The Skeptics Guide #667 - Apr 21 2018
News Items: Communicating without Speaking, Nutrition Pseudoscience, Rare Earths, Eating Plastic; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Acidic Food; Science or Fiction
News Items: Communicating without Speaking, Nutrition Pseudoscience, Rare Earths, Eating Plastic; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Acidic Food; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Demon; News Items: 666, Buzz Aldrin and Aliens, AI Good and Evil, The Business of Exorcism, The Power of Satan; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Acidic vs Alkiline diet; Science or Fiction
Interview with Mark Lynas; What's the Word: Atavism,; News Items: Cell Phones and Cancer, Robot Bees on Mars, Largest Dinosaurs; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Math, Interstitium Pseudoscience; Science or Fiction
Forgotten Superheroes of Science: Emily Rosa; News Items: Vitamin C Myth, Atacama Mummy, Death by Apitherapy, New Views of Jupiter; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Vagility; News Items: NASA's Hammer, ESP on CBS, Free Speech; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Meat Consumption; Science or Fiction
Forgotten Superheroes of Science: Brenda Miller; News Items: Stephen Hawking Dies, The Brain's Predictive Coding, Daylight Savings Time, Fusion in 15 years?; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Duct Tape and Amelia Earhart; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Heritable vs Inheritable; News Items: Not Too Many Too Soon, Lab Grown Meat, Seeing Around Corners, Opiods No Better; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
Forgotten Superheroes of Science: Margaret Oakley Dayhoff; News Items: Low-Fat vs Low-Carb, Moa Genome, Superatomic Semiconductors, Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Meatleg Lives, Conspiracy Theorists; Science or Fiction
Forgotten Superheroes of Science: Oscar Micheaux; News Items: Satellite Broadband, Superbrain Yoga, Video Game Violence; Who's That Noisy; Name That Logical Fallacy; Your Questions and E-mails: Cellulose and the Analemma; Science or Fiction
News Items: Win Against Homeopathy, Life Beneath the Ice, Illuminati, Cancer-Fighting Nanorobots; What's the Word: Presbyopia; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Analemma; News Items: Falcon Heavy Launch, Egyptian Dinosaurs, Extragalactic Planets, Vulnerability to Fake News; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: GMOs and Glyphosate; Science or Fiction
Interview with Brian Dunning and Emery Emery; News Items: Portable DNA Sequencing, Alternative Treatment for Bears, Acoustic Tractor Beam, Super Blue Blood Moon; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Driverless Cars; Science or Fiction
Interview with Richard Saunders; What's the Word: Altricial; News Items: CES 2018, Space Lasers, Rainbow Dinosaur; Your Questions and E-mails: Denying Depression; Science or Fiction
Interview with Richard Wiseman; Forgotten Superheroes of Science: Sophie Wilson; News Items: Black Death, Britt Hermes Lawsuit, Fake News Follow Up; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Eutrophication; News Items: Astronaut John Young Dies, Raw Water, Space X Loses Satellite, Human WiFi, Cancer Deaths Declining; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Hormesis; Predictions 2017; News Items: Protein Folding Breakthrough, Nitrate-Free Bacon, Donkey Hide Snakeoil, Science or Fiction
Year end review; Science 2017; Best and Worst of 2017; In Memoriam; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Accretion; News Items:FDA Regulates Homeopathy, Pentagon UFO Videos, How the Flu Kills, CDC Word Hubbub; Who's That Noisy; Interview with Joe Nickel; Science or Fiction
Forgotten Superheroes of Science: Kathleen Drew-Baker; News Items: Space Policy Directive 1, Group Perception, Ticks Dinosaurs and Amber, Antarctic Extremophiles, Water Cloak; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Earthing; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Digitigrade; News Items: Nearly Complete Hominid Skeleton, Before the Big Bang, The Causes of Science Denial, This is Your Head in a Particle Accelerator; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Chunking, Follow Up on Net Neutrality; Science or Fiction
Interview with Britte Hermes; Forgotten Superheroes of Science: Hisako Koyama; News Items: Speciation Event Observed, UK Water Companies Use Dowsing, NET Neutrality, Interstellar Visitor; Who's That Noisy; Science or Fiction
CSICon Special Recording, with Special Guest: George Hrab; Skeptical Ghost Stories; You Don't Know Me Bro; Science or Fiction
Forgotten Superheroes of Science: Mary Swartz Rose; News Items: Scientists' Warning, Smart Pills, Fact Checking on Facebook, Fast Electron Emissions; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: German; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Ontology; News Items: Risks of Gluten Free, Wormholes, Reversing Cell Aging, Gadolinium Law Suits, Universal Flu Vaccine; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Lava Tubes; Science or Fiction
Live from CSICon 2017, with special guest, Dr. Rachael Dunlop; What's the Word: Epistemology; News Items: Halloween Bad Reporting, Skeptical Activism Down Under, Conspiracy Thinking, Lava Tubes on the Moon, T. rex Arms, Raccoon Intelligence, Millennials and Religion; Science or Fiction
Private SGU recording made at DragonCon 2017
What's the Word: Epicenter
Forgotten Superheroes of Science: Frances Glessner Lee; News Items: Debunking Works, Mindfulness Pseudoscience, Columbus Myths, Missing Matter; Who's That Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Thermos Physics; Science or Fiction
Interview with Pamela Gay; Forgotten Superheroes of Science: Martin Jim Aitken; News Items: Nobel Prizes in Physiology, Physics and Chemistry; Rocket Travel; Science or Fiction
What's the Word: Cis-Trans; News Items: Chocolate Fungus, Mood Affects Flu Shot, Waking from Coma, International Moon Mission, Do Jellies Sleep; Who's that Noisy; Your Questions and E-mails: Celsius vs Fahrenheit; Science or Fiction