When the author was a kid, his grandpa always made sure that he got covered by the umbrella while they walked together in the rain. The author noticed that his grandpa tilted the umbrella so much that one side of his clothes always got soaked wet. Many years flew by, it turned out that... 小时候,我喜欢下雨,喜欢踩着路面的积水,走在雨中。 每逢下雨的时候,外公便会打着那把蓝色的大伞,站在校门口向我招手。我迅速地钻进伞下,和外公一起走进雨的世界。 一次,外公来接我时,正下着倾盆大雨,天气很冷。 “外公,伞歪了。” 外公笑眯眯地说:“没歪呀。” 我感到奇怪,说:“明明是歪向我这边的!” 外公听了,笑而不语。 回到家里,我发现外公半边衣服都湿透了,脸色苍白,冻得全身发抖。 “外公,快换件衣服吧!” “你没被...
Mar 10, 2017•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast 2015-05-26 12:44 作者:张彦红来源:三联生活周刊 2015年第21期 姥姥对我,其实是特别重要的一个人。因为和二妹只相差一岁半,所以在很小的时候,我就和姥姥姥爷舅舅一家人生活在一起,直到6岁上学才回到父母身边,但每逢周末假期,也都是要到姥姥家去过的。对于幼年的我,姥姥差不多就是妈妈的位置和角色。 姥姥对我们这些孩子很好,甚至可以说是娇惯。印象很深的,比如我们和别的孩子起了冲突,或者表弟跟别的孩子打了架,姥姥都会帮我们出头,就是俗称的“护犊子”,因为在她眼里,自家的孩子总是好的,总是对的。比如小孩子总是赖床的,特别是在冬天,早晨离开热乎乎的被窝真是特别痛苦的一件事,姥姥就特别能体谅我们,有时甚至会塞块点心到被窝里,让你先满足一下。当然这些在有知识有文化的年轻父母眼里,真不是科学的育儿方法,但我们孩子真是很受用呀。 姥姥今年90周岁了,按虚岁,去年我们给她过了90大寿。这么算起来,姥姥生于1925年,那是河北一个叫孟各庄的村子。她兄妹六人,两个哥哥一个弟弟两个妹妹,在她五六岁的时候,她的母亲就因病去世了。姥姥的父亲便把三个女儿都送了人,理由是没了娘的孩子,男孩穿得脏点破点没...
Mar 08, 2017•42 min•Transcript available on Metacast 姥姥对我,其实是特别重要的一个人。因为和二妹只相差一岁半,所以在很小的时候,我就和姥姥姥爷舅舅一家人生活在一起,直到6岁上学才回到父母身边,但每逢周末假期,也都是要到姥姥家去过的。对于幼年的我,姥姥差不多就是妈妈的位置和角色。 姥姥对我们这些孩子很好,甚至可以说是娇惯。印象很深的,比如我们和别的孩子起了冲突,或者表弟跟别的孩子打了架,姥姥都会帮我们出头,就是俗称的“护犊子”,因为在她眼里,自家的孩子总是好的,总是对的。比如小孩子总是赖床的,特别是在冬天,早晨离开热乎乎的被窝真是特别痛苦的一件事,姥姥就特别能体谅我们,有时甚至会塞块点心到被窝里,让你先满足一下。当然这些在有知识有文化的年轻父母眼里,真不是科学的育儿方法,但我们孩子真是很受用呀。 姥姥今年90周岁了,按虚岁,去年我们给她过了90大寿。这么算起来,姥姥生于1925年,那是河北一个叫孟各庄的村子。她兄妹六人,两个哥哥一个弟弟两个妹妹,在她五六岁的时候,她的母亲就因病去世了。姥姥的父亲便把三个女儿都送了人,理由是没了娘的孩子,男孩穿得脏点破点没人笑话,女孩子就不行了。两个妹妹都是姥姥抱着送去的,她自己则被送到邻村一个开着小店的家...
Mar 08, 2017•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast 旅游时,我给母亲挑了一串珍珠项链。母亲生日那天,她高兴地戴上了这串项链。我们先逛街,然后去一家酒店的餐厅吃饭。 吃饭的时候,服务员不小心把饮料洒在了母亲的衣领上。母亲就去了一趟洗手间,去了好久都没回来。我赶紧去找她。在洗手间门口,我看见母亲在跟一个穿短袖上衣的女孩儿说话,见我来了,女孩儿向母亲弯了弯腰,匆匆地走了。我觉得有点儿奇怪,但母亲什么也没说。 回到家里,我才知道事情的经过。 母亲在洗手间擦洗衣领时,把项链摘了下来放在一边。她擦洗干净后,才猛然发现项链不见了。当时洗手间里只有她和那个女孩儿,那女孩儿神色慌张地正要出去,母亲叫住了她。 “对不起,小姑娘,打扰了。” “干什么?”女孩儿的脸色有些发白。 “我女儿送给我一串项链,刚才我随手一放,就不记得放在哪儿了,人老了,记性真不好。虽然这项链很普通,但却是女儿的一片心意。要是找不到,她一定会很伤心的,你也帮我找找吧。” 女孩儿看着母亲,说:“我帮您找找。” 不一会儿,女孩儿就找到了那串项链。 母亲向女孩儿表示感谢。就在这时,我走了进来。 听到这里,我问母亲:“她拿了您的东西,您为什么不叫保安,反而谢她呢?” “她也许是家境贫穷才这么做...
Mar 07, 2017•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast On the day when I was celebrating my mom's birthday with her at a restaurant, my mom's pear necklace almost got stole in the restroom. I was shocked by the fact that my mom did not only not report the thief of her pearl necklace the security, but she thanked the thief. And here is why... 旅游时,我给母亲挑了一串珍珠项链。母亲生日那天,她高兴地戴上了这串项链。我们先逛街,然后去一家酒店的餐厅吃饭。 吃饭的时候,服务员不小心把饮料洒在了母亲的衣领上。母亲就去了一趟洗手间,去了好久都没回来。我赶紧去找她。在洗手间门口,我看见母亲在跟一个穿短袖上衣的女孩儿说话,见我来了,女孩儿向母亲弯了弯腰,匆匆地走了。我觉得有点儿奇怪,但母亲什么也没说。 回到家里,我才知道事情的经过。 母亲在洗手间擦洗衣领时,把项链摘了下...
Mar 07, 2017•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast 哪吒 Né zhā Name, a hero fictional figure in Chinese mythology 闹 nào verb, to start a chaos 龙王 lóngwáng noun, dragon king 父子 fùzǐ noun phrase, father and son 称霸一方 chēngbàyìfāng Chengyu, to play the tyrant in a locality 兴风作浪 xīngfēngzuòlàng Chengyu, raise winds and waves; make trouble 害 hài verb, to do harm to; to cause the trouble of... 决心 juéxīn verb,to be determined to do...; noun, determination 治一治 zhì yí zhì verb phrase, to punish 出(一)口气 chū (yì) kǒuqì verb phrase, to take a revenge 法宝 fǎbǎo n...
Jan 11, 2017•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast Nezha is a famous fictional figure in Chinese mythology stories. As a kid hero, he rewards the right and punishes the wrong. In this chapter, the story tells Nezha fighting with the evil power in the East Sea to help the local people earn back lives with peace and tranquility. 东海龙王父子称霸一方,经常兴风作浪,害得人们不敢下海捕鱼。哪吒决心治一治他们,为老百姓出一口气。 一天,小哪吒带上他的两件法宝——混天绫和乾坤圈,来到大海边。他跳进大海里,取下混天绫在水里一摆,便掀起滔天巨浪,连东海龙王的水晶宫也摇摆起来。龙王吓了一跳,连忙派巡海夜叉上去察看。 夜叉从水底钻出来,只见一个娃娃在洗澡,举起斧头便砍。小哪吒可机灵啦,身子一闪,躲过了这一斧头,随便取下乾坤圈,向夜叉扔去。可别小看这小小的乾坤圈,它比一座大山还重,...
Jan 11, 2017•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast 卧 wò verb, to lie down 薪 xīn noun, fire woods 尝 cháng verb, to taste 胆 dǎn noun, gallbladder 长江 chángjiāng noun, the Yangtze River 下游 xiàyóu noun phrase, downstream 征服 zhēngfú verb, to conquer 对方 duìfāng noun, the other side 强大 qiángdà adj, powerful; strong 会稽 kuàijī noun, a place in Zhejiang provice (near Shaoxing city of today) 战 zhàn noun, warfare 败仗 bàizhàng noun phrase, a battle in which one loses 胜仗 shèngzhàng noun phrase, a battle in which one wins 万般无奈 wànbān wúnài chengyu, helpless; the...
Jan 05, 2017•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast The King of Yue did not give up after losing to Wu in the war of Kuaiji. Instead, he restarted his life with his wife as the slaves for the King in Wu and at the same time accumulated their strengths. A sacrifice he paid for more than 20 years was finally paid off when Yue eventually defeated Wu. 两千多年前,在长江下游有两个国家,一个是吴国,一个是越国。他们都想征服对方,使自己的国家强大起来。 会稽一战,越国打了败仗。越王勾践万般无奈,只好派人向吴王夫差求和,表示愿意和夫人一起去吴国,给吴王当奴仆。吴国的谋臣们纷纷要求灭掉越国,免除后患。得胜的吴王非常骄傲,不听大家的建议,答应了勾践的请求。 勾践夫妇来到吴国,穿上了粗布衣,住进了石头房,给吴王养马驾车,舂米推磨,受尽了屈辱。他们在吴国整整干了...
Jan 05, 2017•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast 郑 Zhèng noun, name of a country in Chunqiu era 履 lǚ noun, ancient Chinese word for "shoe(s)" 先 xiān adverb, firstly 量 liáng verb, to measure 尺码 chǐmǎ noun, size (for shoes and tailoring of clothes) 忘记 wàngjì verb, to forget 急急忙忙 jíjímángmáng adverb/adjective, in a hurry 集市 jí shì noun, fair; marketplace 挑 tiāo verb, to pick up; to choose 中 zhòng verb, to finish choosing 发觉 fājué verb, to realize 便 biàn conjunction word, it is used to connect two action verbs; the second one takes place right aft...
Jan 04, 2017•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast This ancient dude who lived during Chunqiu era(BC 770-476) chose to run back home to fetch the number of his feet size in order to purchase a new pair of shoes for himself, rather than to try shoes on with his own feet. This is an extreme example, but this guy also represents people who are stubborn and inflexible. 郑国有个人想买一双新鞋。他先比着自己的脚量了个尺码,就急急忙忙到集市上去了。 他在集市上挑中了一双鞋,才发觉量好的尺码忘记带来,就对卖鞋的人说:“请等一会儿。”他回到家拿了尺码便急匆匆地赶回来,可是集市已经散了。 有人问他:“你为什么不直接用自己的脚去试试鞋子呢?”这人振振有词地答道:“我宁可相信尺码,也不相信自己的脚!” ——选自苏教版第六册语文课本 Subsc...
Jan 04, 2017•2 min•Transcript available on Metacast About the origin of the world, there are different versions of stories under different religions and cultural backgrounds all around the world. This story is one of the most well-known Chinese legendary stories that describes ancient Chinese people's imagination about the formation of the world. 很久很久以前,天和地还没有分开,宇宙混(hùn)沌(dùn)一片。有个叫盘古的巨人,在这混沌之中,一直睡了十万八千年。 有一天,盘古忽然醒了。他见周围一片漆黑,就抡(lūn)起大斧头,朝眼前的黑暗猛(měng)劈(pī)过去。只听一声巨响,混沌一片的东西渐渐分开了。轻而清的东西,缓(huǎn)缓上升,变成了天;重而浊(zhúo)的东西,慢慢下降,变成了地。 天地分开以后,盘古怕它们还会合在一起,就头顶着...
Dec 07, 2016•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast 在我外甥女钱多多看来,年方9岁的她,遭遇了人生第一场特大危机——妈妈生弟弟了,她濒临失宠。今非昔比,之前她爸爸朋友圈还在发:“特意请假,保障多多首次期末考试!”今年就成了:“大家努力二胎吧,都会美梦成真的!” 其实一开始多多心态平和,笃定地告诉我:“妈妈说不会重男轻女。”虽然在她眼里,这话意味着“妈妈会魔法,能让弟弟和我一样体重”,甚至她还窃喜不已:父母忙着照顾弟弟的头几天,也是她处于监管真空的时段——可以晚上10点再睡,睡前再吃一大根棒棒冰。然而没过多久,多多便得知亲友给弟弟的红包大都四位数起跳,她就再也无法维持平常心——要知道9年前她满月时,宾客人均才给区区几百元。在号啕痛哭前,多多大叫三声:“不公平!” 多多听不进“什么是通货膨胀”,更听不进让她放宽心的劝告。只要我谈及她弟弟,她翻脸比翻书还快——前脚还在跟我讨论《哈利·波特》的剧情,后脚就拿起铅笔对我念咒:“阿瓦达索命!”有时被我逼得急了,小学三年级的多多甚至会出其不意,拷问我的心灵:“小姨是你的话,会想要弟弟妹妹吗?”我被她噎得无话可说。坦白而言,身为从小看《家有儿女》长大的独生子女,我爱看情景喜剧拟真,可未必爱看情景喜剧成真...
Nov 28, 2016•28 min•Transcript available on Metacast Crisis is approaching to a lot of Chinese kids who are the "only child" in their families, when Chinese government announced that it was going to relax the one-child-only policy. To those kids, having siblings means less attention from parents and possible unfair treatment. 3rd grader Qianduoduo' experience of handling the pressure of having a newborn brother is shared by her aunt in this article. 2016-09-30 12:51 作者:尚小右来源:三联生活周刊 在我外甥女钱多多看来,年方9岁的她,遭遇了人生第一场特大危机——妈妈生弟弟了,她濒临失宠。今非昔比,之前她爸爸朋友圈还在发:“特意请...
Nov 28, 2016•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Nov 28, 2016•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Mom was mad when she found her 8-year-old youngest daughter spent all of her Christmas money on cheap lollipops. She saved money for her five children and she would not tolerate a waste like this. When she was having a serious conversation with her daughter, she learned about the sweetest thing ever... 圣诞节快要到了,该选购圣诞礼物了。孩子们热烈地讨论这个问题,互相试探对方的心意,希望送出最诚挚的祝福,收到最甜蜜的笑容。让我担心的是,家里并不宽裕,我只攒了一百美元,却要由五个孩子来分享,他们怎么可能买到很多很好的礼物呢? 圣诞节前夕,我给了每个孩子二十美元,提醒每人至少准备四份礼物。接着,我把他们带到一个商场,分头去采购,约定两小时后一起回家。 回家途中,孩子们兴高采烈。你给我一点儿暗示...
Nov 28, 2016•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Nov 16, 2016•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast Maliang was a poor boy who loved drawing. He had been practicing drawing a lot but could never afford a painting brush. Maliang's life was changed when at one night, a fairy gave Maliang a magical painting brush. Maliang started to help the poor and punish the evils with his magical brush... 从前,有个孩子叫马良。他很喜欢画画,可是家里穷,连一枝笔也没有。一天,他放牛回来,路过学馆,看见里面有个画师,拿着笔在给大官画画。 马良看得出神,不知不觉地走了进去。他对大官和画师说:“请给我一枝笔,可以吗?我想学画画。” 大官和画师听了哈哈大笑,说:“穷娃子也想学画画?”他们把马良赶了出来。 马良气呼呼地说:“我偏不信,穷娃子就不能学画画!” 从此,马良用心学画画。他到山上去打柴,用树枝在沙地上画天上的鸟。他...
Nov 16, 2016•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast One problem that a lot of Chinese parents have about family education is they do education talk too much. They try to make use of every teachable moment with the best intention of making their kids the most successful ones; however, all kids are against this education approach from the bottom of their hearts. The writer of this article got his writing inspiration from sharing a table with a Chinese family of three in a local popular noodle restaurant. A few observations that he made about the mo...
Nov 16, 2016•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast 关于外公 2016-11-04 14:50 作者:糊糊大人来源:三联生活周刊 外公从不关心人,从不理会自己之外的世界。他活在那个女孩美丽的笑容里,于是整个世界也笑了。 我曾经对人说,我喜欢老人。这是真的。人有了年纪,就有了智慧,能看透一般人无法了解的状态。老了会变得谦逊,得失也能看到另一个角度了。他们不是退化跟不上时代了,其实是进化了。我们常自作聪明。 自我记事起,外公的精神就有点问题。 对于外公的第一个印象就是,他坐在椅子上,一个人莫名其妙地就笑了起来。外婆和外公关系不好,很早就分房睡,基本无交流,除非是要他干什么活,不然就是争吵。其实,也谈不上是什么争吵,无非是外婆生气,外公却压根儿不作理会。而后,我常常思考,外婆或许觉得最悲哀的事情,正是外公的冷漠。那种可以对每天睡在枕边的人视而不见的冷漠,才是最可怕的东西。 其实关于外公精神的问题来源,我一直不太清楚,也不敢太过问,特别是在外婆面前。只记得多年前小姨生小孩,我们去探望,那天晚上很多人挤在一张床上,睡梦中,听到外婆和妈妈聊起。似乎是外公年轻的时候,在一家窑上做工,在那里爱上了一个送他西瓜吃的女孩,而后他对这个女孩魂牵梦萦,从此落下...
Nov 15, 2016•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast From the writer's perspective, her grandpa who had a mental disorder was crazy, callous and lived a mysterious but happy life. 关于外公 2016-11-04 14:50 作者:糊糊大人 来源:三联生活周刊 外公从不关心人,从不理会自己之外的世界。他活在那个女孩美丽的笑容里,于是整个世界也笑了。 我曾经对人说,我喜欢老人。这是真的。人有了年纪,就有了智慧,能看透一般人无法了解的状态。老了会变得谦逊,得失也能看到另一个角度了。他们不是退化跟不上时代了,其实是进化了。我们常自作聪明。 自我记事起,外公的精神就有点问题。 对于外公的第一个印象就是,他坐在椅子上,一个人莫名其妙地就笑了起来。外婆和外公关系不好,很早就分房睡,基本无交流,除非是要他干什么活,不然就是争吵。其实,也谈不上是什么争吵,无非是外婆生气,外公却压根儿不作理会。而后,我常常思考,外婆或许觉得最悲哀的事情,正是外公的冷漠。那种可以对每天睡在枕边的人视而不见的冷漠,才是最可怕的东西。 其实关于外公精神的...
Nov 15, 2016•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast 让 ràng, verb, to let others have... 梨 lí, noun, pear 东汉 dōnghàn, noun, the Eastern Han Dynasty 时期 shíqī, noun, era;time 文学家 wénxué jiā, noun, master of literature; writer 从小 cóngxiǎo, preposition phrase, from one's childhood 十分 shífēn, adverb, very 懂事 dǒngshì, adj, mature; have good manners 母亲 mǔqīn, noun, mother 端 duān, verb, to hold (a dish, a plate, a drink) 盘 pán, noun, plate 位 wèi, measure word for people that deserve respect 兄长 xiōngzhǎng, noun, older brother 拿 ná, verb, to take 年纪 niánjì,...
Nov 15, 2016•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is a well-known anecdote story about a famous Chinese writer called Kongrong from the Eastern Han dynasty. Kongrong knew manners well since he was a little kid. One day, his mother brought in a plate of pears and his older brothers asked him to pick first. What Kongrong did shocked everyone in the room... 孔融是东汉时期的文学家。他从小就十分懂事。 孔融四岁那年,有一天,母亲端来一盘梨给孩子们吃。几位兄长让孔融先拿。孔融看了看,拿了一个最小的。 父亲看见了,问孔融:“盘子里那么多梨,你为什么不拿大的,只拿小的呢?” 孔融说:“我年纪小,吃小的,大的让兄长吃。” ——摘自http://www.taozhi.cn/a/128302.htm Subscribe to our new...
Nov 15, 2016•2 min•Transcript available on Metacast 井 jǐng,noun, a well 观guān, verb, to watch 青蛙qīngwā, noun, frog 落luò, verb, to land 沿(儿)yán‘er, noun, brim 回答huídá, verb, to respond 里lǐ, noun, 1里 equals 500 metres 渴kě, adj, thirsty 点diǎn, noun, a little amount 说大话 shuō dàhuà, to brag; or 吹牛 不过búguò, adv, only 井口jǐngkǒu, noun phrase, wellhead 弄nòng, verb, to conduct an action 错cuò, adj, wrong 无边无际wúbiān wújì, chengyu, boundless ……得很……de hěn, very+adjective 抬头táitóu, verb phrase, to look up 信xìn, verb, to believe 跳tiào, verb, to jump...
Nov 09, 2016•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast There was a frog who lived inside a well for his whole life. He had always believed that the sky was as small as the wellhead, until one day when he met a traveling bird who was taking a water break from her long journey. 青蛙坐在井里。小鸟飞来,落在井沿上。 青蛙问小鸟:“你从哪儿来呀?” 小鸟回答说:“我从天上来,飞了一百多里,口渴了,下来找点水喝。” 青蛙说:“朋友,别说大话了!天不过井口那么大,还用飞那么远吗?” 小鸟说:“你弄错了。天无边无际,大得很哪!” 青蛙笑了,说:“朋友,我天天坐在井里,一抬头就看见天。我不会弄错的。” 小鸟也笑了,说:“朋友,你是弄错了。不信,你跳出井口来看一看吧。” ——摘自沪教版第二册语文课文 Subscribe to our newsletter: https://goo.gl/forms/iGzDQVYToF7Rivo42...
