It might seem easy to see the flaws in other people's thinking when it comes to religion, but what happens when we don't apply that logic elsewhere? If you've found yourself deconstructing other belief structures in your life, give us a call! Whether you believe in a supernatural world, believe in exceptional metaphysics, or just want to tell me that I'm wrong... Give us a call at 412- SKEPGEN (412-753-7436) OR to call online! ___________________ T IME STAMPS & CALL NOTES 00:...
Oct 16, 2024•2 hr 44 min•Ep 7•Transcript available on Metacast Here's a thought: Does asking for proof beg the question that only a naturalistic worldview can answer? If so, is that unreasonable? If not, can we assume that naturalism is the de facto assumption except when it isnt? Whether you believe in a supernatural world, believe in exceptional metaphysics, or just want to tell me that I'm wrong... Give us a call at 412- SKEPGEN (412-753-7436) OR to call online! ___________________ TIME STAMPS & CALL NOTES 00:00 - Intro 04:23 - Michae...
Oct 14, 2024•2 hr 33 min•Ep 6•Transcript available on Metacast Is this a crossover episode?! This week Eric will be joined by long time friend of the show and all around sweet guy Secular Rarity! This is (surprisingly!) the FIRST time we've hosted a show together and we're really excited! As always, if you would like to talk about what you believe and why, please call 412- SKEPGEN (412-753-7436) OR to call online! If you'd like to get some extra features, early access, member discord and more, check us out on our Patreon: https://www.patreon...
Oct 09, 2024•2 hr 13 min•Ep 5•Transcript available on Metacast Eric is making some big changes in his life, we're gonna find out just what that means for the show! As always, if you would like to talk about what you believe and why, please call 412- SKEPGEN (412-753-7436) OR to call online! If you'd like to get some extra features, early access, member discord and more, check us out on our Patreon: ___________________ TIME STAMPS & CALL NOTES 00:00 - Intro and patreon update 10:02 - Steve (He/Him...
Oct 07, 2024•2 hr 45 min•Ep 4•Transcript available on Metacast -AUDIO WARNING- The first few minutes of the call with Drew includes an echo. We are able to resolve the echo within a few minutes, but feel free to skip to 3:30 if the echo is unbearable. Personal friend and fellow YouTuber Drew aka Genetically Modified Skeptic joins the show today! Before we take calls, he shares how he has taken a scholarly approach to trans issues and has been going to bat for the community in responses to seriously bad arguments made by the religious right. Here is a link t...
Oct 02, 2024•2 hr 15 min•Ep 3•Transcript available on Metacast It has been a helluva week! At least we get to have some awesome conversations. Let's do this! If you'd like to help us secure the licenses to stream, feel free to buy us a coffee! It gets delivered immediately and allows us to purchase time in callinstudio & pay for the program fees. If you'd like to get some extra features, early access, member discord and more, check us out on our Patreon: ___________________ TIME STAMPS & CALL NOTES 0:00 - Er...
Sep 30, 2024•1 hr 14 min•Ep 2•Transcript available on Metacast It's been a LONG year! It's time for Eric to shake off those cobwebs and get back into the show! Please feel free to call and say hi! This episode probably won't have a bunch of callers, so this is the weekend to call up uncle Joe and get them to call in! If you'd like to help us secure the licenses to stream, feel free to buy us a coffee! It's gets delivered immediately and allows us to purchase time in callinstudio & pay for the program fees. If you'd like to get some extra features, early...
Feb 04, 2024•2 hr 8 min•Ep 1•Transcript available on Metacast No, you read that correctly. This is the last live show of 2022, and we will be going on hiatus after that to figure out what's next for us and for SkepGen. This episode is a 2.5-hour long extravaganza, with many familiar voices calling in to say hi. We also lifted all previous bans on topics and callers, which makes for some interesting (and heated) conversations before we say goodbye. If you would like to provide $1/month to support the show as we are on hiatus, please make sure to become a Li...
Dec 11, 2022•3 hr 42 min•Transcript available on Metacast We are talking about New Year's resolutions this week, since it's officially December! Call toll-free at 585-526-8774 or ___________________ Skeptic Generation is LIVE every Sunday at 11:30am-1:00pm CT Call on your phone: 585-LA-MURPH (585-526-8774) Call online: Love the show? Become a patron: Buy our new Class of ‘22 merch: Help with our studio: Join us after the show on Discord...
Dec 05, 2022•2 hr 33 min•Transcript available on Metacast Vi leads this show solo and reads from their old Christian journal from nine years ago. What was their deconversion process like? Is it similar to yours? Call toll-free at 585-526-8774 or to share your story or just vent about the holiday season. ___________________ TIME STAMPS & CALL NOTES 00:00 - Intro - Vi Is Solo This Week 02:23 - Can People Choose Their Beliefs? - Javier (he/him) - SC 18:13 - Vi Reads from An Old Deconversion Journal 25:44 - My Family Doesn’t Believe I’m An A...
Nov 27, 2022•2 hr 33 min•Transcript available on Metacast That's right! Vi has endured, healed up, and is ready to take your calls! We'd love to talk about what you believe and why, you can call us toll-free at 585-526-8774 or We're ready to listen. ___________________ TIME STAMPS & CALL NOTES 00:00 - Intro - Technical Difficulties! 09:48 - Is Voting Skeptical? - Mark (he/him) - OH 16:58 - Can Atheists Experience Wonder & Awe? - Mark (he/him) - CA 32:03 - Is Humanism Logical? - Jason (he/him) - TX 49:18 - Did God Defeat My Depression? -...
Nov 13, 2022•1 hr 24 min•Transcript available on Metacast Reading the comments last week, it sounds like people have had a LOT to say! What is a ritual? Does a ritual need to have a supernatural component? If it doesn't, does the word become meaningless? And then there's the topic of violence. When is violence called for when facing oppression? This call last week sparked a hot debate about whether or not it can EVER be the correct answer. What do you think? If you disagree with the host or callers, we want to hear about it. You can call us toll-free a...
Nov 07, 2022•2 hr 31 min•Transcript available on Metacast With Halloween just around the corner, let's talk about what it means to celebrate a holiday. As Christians Vi and Eric were told that celebrating Halloween was tantamount to pagan idolatry. As atheists, they still hear many nonbelievers spouting the same lines! Does celebrating a holiday require one to believe in the supernatural? If you think so, or have an argument against holidays like Christmas and Halloween, we want to hear why! You can call us toll-free at 585-526-8774 or ....
Oct 31, 2022•2 hr 33 min•Transcript available on Metacast Vi is back and Eric should be held accountable for his actions... Where is the limit for free speech, civil suits, and how long should we wait to celebrate the downfall of shitty people? From conspiracies and conspiracy mongers to the existence of God and the supernatural, we want to know if you believe any of it is true and why! You can join the conversation toll-free at 585-526-8774 or and tell us why! ___________________ TIME STAMPS & CALL NOTES 00:00 - Intro - Eric Explains Hi...
Oct 23, 2022•2 hr 48 min•Transcript available on Metacast In the modern day, we don't often see punishments so strict that they could be passed down to their children. This week however, we got to see one! Do you have any examples of supernatural curses in your life? Do you believe any group in particular has been singled out divinely for protection or punishment? If so, this is the weekend to tell us! You can call us toll-free at 585-526-8774 or and tell us why! ___________________ TIME STAMPS & CALL NOTES 00:00 - Intro - Eric got a vas...
Oct 16, 2022•1 hr 26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Eric is getting a WHAT?! | Skeptic Generation | Episode 41 Season 2 It's one thing to see fundamentalist religious zealots on the news, it's another to live in the line of fire. Here in Austin Texas, we've realized that we need to take action! Religion has NO place in government, prove us wrong. If there's a good argument for why religion should motivate law, give us a call toll-free at 585-526-8774 or and tell us why! ___________________ TIME STAMPS & CALL NOTES 00:00 - Intro - T...
Oct 09, 2022•1 hr 28 min•Transcript available on Metacast Seriously, is there a single situation where faith is preferred over evidence? If you have a case for faith, we want to hear it! You can contact us toll-free at 585-526-8774 or and tell us why! ___________________ TIME STAMPS & CALL NOTES 00:00 - Intro - What Is Faith Good For? 05:34 - Losing My Trust In God’s Plan - Lisa (she/her) - CO 22:07 - Theist Claims We All Have Faith - JB (he/him) - CO 1:09:33 - Muslim Caller Has Subjective Evidence for God - Sajid (he/him) - CAN 05:34 Th...
Oct 02, 2022•2 hr 30 min•Transcript available on Metacast While Vi took calls last week, Eric was sick in bed, cheering them on; but this week he's back in the saddle and ready to talk! Do you believe in UFOs, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trance mediums, the Loch Ness monster and the theory of Atlantis? Call 585-526-8774 or and tell us why! ___________________ TIME STAMPS & CALL NOTES 00:00 - Intro - Eric Is A Smarmy A$$hole? 12:24 - Finding Belonging as a Black A...
Sep 25, 2022•1 hr 24 min•Transcript available on Metacast Did you know Dennis Prager also has a call-in show? Where he disses kids? It looks lonely, maybe we should try calling him sometime. In the meantime, we'd love to talk to you! Call 585-526-8774 or to share why you believe what you believe. ___________________ TIME STAMPS & CALL NOTES 00:00 - Intro - Vi Goes Solo 07:31 - Should the Government Exist? - Steven (N/A) - NY 22:06 - A Step-by-Step Guide To Building A Moral Argument Against Christians - Nick (he/him) - TN 54:28 - Would Yo...
Sep 18, 2022•1 hr 26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today is a good day to remember what religious extremism can do to people. Watch this instead of war propaganda reruns. Call 585-526-8774 or to talk with us. Also, Moco makes an extended appearance on this episode, so you will see lots of cute fluffy cat butt. ___________________ TIME STAMPS & CALL NOTES 00:00 - Intro - 3000 Deaths 02:54 - Can You Consent to Exist? - Ian (he/him) - NC 17:39 - Bodily Autonomy vs Harm Reduction - Ale (she/her) - WA 35:22 - Islam and Social Justice -...
Sep 11, 2022•1 hr 24 min•Transcript available on Metacast This may be an interesting episode of Skeptic Generation. Due to the horrors of the US healthcare system, both Eric and Vi are off their meds and probably about to get a little spicy. Join for the fun, stay for the pandemonium. Call 585-526-8774 or to talk with us. ___________________ TIME STAMPS & CALL NOTES 00:00 - Intro - New Camera, Can You Tell? 06:04 - Vi & Eric Fight - Javier (he/him) - PR 29:08 - Theist Contradicts Himself Over and Over - Connor (he/him) - TX 1:09:44 - How...
Sep 04, 2022•2 hr 31 min•Transcript available on Metacast We toss around the word "skeptic" a lot, but what does that mean? Are climate skeptics the same? If you consider yourself a different kind of skeptic, we want to hear about it! Call us at 585-526-8774 or . ___________________ TIME STAMPS & CALL NOTES 00:00 - Intro - Eric Needs to Talk About Skepticism 14:06 - What Are The Precepts of Skepticism? - Mark (he/him) - CA 18:52 - What Are Extraordinary Claims? - Rae (they/them) - UK 43:15 - Calling Out Christian Hypocrisy - John...
Aug 28, 2022•2 hr 30 min•Transcript available on Metacast Apparently there is a group of Evangelical Christian furries out there who are worried about being judged... for disliking LGTBQ+ folks. Read the article here: . We know we have questions. Do you? Call us at 585-526-8774 or . _________________ TIME STAMPS & CALL NOTES 00:00 - Intro - Vi Needs to Talk About Christian Homophobic Furries 13:08 - Is Having Kids Selfish? - Phillip (he/him) - CA 30:50 - Theist Says Misogyny is OK - Dale (s...
Aug 21, 2022•2 hr 32 min•Transcript available on Metacast Eric Is Irrationally Angry About Circles | Skeptic Generation | Episode 33 Season 2 It has finally happened. Eric has finally had enough with the incessant nitpicking about the roundness of circles and people are going to pay. In other news, give us a call! We'd love to hear about what you believe and why. If it is about circles though, it isn't going to go well for you. Call us at 585-526-8774 or . ___________________ TIME STAMPS & CALL NOTES 00:00 - Intro 01:35 - Eric Ne...
Aug 14, 2022•2 hr 31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Do you think Jesus is still alive? You're wrong but we're willing to hear you out. Call us at 585-526-8774 or . ___________________ TIME STAMPS & CALL NOTES 00:00 - Intro - We Try This Again (Don’t Ask) 04:36 - Can Atheists Believe In Heaven? - Justin (he/him) - NY 11:13 - Do We Have a Stigma Around Death? - Casper (he/him) - NL 21:49 - Bigotry in the Bahai Faith? - Connor (he/him) - TX 41:40 - Pascal’s Wager, But For Climate Change? - Gabe (he/him) - MO 56:11 - Jesus Was ...
Aug 07, 2022•1 hr 28 min•Transcript available on Metacast Vi is hosting Skeptic Generation solo for the first time! What kinds of conversations do you want to have? Call them at 585-526-8774 or . ___________________ TIME STAMPS & CALL NOTES 00:00 - Vi Is Flying Solo 06:05 - How Do You Argue The Tri-Omni God? - Nick (he/him) - TN 22:26 - What Is Identity? - Ottoa (they/them) - AUS 31:23 - Caller Has Proof of an “Unmoved Mover” - John (he/him) - WA 51:57 - Theist Admits The Crucifixion Was Morally Wrong - Gohan (N/A) - TX 1:20:12 -...
Jul 31, 2022•2 hr 32 min•Transcript available on Metacast Eric and Vi are back in the hot seat and ready to take your calls. Reach out at 585-526-8774 or . ___________________ TIME STAMPS & CALL NOTES 00:00 - Intro - Eric’s Back!... For Now 02:57 - Can You Be A Dragon? - Ottawa (they/them) - AUS 14:52 - Theist Defends Contradictions in Holy Texts - Connor (he/him) - TX 40:57 - Is The World Run by Martians? - Chris (he/him) - SCT 50:37 - Cultural Appropriation in the MCU? - Johnny (he/him) - UT 1:02:09 - Churches Are Good For Athe...
Jul 24, 2022•2 hr 31 min•Transcript available on Metacast We are welcoming a special guest to the show this week: Robert Reed of Gin and Truth on YouTube. If you're a fan of a pull-no-punches, take-no-prisoners approach to secular humanism, we think this is probably going to be the show for you. Tune in or call in to talk with our guest at 585-526-8774 or . Find more Robert Reed: Subscribe to his YouTube: . Follow his Twitter: Stream his podcast wherever you lik...
Jul 17, 2022•2 hr 33 min•Transcript available on Metacast It was Eric's birthday yesterday, and we're excited to celebrate it! If you want to give him the best birthday gift ever, call in with a realllllly bad argument for the existence of God. Like, just the worst one. He'll love it. Wish him well at 585-526-8774 or . If you want to get Eric a birthday present but don't want to call in, check out our Amazon wishlist at . ___________________ TIME STAMPS & CALL NOTES 00:00 - Intro - Happy Birthday, Eric!...
Jul 10, 2022•2 hr 34 min•Transcript available on Metacast Vi is back from Portland and ready to take your calls. This has been a terrible week so we can either go "more terrible" or "less terrible." It's up to you and the kind of conversations you bring to the table. Talk to us at 585-526-8774 or ___________________ TIME STAMPS & CALL NOTES 00:00 - Intro - Vi is Back from Portland! 03:58 - Defending the Problem of Evil - Javier (he/him) - SC 21:07 - What is A Woman? - Chelsey (she/her) - NC 29:47 - Becoming A Pagan… Help! - Sakura (she/...
Jul 03, 2022•2 hr 34 min•Transcript available on Metacast