Would you like to have more people like you in your network marketing team? People with ambition, people who want to succeed, people who want the freedom, time and flexibility of a business like yours! Listen up then! This is my #1 tip to recruit better people. “When you have a system in place, you don’t have to know every single detail about every single product. You just have to share your enthusiasm and teach other people how to do the same!” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.c...
Aug 29, 2024•11 min•Ep 377•Transcript available on Metacast Ready to take your network marketing game to the next level? In this episode, John and Nadya Melton dive into 7 powerful tips that will help you achieve massive duplication and supercharge your team for a record-breaking month! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, these strategies are designed to boost your productivity, inspire your team, and drive incredible duplication results. “Teach someone how to teach someone else a simple system to share your opportunity and get involved, ...
Aug 22, 2024•20 min•Ep 376•Transcript available on Metacast If you quit your network marketing company today and you had to find a better one fast, these are the most important things to consider before joining one, and some crucial questions to ask before making a decision. I lost all my income and my whole team twice because of companies shutting down or making changes! I don’t want this to happen to you, so I hope these tips help you find the right company for you. “S#!t happens… companies change their comp plans, they go bankrupt, they get shut down....
Aug 15, 2024•11 min•Ep 375•Transcript available on Metacast Your team is sleeping? Time to wake them up! Andrea Gebhardt is sharing the best ways to motivate your team to get better, focus on the income producing activities and teach them how to create duplication in your network marketing business! Listen to her story, get inspired and implement these tips today! “Motivation doesn’t last very long… but commitment does.” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifestyleacademy.com/download 00:00 - Episode intro 01:08 - How ca...
Aug 09, 2024•18 min•Ep 374•Transcript available on Metacast Let's help you close more prospects with the same scripts and strategies I share with my team! Should you give up if you can't enroll more people right away? No! It's all about testing, tweaking, messing it up and improving until you find what works for you and your network marketing business. "Don't get bitter, get better! Don't get frustrated, get fascinated!" More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifestyleacademy.com/download 00:00 - Episode intro 03:15 - Skills...
Aug 01, 2024•17 min•Ep 373•Transcript available on Metacast Network Marketing companies will abandon MLM for Affiliate Marketing. No! That is one of the biggest lies I’ve ever heard. People spreading those lies probably haven’t been successful in our business and are unqualified to speak about the future of our industry. It is time to defend legit network marketing companies and let the trash walk itself out the door. Also, let’s talk about why MLM is better than Affiliate Marketing. Just a heads-up, everything in this episode is my personal opinion. “I’...
Jul 25, 2024•8 min•Ep 372•Transcript available on Metacast Rodan and Fields switched to an affiliate model instead of MLM. Rumor says all network marketing companies will do the same! And I’m just here laughing out loud at the lies, the fearmongering and the desperate decisions some companies are making. Let’s talk about how all of this affects your business. Just a heads-up, everything in this episode is my personal opinion. “The right network marketing company is not necessarily the one with the highest commissions.” More juicy resources: https://myli...
Jul 23, 2024•11 min•Ep 371•Transcript available on Metacast You are the variable in everything you do. It affects your business and your personal life. Let’s talk about the things that will move you forward, the things that make your network marketing business grow, the things that motivate your team to get better, the things that you’ll look back on 10 years from now and be proud you did! Because it all depends on you! “You get better, you stay consistent, and suddenly everything catches up to your level of growth!” More juicy resources: https://mylifes...
Jul 16, 2024•14 min•Ep 370•Transcript available on Metacast Mistakes are the best teachers, but you have to take action and correct them! These are some of the most common mistakes I see people making in their network marketing business today. They may not all apply to you, but focusing on the smallest of details can have the biggest impact on your success. “Everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone corrects them.” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifestyleacademy.com/download 00:00 - Episode intro 01:04 - You will nev...
Jul 09, 2024•15 min•Ep 369•Transcript available on Metacast Imagine building your network marketing business in just 1 hour a day! This caused a total mindset shift for Michelle Churchill. Why? Because daily focused & planned actions move your business forward faster! Here’s how she does it and how you can start doing it too! “I was working 3 jobs as a single parent struggling to pay the bills. I had 1 hour and 20 minutes of free time in my day. Power Hours changed everything!” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifestyl...
Jul 04, 2024•10 min•Ep 368•Transcript available on Metacast Commission breath stinks! But how do you talk to people when you’re trying to sell them something, without sounding like an infomercial?!? 3 words: Simple, simple, simple. Let’s talk about how to start new conversations without being spammy, even if you already talked to that person! “Copy-Paste scripts don’t work. Make the words yours, let them hear your authenticity and enthusiasm!” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifestyleacademy.com/download 00:00 - This ...
Jul 02, 2024•16 min•Ep 367•Transcript available on Metacast Chances are the people in your team today won’t be there tomorrow. People get bored, lack motivation, don’t reach their goals… whatever the reason is, they move on and quit. This affects your network marketing business. So should you block them? Expose them on social media? NO! Let’s talk about the right thing to do when someone quits your team. “You can’t stop someone if they decide to quit. So build bridges instead of gaps!” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://my...
Jun 27, 2024•13 min•Ep 366•Transcript available on Metacast Should you sell other things while you have a network marketing business? Don’t let anybody tell you you can’t do that, not even me. I know you’ve got bills to pay and goals to reach, but is it worth destroying your reputation? There’s a wrong way and a right way to do affiliate marketing alongside your network marketing business. Let’s talk about both! “The biggest difference between affiliate and network marketing is residual income!” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ ...
Jun 25, 2024•12 min•Ep 365•Transcript available on Metacast Michelle Churchill is a network marketing superstar who enrolled 30 people last month and did an incredible $96K in personal sales - crazy numbers! Even when her social media account got shut down, she was able to stay connected with her network and have her most profitable month ever. You'll learn her top strategies for building a massive contact list and leveraging it for insane results. “The most valuable asset you will ever own is your contact list. Start building it now!” More juicy resourc...
Jun 20, 2024•18 min•Ep 364•Transcript available on Metacast Discover how AI and automation can make your network marketing business easier! Ferny Ceballos found awesome ways to leverage these technologies in our industry. Listen to how you could use these tools to save time and work smarter. “Mastering the network marketing basics is the most important step before getting into advanced strategies.” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifestyleacademy.com/download...
Jun 18, 2024•10 min•Ep 363•Transcript available on Metacast Most people don’t make videos because they’re too scared to put them out there. Mark Harbert came up with a simple plan that blew our minds to help you get started, in private! Video is one of the most powerful tools for your personal brand and your network marketing business, so don’t miss out on it! “Videos will be here forever, so by learning how to make them, you will have a future-proof skill!” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifestyleacademy.com/downloa...
Jun 13, 2024•13 min•Ep 362•Transcript available on Metacast Recruiting is one of the fundamental skills in network marketing. It is also the biggest thing everyone in this business struggles with! If you’re not good at it yet, there’s probably a few reasons why you’re bad. I hope this episode helps you correct the course, so you can keep getting better! “Just because you feel like you suck at it now, doesn’t mean you’ll never get better. Don’t give up!” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifestyleacademy.com/download 00:...
Jun 11, 2024•12 min•Ep 361•Transcript available on Metacast John & Nadya Melton share their best tips to help you build true wealth. From smart spending to wise investments, the key to a solid financial future for you and your family goes beyond a network marketing business. This is not financial advice, but a guide to help you prevent a money nightmare. “We’ve lost millions learning from our bad financial decisions! This episode is to prevent you from making the same mistakes.” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifesty...
Jun 06, 2024•25 min•Ep 360•Transcript available on Metacast Brian Fryer thinks Instagram Reels are an underused strategy in network marketing to attract people to your business. Some of his clients have had amazing results, so I brought him back to the show so he can tell you all about creating a personal brand on Instagram without being spammy or salesy. So you never run out of leads! “Clarity and consistency are the most powerful tools to attract your ideal customer” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifestyleacademy....
Jun 04, 2024•18 min•Ep 359•Transcript available on Metacast These are the skills you need to learn if you’re serious about building a solid network marketing business. In order to dominate this industry you gotta focus on the right stuff: getting good at money making activities, perfecting your prospecting system, and teaching others how to do the same. Prioritize your long-term vision & realize this is not about you. Are you ready for it?!? “The more you help others win, the more you win!” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https...