Nov 09, 2016•2 min•Transcript available on Metacast The dad was dedicated in finding the best husband for his grown-up filed mouse daughter. He wanted the most powerful creature in the world for his daughter, so his research began. After talking to many others, he reached a surprising conclusion... 从前 ,在地底下 有一个村子 ,村子里住着一对儿田鼠夫妇 。夫妇俩 结婚 很多年,一直没有孩子,孤独 地生活着。没想到,到了晚年 ,它们竟然 生了一个女儿。这个女儿别提有多 漂亮了。田鼠夫妇特别 爱这个女儿。在它们眼 里,这个女儿比 世界 上什么宝贝 都好。 田鼠的女儿一天天地健康长大,不知不觉 就到了要嫁人 的年纪了。 “老公啊,我们的女儿找什么样的女婿好呢?” 田鼠妈妈问道。 “当然是这个世界上本领 最大的女婿最好啊!”田鼠爸爸回答道。 “谁是这个世界上本领最大的女婿呢?”田鼠妈妈又问。 “这个...
Nov 09, 2016•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast 古时候 gǔ shíhòu, noun phrase, ancient times 和尚 héshàng, noun, monk 从小 cóngxiǎo, since one's childhood 喜爱 xǐ'ài, verb, to be fond of; to like 好学 hàoxué, adj, studious; fond of learning 上进 shàngjìn, adj, always want to do better 认真 rènzhēn, adj, careful; serious; diligent 总是 zǒng shì, adv, always 先 xiān, adv, firstly 清(楚)qīng (chǔ) , adj, clear 形状 xíngzhuàng, noun, shape 记住 jì zhù, verb, to memorize 笔顺 bǐshùn, noun, stroke order 一笔一画 yì bǐ yí huà, to write one stroke at one time 照着 zhàozhe, verb, to...
Oct 28, 2016•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast How did monk Huaisu become a famous calligrapher? What are the most important rules to follow when practicing Chinese character writing? Check out this story now. 古时候有个叫怀素的和尚。他从小就喜爱写字,是个好学上进的孩子。 怀素写字非常认真。他总是先看清字的形状,记住字的笔顺,再一笔一画照着写。这样,怀素的字进步很快。 传说当时纸贵,怀素就找来一块木板当纸用。他写呀写呀,日子一长,木板竟被写穿了。 怀素长大以后,成了有名的书法家。
Oct 28, 2016•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast 次 cì Noun, time(s) 一次,once 两次,twice 三次,three times 第一次,the 1st time 第二次,the 2nd time 第三次,the 3rd time 比 bǐ Comparison word 他比我高,he is taller than me. 第二次比第一次好,the 2nd time is better than the 1st time. 进步 jìnbù Noun, improvement; verb, to improve 菜园 càiyuán Noun, vegetable garden 冬瓜 dōngguā Noun, winter melon 躺 tǎng Verb, to lie down 地 dì Noun, ground; floor 地上, on the ground; on the floor 茄子 qiézi Noun, eggplant 挂 guà Verb, to hang 枝 zhī Noun, branch \ 枝上,on the branch 屋檐 wūyán Noun, eave 不一样 bù...
Oct 19, 2016•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast Practice makes perfect, you always do things better than before if you try one more time! That is also what swallow mom said to her swallow baby. Yícì bǐ yícì yǒu jìnbù Càiyuán lǐ ,dōngguā tǎng zài dì shàng ,qiézi guà zài zhī shàng 。 Wūyán xià ,yànzi māma duì xiǎo yànzǐ shuō :“nǐ dào càiyuán qù ,kànkan dōngguā hé qiézi yǒu shénme bù yíyàng ?”xiǎo yànzi qù le ,huílái shuō :“māma ,māma ,dōngguā dà ,qiézi xiǎo !” Yànzi māma shuō :“nǐ shuō de duì 。nǐ néng bú néng zài qù kànkan ,hái yǒu shénme bù yíy...
Oct 19, 2016•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast