壁虎 bìhǔ Noun, gecko 尾巴 wěibā Noun, tail 角 jiǎo Noun, corner 墙角,corner of the wall 街角,corner of the street 蚊子 wénzi Noun, mosquito 咬住 yǎo zhù Verb phrase, to bite into; to grip 挣 zhèng Verb, to break; to snap 断 duàn Adj, to be broken into half 逃走 táozǒu Verb, to escape 难看 nánkàn Adj, ugly 爬 pá Verb, to crawl 河边 hé biān Noun, riverside 摇 yáo Verb, to wave (head or tail) ……来……去 ……lái……qù Back and forth 走来走去,walk back and forth 游来游去,swim back and forth 飞来飞去,fly back and forth 行吗? xíng ma? Does (that...
Sep 13, 2016•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is a scientific story about a little gecko trying to find out a solution after its tail was bitten by a snake. After an adventure of going to different animals and asking for a loan of a new tail, the little gecko learned that its tail would grow back. Going through the new word list before you listen to this episode will help you have a better understanding. The word list can be found on www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 小壁虎在墙角捉蚊子,一条蛇咬住了它的尾巴。小壁虎一挣,挣断尾巴逃走了。 没有尾巴多难看啊!小壁虎想去借一条尾巴。 小壁虎爬呀爬,爬...
Sep 13, 2016•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast 胖乎乎 pànghūhū Adj, chubby 全家 quánjiā Noun phrase, whole family 兰兰 lánlan Chinese nickname for girls. 兰 is a kind of a flower 下班 xiàbān Verb phrase, to get off work 拿 ná Verb, to take/pick something with hands 又 yòu Adv, again; one more time 贴 tiē Verb, to post 墙 qiáng Noun, wall 明白 míngbai Verb, to understand 只是 zhǐshì Adv, only 自己 zìjǐ Pronoun, oneself 那么 nàme Adv, very (+adjective) 替 tì Verb, to do something for someone 过 guò Particle, verb+过,means someone has had the experience of doing someth...
Sep 12, 2016•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is a modern story that happens in a Chinese family. Chinese girl Lanlan's painting of her own chubby hands got praised by all of her family members. Lanlan's father picked this picture from many of her paintings and hang it on the wall. At first, Lanlan was very confused, but later she learned why from each of her family member. Going through the new word list before you listen to this episode will help you have a better understanding. The word list can be found on www.learningchinesethroug...
Sep 12, 2016•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast 要 yào Auxiliary verb, means “soon will”; “is going to” 弯 wān Verb, to bend 腰 yāo Noun, waist 山坡 shānpō Noun, the slope of a hill 山顶(ding),the top of a hill 山脚,the foot of a hill 山腰,the mid of a hill 闷 mēn Adj, stifling 直(起) zhí (qǐ) Verb, to straight up… 直起腰 直起身子 身子 shēnzi Noun, body 伸 shēn Verb, to stretch 腰 yāo Noun, waist 燕子 yànzi Noun, swallow 大声 dàshēng Adv, loudly 喊 hǎn Verb, yell; shout 低 dī Adj, low (一)边……(一)边…… (yī) biān……(yī) biān…… (one) is doing two things at the same time. 他一边吃饭一边看电...
Sep 12, 2016•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is a scientific story that teaches people to predict rain from observing animals' change in their behaviors. It is told through a rabbit's lens. 小白兔弯着腰在山坡上割草。天气很闷,小白兔直起 身子,伸伸腰。 小燕子从他头上飞过。小白兔大声 喊:“燕子,燕子,你为什么飞得这么低啊?” 燕子边飞边说:“要下雨了。空气很潮湿,虫子的翅膀沾了小水珠,我飞不高。我正 忙着 捉虫子呢!” 是要下雨了吗? 小白兔往前一看,那边池子里的小鱼都游到水面上来了。 小白兔跑过去,问:“小鱼,小鱼,今天怎么有空出来啊?” 小鱼说:“要下雨了。水里闷得很,我们游到水面上透透气。小白兔, 你快回家吧,小心 淋着雨。” 小白兔连忙 挎起 篮子往家跑。他看见路边有一大群 蚂蚁, 小白兔把要下雨的消息告诉蚂蚁。一只大蚂蚁说:“是要下雨了,我们正忙着往高处 搬家呢!” 小白兔加快 步子往家跑。他一边跑一边喊:“妈妈,妈妈,要下雨了!” 哗,哗,哗,大雨下起来了! ——...
