Why do people quit network marketing? They don't see the results! Recruiting is the most challenging thing a new person can do because they're inexperienced. So what should you focus on when you're brand new? Selling the products! Let's talk about it. "When you lead with the product, your business doesn't depend on new recruits that may never show up again. But if a customer loves your products, they're probably gonna love making money with them!" More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy...
Aug 08, 2023•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast Stop recruiting for your network marketing business. I’m joking! But I’m kinda serious! Here’s why. “Instead of trying to convince people without results, lead with the product! If they love the product, all you need to ask is: by the way, do you also like making money?” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifestyleacademy.com/download/ 00:00 - Episode intro 03:37 - You’re only attracting a small percentage of the population if you do this 05:30 - If you’re a lea...
Aug 03, 2023•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast You just had someone interested in your network marketing business, what do you do? If you’re like most people, you get super excited, send them everything they need to know about the opportunity and a few days later… crickets!?! You’re overcomplicating a very simple thing. Here’s what you should do. “We designed the ATM system to make it simple for everyone! You Add your prospect to a group, Tag them in a post and send them a follow-up Message.” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy....
Aug 01, 2023•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Have you ever wanted to quit because you felt like a failure? I almost quit network marketing several times, because I felt like I wasn’t good enough. I couldn’t recruit like other people, I couldn’t talk like other people, but I really wanted to make this work. So what did I do? I got better. “I’ve never met any network marketing failures, only quitters.” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifestyleacademy.com/download/ 00:00 - Episode intro 02:37 - The true re...
Jul 27, 2023•16 min•Ep 270•Transcript available on Metacast Can you get 800+ new customers like she did? Yes. Is it gonna happen overnight? No. Before we can EARN, we gotta LEARN! Listen to what Jennie Jo is doing, why it’s giving her incredible results and how you can start implementing her strategy in your network marketing business. “Once you find your rhythm and niche, don’t stop being consistent because it’s really easy to lose the momentum!” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifestyleacademy.com/download/ 00:00 - ...
Jul 25, 2023•20 min•Ep 269•Transcript available on Metacast Views & likes are down for everyone on social media! Some of the strategies you’re using are outdated or just don’t work. Brock Johnson knows how to sell on Instagram in 2023, even if you’re just getting started and don’t know how to use the platform. You can do this to increase your reach on almost any platform! “Nobody clicks your ‘link in bio’ because it’s too much work! Make it easier for them!” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifestyleacademy.com/downloa...
Jul 20, 2023•34 min•Transcript available on Metacast What kind of people will succeed in your Network Marketing business? You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but honestly, I wouldn’t have recruited myself 20 years ago! Here’s what I’ve learnt from everyone I’ve recruited throughout the years, and how you can find the best people for your opportunity. “Get picky about who you reach out to and start recruiting up!” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifestyleacademy.com/download/ 00:00 - Episode intro 02:38 - P...
Jul 18, 2023•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast Starting a new social media account sounds complicated, but Vanessa Jay found success through simple strategies, even when she had no idea what to do. Now her Network Marketing business is exploding with growth! This is how she did it. “Giving up is the easiest way to stop your success!” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifestyleacademy.com/download/ 00:00 - Episode intro 01:51 - If TikTok is not yet part of your marketing strategy, listen to this because Vane...
Jul 13, 2023•20 min•Ep 266•Transcript available on Metacast This is the year that changes everything in your network marketing business! These 3 steps are what’s working for me, my team and my company. And we’re doing all of this without being salesy or spammy. Here’s how you can do it too. “Your biggest competitor is not that other network marketing company, it’s indecision!” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifestyleacademy.com/download/ 00:00 - Episode intro 02:30 - Master the art of closing with these 3 simple step...
Jul 11, 2023•15 min•Ep 265•Transcript available on Metacast This powerful tool can do the work for you, even while you’re sleeping. Tanya Aliza still uses it in her network marketing business, because it works! Learn this strategy directly from one of the best in our industry! “You gotta do the work. But if you do it in a way that lasts for a long time, even if it takes a bit longer, what you create is going to work for you 24/7!” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifestyleacademy.com/download/ 00:00 - Episode intro 01:...
Jul 06, 2023•20 min•Ep 264•Transcript available on Metacast What’s your strategy on social media? Some people say TikTok is dead, some say you should do Reels, others prefer Facebook… Ashley May Dawes knows that it doesn’t matter what you’re doing, as long as it’s working for you and giving you the results you want! “Trust the training, trust the systems, but if you find something that works better for you, keep doing just that!” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifestyleacademy.com/download/ 00:00 - Episode intro 02:3...
Jul 04, 2023•21 min•Ep 263•Transcript available on Metacast How do you go from 0 followers to influencer entrepreneur? Cortney Swann wowed everyone with amazing results in her network marketing business. Was it overnight success or simply going viral? No. Listen to how she grew her socials, her influence and her life, by doing simple things that made a huge difference! “I never try to sell something I don’t love, but I do try to sell things I love that I don’t make money on! And that’s how you start building trust!” More juicy resources: https://mylifest...
Jun 29, 2023•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast Money follows eyeballs, that’s how the attention economy works. If you’re struggling, you’re not capturing attention. Let’s talk about how you can use ChatGPT to get your business moving, stand out on social media and completely transform your personal brand! “AI tools are here to stay. Learn how to use them and be a step ahead of everyone!” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifestyleacademy.com/download/ 00:00 - Episode intro 03:15 - Build up your social equit...
Jun 27, 2023•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast Remember how it felt when you got started? You were full of excitement, you didn’t care about opinions, you were ignorance on fire! And then you landed in reality and got stung by fear & doubt. Here’s how to get that passionate, fearless attitude back that’s gonna help you build momentum in your network marketing business! 00:00 - Episode intro 01:39 - You need more of these if you really want to build momentum in your business 04:04 - You’ll never make a good amount of money in your business wi...
Jun 22, 2023•16 min•Ep 260•Transcript available on Metacast Repeating these mistakes is holding back your Network Marketing business! If you don’t change, your business won’t change either. If you’re afraid to put yourself out there, your business won’t grow. What’s your excuse? You’re not good enough? You’re bad with tech? Then get good at it! “Excuses or results? You can’t do both.” 00:00 - Episode intro 01:26 - Be mindful of these mistakes early on in your network marketing career 03:28 - If you’re one of those who teach people to always lead with the...
Jun 20, 2023•12 min•Transcript available on Metacast Many network marketing companies are stuck in the old-school ways. Are you looking for something new? With 20+ years of experience, John Melton pioneered some of the most effective strategies in the industry that led him and his team to become one of the top earners in the history of the profession. Now that’s a fancy intro! Donna Young interviewed me, and the conversation was FIRE! “Find that company, that brand, those products, that leader, that team where you know you belong. It changes every...
Jun 15, 2023•18 min•Ep 258•Transcript available on Metacast How’s your overcomplicated recruiting strategy working out? I’m gonna help you simplify, improve and get serious about your network marketing business. It’s shocking for most people to learn what top earners do, because it’s literally just going back to basics! “You have to get over your fear of recruiting! This business isn’t about you, it’s about sharing a huge opportunity that could change people’s lives!” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifestyleacademy.c...
Jun 13, 2023•19 min•Ep 257•Transcript available on Metacast Where are the good people hiding? There’s people rank advancing in your team, in your network marketing company, but how did they get there? Where did they come from? Here’s how to attract the best people for your business and where to find them. “Who are the easiest people to reach out to? People like you, people you can relate to!” 00:00 - Episode intro 01:58 - Look no further! These people could be your best business partners 05:49 - If you’re looking for people just like you, you’ll find the...
Jun 08, 2023•14 min•Ep 256•Transcript available on Metacast Sorry, but having a huge amount of passion and love for Network Marketing is not enough. Let’s talk about the most important factors to grow your business! You may not be good at any of this, but guess what?? You get better. “People skills are everything in this business!” 00:00 - Episode intro 01:16 - People will love and appreciate you more if you master this one important skill 04:26 - Listen and understand the different personality types and how to communicate with them properly 10:10 - This...
Jun 06, 2023•14 min•Ep 255•Transcript available on Metacast Starting the month strong is the best way to pump up your network marketing team to have a big month! Start planning before the new month begins & make a big push in the first week of the month. I’m giving you my best tips to make it happen! “Don’t get too discouraged, don’t get too excited, just stay focused and take daily action!” 00:00 - Episode intro 02:29 - Here’s how to set and achieve your goals every month 06:13 - Your clarity between these two choices is a major key to success 09:00 - D...
Jun 01, 2023•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast What do top earners and successful network marketers do to recruit more people? They get creative, stay consistent and have a long-term mentality. Let me help you increase your enrollment ratio with the best tips and strategies for your network marketing business! "Desperation marketing never works. Spamming never works. But starting conversations, connecting with people and treating them like humans, that always works!” 00:00 - Episode intro 01:36 - Don't let the possibility of partnering up wi...
May 30, 2023•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast Don’t you love people who are just trying to sell you stuff on social media? Yeah, neither do I… So how do you connect with people you have something in common with, and share your product or opportunity without looking all shady and salesy? Sarah Strunk is a master at this! “I don’t join groups to post and spam ‘hey everyone, buy my stuff!’, I'm there to help people, start conversations and make friends! That’s what it’s all about!” 00:00 - Episode intro 01:47 - From being anti-MLM to becoming ...
May 25, 2023•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast If you haven’t done videos yet, it’s probably because you’re afraid. Now let’s turn that fear into excitement! Video is one of the most impactful tools for growth in our network marketing business. And I’m not talking about funny dance or lip sync videos, I’m talking about showing up to your social media in a genuine way, that makes people want to know more about you. “Leave all excuses behind, challenge yourself to do videos, and if you find out you can get good at it, it means you waited too l...
May 23, 2023•15 min•Ep 251•Transcript available on Metacast She went from hairstylist to top earner! Listen to the strategies Kristen Boss uses and teaches her team, that are working right now. Marketing in social media has changed dramatically, this is what you need to do today to get an endless stream of leads for your network marketing business! “When you show up with value instead of products, when you show up to help instead of recruit, that’s when your social equity starts to grow.” 00:00 - Episode intro 01:30 - Listen to Kristen on how she transit...
May 18, 2023•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast Wanna get more done without having to do more? Here's what you need to do to start living the lifestyle you want. Just getting started? You're gonna get better. Been at it for a while? Get obsessed! Relaunching? Get back to basics. But you gotta have a long-term vision and a CEO mindset! "I didn't start this business to trap myself in a job. I signed up for the freedom! It didn't happen instantly, it actually took a long time, but it was soooo worth the effort!" 00:00 - Episode intro 03:01 - Onc...
May 16, 2023•16 min•Ep 249•Transcript available on Metacast Can’t recruit new people? Are you scaring prospects away from your network marketing business? I’ve been in this business for 20+ years, and these are the most common mistakes people are making in their recruiting and prospecting process. Feel like you’re not good at it? Get good at it! “You see our success today and think: Wow, they’re doing great! … But do you know what it took for us to get here? We worked hard!” 00:00 - Episode intro 01:40 - If you’re a leader, make sure you have this strate...
May 11, 2023•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast Would you get serious in your network marketing business if it was worth $1,000,000? Would you grind it day and night if you had to put a second mortgage in your house? Don’t wait for these things to happen! Start creating momentum and duplication today and reap the harvest in the future! “If I was here to get rich quick, I would have quit 20 years ago! Are you in it for the long run?” 00:00 - Episode intro 02:54 - Building a full-time income starts by having this in check 03:36 - The very step ...
May 09, 2023•18 min•Ep 247•Transcript available on Metacast Easy engagement hacks you can implement today to attract more people to your Network Marketing Business using social media! These are the strategies my team and I use all the time, because they work all the time! And they could change your business today. “Creating meaningful connections will always be better than any fancy strategy.” 00:00 - Episode intro 01:40 - Exact things you need to do to get the most engagements 05:52 - What and how much content you should post weekly on Social Media 07:2...
May 04, 2023•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast Wanna get insane results in your network marketing business like Michelle Churchill? Big results require big actions, big commitment, big passion! But also, big things don’t happen overnight. Listen to her story, take some notes, and get ready to implement what you learn! “You start from zero and you build your way up! Over time, you will have the tools & strategies that will get you big results.” 00:00 - Episode intro 04:30 - How to sell on social media without being salesy 07:47 - Track and cl...
May 02, 2023•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast This changed my network marketing business forever. Now I want to share it with everyone who is in this profession for the long run. I know it’s hard to believe in the possibilities that social selling can give you, but you’re literally one mindset shift away from changing everything about your business and your life. “Instant results are often meaningless and short-lived. Long-term success lasts a lifetime.” 00:00 - Episode intro 01:31 - A mindset shift you need to build a long-term residual in...
Apr 27, 2023•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast