Hi If you're looking to learn Chinese from scratch, or just want to brush up on your skills, or if you think you are not ready for LCTS yet, RLC for Beginners podcast is perfect for you! Every episode features a natural Chinese conversation between two native speakers, with key vocabulary explained. To get the most out of it, we recommend listening to the conversation with and without the transcript, so you can shadow along. Please give a listen and let us know what you think. Support us on Patr...
Feb 24, 2023•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Hi If you're looking to learn Chinese from scratch, or just want to brush up on your skills, or if you think you are not ready for LCTS yet, RLC for Beginners podcast is perfect for you! Every episode features a natural Chinese conversation between two native speakers, with key vocabulary explained. To get the most out of it, we recommend listening to the conversation with and without the transcript, so you can shadow along. Please give a listen and let us know what you think. Support us on Patr...
Feb 14, 2023•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Hi If you're looking to learn Chinese from scratch, or just want to brush up on your skills, RLC for Beginners podcast is perfect for you! Every episode features a natural Chinese conversation between two native speakers, with key vocabulary explained. To get the most out of it, we recommend listening to the conversation with and without the transcript, so you can shadow along. Please give a listen and let us know what you think. Support us on Patreon to gain access to all the transcripts, and h...
Jan 26, 2023•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast As 2023 approaches, we have finally launched RLC for Beginners podcast in Apple podcast and Spotify . If you're looking to learn Chinese from scratch, or just want to brush up on your skills, our podcast is perfect for you! Every episode features a natural Chinese conversation between two native speakers, with key vocabulary explained. To get the most out of it, we recommend listening to the conversation with and without the transcript, so you can shadow along. Please give a listen and let us kn...
Dec 31, 2022•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast the First Chinese Woman in America Resource Help us keep LCTS going and reach 200 patrons https://www.patreon.com/learningchinesethroughstories For the full transcript of this episode and many others, please support us by becoming our patrons. Find the story part of this episode here ************************************************************ If you think our podcast is valuable to you and others, become our patron for as low as $5/month.You will have access to all of the transcripts, vocabular...
May 09, 2022•37 min•Transcript available on Metacast Follow and subscribe for free 听故事说中文LCTS is sponsored by our Patrons . Little Red Riding Hood For the full transcript of this episode and many others, please support us by becoming our patrons. ************************************************************ If you think our podcast is valuable to you and others, become our patron for as low as $5/month.You will have access to all of the transcripts, vocabulary list and patrons only episodes **********************************************************...
Apr 23, 2022•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast Follow and subscribe for free 听故事说中文LCTS is sponsored by our Patrons. Little Red Riding Hood For the full transcript of this episode and many others, please support us by becoming our patrons. ************************************************************ If you think our podcast is valuable to you and others, become our patron for as low as $5/month.You will have access to all of the transcripts, vocabulary list and patrons only episodes ***********************************************************...
Apr 13, 2022•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Follow and subscribe for free 听故事说中文LCTS is sponsored by our Patrons. The background of the four players from the TV Show- Squid Game For the full transcript of this episode and many others, please support us by becoming our patrons. 0:00-02:03 女:听故事说中文,听得越多说得越好,大家好,今天给大家带来故事解读,解读故事《鱿鱼游戏里的四个玩家》。 男:《鱿鱼游戏里的四个玩家》。 女:这一期的节目由我们的Patrons赞助完成,在这里感谢我们的Patrons,没有你们的帮助和支持还有鼓励,就没有这一期的故事解读。 男:没错,谢谢我们的Patrons,没有你们就没有《听故事说中文》,我们也欢迎更多的人加入我们,成为我们的Patrons,帮我们把《听故事说中文》做成最好的故事播客,那么同时呢,如果你想和我们有线上的交流,你也可以通过Patreon来加入...
Apr 07, 2022•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast Follow and subscribe for free 听故事说中文LCTS is sponsored by our Patrons. The background of the four players from the TV Show- Squid Game 成奇勋,编号456 他因公司 重组 丢掉工作,每天的生活在 债务 和 赌博之间徘徊 ,和妻子离婚后过着 无助 的生活。有一天,他在地铁上收到了一张游戏邀请卡片, 便 去参与了比赛。 For the full transcript of this episode and many others, please support us by becoming our patrons. ************************************************************ If you think our podcast is valuable to you and others, become our patron for as low as $5/month.You will have acc...
Mar 29, 2022•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Follow and subscribe for free What's the #1 challenge you have related to learning Chinese ? https://tally.so/r/mJP2Jw 听故事说中文LCTS is sponsored by our Patrons. 0:00-02:07 女:听故事说中文,听得越多说得越好,大家好,今天给大家带来一首歌,歌的名字叫《老鼠爱大米》。 男:《老鼠爱大米》。 女:这首歌由我们的Patrons给大家带来,在这里感谢我们的Patrons,没有你们的支持,就没有这一期的节目。 男:没错,谢谢我们的Patrons。 女:下面一起来听歌。 男:来听歌。 女:《老鼠爱大米》。 男:《老鼠爱大米》。 女:词/曲:杨臣刚。 男:我听见你的声音,有种 特别 的 感觉 。 女:让我 不断 想,不 敢 再 忘记 你。 男:我记得有一个人, 永远留 在我心中。 女: 哪怕 只 能够 这样的想你。 男:如果真的有一天,爱情 理想 会 实现 。 女:我会 加倍 努力好好对你, 永远 不改变。 男: 不管 路有多么远,一定...
Mar 21, 2022•43 min•Transcript available on Metacast A quick favor ? 听故事说中文LCTS is sponsored by our Patrons. For the full transcript of this episode and many others, please support us by becoming our patrons. ************************************************************ If you think our podcast is valuable to you and others, become our patron for as low as $5/month.You will have access to all of the transcripts, vocabulary list and patrons only episodes ************************************************************ Are you already a listener? Leaving...
Mar 14, 2022•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast A quick favor ? 听故事说中文LCTS is sponsored by our Patrons. For the full transcript of this episode and many others, please support us by becoming our patrons. ************************************************************ If you think our podcast is valuable to you and others, become our patron for as low as $5/month.You will have access to all of the transcripts, vocabulary list and patrons only episodes ************************************************************ Are you already a listener? Leaving...
Mar 04, 2022•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast 听故事说中文 LCTS is sponsored by our Patrons. Follow and subscribe for free Get the next episode as soon as it is available by following/subscribing it for free at Apple Podcast Google Podcast Spotify Amazon Music Transcript of this episode can be found on our Patreon site 0:00-02:07 女:听故事说中文,听得越多说得越好,大家好,今天给大家带来故事解读,解读散文莫怀戚的《散步》。 男:《散步》。 女:本期的故事解读由我们的Patrons赞助完成,在这里感谢我们的Patrons,没有你们的支持就没有这一期的故事解读。 男:没错,非常感谢我们的Patrons,真的因为没有你们就没有《听故事说中文》,今年是我们做这个差不多六年多,对不对?我们做两百多期节目,这些节目都是在你们的帮助下完成的。 女:嗯。 男:非常感谢来自全世界...
Feb 22, 2022•43 min•Transcript available on Metacast Can you do us a quick favor ? 听故事说中文 LCTS is sponsored by our Patrons. Please hit that Subscribe/Follow button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss the latest episode. Transcript of this episode can be found on our Patreon site 我们在田野散步:我,我的母亲,我的妻子和儿子。 母亲本不愿出来的。她老了,身体不好,走远一点就觉得很累。我说,正因 为如此,才应该多走走。母亲信服地点点头,便去拿外套。她现在很听我的话, 就像我小时候很听她的话一样。 ************************************************************ If you think our podcast is valuable to you and others, become our patron for as low as $5/month....
Feb 13, 2022•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast A quick favor ? 听故事说中文 LCTS is sponsored by our Patrons. Please hit that Subscribe/Follow button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss the latest episode. Hi everyone, This episode is co-created by : Hersh, Sergiane, Markus, Jason, Matthias, and Omar. Thank you all so much for joining the chat and sharing the joy. It's a lot of fun. Ps. it is our first time recording our community chat. The sound quality is not the best. But it can only get better from here. If you are interested in joining ...
Feb 05, 2022•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast A quick favor ? 听故事说中文 LCTS is sponsored by our Patrons. Please hit that Subscribe/Follow button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss the latest episode. Transcript of this episode can be found on our Patreon site 0:00-02:03 女:听故事说中文,听得越多说得越好,大家好,今天给大家带来故事解读,解读故事《宝莲灯》。 男:《宝莲灯》。 女:本期节目由我们的Patrons赞助完成,在这里感谢你们,我们的Patrons,没有你们的支持就没有这一期的故事解读。 男:没错,谢谢我们的Patrons。 女:谢谢你们,每次其实我们两个在讲故事或者在讲故事解读的时候呢,其实都是我们...我们两个人之间这种关系和感情的一种交流的方式,所以... 男:哦,你是说平时我们没有时间说话吗? 女:平时也有吧,但是其实我是觉得我和你啊,还有我们的听众在一起,我觉得这种互动是我就是挺喜欢...
