The Skeptics Guide #697 - Nov 17 2018
Guest Rogue: Devin Bray; What's the Word: Cybernetics; News Items: Earth's Dusty Satellites, How We Think, The Mad Russian, Engineering Photsynthesis; Is Stuff Real; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
Guest Rogue: Devin Bray; What's the Word: Cybernetics; News Items: Earth's Dusty Satellites, How We Think, The Mad Russian, Engineering Photsynthesis; Is Stuff Real; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
What's The Word: Agglutination; News Items: Oumuamua Update, Glasses for Color Blindness, Anti-Gravity, NASA Retires Kepler, New Controversial Opioid; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails; Science or Fiction
Live from Cambridge; Complete the Science Headline; News Items: Reliability vs Validity, Soyuz Failed Launch, Hot Jupiters, Bottom Baryons, UFO Government Waste, What Is Psychopathy; Science or Fiction
Live from QED 2018; Special Guest: Michael Marshall; Name That Pseudoscience; News Items: GMO-Free Himalayan Salt, Drugs in your Supplements, Fast Radio Burst Update, How Many Faces Do You Know, The Surface of Europa, Black Holes and Dark Matter, Latest IPCC Report; Science or Fiction
SGU Debate Club - GM Humans, Is College for Everyone, Book vs Movie - Q&A
What's the Word: Epistocracy; News Items: Ultrafaint Dwarf Galaxies, Monkeys and Wolves, WHO and TCM, Iron Age Sword, HPV Vaccine Update; Most Desirable Artifact; Science or Fiction
Forgotten Superhero of Science: Eunice Newton Foote; News Items: Nobel Prizes in Medicine, Physics, and Chemistry, Survey on New Age Beliefs; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Traumatic Memory; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Pathognomonic; News Items: Oldest Animal, Mosquito Apocalypse, Asteroid Pics, Croydon Cat Killer, Octopuses on Ecstasy; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Flu Season, That's Crazy; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Basionym; News Items: Space X Flying to the Moon, Proxima b Weather, Wasps Are Important Too, Star vs Planet, Personality Types; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Trophic; News Items: Bogus Personality Tests, Pluto Revisited, Light Sails, Growing Brains; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
Live from DragonCon; SGU Book Update; News Items: CRISPR Halts Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Nudging Asteroids into Earth Orbit, Illusory Control, Evidence of Previous Universes, Shatner on VR, Seeing Only Movement; Science or Fiction
NECSS Private Show with George Hrab and Hai Ting; News Items: Why We Yawn, Motivated Reasoning vs Lazy Thinking, Isreali Moon Probe; Questions from George; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Transfect; News Items: Room Temperature Superconductor Questioned, Teleology and Conspiracies, Kratom Poisoning, Neanderthal Denisovan Child, Neutron Stars; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Phenomenology; News Items: Dunning Kruger Anti-vaccine Edition, Alien Abduction Stories, Smallpox Drug, Roundup Verdict, Schwarzite; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Arable Land; Science or Fiction
Interview with Sean Carroll; What's the Word: Orthogonal; News Items: Remembering is Seeing, Hothouse Tipping Point, Novel Amino Acids, Weird, Rogue Planet, Corporal Punishment; Who's that Noisy; Questions and E-mails: Monkeys and Apes; Science or Fiction
Interview with Robert Kurson, author of Rocket Men; What's the Word: Stylometry; News Items: Terraforming Mars, Shifty Eyes, Scutoid; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
Interview with Alethea Dean; What's the Word: Stridulation; News Items: Lake on Mars, Reanalyzing the Drake Equation, In Search Of Reboot, More Energy Nonsense; Who's That Noisy, Science or Fiction
Live from NECSS 2018 with special guest Bill Nye; News Items: Time Machine, Iceman's Last Meal, Training for Mars, Cosmic Ray Source, Virtual Reality Therapy, Testing Gravity; What's the Word: Definitions; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Etiology; News Items: Quantum Woo, Probing the Sun, Bullet Proof, Spider Ballooning, Hogweed; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Bio-Degradable Plastics; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Adsorption; News Items: Harlan Ellison Dies, Complex Organic Molecules on Enceladus, Clever Crows, New England Supervolcano, Marshmallow Test Revisited; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Non-Ionizing Radiation; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Endophyte; News Items: DNA Testing, Anti-Smart Meter Pseudoscience, Keeping Ahead of the Expanding Universe, Roots of Alcoholism; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Brit-Bashing; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Vector; News Items: Video Game Addiction, Continent of Stability, Return of Astrology, Antarctic Ice; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Polio Follow Up; Science or Fiction
Forgotten Superheroes of Science: Rachel Carson; News Items: Lying About Golden Rice, Solar Roads Again, Polio Comeback, Fastest Supercomputer; Who's That Noisy; Name That Logical Fallacy; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Hermeneutic; News Items: Sterile Neutrino, Tardigrade Lifespan, Louis Vuitton Rainmaker, Panspermia Follow Up; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Balance of Nature; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Irruptive; News Items: Colonizing Mars, Multivitamin Meta-analysis, AI Diagnostics, Musk's Twitter Breakdown; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
Interview with Jennifer Ouellette; What's the Word: Sapient vs Sentient; News Items: Cancer Quackery Death, EM Drive Follow Up, Loch Ness DNA, Largest Salamanders; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Panspermia; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Consanguineous; News Items: Yanny or Laurel, Google Duplex, Falcon-9 Launches, Coffee a Carcinogen, Alien Octopuses; Science or Fiction
Interview with Adam Becker; What's the Word: Epiphyte; News Items: Knowledge of Evolution, Hawaii Volcanic Activity, Spider Silk and Steel, Toxic Moon Dust; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
Interview with Ethan Winer; What's the Word: Fallacy; News Items: Flipping Magnetic Fields, Self-Assembling Space Telescope, JFK Headshot, Growing Brains; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Annealing vs Tempering; Science or Fiction
Interview with Tobias Fuchslin; What's the Word: Annealing; News Items: Echochambers, Organic Solar Cells, Self-Cleaning Coating; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction