Quitters gonna quit, trashers gonna trash. Don’t lose your mind over it. When someone quits your network marketing company, it’s usually because they don’t feel appreciated, heard or they simply lost belief. Is it something you can fix or improve on? Consider that, but don’t make a big deal out of it. Truth be told, sometimes it’s better for some people to just go. For good! And there’s nothing wrong with quitting… but there’s a good way, and there’s a bad way to do it. Unfortunately a lot of pe...
Mar 04, 2021•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Obstacle or opportunity? It’s a matter of perspective.. Tim Bratz got into real estate right before the 2008 crash, and he saw some crazy stuff happen. But he also noticed some people thrived in that market, even though things were bad. Tim eventually went broke and into one of the worst stages of his life… then he realized he had actually been collecting powerful tools and skills throughout the years! His business portfolio today is going to amaze you. “If it’s meant to be, it’s up to me. And I...
Feb 25, 2021•42 min•Transcript available on Metacast You already know how to sell. Just see if from a different angle. Believe it or not, we all know how to sell! I would even say it’s a natural ability we’re all born with. And I’m not talking about selling products to the masses… I’m talking about that cool movie you watched the other night, that book you could not put down even late at night, the mouthwatering meal you order every time you’re at your favorite restaurant. You’ve told your friends and family about these things, right? You’ve sold ...
Feb 18, 2021•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast These mistakes are hurting your business. Let’s help you correct them! Using social media to build your network marketing business is essential if you want to see duplicatable growth. But I think we’re not being taught to use social media the right way… and I see too many network marketers hurting their business with things they can easily avoid. So I took notes, did my research, and I’m ready to help you get better results! “Some things you learn by experience. Some you just have to unlearn rig...
Feb 12, 2021•13 min•Transcript available on Metacast You work hard enough to acquire customers. What about keeping them? The value of a new customer is not in a one-time order. It’s in the long-term effect of the relationship you create with them. It’s in the possibility of them falling in love with your products, referring other people and potentially becoming a partner. Chris Holder realized this early in his network marketing career. Even today he has customers he met 10 years ago. Why? Because he stayed in touch. Because they love the products...
Feb 04, 2021•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Having people come to you is awesome! That’s attraction marketing. You can’t just lay back and hope someone joins your company. You can’t just close your eyes and pray someone buys your products. In fact, it’s a very common strategy… but not a very good one. Attraction marketing is waaaay more than that. Many people get stuck in fear, they get stuck in inaction, chasing the easy things. So I made a list with my best tips to help you master it, get you moving and increase the conversion rate in y...
Jan 28, 2021•17 min•Ep 58•Transcript available on Metacast Spammy and salesy makes people feel uncomfortable. Network marketing is not always about the one person you’re prospecting, it’s about who they know. Referral posts are a way for you to tap into other people’s network, and this twin sister dream team has mastered this simple strategy! Their success wasn’t instant though… it took them years of trying and failing to figure out what worked for them. Now that they’ve figured it out, they’re sharing the inside scoop for you to implement the best of i...
Jan 21, 2021•40 min•Transcript available on Metacast It takes more than luck to achieve a 7-figure income. Tom Chenault is everybody’s worst enemy: He’s a successful network marketer and a recovering alcoholic. Think about that for a second! (LOL!)... Jokes aside, he and his wife have been a huge inspiration for John and Nadya. And his inspiring story has impacted so many lives. His son Adrian left a successful corporate job to help him spread his knowledge through technology. This father and son team is off the charts. Go grab your notepad, you’r...
Jan 14, 2021•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Whatever your goal is, you don’t have to figure it out on your own. It’s time to re-evaluate your relationship with money. Time to re-think your goal-setting strategy. This episode is all about mindset shift! And it all starts with the most profitable investment you will ever make. No, it’s not cryptocurrencies. I’m not talking about stocks either. The best investment you can make is in yourself! But the profits don’t start coming in just from learning… they come from stepping out of your comfor...
Jan 07, 2021•12 min•Transcript available on Metacast You can wait for the next stimulus check, or you can start your own business today. 2020 was a good year… depending on who you ask! We know it’s been rough for many, that’s why we want the best for you. In this episode, John is coming in hot (literally from inside the sauna) to help you take control of your future, even when times are difficult. Relying on yourself, taking action from within, is holding the reins of your life. It’s not easy, it’s not instant, but it’s worth it. And the best time...
Dec 31, 2020•13 min•Transcript available on Metacast The network marketing industry is all about creating influence, and TikTok makes it easier to reach more people. In this episode, Tom and Kim Challan share all their secrets for bigtime success on TikTok. It wasn’t a yellow brick road though… it was a struggle and a learning curve. But they decided to go all in. Consistency kicked in, they showed up with value and found their niche. Their best advice for growth is: Collaborate with other creators, engage with your viewers, sprinkle your business...
Dec 24, 2020•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast The competition is not on TikTok yet… your time to jump in is right now! In this episode, John and Nadya just can’t stop talking about TikTok! The social media platform of the year surpassed everyone’s expectations. Stats are off the charts here! What’s the secret? Entertaining short-form video and the most advanced AI algorithm. The good news? There is still space for you! And… learning to make this kind of videos is super valuable for your marketing skillset. “It’s the only platform where you ...
Dec 24, 2020•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast If you accept their opinion, you accept their lifestyle. If you follow your inner voice, the possibilities are endless! In this episode, John is pumping up your mindset to help you triumph over negative people in your network marketing business. They think it’s a pyramid scheme? Let them be right! They think it’s a scam? Let them be right! They think it’s a waste of time? Let them be right! You get busy getting rich! You get busy building yourself up! You get busy with your own success! “You don...
Dec 17, 2020•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast Busy people get more done. But focus on working better, not more! In this episode, Kimberly Olson is dropping an immense amount of value to help you set things straight in your Network Marketing Business. She’s a mom, she’s an author, she’s a business owner, she’s a coach. And she figured out the formula for you to beat procrastination, break bad habits and achieve your goals! “I’m a big fan of ‘working your face off’... but I’m a bigger fan of working efficiently!” - John Melton More juicy reso...
Dec 10, 2020•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast You work so hard to get someone to sign up, and then you’re just on to the next one. Mindset shift incoming! In this episode, John talks about the importance of retention in your network marketing business. It doesn't work by just signing people up. Relationships are crucial, duplication is key. And this strategy is like jet fuel, so get ready to 10x your results! “There’s people in your business that are not as committed. And they might leave tomorrow. It’s the people they know that can help yo...
Dec 03, 2020•13 min•Ep 49•Transcript available on Metacast The biggest obstacle to become a top recruiter is staying consistent. In this episode, John is giving you the recipe for network marketing success! These are the things that have kept him in the lead for years, and they can help you too, no matter which company you’re in. It all comes down to being a good communicator, a relatable human and a humble leader. All it takes is commitment. But you gotta keep doing the work, even if you don’t see the results right away. “If you could recruit yourself,...
Nov 26, 2020•15 min•Ep 48•Transcript available on Metacast There’s no such thing as an overnight success. And if someone seems to have succeeded overnight, that just means they paid the price somewhere else. So give yourself a break! In this episode, John talks about the challenges on the road to reach the next level in your network marketing business. Remaining humble is a major key to success in this industry; remaining a student, open to listening and learning, will propel you even further. There’s one thing successful people have in common: Purpose....
Nov 26, 2020•18 min•Ep 47•Transcript available on Metacast It takes time and effort to build a network marketing business. Don't expect easy. Expect worth it! In this episode, John talks about the challenges he’s been through in his network marketing career. He almost quit several times. Today he is one of the Top 100 income earners in the profession! This is what pushed him forward and kept him going. "You're never gonna have a problemless business. The bigger the paycheck, the bigger the problems." More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/...
Nov 19, 2020•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Bad vibes attract bad vibes. Good vibes attract good vibes. What vibe do you want in your business? In this episode, John gives his opinion about some odd but common things that happen in Network Marketing. After almost two decades of experience in the industry, the Meltons have seen and gone through pretty much anything you can imagine… but they made it through! “MLM is not just about making money. It’s about finding something you believe in, being part of a tribe that you built and having fun ...
Nov 12, 2020•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast You can’t have results when you’re making excuses. In this episode, John shares a system that can help you build your network marketing business, even if you have a super busy schedule: The F.A.M.E. Formula! It’s easy to get caught in the social media scroll, it’s hard to stay committed and get results. So what’s it all about? We created this formula to help you stay sharp and focused on what matters most in your business, so you can get busy living. “When you have a burning desire for success, ...
Nov 05, 2020•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast Your biggest adversary in network marketing is your mindset. You gotta have long-term vision! In this episode, John answers your prospecting and recruiting questions to help you jump right into the money making activities that make your network marketing business grow. This episode was recorded live, and you can participate in the next LIVE Q&A session! Don’t miss Money Monday, our weekly show, live on our social media channels! “Get personal, get vulnerable! Because people relate to people, the...
Oct 29, 2020•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast The more ways you can get yourself in front of your audience, the better. In this episode, John and master podcaster, Ian Lenhart talk about what it means to start your own podcast and how to do it like there’s no tomorrow. Ian shares his journey in the world of podcasting and how to use it to gain influence and build authority. “A podcast is a recorded conversation. Put it into a streamable format, add a theme around it and boom, you have a podcast! It’s that simple.” More juicy resources: http...
Oct 22, 2020•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Leadership is about decisions, not titles In this episode, John is sharing his 8 leadership tips to help you step into your power and build a real, full-time business. He’s talking about leadership principles, duplication, the importance of customer acquisition, and what it means to have a winning mindset. “Make an impact, not just an income.” - John Melton More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifestyleacademy.com/download/ https://mylifestyleacademy.com/mastercla...
Oct 15, 2020•15 min•Ep 41•Transcript available on Metacast Network marketing is personal development with a compensation plan attached to it. In this episode, John and the incredible leader, Taylor Thompson, talk about why now is the best time to build a home business. She goes over the fundamentals of network marketing and the importance of allowing people to grow in your culture. Simple is way easier than complicated. So make it easy! Make it fun! “The mission is always more important than the commission.” - Taylor Thompson More juicy resources: https...
Oct 08, 2020•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast It’s not easy, but even if they say no, you planted a seed. In this episode, John talks about the perks, challenges and strategies of inviting people with higher influence to join your network marketing business. It’s ok to start with your “easy people”, but you gotta hit your chicken list eventually. The only way to get good at recruiting successful people, A-players and influencers is to start doing it. “The magic is, people with influence know other people just like them. Imagine who they’re ...
Oct 01, 2020•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast Don’t overwhelm your team, keep things simple and you will see growth. In this episode, John talks about different ways you can motivate your network marketing team, and keep them that way. We all want to find people with motivation, people hungry for success, but here’s a very important question you need to answer: Are you motivated? “You’re not a boss, you’re not a manager, you’re not a babysitter, you’re a coach, a leader, a mentor.” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ ...
Oct 01, 2020•13 min•Ep 38•Transcript available on Metacast Don’t cross people off your list just because they’re not interested in your products or business. In this episode, John talks about a powerful strategy you can implement when you’ve run out of warm market. And no, you don’t have to go to the mall and talk to random people. Referral Posts are a simple way to reach new people, using your existing contacts and customers. Even if you’ve already talked to everyone you know. “One person could potentially lead you to a thousand new prospects.” More ju...
Sep 24, 2020•10 min•Ep 37•Transcript available on Metacast Instead of selling and pitching, get more personal, get more vulnerable. In this episode, John talks about the number one thing most network marketers are missing in their prospecting strategy: “The Why”. Knowing and sharing your Why is not only gonna give you an amazing amount of clarity, but it’s also gonna make you more relatable. We often try to sell and pitch the product, but people don’t relate to facts or ingredients . People relate to people. “The easiest people for you to prospect are t...
Sep 24, 2020•9 min•Ep 36•Transcript available on Metacast Struggling with prospecting? You’re not closing sales? Maybe you have stinky commission breath… In this episode, John talks about the reasons why you’re not making progress in your network marketing business. Prospecting and closing are the two things people dislike the most in our profession, but they’re also two of the most important ones! Implementing these 10 questions will change the game for you. They’re so simple you probably know them already. They’re so simple you probably haven’t even ...
Sep 18, 2020•20 min•Ep 35•Transcript available on Metacast Are you riding the struggle bus when it comes to prospecting and closing on Social Media? In this episode, John and Jessica Higdon talk about the benefits of building a network marketing business using social media. Not only is it more effective, but it’s the way to go in 2020. People are more open to opportunities than ever, and you gotta be ready to step it up. If you decide to jump in and master every aspect of the business, you’re setting yourself up for a bright future, and the beauty of it...
Sep 16, 2020•29 min•Ep 34•Transcript available on Metacast