The Skeptics Guide #577 - Jul 30 2016
What's the Word: Neotony; News Items: Vaxxed Lawsuit, Superatoms, Clone Follow Up, What's Cool; Who's That Noisy; Special Report: The Science of Race; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Neotony; News Items: Vaxxed Lawsuit, Superatoms, Clone Follow Up, What's Cool; Who's That Noisy; Special Report: The Science of Race; Science or Fiction
Interview with Maria Cork; Forgotten Superheroes of Science: Carlos Juan Finlay; News Items: Replications in Science, Single Atom Data Storage, The Connectome, HAARP, Bio Bot; Who's That Noisy; What's the Word: Estivation; Your Questions and E-mails: Snake Follow up, Archaic Words; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Apoptosis; News Items: Solar Panel Impact, Ancient Supernovae, Kubrick Moon Landing Hoax, Neurasthenia, Tiny-Armed Dinosaur, New Dwarf Planet; Who;s That Noisy; Science or Fiction
Forgotten Superheroes of Science: Bryce Bayer; News Items: A Psychiatrist Falls for Exorcism, fMRI Validity, Juno at Jupiter, First Autonomous Car Fatality; Who's That Noisy; What's the Word: Paroxysmal; Your Questions and E-mails: Jet Fuel; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Alluvium; News Items: MEND Protocol, The Cost of Carbon, China's New Supercomputer, Music Chills; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mail:Politics and Gun Control; Science or Fiction
Interview with Michael Marshall; Forgotten Superheroes of Science: Mary Edwards; News Items: Electric Plane, Naturopathic Licensure, Black Holes and Dark Matter; What's the Word: Crepuscular; Science or Fiction
Guest Rogue: Richard Saunders; News Items: Kinked Nanotubes, Crossing the Blood-Brain Barrier, Gun Violence a Public Health Issue, Government Funding Pseudoscience, More Gravity Waves; Who's That Noisy; Dumbest Thing of the Week, What's the Word: Eschatology; Science or Fiction
Interview with David Grossnickle; What's the Word: Iatrogenic; News Items: Universe Expanding Faster than Thought, Illusion of Choice, Is Hands Free Safer; Who's That Noisy; Dumbest Thing of the Week: Noel Edmonds; Your Questions and E-mails: Antibiotics in Mexico, Mythbuster Science; Science or Fiction
Forgotten Superheroes of Science: Andrew Benson; News Items: Cell Phones and Cancer Again, Total Bacterial Resistance, Bumble Bees Sense Electric Fields, What's Happening to our Oceans; Who's That Noisy; What's the Word: Cauliflory; Science or Fiction
Special Guests: Richard Wiseman and Hai-Ting Chinn; What's the Word: Autotomy; News Items: Watch Pseudoscience, Tabletop Particle Accelerators, GMO Sugar, Facebook News Algorithm, Blinking; Science or Fiction
SGU Live from NECSS with special guest: Bill Nye; Forgotten Superheroes of Science: Cecilia Helena-Payne Gaposshkin; Dumbest Thing of the Week: Prince Charles and Homeopathy; News Items: Failure is an Option, Prosecuting Climate Change Denial, Lost Myan City, Why is Space 3D; What's the Word: Group Animal Names; Science or Fiction
Forgotten Superheroes of Science: Yvonne Brill; News Items: Growing Human Embryos, Overprescribing Antibiotics, Earth-sized Exoplanets, Mike Adams Slanders Skeptics; What's the Word: Amphidromic, Questions and E-mails: Muad'Dib; Science or Fiction
SGU 11 Year Anniversary; What's The Word: Propaganda; News Items: Repealing Canadian Science Censorship, Bulletproof Biohacking, Origin of Gravity Waves, Slime Mold Memory; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Talc and Cancer; Science or Fiction
Interview with Michael Whelan; Forgotten Superheroes of Science: Annie Maunder; News Items: Zinc Flash at Conception, Plant Prion Memory, Parents Convicted in Toddler's Death; Who's That Noisy; What's the Word: Hyperthymesia; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Geodesic; News Items: Neural Bypass, Dinosaur Extinction, Universe in the Lab, Genetic Superheroes; Who's That Noisy; Name That Logical Fallacy; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Homophily; News Items: Metal Foam, Pig Heart Transplants, Should We Hide from Aliens, Computer Artists; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Fishmato; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: words without English equivalents; News Items: Food Production, Swearing, Laser Propulsion; Who's That Noisy; Name That Logical Fallacy: Predictions; Your Questions and E-mails: Carter UFO Follow Up; Science or Fiction
Special Guest: Kevin Folta; Forgotten Superheroes of Science: Dorothy Hodgkin; News Items: Ghosts in the Brain, Neuronal Feedback, Tribeca Pulls Anti-Vax Film, Minimal Genome, Vegetarians and Cancer; Who's That Noisy; What's the Word: Chemiosmosis; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Equilux; News Items: Supernova Shock Wave, Desk Exercise, Angry Suns, Moderate Drinkers and Health; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Shouting Fire; Science or Fiction
Interview with Bruce Hood; Forgotten Superheroes of Science: Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose; News Items: AI Assistant, Cryotherapy; Who's That Noisy; What's the Word: Sciolism; Your Questions and E-mails: Valsalva Revisited, Non-Newtonian Fluids; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Thixotrophy; News Items: Overconfidence, AI vs Go Champion, Minority Report; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Piloting and Valsava; Name That Logical Fallacy; Science or Fiction
Guest Rogue: George Hrab; Forgotten Superheroes of Science: Norman Borlaug; News Items: Uploading Memories, A Year in Space, Fast Radio Bursts, Imaging Alzheimer's Disease, Galaxy Symmetry; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
Guest Rogue: Julia Galef; Forgotten Superheroes of Science: Dr. Moona Hanna-Attisha; News Items: Air Pollution and Public Health, Mystery Moon Music, Gender Bias Among Programmers; Who's That Noisy; Special Report: Free Speech vs Social Justice; Science or Fiction
Interview with Kevin Folta; Forgotten Superheroes of Science: Nikolai Vavilov; News Items: 14 Billion Year Memory, 3D Printing Body Parts, Eating Mammoth; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: David Suzuki; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Pleochroism; News Items: Robotic Chef, Brain Electrodes, Diagnosing Cancer, Gravitational Waves; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: RFID; Science or Fiction
Forgotten Superheroes of Science: Lorna Wing; News Items: Concussions in the NFL, Zika Conspiracy, Planetary Defense System, Lab-Grown Meat; Who's That Noisy; What's the Word; Science or Fiction
Interview with SciBabe; What's the Word; News Items: The Viability of Conspiracies, The Aliens are Dead, Marvin Minsky, Probiotics Hype; Your Questions and E-mails: Fake Skeptic Scam; Science or Fiction
Interview with Craig Good; Forgotten Superheroes of Science: Stephanie Louise Kwolek; News Items: Motorcycle Helmet Laws, Charlie Sheen HIV, Arctic Humans, Geckos and Spiderman; What's the Word: Agnatology; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Algorithm; News Items: Bacterial vs Human Cells, GMO Labeling, Mites Run in the Family, Apple Car, Gravity Waves; Your Questions and E-mails: Corrections; Science or Fiction
Forgotten Superheroes of Science: Dr. Hadiyah-Nicole Green; News Items: FTC Smacks Down Lumosity, Picky Eaters, New Elements; Who's That Noisy; What's the Word: Fugacity; Name That Logical Fallacy: Learning Styles; Science or Fiction