The Skeptics Guide #756 - Jan 4 2020
Live from LA with special guest, George Hrab; Talking to true believers; Science or Fiction
Live from LA with special guest, George Hrab; Talking to true believers; Science or Fiction
2019 Year End Review; In Memoriam; Science or Fiction
Live from Melbourne Australia; Your Number's Up: Hubble's Constant; News Items: Does wearing a face mask prevent disease?, Perineum Sunbathing, Redacting Animal Sex, The SCAN Scam, Horizontal Gene Transfer and Plants, Measles Update, Tracking Meteors; Australian Pseudoscience: Chiropractors, Clean Coal, and Supplementation; Science or Fiction
Live from New Zealand Skeptics Conference; News Items: Place With No Life, Superhydrophobicity, Insect on Mars, Political Anti-science, Does Adversity Increase Resilience, Climate Tipping Points, Oldest Dog, Pathway to Conspiracy Theories; Science or Fiction
Special Guests - Richard Wiseman and George Hrab; Wiseman Interviews the Rogues on Skepticism; Audience Q&A; Science or Fiction
Special Guest - Richard Saunders; News Items: Sex Robots, Acupuncture Points Don't Exist, Nuclear Rockets, Fake News and False Memory; Psychic Detectives in Australia; Science or Fiction
Special Guest - Fraser Cain of Universe Today; Open discussion with Fraser about all things astronomy; Science or Fiction
What I Learned: Antimicrobial Copper; News Items: AI Will to Survive, First Cyborg, Confessions of an Astrologer, National Parks and Mental Health, Meat from Air; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Craniometry Follow Up; Science or Fiction
5-10 Years: Growing Livers; News Items: Bacterial Colonies, Does Music Make You Smarter, Measles and Immunity, Bill Maher Anti-Vaxxer; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
News Items: Starship, New Kind of Black Hole, Organic Farming and Golden Rice, Craniometry; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Hydrogen Scam, Solar Minimum; Science or Fiction
Special Segment: Are We All Hypocrites; News Items: Prime Editing, Aluminum Air Batteries, The Blob, Holotropic Breathwork; Who's That Noisy; Dumbest Thing of the Week; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Leucism; News Item: New NASA Spacesuits, Recycling Nuclear Fuel, Galactic Eruption, Searching for Earhart's Plane; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: More on Meat; Science or Fiction
Interview with Bruce Hood; 5-10 Year Follow Up: Fairy Circles; News Items: Nobel Prizes in Chemistry, Physics, and Medicine; Electric Jet Engines; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
Your Numbers Up: 666; News Items: Red Meat Controversy, Reusing Batteries, Bronze Age Baby Bottles, Planet Nine Black Hole; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Flu Vaccine and Herd Immunity; Science or Fiction
5-10 Year: Dinochicken; News Items: Fat Shaming, Warp Drive, TVs and Phones Communicating, Second Interstellar Object; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Survivorship Bias; Science or Fiction
News Items: 42, Eradicating Polio, Reverse Aging, Red Mercury, Crystal Healing, Biggest Neutron Star; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
News Items: Super Lightening, 20-Year Battery, NDE Study, CRISPR Trials, Holy Water Trial; Quickie: Loch Ness DNA; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
News Items: Carrington Event 160 Year Anniversary, Storm Area 51, Hurricane Dorian, Australopithecus anamensis, Human Effects on Environment, Genome Wide Association Study of Same Sex Behavior, Pluto Is Still Not a Planet; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
News Items: Extragalactic Exoplanets, Denisovan Teeth, Climate Change and Clouds, Planting Trees; What Do You Want For Your Funeral; Dumbest Thing of the Week; Science or Fiction
5-10 Years: Solar Roads; News Items: Wind Turbines, Bleach for Autism, Grain-Free Dog Food, Terraforming Mars; Who's That Noisy; Name That Logical Fallacy; Science or Fiction
Your Numbers Up, News Items: Banana Fungus, Epstein Conspiracy, Weber's Law; Who's That Noisy; Changing the Calendar; Name That Logical Fallacy; Science or Fiction
News Items: Video Game Violence, Public Trusts in Scientists, Robot Workers, New Type of Star, Detecting Planet Cores; Who's That Noisy, Your Questions and E-mails: TMT Follow Up; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Buffering; News Items: Signals from Earth, Acupuncture for Angina, Asteroid Near Miss, Rainmakers, Lyme Conspiracy; Who's That Noisy; Name That Logical Fallacy: Law of Truly Large Numbers; Science or Fiction
Whaddya Know: Beryllium; News Items: Telescope Protests, LightSail 2, Free Speech vs Professional Licensing, Autism Genetic, Bird Conspiracy; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
Live from NECSS; News Items: Apollo Video, Moon Strategy, Artificial Gravity, High Resolution MRI of the Brain, Gorilla Society; SGU Taste Test; Science or Fiction
5-10 Years: Recorded Future; News Items: Eating Jellies, Rebutting Denialism, Cancer Quackery on YouTube, Detecting Earthquakes; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
Forgotten Superheroes of Science; News Items: The Bystander Effect, Drones on Titan, Simulating the Universe; Your Questions and E-mails: Lactic Acid, Climate Change; Science or Fiction
Interview with Evan Saitta about Dinosaur Proteins; News Items:Deep Space Atomic Clock, Printing Vaccines, Carbon Capture, Horny Kids; Who's That Noisy; E-mails and Questions: Thai Language, Audio Pareidolia; Science or Fiction
Interview with Richard Wiseman; 5-10 Years: Contact Lens TVs; News Items: Radioactive Energy Cards, Hungry Brain Puppy Dog Eyes; Who's That Noisy; Chernobyl Follow Up; Science or Fiction
News Items: Theory of Everything, FBI Bigfoot Files, Starlink, Evaluating Chernobyl; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Closest Planet, Married Bliss; Science or Fiction