Sep 12, 2016•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast 装 zhuāng Verb, to stuff; to fill 满 mǎn Adj, full 海鲜 hǎixiān Noun, seafood 馅 xiàn Noun, filling(s) In northern China, people say 馅儿 重庆 Chóngqìng City name, Chongqing 直径 zhíjìng Noun, diameter 米 mǐ Noun, meter 月饼 yuèbǐng Noun, mooncake, traditional Chinese food for the Mid-Autumn’s Day 王 wáng Noun, king 标价 biāojià Verb, the price is marked at… 千 qiān Noun, thousand 百 bǎi Noun, hundred 元 yuán Noun, yuan;RMB 陈家坪 Chénjiāpíng An area in Chongqing city 届 jiè Noun, measure word for festival, conference,...
Sep 07, 2016•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast The Mid-Autumn's Day (Zhongqiu jie) is around the corner. As a traditional food for the festival, Chinese mooncakes are notorious for being overpackaging as well as for their skyrocketing prices. This year, a mooncake king produced in Chongqing is priced at 8888 Yuan, which equals 1333 USD. Check out this news story and find out more about this mooncake. And find the transcript and glossary at www.learningchinesethroughstories.com 装满海鲜馅 重庆直径一米“月饼王”标价8888元 2016年9月6日下午2点,重庆市陈家坪第10届(重庆)月饼节在陈家坪展览 中心...
Sep 07, 2016•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is a fable story about a little monkey's adventure of going downhill. During the monkey's trip down the hill, he saw many things that interested him. He could have brought everything home, but he did not. Find out more about the story in this episode. The transcript of our stories can be found at www.learningchinesethroughstories.com. They are free for you to download. Enjoy learning with 听故事学中文! 有一天,小猴子下山来,走到一块 玉米地里。他看见玉米结得 又大又多,非常高兴,就掰了一个,扛着往前走。 小猴子扛着玉米,走到一棵 桃树 底下。他看见满树的桃子又大又红,非常高兴,就扔了玉米,...
Sep 07, 2016•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast 下山 xiàshān Verb phrase, to go downhill 上山,to go uphill 块 kuài Measure word for “farming field”, a square unit of a farming field 一块巧克力,a piece of chocolate 玉米 yùmǐ Noun, corn 地 dì Noun, farming field 玉米地,corn field 结 jiē Verb, (fruit, flower) grow(s) 玉米结得又大又好。The corn is big and good. 又……又…… yòu……yòu…… ...(adj) and …(adj) 又大又红,big and red 掰 bāi Verb, to break in the middle with one’s hands 掰玉米,to pick up corns(break off corn cobs) 扛 káng Verb, to carry on one’s shoulder 扛着枪, to carry the gun on ...
Sep 06, 2016•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast 乌鸦 wūyā Noun, crow 口渴 kǒu kě Adj, (mouth is) thirsty or 渴 到处 dàochù Adv, everywhere 瓶子 píngzi Noun, bottle 可是 kěshì Conjunction word, but; however. Or 但是,然而 瓶口 píng kǒu Noun, the mouth of a bottle 着 zháo Particle word, an action to be complete. Verb + (不 )+着。 喝(得)着,can get to drink… 喝不着,cannot get to drink… 怎么办 zěnme bàn What should (I/he/she/they) do now? 呢 ne Question particle word, at the end of this sentence softens it and makes it more polite. 你喝水呢还是喝可乐呢?Would you like to drink water or coc...
Sep 06, 2016•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is a classic fable story about a thirsty crow trying to figure out how to get a drink from a water bottle that only has a little bit water inside. 一只乌鸦 口渴了,到处找水喝。乌鸦看见一个瓶子,瓶子里有水。可是,瓶子里水不多,瓶口又小,乌鸦喝不着水。怎么办呢? 乌鸦看见旁边有许多小石子,想出办法来了。 乌鸦把小石子一个一个地放进瓶子里。瓶子里的水渐渐升高,乌鸦就喝着水了。 ——摘自小学一年级语文课本
Sep 06, 2016•2 min•Transcript available on Metacast 从前 cóngqián Noun, long time ago 挂着 guàzhe Verb phrase, (something) is hanging on (somewhere) 门上挂着一个铃铛。 墙上挂着一幅画。 铃铛 língdāng Noun, bell 偷 tōu Verb, to steal 小偷,thief 明明 míngmíng Adv, (someone knows something)clearly 她明明知道吃巧克力会发胖,晚上还吃了两包巧克力。 碰 pèng Verb, to touch (usually without permission) 别碰我!Don’t touch me! 丁零丁零 dīngling dīngling Onomatopoeia, the sound of a bell 铃铛“丁零丁零”地响。 响 xiǎng Verb, (alarm, instrument) make a certain sound 被 bèi Passive word, Object + 被 + subject + verb/verb phrase. 铃铛被人...
Sep 02, 2016•13 min•Transcript available on Metacast This Chengyu (Chinese idiom) story is about a thief who was stealing a bell with a hand covering his ear. He thought if he covered his ear, then the bell owner would not hear the bell ring either. This Chengyu is used to describe someone who is being dishonest with himself/herself. 从前,有一个人,看见人家大门上挂着一个铃铛,想把它偷走。他明明知道,那个铃铛只要用手一碰,就会丁零丁零地响起来,就会被人发觉。可是他想:响声要耳朵才能听见,如果把耳朵掩起来,不是就听不见了吗?他掩住了自己的 耳朵,伸手去偷那个铃铛。谁知手刚碰到铃铛,就被人发觉了。 掩耳盗铃:捂住耳朵去偷铃。比喻自己欺骗自己,却骗不了别人。做人、做事都不能自欺欺人。...
Sep 02, 2016•2 min•Transcript available on Metacast 古时候 gǔ shíhòu Noun phrase, ancient times 古代的时候 朝代 cháodài, noun,dynasty 矛 máo Noun, spear 长矛, long spear 盾 dùn Noun, shield the same with 盾牌(pái) 街上 jiē shàng On the street 街上,有人卖水果,有人卖衣服。 叫卖 jiàomài Verb, to announce publicly as for sale 举 jǔ Verb, to hold up 举手,have one’s hand up 举起…来, to raise…up 夸口 kuākǒu Verb, to brag; to boast or夸下海口 锐利 ruìlì Adj, sharp (this word is used to describe sharp weapons, such as spear, knife and etc.) 不论什么……都…… búlùn shénme……dōu…… Conjunction, all of …(noun) app...
Sep 02, 2016•12 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is an Chengyu (Chinese idiom) story about an ancient street vendor who was being inconsistent while advertising for his spear and shield. Spear and shield were thus used to describe contradictions since then. 古时候,有一个人,一手拿着矛, 一手拿着盾,在街上叫卖。他举起矛,向人夸口说:“我的矛 锐利得很,不论什么盾都戳得穿!”接着又举起盾,向人夸口说:“我的盾坚 固得很,不论什么矛都戳不穿它!” 有人问他:“用你的矛戳你的 盾,会怎么样呢?”他哑口无言, 回答不出来了。自相矛盾:用自己的矛戳自己的盾。 比喻说话、做事前后不符,互相抵触。说话、做事要实事求是, 不能夸大其词,否则只会自相矛盾。...
Sep 02, 2016•2 min•Transcript available on Metacast 上海 Shànghǎi Chinese metropolitan city, Shanghai 70后 70 hòu Noun phrase, people who were born during 1970-1979 80后,90后,00后,10后 城管 chéngguǎn Noun, Chinese urban management officer 次 cì Noun, time(s) 一次,once 两次, twice 三次, three times 无偿 wúcháng Adv, voluntarily 献血 xiànxiě Verb phrase, to donate blood 救 jiù Verb, to save one’s life “救命(mìng)!”means “Help!” 眭 Suī Noun, surname (uncommonly seen) 区 qū Noun, district 土生土长 tǔshēngtǔzhǎng Adj, to be born and grow up in the local community 个头 gètóu Noun, a...
Sep 01, 2016•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast Chinese Chengguan (urban management officers) usually have a very bad reputation. Check at today's news story about an awesome Chengguan doing good deeds by donating blood for 101 times in 10 years and the reason why he is doing this. 上海“70后”城管101次无偿献血救人 2016年8月29日,上海,眭庆是一名城管,在静安新城十区工作。37岁的他是土生土长的上海人,个头不高,黝黑的脸,话语不多,留着 小平头。从2006年起,眭庆坚持 无偿 献血,10年来,眭庆已捐献 全血7次累计2600毫升,血小板94次累计178人份,在熟悉他的人中传为佳话。 眭庆,穿上城管制服,他是穿梭在城市街头的一名城管队员;脱下制服,瘦小的他显得微不足道,普普通通。就是这样一个普通的年轻人,101次无偿献血救人。 要问眭庆献血到底为了啥?憨厚的他笑着说:“不为别的,想着能救人一命...
Sep 01, 2016•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is a real story about a Chinese man, one of the many who are working hard and trying to make more money for their family at Shenzhen. Shenzhen is a metropolitan city in Guanggong, where there are many big manufacturers, such as Foxconn, which assembles apple products. Many Chinese people from other parts of the country come to work, in pursuit of more money and a good life. 他的深圳故事 作者:周雨施 深圳市 宝安区观澜镇蚌岭村,大小工厂 星罗棋布,随之而来的是大量的外来 廉价 劳动力。 他是其中 之一,二十多岁时南下,进入一个生产 耳机的厂工作。在村里租了一间老旧的平房,每个月130元,有了落脚的地方。 ...
Aug 31, 2016•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast 山东 Shāndōng Place name, Shandong Province 青岛 Qīngdǎo Place name, Qingdao city 无 wú Verb, not to have, eaquals to 没有 无糖 táng, sugar-free 腿 tuǐ Noun, leg 少年 shàonián Noun, a 10 to 16-year-old 迎 yíng Verb, to welcome Same with 迎接 jiē 新 xīn Adj, new 学期 xuéqī Noun, semester 经过 Jīngguò Prep, after (a period of time) 经过一天的努力 经过一个暑假的生活 近 jìn Verb, “ 近 +a period of time” means “almost + a period of time” 近两年, almost two years 近一天,almost a day 暑假 shǔjià Noun, summer break 寒假,winter break 假期,vocation 久违 ji...
Aug 30, 2016•35 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is an authentic news cited from Tecent News. It is about an 11-year-old handicapped boy Gao Zhenyu, who just started his 6th grade school year. Zhenyu had a high-level amputee who lost both of his legs in a car accident during his 1st grade. Now, Zhenyu is using a pair of wood blocks to help himself walk, with the support of his hands. He has been always studying hard in school and has been very successful academically. His dream is to practice sports and attend the next Paralympics in 2020...
Aug 30, 2016•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast 谈 tán Verb, to talk about, to discuss 谈论,to talk about 谈到,to talk about the topic of… 未来 wèilái Noun, future 肯定 kěndìng Adv, definitely Synonym,一定 珠三角 zhū sānjiǎo Noun, a triangle area on the Zhu River in Guangdong 珠江, the Zhu River 转型 zhuǎnxíng Verb, to transform; noun, transformation 升级 shēngjí Verb, to upgrade 号角 hàojiǎo Noun, horn 吹响号角 号角响起 响起 xiǎngqǐ Verb, (sound) is on 音乐响起, the music is on 号角响起, the horn is blown 车间 chējiān Noun, production department 转移 zhuǎnyí Verb, to move, to transfer...
Aug 16, 2016•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast 墙 qiáng Noun, wall 墙上, on the wall. 墙上挂着一支笛子。 一支笛子挂在墙上。 挂 guà Verb, to hang something on 脖子上挂着一串项链。 把衣服挂在钩子上。 笛子 dízi Noun, flute 长笛,短笛,竖笛,牧笛 蒙 méng Verb,to cover 墙上的笛子上蒙了一层厚厚的灰。 孩子把衣服蒙在脸上。 来了一个蒙面人。 厚 hòu Adj, thick (only used on flat subjects, such as books, money, snow fallen on the ground, dirt, etc.) 厚厚的灰。 厚厚的一沓钱。 一本大厚书。 薄(báo),the antonym 灰(尘) Huī(chén) Noun, 1.dust 2. color grey(灰色) 也可以说“灰尘”。 久 jiǔ Adj, long time 很久很久以前,long long time ago 久而久之,gradually 吹 chuī Verb, to blow 吹笛子, to play a ...
Aug 15, 2016•36 min•Transcript available on Metacast 深圳 Shēnzhèn Place name, a metropolitan city in Guangdong 市 shì Noun, city as an administrative division \ 北京市,上海市,纽约市…… 区 qū Noun, district as an administrative division 深圳市宝安区,北京市朝阳区 镇 zhèn Noun, town as an administrative division 镇子,小镇,镇上 村 cūn Noun, village as an administrative division 村子,村民 工厂 gōngchǎng Noun, factory 也可以说“厂子”。在工厂工作的人是“工人”。 星罗棋布 xīngluóqíbù Verb, 成语,spread out like stars and chess pieces 随之而来 suí zhī ér lái Verb phrase, 成语,……comes along with it ……随之而来。 随之而来的是……。 大量 dàliàng A...
Aug 14, 2016•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast Feb 07, 2016•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast This story tells the origins of Chinese Lunar New year, which is called "Nian" in Chinese. 中国古时候,有一种叫"年"的怪兽,“年”的头上长着尖角,非常凶猛。"年"兽住在海底,每到除夕,就爬上岸来吃人和牲畜,所以每到除夕,人们都要到深山里躲起来。 这一年的除夕,乡亲们正忙着收拾东西躲到山里去。就在这时候,村子的东头来了一个白发老人。他对一位村民说,只要他可以在村里住一晚,就能将"年"兽赶走。大家都不相信。村民们都劝老人到山里躲一躲。老人不听,一个人留了下来! 当"年"兽准备进村吃人的时候,白发老人开始放起鞭炮,"年"兽看见鞭炮,吓得混身发抖 ,再也不敢向前凑了,原来"年"兽最怕红色,火光和炸响.这时大门开了,一位穿着红色衣服的老人哈哈大笑,"年"兽大惊失色,仓惶而逃. 第二天,当村民们回到村里时,发现家里安然无恙,这才恍然大悟!原来那位白发老人是神仙,他帮助大家赶走了"年"兽。人们还发现了白发老人驱逐"年"兽的三件法宝!从此,每年的除夕,家家都贴红对联,放鞭炮,户户灯火通明,“年”兽再也没有出现了...
Feb 07, 2016•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast Jan 22, 2016•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast A camel and a sheep started an argument about the advantage of heights. The camel argued being tall is good, while the sheep discussed being short got more advantage.They finally learned their lessons from a third-party. 骆驼长得高,羊长得矮。骆驼说:"长得高好。"羊说:"不对,长得矮才好呢。"骆驼说:"我可以做一件事情,证明高比矮好。"羊说:"我也可以做一件事情,证明矮比高好。" 他们俩走到一个园子旁边。园子四面有围墙,里面种了很多树,茂盛的枝叶伸出墙外来。骆驼一抬头就吃到了树叶。羊抬起前腿,扒在墙上,脖子伸得老长,还是吃不着。骆驼说:"你看,这可以证明了吧,高比矮好。"羊摇了摇头,不肯认输。 他们俩又走了几步,看见围墙上有个又窄又矮的门。羊大模大样地走进门去吃园子里的草。骆驼跪下前腿,低下头,往门里钻,怎么钻也钻不进去。羊说:"你看,这可以证明了吧,矮比高好。"骆驼...
Jan 22, 2016•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast Jan 17, 2016•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is one of the most well-known Chinese class stories for children. The bunny built a snowman with her mom's help and while the mom went searching for food, bunny was taking a nap at home with the coal heater on. When danger happened, snowman jumped in... 下了一天的大雪。房子上、树上、地上一片 白。兔妈妈要出去找吃的。她堆了一个漂亮的雪 孩子,陪小白兔玩。看着可爱的雪孩子,小白兔 真高兴。他和雪孩子又唱又跳,玩得很开心。小 白兔玩累了,就回家休息。屋子里很冷,他往火 里加了一些柴,就上床睡觉了。火把旁边的柴堆 给烧着了。小白兔睡得正香,一点儿也不知道。 雪孩子看见小白兔家着火了,就飞快地跑了过 去。雪孩子从大火中救出了小白兔,自己却化 了。雪孩子哪里去了呢?他飞到了空中,成了一 朵白云,一朵很美很美的白云。 ——本文摘自北京师范...
Jan 17, 2016•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast