct 05, 2023•31 min•Ep 290•Transcript available on Metacast Not every month is gonna be a month of growth for your network marketing business. The best part about having your own home business is that you have no boss… but that’s also kinda the worst part. You gotta develop yourself into a leader to build a sustained income! Here's how Brianna Franks did it. “Excitement fades away fast when you face a tough month. Find support in other leaders!” More juicy resources: 00:00 - Ep...
Oct 03, 2023•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast Her business is mostly customers buying her products. Jackie Coney is proof you don’t need to recruit to have a successful network marketing business. Her customer retention is so crazy, I had to invite her to share her strategy with you! “Every customer is a VIP customer for me, and I treat them as such.” More juicy resources: 00:00 - Episode intro 02:45 - Listen to Jackie’s story about how she got involved in Social ...
Sep 26, 2023•19 min•Ep 287•Transcript available on Metacast