May 30, 2024•7 min•Ep 358•Transcript available on Metacast You don’t need 500k followers for your network marketing business to be successful, but wouldn’t it feel great to never have to worry about new leads & prospects? This is why you need to leverage social media! Lauren Gallegos had less than 1,000 followers a year ago. Listen to how she grew her following and implement her best tips today! “Consistency will help you win at anything!” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifestyleacademy.com/download 00:00 - Episode ...
May 28, 2024•15 min•Ep 357•Transcript available on Metacast If you feel like your network marketing business is not getting attention on social media, you have to listen to the GNC strategy by Brian Fryer! This unique way of looking at the tools available on your socials will help you use them more efficiently and attract people who are interested in what you’re selling. “Make the best out of your time spent on social media by switching from consumer to creator!” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifestyleacademy.com/do...
May 23, 2024•19 min•Ep 356•Transcript available on Metacast Looking for network marketing motivation? How about people who actually do the work? I got you! I’m giving you 3 ways to motivate your team, and yourself in the process! “Become the leader you wish you had. Be the mentor you wish would have supported you!” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifestyleacademy.com/download 00:00 - Episode intro 01:05 - People with these skills are the best to partner up with 01:58 - Nothing motivates your existing teams more than t...
May 21, 2024•9 min•Ep 355•Transcript available on Metacast Your last post got 2 likes & 1 comment? You’re getting 0 leads from Tiktok and Instagram? Julie Reynolds knows how to reach the right people for your network marketing business on social media! She’s giving you her best tips so you can go implement them today and get more attention from the people who are looking for you, your products and your opportunity. “Don’t let your fears freeze you! Messy, consistent action is better than doing nothing! Keep moving forward!” More juicy resources: https:/...
May 16, 2024•15 min•Ep 354•Transcript available on Metacast If you could make six figures in network marketing, would you do what I tell you to do? Spoiler: It’s a lot of work. And most people won’t put in the effort. Most people won’t commit. Most people won’t take it seriously. Most people won’t change their habits. Most people won’t believe they can make it. Are you like most people? “A lot of people seem to think this profession is called ‘Not-work Marketing’." More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifestyleacademy.com/...
May 14, 2024•9 min•Ep 353•Transcript available on Metacast Likes & follows mean nothing if you don’t know how to sell on social media. Cindy Currie tried everything on every platform for more than 5 years, but she never gave up! Today she’s breaking her own personal records over and over again. Listen to what she’s doing on Instagram and how you can use it for your network marketing business. “Give yourself permission to be you on social media, because it’s exactly that uniqueness that will attract people to you.” More juicy resources: https://mylifesty...
May 09, 2024•15 min•Ep 352•Transcript available on Metacast Ever wanted to quit your network marketing business? That’s normal. In fact, I almost gave up several times. But 20+ years later, I’ve learnt how to succeed in this profession, no matter what life brings. I want to save you time and money, I want you to reach your goals, I want you to live the life you’ve always wanted! Here’s what it takes to win in network marketing. “If you could make in a month what you make in a year, would you put in the time and effort?” More juicy resources: https://myli...
May 07, 2024•11 min•Ep 351•Transcript available on Metacast Ashley May Dawes started out just like you. She heard something about a freebie strategy for network marketing through one of our episodes. She implemented it and her business blew up! Listen to how she’s generating tons of leads using social media, how she’s prospecting and recruiting, the free tools she used and the system she built. “If you never implement what you learn, you will never know what strategy works for you!” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylif...
May 02, 2024•13 min•Ep 350•Transcript available on Metacast Wanna keep it simple to the bare minimum? This is it! Focus on these 3 things every day to grow your network marketing business! Of course there’s more advanced strategies, but get you and your team into the income producing activities, and I promise you will see a difference in your business. “Daily goals, weekly goals, monthly goals, ANY GOALS are better than no goals at all.” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog/ https://mylifestyleacademy.com/download 00:00 - Episode int...
Apr 30, 2024•11 min•Ep 349•Transcript available on Metacast Are you struggling to revive your network marketing business? You ran out of people to talk to and you have a dead team. It’s normal for that to happen, but honestly, I don’t believe you. Why? You can start a new team, you can keep prospecting and talking to new people! Don’t know how? Let me teach you. “Think of how big brands are always advertising everywhere. They’re always looking for new customers! You gotta have the same mentality.” More juicy resources: https://mylifestyleacademy.com/blog...
Apr 25, 2024•12 min•Ep 348•Transcript available on Metacast