Sandman; the 'Wokeness' Fallacy
Why wokeness critiques fall apart at their most fundamental levels, and reveal the innate biases of the western consumer audience.
Why wokeness critiques fall apart at their most fundamental levels, and reveal the innate biases of the western consumer audience.
A rare treat! Snow in Austin TX; guest host Ignacios T. Thad launches first ever ‘Snowstorm Brostorm’ & shares a convo between Morgan and Charles about a poem called “Kef 12.” Morgan struggles with it’s meaning as Charles aids in it’s exploration. They revel in a flurry of speculation. The snow builds thick. Check out the poem [Kef 12] by {Henry Dumas} here:
Morgan, who knows that weather isn’t only used to describe ecosystems, takes a rare recording absent of natural rain to talk about the current rain of asset growth occurring on crypto-currency markets. He gives a beginners explanation of the differences between decentralized cryptocurrency financial institutions and centralized banks. He hopes to assuage fears in the minds of older investors more accustomed to banking and engender excitement amongst younger generations towards the potential of b...
A prolonged winter shower and night of reading combine to give us a reflection on Alan Moore’s “Promethea” graphic novel series. This series follows a goddess of archetype given form by those who would imagine her; a good practice for thought in 2021
Host Morgan winds down a stressful day; one of the last in 2020; a day full of rain. He reflects on the potential that platforms like TikTok have for surreal and informative expression.
Morgan buckles up for a drive on a misty December morning in Austin TX. He recalls a worrisome exchange he had with a loved one which demonstrates the dangers of assigning the archetype ‘Fake News’ to an individuals espoused viewpoints. He warns against letting this archetype obstruct one’s own research into a topic.
"Post Truth; Uncouth” - Discontented in the Winter of 2020; [Rainstorm Brainstorm, Episode 10] Time: 3am Condition: Clear, Moonlit, 40 degrees Location: (Austin, TX) Guests: none [Topic:] Exploring U.S. 2020 presidential election credibility as a demonstration of how fact and framing interact in the era of social media. Narrative Abstraction: Engagement-driven algorithmic media-marketing has led us to a spot where truth is harder than ever to objectify. // Eschewing the comforting patter of drop...
"One Peak (One Trough) One Peak" Rainstorm Brainstorm, Episode 9 Time: 1pm CST Condition: passing shower Location: (Austin, TX) Guests: none Topic: Twin Peaks as a Zen Buddhist Koan (公案) Narrative Abstraction: Surrealism and Zen go hand in hand. "Not expecting a shower, Morgan dips onto the patio to enjoy a reflection about a TV series he's been re-watching recently (Twin Peaks). As he watches the droplets plummet and puddle he ponders on how surrealism and artistic expression can give insight i...
//FIXED: Understanding Election Systems & Services (ES&S) - //Tempestuous Waters// updated @8:40amCST 09/29/20 due to file corruption error leading to dead air in first rendition// Regardless of party affiliation or political viewpoint, if you're someone who at all cares about the future of American democracy you should listen to this, research the info and share this episode with as many people as possible. For in-depth analysis of 2016 and 2020 Democratic Primary exit-polling discrepancy you c...
"Facing My Race (Listen Up Whitey)" Rainstorm Brainstorm, Episode 7 Cover Collage composites: Text taken from retelling of a folktale often told and referenced by poet Sterling Brown ( ) from an article on ( ) People in the cover art, counter-clockwise(--> --^), starting from bottom left corner: Derrick Bell
"The Plot is Goddess" Rainstorm Brainstorm, Episode 6 Time: Afternoon Condition: Thunderstorm Location: (Austin, TX) Guests: none Topic: The goddess as a symbolic reference to the tribal evolution of the humyn race. Narrative Abstraction: "Monogamy and Patriarchy are marketing tools meant to keep humans farm-able and divided." "Surprised by 2 days of rain in a row, Morgan hops outdoors and starts to ponder on how much better the world would be had the church not taken steps to massacre pa...
"Education Transformation" Rainstorm Brainstorm, Episode 5 Time: Midday Condition: Sustained Shower Location: (Austin, TX) Guests: none Topic: Can Montessori educational teachings show us how to adapt to virtual learning environments? Narrative Abstraction: Morgan combines what he's learned about Montessori education with what he knows about kids nowadays; they're better at the internet than adults. "As a long shower finally commences in the midst of a summertime drought, Morgan recalls conversa...
"Bus Fuss" Rainstorm Brainstorm, Episode 4 Time: 5pm CST Condition: thunderstorm Location: (Austin, TX) Guests: none Topic: Okayama bus driver strike as a template for workers strikes in the USA Narrative Abstraction: US workers can learn from the Okayama bus-strike; show up to work & accept no customer pay "Morgan enjoys an afternoon shower with a cold mug of pulpy OJ and his last 2 cigarettes for a while. Having just finished a Persona 5 stream, his mind is on Japanese culture. Morg...
"Episode Name" Rainstorm Brainstorm, Episode 3 Time: early afternoon Condition: overcast, light showers Location: (Austin, TX) Guests: none Topic: election fraud in the USA Narrative Abstraction: Super Tuesday exit polling discrepancy is highest in US history; nobody talks about that. "A a stormfront rolls in and the east coast prepares for hurricane season, host Morgan laments the difficult situation Americans are in for their political future. While many conversations have been had about the i...
"Viral Spiral" Rainstorm Brainstorm, Episode 1 Time: late evening Condition: heavy thunderstorm Location: front porch (Austin, TX) Guests: none Topic: Education & Communication during CoViD-19 Narrative Abstraction: Ideas as Viruses; Viruses as Tools During a powerful thunderstorm in the early summer of Austin TX, host Morgan Booksh reflects on the challenges which CoViD-19 poses to the schooling of his younger siblings; one in middle school and the other in high school. His brainstorm meanders ...
"Demon Semen" Rainstorm Brainstorm, Episode 2 Time: afternoon Condition: overcast, into light showers Location: (Austin, TX) Guests: ChuckyBlk Topic: Magic, Mysticism & Music on the patio with a friend Narrative Abstraction: Determining the theoretical characteristics of Demon ejaculate among other topics. Host Morgan Booksh ventures to his previous workplace patio to enjoy a pleasant bout of co...
An introduction to the worlds first RWW feed; a Real-World-Weather timed podcast which releases along with Mother Nature as she releases rain clouds over Austin, TX.