Hank Pellissier --[Part 3]--(writer, editor, speaker, producer, futurist and transhumanist). Topics: Trends going on in education, especially online sources of education such as the Khan Academy , which I enjoy a great deal, and which is completely free to all users. (I've especially enjoyed their mathematics, history and biology.) We also talk about: the gamification of education ; Hank's recent magazine article about learning through music videos; and the power of the Internet to reconnect peo...
Jun 11, 2014•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Eight Interviews from ConCarolinas . (The SF&F convention that got me started podcasting.) Guests include: Edmund R. Schubert ( editor-in-chief of Orson Scott Card's Intergalactic Medicine Show a poplar online magazine of science fiction and fantasy), Cheralyn Lambeth ( a real ghostbuster & author of Haunted Theaters of the Carolinas ), Janine K. Spendlove (author), Gail Z. Martin ( author & podcaster), Ron Garner (promoter for Silence in the Library Publishing ), Stuart Jaffe ( author & podcast...
Jun 04, 2014•2 hr 33 min•Transcript available on Metacast Simone Pond (advertising executive, author and blogger ) is our featured guest. Topic: Trends in The Advertising Industry . Specific items discussed: The TV show Mad Men ; the power of viral videos; the public backlash against giant digital billboards ; the rise of human billboards ; the continuing decline of newspapers; the recent loss of schmoozing; the shrinking number of advertisers willing to commit to three or five year advertising contracts; the overwhelming migration of advertisements fr...
May 28, 2014•34 min•Transcript available on Metacast Simone Pond ( advertising executive , author and blogger ) is our featured guest. Topics: Trends in book promotion, but also tips and pointers on how to do it better. Specific items discussed: online book promotions, facebook and social marketing, websites which will promote book give-a-ways for free, countdown promotions, goodreads.com , Amazon's Kindle policies and the promotional options they offer to authors, the importance of creating a brand, GooglePlus , weaknesses of traditional advertis...
May 21, 2014•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast Eric Lerne r (President and Chief Scientist of Lawrenceville Plasma Physics ) is our featured guest. Topic: Plasma Focus Fusion : a form of clean fusion which might well become a game-changer for civilization. If the ongoing development is successful, it could completely re-write our future as compared to current expectations. It could do this for three reasons: it can provide us with more electricity than we currently use on this planet, it can provide it at only a fraction of a penny per kilow...
May 14, 2014•50 min•Transcript available on Metacast Hank Pellissier --[Part 2]--(writer, editor, speaker, producer, futurist and transhumanist). Topics: A good bit of detail on the life-extension experiments using Carbon 60, Buckyballs dissolved in olive oil ( and where you can buy it for yourself ). And a bit of info on other anti-aging medicines and supplements such as: TA-65 , Product-B , Stem Code , and from The Bullet-Proof Executive Upgrade Aging Formula . Also: biohacking, quantified-self, and some ideas on what to do with all that free-ti...
May 07, 2014•36 min•Transcript available on Metacast Hank Pellissier (writer, editor, speaker, producer, futurist and transhumanist) is today's featured guest. Topics: his book 225 ways to increase or harm IQ . Life-extension methods people are trying today; Peter Nygard's life-extension experiment in the Bahamas ; life-extension experiments using C60 (Carbon 60, Buckyballs) ; and research into the molecule NAD which is fundamental to the mitochondrial theory of aging . Also mentioned are the experiments of a biohacker named Gwern Branwen into the...
Apr 30, 2014•55 min•Transcript available on Metacast Zoltan Istvan (journalist, entrepreneur, futurist) is today's featured guest. Topics: life-extension and the elimination of death; his proposals for a transhumanist Olympics; and how transhumanist ideas mesh or conflict with the various religions of the world. Also, ways in which life-extension may change our cultural attitudes and behaviours--for example: marriage may not survive and having children may become less popular or just delayed until later in people's lives. Also just how strong shou...
Apr 23, 2014•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast Zoltan Istvan (journalist, entrepreneur, futurist) is today's featured guest. Topics: life-extension, transhumanism, augmenting the body and the mind, Ayn Rand's objectivism, several forms of atheism, and many of the other topics he has explored in his new novel, The Transhumanist Wager . We also discuss some of the articles he's written for the Huffington Post such as, Are We Heading for a Jesus Singularity? , A New Generation of Transhumanists is Emerging , and I'm and atheist therefore I'm a ...
Apr 16, 2014•35 min•Transcript available on Metacast Gennady Stolyarov II is today's featured guest. Topics: Peter Nygard's new life extension project going on now in the Bahamas in which he is injecting himself with stem cells ( here is my interview with him in 2009 ); goal setting and prioritizing within an extended life (in which I quote from one of my interviews with Kim Stanley Robinson ); Gennady emphasizes that many traditions are built into our culture which are based on a universal expectation of death as a certainty; and we cover a numbe...
Apr 09, 2014•38 min•Transcript available on Metacast Gennady Stolyarov II is today's featured speaker. Topic: Life-Extension, and how to help the general public to embrace life-extension. Gennady Stolyarov II has written a new children's book entitled: Death is Wrong . He has also created a crowd-funding project (using Indiegogo) to put 1,000 copies of this book into the hands of children at no cost to them . Gennady Stolyarov II is an actuary, science-fiction novelist, independent philosophical essayist, poet, amateur mathematician, composer, con...
Apr 02, 2014•51 min•Transcript available on Metacast Topic: Google Projects-- the astounding variety of things Google is working on right now , many of which will change the future. Anti-aging research , healthcare, robotics , pushing the internet into places in the world where it does not yet reach , driving down the cost of smartphones , and much more. Your host reads selections from (and provides commentary on) a long and thorough article entitled " The 2014 Google tracker—Everything we know Google is working on this year " which was written by...
Mar 26, 2014•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Topic: Digital Life in 2025 . A 61 page report from the Pew Research Center which is "based on a canvassing of hundreds of experts about the future of such things as privacy, cybersecurity, the Internet of things, and net neutrality." Your host reads selections and provides some commentary. (BTW: Here is a link to Khan Academy . It's only mentioned in passing, but it's worth checking out.) Hosted by Stephen Euin Cobb, this is the March 19, 2014 episode of The Future And You . [Running time: 38 m...
Mar 19, 2014•39 min•Transcript available on Metacast Topics: Google hires lobbyists to keep it legal for people to wear Google Glass while driving a car ; Nanotechnology takes one baby step closer to molecular assemblers now that scientists have succeeded in grabbing a single molecule and moving it around in 3-D ; You can now edit the list of topics which online advertisers think are relevant to you; Solar power in Hawaii is now nearing saturation--because so many consumers and businesses have installed it on their roofs . Hosted by Stephen Euin C...
Mar 12, 2014•34 min•Transcript available on Metacast Topics: Introduction to Hacking (an instructional video by Eli The Computer Guy ); the ten strongest materials known to man ; government online petitions ; SureResponce , Verizon's Entry into Personal Emergency Response Systems (PERS) ; how to make your computer run faster ; how to remove spyware and malware from your computer ; and nanotechnology engineers build first carbon nanotube computer . Hosted by Stephen Euin Cobb, this is the March 5, 2014 episode of The Future And You . [Running time:...
Mar 05, 2014•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast Topic: Places where you can watch Streaming TV and movies for FREE, also some cool Apps, and a fascinatingly exploreable weather map which displays far more than just the weather . Links to things mentioned in this episode: Hulu.com ; CBS.com ; Retrovision.tv ; movietube.co ; Youtube.com ; Almost Human (TV show) ; The Big Bang Theory (TV show) ; CBS Evening News (TV news show) ; and The Wundermap . Hosted by Stephen Euin Cobb, this is the February 26, 2014 episode of The Future And You . [Runnin...
Feb 26, 2014•42 min•Transcript available on Metacast Topic: Ten predictions for 2014 , by Michael Liebreich (Chairman of the Advisory Board, Bloomberg New Energy Finance) covering renewable energy, carbon, digital energy technology and storage, natural gas, conventional power and advanced transportation. His tenth prediction may be his most important: "For over a hundred years the orthodox view of the energy system prevailed. Power generation was big, dirty and central. Grids were centralized and dumb. Reliability was provided by holding over-capa...
Feb 19, 2014•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast Many Topics: How the Nielsen Company, which has provided ratings for TV shows since 1950 , is making some adjustments to our modern age of Streaming TV . A camera built into a pill which patients can swallow has been approved in the U.S. to help doctors screen the large intestine for polyps and other early signs of colon cancer . Mint (the widely-used personal finance app from Intuit) will now also include the virtual currency: Bitcoin . And some of the ways in which the power grid is beginning ...
Feb 12, 2014•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast Topic: The Twelve Most Disruptive Technologies of the Next Ten Years . This episode presents an overview to a massive 180 page report from McKinsey Global Institute which is entitled "Disruptive technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy." Though many of the twelve disruptive technologies are familiar to listeners of this show, this deeply thorough analysis can provide many new insights as well as a better understanding of these familiar topics. The full re...
Feb 05, 2014•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast Topic: 10 Important Trends for 2014 involving consumer actions and preferences when using their smartphones, laptops, and tablet computers to access the Internet. ( From a report by Ericsson ) For Example: People's desire for biometric alternatives to passwords; the growing popularity of apps and devices which constantly measure a users activity and or vital signs (for improved health or during exercise, and in some cases for life-logging); and the surprising fact that more than a third of all c...
Jan 29, 2014•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Topic: Many different Emerging Technologies . Also: why millions of people whose credit card numbers were hacked recently from Target would have been protected, if Target had been allowing their online customers to pay for things using Bitcoin . Hosted by Stephen Euin Cobb, this is the January 22, 2014 episode of The Future And You . [Running time: 32 minutes] Stephen Euin Cobb is an author, futurist, magazine writer and host of the award-winning podcast The Future And You . A contributing edito...
Jan 22, 2014•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Technological Innovations presented at the Consumer Electronic Show last weekend in Las Vegas. Examples: the first Li-Fi smartphone ; wearable computers ; smart watches; HUD computerized eyeglasses by Lumus (a competitor to Google Glass); 5G ; curved TVs ; 4K Ultra HighDef TVs (UHD TV); smart LED lights ; and PlayStation Now. Hosted by Stephen Euin Cobb, this is the January 15, 2014 episode of The Future And You . [Running time: 26 minutes] Stephen Euin Cobb is an author, futurist, magazine writ...
Jan 15, 2014•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Topic: 3D Printing of Human Organs and Tissues for Transplant Surgery. Bioprinting: how it is done; how much progress has been made so far; and hints of what can be expected in the future. (Links to articles mentioned in this episode: #1 , #2 , #3 , #4 , #5 .) Hosted by Stephen Euin Cobb, this is the January 8, 2014 episode of The Future And You . [Running time: 27 minutes] Stephen Euin Cobb is an author, futurist, magazine writer and host of the award-winning podcast The Future And You . A cont...
Jan 08, 2014•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast Topic: Celebrating the New Year with predictions limited to the year 2014. Examples include: changes we may see in our jobs and in our schools when Google glass is finally available for purchase by the millions who are waiting to put them on; the ever-growing number of retailers who accept bitcoin ( such as Overstock.com ) and what this is likely to do to bitcoin price fluctuations ; the constantly accelerating solar energy adoption rate and how this will affect stock price movements of solar co...
Jan 01, 2014•38 min•Transcript available on Metacast Topic: Things Which, in the Future, Will Disappear. Examples include: hand-held cell phones ; the ability to get lost; not just privacy but also anonymity ; paper (not just documents but also snail-mail, junk mail and personal checks); the physical versions of newspapers, magazines and greeting cards; and maybe even physical books . And a number of other things. Hosted by Stephen Euin Cobb, this is the December 25, 2013 episode of The Future And You . [Running time: 34 minutes] Stephen Euin Cobb...
Dec 25, 2013•34 min•Transcript available on Metacast The 8th Anniversary Episode. Eight years ago (on December 15, 2005) the very first episode of The Future And You was made available to the global public. And so in today's episode I will talk a bit about those very early episodes; how the show started; that all past episodes remain freely downloadable; and why--after eight years--I'm still doing the show and have no intention of stopping. Hosted by Stephen Euin Cobb, this is the December 18, 2013 episode of The Future And You . [Running time: 33...
Dec 18, 2013•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast Topic: technological and scientific developments so far this year. Examples include: a breathalyzer-style test can now detect stomach cancer ; caffeine reduces the probability of suicide ; a new form of lithium-ion battery is thousands of times more powerful than current battery technology ; a tiny exoplanet is discovered about the size of the Earth's moon ; the US Supreme Court decides that naturally occurring genes can not be patented by medical companies ; and, for the first time, a robotic a...
Dec 11, 2013•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast Topic: Future Predictions from Wikipedia and from Popular Mechanics. Examples include: Solar powered drones which can fly for five years without coming down may take the place of more expensive satellites ; Instantaneous translation for all languages as a cell phone app; Google's ongoing plan to digitize every book ever written in any language; and the soldiers of the United States Army being increasingly replaced by robots . Hosted by Stephen Euin Cobb, this is the December 4, 2013 episode of T...
Dec 04, 2013•28 min•Transcript available on Metacast Topic: Your host recommends a number of TV shows and movies which depict the future. These include: Almost Human , Ender's Game , Continuum , Prometheus , Firefly , Serenity , Timer , Time Traveler , Delete , The Social Network , Cloud Atlas , The Terminator , Terminator 2 , and The Sarah Connor Chronicles . Hosted by Stephen Euin Cobb, this is the November 6, 2013 episode of The Future And You . [Running time: 23 minutes] Stephen Euin Cobb is an author, futurist, magazine writer and host of the...
Nov 06, 2013•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast Topic: The website FutureTimeLine.net . FutureTimeLine.net is an impressive body of work which includes hundreds of predictions about the future, conveniently arranged by year, decade and century. Everything from next year to the ultimate heat-death at the end of the universe are covered with clear explanations and footnotes to the source material for the predictions. Your host reads sample predictions and critiques the website. Hosted by Stephen Euin Cobb, this is the October 30, 2013 episode o...
Oct 30, 2013•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast