Episode 49 of Books and Ideas is an interview with Emily Reese from Minnesota Public Radio. Reese is the host of two podcasts that I enjoy: Top Score and Learning to Listen. In this interview we focus on Top Score, which is a podcast about video game music. Reese interviews the composers and gives listeners an inside look at the challenges that face composers in this new, but growing field. You don't need to be a muscian or a gamer to enjoy Emily's podcasts. For complete show notes and free epis...
Nov 16, 2012•42 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 48 of Books and Ideas is interview with Jonathan Gottschall, author of "The Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make Us Human." Show notes and free episode transcripts are available at http://booksandideas.com Send feedback to Dr. Campbell at gincampbell at mac dot com. Follow her on Twitter as @docartemis ....
Aug 24, 2012•50 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 47 of Books and Ideas is being released simultaneously in the Brain Science Podcast feed. It is an interview with Terrence Deacon, PhD., author of "Incomplete Nature: How Mind Emerged from Matter." We talk about the ongoing quest to explain the emergence of life, mind, and purpose using the known laws of physics (with out the need for any supernatural extras). For complete show notes and free episode transcripts please visit http://booksandideas.com /. You can send Dr. Campbell feedback ...
Jul 14, 2012•1 hr 7 min•Transcript available on Metacast I have just published my first eBook: Are You Sure? The Unconscious Origins of Certainty . It is currently available only in the Kindle format at Amazon.com, but I will send you the PDF version if you email me a copy of your Amazon receipt. The next episode of Books and Ideas will come out in July 2012. My email is gincampbell at mac.com.
Jun 14, 2012•2 min•Transcript available on Metacast This episode is an interview with Roger Reid, writer and producer for the Emmy Award winning public TV show Discovering Alabama with Dr. Doug Phillips and author of several novels for young adult readers. His novels combine science and mystery in an original way. In this interview we explore some surprising secrets about Alabama's natural history and learn how Reid's travels around the state have inspired his novels. For complete show notes and episode transcripts go to http://booksandideas.com/...
Jan 13, 2012•56 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 45 of Books and Ideas is a look back at the first five years of this podcast. I take the opportunity to thank each of my 33 guests and let you know what's coming in 2012. For detailed show notes and episode transcripts please visit http://booksandideas.com /. Send me feedback at gincampbell at mac dot com....
Dec 19, 2011•13 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 44 of Books and Ideas is an interview with science fiction author Karen Traviss. She has written 4 novels based on the popular video game Gears of War . She also wrote the story for the recently released game Gears of War 3 and will be releasing a 5th novel next spring. In this fascinating interview she talks about how her early careers in journalism, television, and public relations prepared her to write fiction. She also describes what it is like to write in the emerging video game gen...
Nov 11, 2011•56 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 43 of Books and Ideas is an interview with Carol Tavris, PhD, co-author (with Eliot Aronson) of Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me): Why We Justify Foolish Beliefs, Bad Decisions, and Hurtful Acts . For detailed show notes, including references and episode transcripts go to http://virginiacampbellmd.com ....
Sep 27, 2011•56 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 42 of Books and Ideas is an edited version of the talk that Dr. Campbell gave in May 2011 in London at Skeptics in the Pub. "Why Neuroscience Matters" is a brief introduction to some of the recent discoveries in neuroscience that are changing the way we see ourselves and each other. Special Thanks to the PodDelusion podcast for sharing the original recording. For detailed show notes and episode transcripts go to http://booksandideas.com ....
Jun 24, 2011•46 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 41 of the Books and Ideas podcast is an interview with Holly Tucker, author of "Blood Work: A Tale of Medicine and Murder in the Scientific Revolution." We discuss how the controversies surrounding the first blood transfusions, which were attemped back in the 1660's are relevant to understanding similar controversies today. For detailed show notes, including links and episode transcripts go to http://booksandideas.com . Send Dr. Campbell email at gincampbell at mac dot com or leave voice...
Apr 27, 2011•1 hr 1 min•Transcript available on Metacast Books and Ideas #40 is an interview with Dr. Paul Offit author of "Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All." Feel free to share this important conversation with others. For complete show notes and episode transcripts go to http://booksandideas.com . Send feedback to Dr. Campbell at gincampbell at mac dot com.
Feb 28, 2011•44 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 39 of Books and Ideas is an interview with Dr. Eric Maisel, author of "Brainstorm: Harnessing the Power of Productive Obsessions." Complete show notes and episode transcripts are available at http://virginiacampbellmd.com. Send feedback to Dr. Campbell at gincampbell at mac dot com or leave voice mail at 205-202-0663.
Dec 22, 2010•38 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 38 is a live interview with novelists Christiana Ellis and Skyler White. Full show notes and episode transcripts are available at http://booksandideas.com . Please visit my new website at http://virginiacampbellmd.com and let me know what you think. Send me feedback at gincampbell at mac dot com.
Oct 20, 2010•45 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 37 of Books and Ideas is an interview with scientist turned philosopher Massimo Pigliucci. Dr. Campbell talks with Dr. Pigliuccis about his career move from evolutionary biology to philosophy of science and they explore the relationship between science and philosophy. For detailed show notes, links, and episode transcript go to http://booksandideas.com . This podcast was sponsored by Audible.com. Learn more at http://www.audiblepodcast.com/booksandideas /. Visit the iTunes Store to learn...
Aug 09, 2010•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast Books and Ideas 36 is an interview with Daniel George, co-author of "The Myth of Alzheimer's: What You Aren't Being Told About Today's Most Dreaded Diagnosis." This interview is a follow-up to the one I did with Dr. Peter Whitehouse earlier this month for Brain Science Podcast 68 . Detailed show notes and episode transcripts are available http://booksandideas.com . Send me email at gincampbell at mac dot com....
Apr 28, 2010•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 35 of Books and Ideas is an interview with best-selling author Scott Sigler. Scott is known for his unique blend of horror and hard science fiction. In this interview Dr. Ginger Campbell talks to him about his career with a focus on the challenges of trying to incorporate accurate science into fiction. They also talk about his most recent hard cover book "The Rookie" and how it is encouraging young adults to become readers. Show notes, links and episode transcripts are available at http:...
Feb 26, 2010•57 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 34 of Books and Ideas is an interview with Bruce Hood, author of "SuperSense: Why We Believe in the Unbelievable." Dr. Hood is a developmental psychologist with a long-standing interest in why people believe weird things. In "Supersense" he argues that innate cognitive structures (how we think without being taught) give people a natural tendency toward belief in the supernatural. Our intuitive sense of how the world works is often at odds with the findings of modern science. In this inte...
Jan 27, 2010•40 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is a free PDF from Kyla Duffy of Happy Tails Books. I interviewed Kyla for Episode 33 of Books and Ideas. Please share this PDF with others! It contains disturbing information about puppy mills, but it also contains practical guidance about how to help these dogs overcome the trauma of their pasts. You can learn more at http://happytailbooks.com/. The next episode of Books and Ideas will be an interview with Bruce Hood, author of "SuperSense: Why We Believe in the Unbelievable." It will be ...
Jan 18, 2010•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 33 of Books and Ideas is an interview with Kyla Duffy from Happy Tails Books . Duffy publishes inspiring stories about how adopting rescued dogs enriches peoples lives. Proceeds go to various rescue organizations. Get full show notes and episode transcripts at http://bookandideas.com. Send Email to gincampbell at mac dot com or leave voicemail at 206-984-0358.
Dec 16, 2009•55 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 32 of Books and Ideas is an interview with Sheril Kirshenbaum, co-author of "Unscientific America: How Scientific Illiteracy Threatens our Future." Our emphasis is on the importance of scientists learning to communicate about their work to political leaders and fellow citizens. We discuss some of the factors that have marginalized science and examine some creative potential solutions. Go to http://booksandideas.com for detailed show notes and episode transcripts. Send feedback to gincamp...
Nov 25, 2009•53 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 31 of Books and Ideas was recorded live at Dragon*Con 2009 in Atlanta, Georgia. It is an interview with NASA's Les Johnson and focuses on his book, "Paradise Regained: The Regreening of Earth." You will find show notes, links, and episode transcripts at http://booksandideas.com/. Send Dr. Campbell email at gincampbell at mac dot com. You can also post comments on our new FaceBook Fan Page ....
Oct 22, 2009•49 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is a brief public service announcement from SCIENCEPODCASTERS.ORG . Vincent Rancaniello, PhD from This Week in Virology and Marc Pelletier, PhD from This Week in Biotech talk about the new H1N1 Infuenza vaccine. It is safe and effective. I will get it myself and recommend it to all my patients. Please share this announcement with others. To learn more go to http://flu.gov or http://cdc.gov/h1n1.
Oct 17, 2009•2 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 30 of Books and Ideas is an interview with Tom Clark, author of Encountering Naturalism: A Worldview and Its Uses . We discuss the implications of naturalism as a world view, especially as it relates to questions like morality and free will. Our discussion includes a look at the recent book Did My Neurons Make Me Do It? by Warren Brown and Nancey Murphy. For show notes, links to related episodes, and a full episode transcript go to http://booksandideas.com. Send Dr. Campbell feedback at ...
Sep 25, 2009•55 min•Transcript available on Metacast Books and Ideas will return in September 2009. Previous episodes are available at http://booksandideas.com/. Send email to gincampbell at mac.com. Theme music for Books and Ideas is "The Open Door" by Beatnik Turtle.
Jun 28, 2009•2 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 29 of Books and Ideas is a follow-up interview with Dr. Robert Martensen. In Episode 28 we talked about Dr. Martensen's career. This month we talk about his book "A Life Worth Living: A Doctor's Reflections on Illness in a High-Tech Era." Show notes and a complete transcript of the interview are available at http://booksandideas.com/. Send feedback to Dr. Campbell at docartemis at gmail.com. This episode includes a promo for "Nina Kimberly the Merciless." Learn more at http://christianae...
May 22, 2009•37 min•Transcript available on Metacast Books and Ideas #28 is an interview with Robert Martensen, MD, author of A Life Worth Living: A Doctor's Reflections on Illness in a High-Tech Era . This is the first of a two-part interview. In this episode we talked about Dr. Martensen's career as a physician and about his new job at the NIH Office of History. We will talk about his book in a follow-up interview. For show notes and links go to http://booksandideas.com. Send Dr. Campbell email at docartemis at gmail.com....
Apr 24, 2009•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 27 of Books and Ideas is an interview with Jennifer Michael Hecht, author of "Doubt: A History: The Great Doubters and Their Legacy of Innovation from Socrates and Jesus to Thomas Jefferson and Emily Dickinson" and "The Happiness Myth." As a poet and historian Hecht brings a unique perspective to her examination of the role of science in modern society. She also shares how writing "Doubt" changed her attitude toward religion. You won't want to miss this thought-provoking conversation. Fo...
Mar 27, 2009•58 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 26 of Books and Ideas is an interview with Sue Bailey and Carmen Flowers, the authors of " Grave Expectations: Planning the End Like There's No Tomorrow ." This book helps readers to plan for their funeral or memorial service. While this might seem like a strange idea Flowers and and Bailey explain that this can actually be a wonderful gift to leave for one's family and loved ones. In this interview Bailey and Flowers share the personal experiences that led them to write this unusual boo...
Feb 27, 2009•45 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 25 of Books and Ideas is an interview with Dr. Paul A. Offit, author of " Autism's False Prophets: Bad Science, Risky Medicine, and the Search for a Cure ." The scientific evidence shows no connection between vaccines and autism yet opponents of vaccination continue to encourage parents to refuse to vaccinate their children against potentially life threatening diseases. In this episode we consider the evidence for vaccine safety and examine the factors that fuel the on-going controversy....
Jan 31, 2009•58 min•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 24 of Books and Ideas is a follow-up interview with Nobel Prize winning physicist. Dr. Frank Wilczek. We discuss the questions that we didn't get around to in Episode 23 , including the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics, String Theory, and dark matter and dark energy. Dr. Wilczek also answers some questions from listeners and tells us a little about his current work. For detailed show notes and episode transcripts go to http://booksandideas.com/. Send feedback to Dr. Campbell at docartemis @gm...
Dec 23, 2008•1 hr 8 min•Transcript available on Metacast