Feb 02, 2022•48 min•Transcript available on Metacast A quick favor ? 听故事说中文 LCTS is sponsored by our Patrons. Please hit that Subscribe/Follow button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss the latest episode. Transcript of this episode can be found on our Patreon site 从前, 天上 的 仙女 三 圣母 和 人间 的一个 书生 相爱了,他们有了自己的孩子,沉香。三圣母的哥哥二郎神知道这件事以后非常生气,把妹妹 压 在了华山底下,抢走了沉香。三圣母在 危难之际 ,将一 盏 神奇的宝莲灯交给自己的丈夫,以 保佑 他们父子 躲避 二郎神的 追杀 。 ************************************************************ If you think our podcast is valuable to you and others, become our patron for as ...
Jan 20, 2022•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast A quick favor ? 听故事说中文LCTS is sponsored by our Patrons. For the full transcript of this episode and many others, please support us by becoming our patrons. ************************************************************ If you think our podcast is valuable to you and others, become our patron for as low as $5/month.You will have access to all of the transcripts, vocabulary list and patrons only episodes ************************************************************ Are you already a listener? Leaving...
Jan 13, 2022•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast 听故事说中文LCTS is sponsored by our Patrons. Transcript
Jan 05, 2022•1 hr•Transcript available on Metacast 听故事说中文LCTS is sponsored by our Patrons. Please hit that Subscribe/Follow button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss the latest episode. Full Transcript of this episode can be found on our Patreon page 2021年 9月1日,中国女排 主教练 郎平在个人社交媒体 发布 长文, 宣布卸任 中国女排主教练。 “今天,是我 离任 中国女排主教练的第一天。任务终于完成了,我的第一站,是到苏州,给一年前因病去世的老妈 扫墓 。”郎平的 话语间 更多的是平静,为中国女排 奉献 了自己 大半生 的她,这次终于可以休息了。 For the full transcript of this episode and many others, please support us by becoming our patrons. **************************************...
Dec 24, 2021•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast Please hit that Subscribe/Follow button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss the latest episode. Full Transcript of this episode can be found on our Patreon page 0:00-02:02 女:听故事说中文,听得越多说得越好,大家好,今天给大家带来故事解读,解读成语故事《狐假虎威》。 男:《狐假虎威》。 女:本期节目由我们的Patrons赞助完成,在这里感谢你们,我们的Patrons,没有你们的支持和帮助就没有这一期的故事解读,谢谢你。 男:没错,谢谢我们的Patrons,你们的爱让我们很感动,谢谢你们。 女:下面来听故事解读,解读成语故事《狐假虎威》。 男:《狐假虎威》。 女:所以今天的这个成语故事里面啊还有动物,我知道我们很多的这个故事或者成语故事都有动物,今天的这个故事里面有几种动物? 男:两种。 女:两种动物,都是什么呢? 男: 狐狸 和 老虎 。 女:狐和虎。 男:没错。 女:狐和虎。 男:狐就是 狐狸 ,虎就是...
Dec 15, 2021•44 min•Transcript available on Metacast 听故事说中文LCTS is sponsored by our Patrons. Please hit that Subscribe/Follow button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss the latest episode. Full Transcript of this episode can be found on our Patreon page 在 茂密 的 森林 里 , 有 一 只 老虎 正在 寻找 食物 。 一 只 狐狸 从 老虎 身边 蹿 过 。 老虎 扑 过去 , 把 狐狸 逮 住 了 。 狐狸 眼珠子 骨碌 一 转 , 扯 着 嗓子 问 老虎 : “ 你 敢 吃 我 ? ” “ 为什么 不 敢 ? ” 老虎 一 愣 。 For the full transcript of this episode and many others, please support us by becoming our patrons. ************************************************...
Dec 02, 2021•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast This episode is sponsored by our patrons. If you think our podcast is valuable to you and others, become our patron for as low as $5/month. You will have access to all of the transcripts, vocabulary list and patrons only episodes ************************************************************ Please hit that Subscribe/Follow button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss the latest episode. Full Transcript of this episode can be found on our Patreon page 0:00-02:11 女:听故事说中文,听得越多说得越好,大家好,今天给大家带来一首...
Nov 21, 2021•36 min•Transcript available on Metacast This episode is sponsored by our patrons. If you think our podcast is valuable to you and others, become our patron for as low as $5/month. You will have access to all of the transcripts, vocabulary list and patrons only episodes ************************************************************ Are you already a listener? Leaving the show a review on iTunes will help more people find the podcast. Thank you!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️...
Nov 13, 2021•1 hr•Transcript available on Metacast LCTS is sponsored by our Patrons. This episode is created at the suggestion of our patron 柯雷顿。 Some background knowledge on Yu Hua. He is a renowned Chinese author. His novels To Live (1993) and Chronicle of a Blood Merchant (1995) were widely acclaimed. Please hit that Subscribe/Follow button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss the latest episode. Full Transcript of this episode can be found on our Patreon page 说起余华,很多爱好文学的人都知道。他的小说《活着》被张艺谋拍成了电影,大放异彩,从而广为人知。但对于他的青春岁月,却鲜有人知。 19岁那年,余华在一个小县城...
Nov 06, 2021•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Please hit that Subscribe/Follow button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss the latest episode. Full Transcript of this episode can be found on our Patreon page 0:00-02:08 女:听故事说中文,听得越多说得越好,大家好,今天给大家带来故事解读,解读小故事《皮鞋》。 男:《皮鞋》。 女:本期节目由我们的Patrons赞助完成,在这里感谢我们的Patrons,没有你们的支持,就没有这一期的故事解读。 男:没错,非常谢谢我们的Patrons,没有你们就没有《听故事说中文》,下面我们来听故事解读《皮鞋》。 女:《皮鞋》,哎,你平时喜欢穿什么样的鞋啊?皮鞋、运动鞋、凉鞋、皮靴? 男:皮靴,我一般喜欢穿运动鞋吧我觉得,运动鞋比较轻松。 女:嗯,什么场合会穿皮鞋呢? 男:皮鞋的话工作的时候得穿,我觉得主要是工作吧,你呢? 女:对,也是跟你差不多吧,要看场合吧,运动的时候穿运动鞋,然后就是如果想打扮得漂亮一点的话,就是八成会...
Oct 24, 2021•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast Please hit that Subscribe/Follow button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss the latest episode. Full Transcript of this episode can be found on our Patreon page 一个年轻人问村里的智者,幸福生活的秘诀是什么。 智者没说话,领着年轻人来到村头的一片树林。树林里有一条小路,沿途有非常美丽的风景,一直走,就会回到原点。“沿着这条小路散散步吧,但要小心树林里的灰熊”,智者嘱咐。年轻人点点头,胆战心惊地出发了。 ..... For the full transcript of this episode and many others, please support us by becoming our patrons. ************************************************************ If you think our podcast is valuable to you ...
Oct 16, 2021•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Please hit that Subscribe/Follow button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss the latest episode. Full Transcript of this episode can be found on our Patreon page 0:00-02:14 女:听故事说中文,听得越多说得越好,大家好,今天给大家带来故事解读,解读故事《用伤疤提醒自己》。 男:《用伤疤提醒自己》。 女:谢谢我们的Patrons给我们的支持和帮助,让我们可以给大家带来这一期的故事解读。 男:没错,非常非常感谢我们的Patrons,那下面我们来听故事解读。 女:《用伤疤提醒自己》。 男:什么? 女:《用伤疤提醒自己》。 男:用什么提醒自己? 女: 伤疤 。 男: 伤疤 ? 女:我看你脸上好像就有一个 伤疤 ,这怎么有个疤呀?这个疤是哪来的呀? 男:是小时候不小心划破了。 女:哦,哎好像这个眼睛上面也有一个疤诶? 男:眼睛上有个疤? 女:你这个眼睛上是有个疤在这。 男:你是说... ..... For the fu...
Oct 09, 2021•35 min•Transcript available on Metacast Please hit that Subscribe/Follow button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss the latest episode. Full Transcript of this episode can be found on our Patreon page 一个 年轻人 问村里的 智者 ,幸福生活的 秘诀 是什么。 智者没说话,领着年轻人来到村头的一片树林。树林里有一条小路, 沿途 有非常美丽的风景,一直走,就会回到 原点 。“沿着这条小路散 散步 吧,但要小心树林里的灰熊”,智者 嘱咐 。年轻人点点头, 胆战心惊 地出发了。 ..... For the full transcript of this episode and many others, please support us by becoming our patrons. ************************************************************ If you think our podcast is ...
Oct 02, 2021•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Please hit that Subscribe/Follow button on your Podcast player, so you won't miss the latest episode. Full Transcript of this episode can be found on our Patreon page 0:00-02:01 女:听故事说中文,听得越多说得越好,大家好,今天给大家带来故事解读,解读故事《此心安处是吾乡》。 男:《此心安处是吾乡》。 女:本期节目由我们的Patrons赞助完成,Patrons你们在哪里?在这里感谢你们,没有你们的支持和帮助就没有这一期的故事解读。 男:没错,我们的Patrons给了我们很多的帮助,给了我们很多的支持,真的,没有你们就没有《听故事说中文》,在这里跟你们说一声大大的谢谢。 女:谢谢,谢谢,下面一起来听故事解读,解读故事《此心安处是吾乡》。 男:《此心安处是吾乡》。 女:哦,这句话听起来很好听很美,是你写的吗? 男:不是我写的。 女:那是谁写的? 男:是一个作家写的。 女:作家? 男:嗯。 女:你说的应该是... 男:...
Sep 24, 2021•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast