EP0829: The Ruler of Darkness, Part Seventeen
An assassin attempts to kill Perry White. Original AIr Date: November 17, 1947
An assassin attempts to kill Perry White. Original AIr Date: November 17, 1947
Having failed every other way to shut down the Planet, Mike Hickey's decided the only way to save his machine is that someone has to die. Original Air Date: November 14, 1947
Clark Kent has a plan to foil Mike Hickey's attempt to shut down the Daily Planet. Original AIr Date: November 13, 1947
Mike Hickey needs a new plan to take down Perry White. Original Air Date: November 12, 1947
Can Superman save Lois and Candy? Original Air Date: November 11, 1947
Clark Kent closes in on the crooked Doctor helping Mike Hickey while Candy and Lois face mortal peril. Original Air Date: November 10, 1947
Lois and Candy are going to have to talk fast to get out of this mess. Original Air Date: November 7, 1947
Clark Kent and Candy Myers split up in their search for Perry White's accuser and the suspicious doctor who backed him up. Original Air Date: November 6, 1947
Mike Hickey has succeeded having the man who accused Perry White disappear. Original Air Date: November 5, 1947
Clark Kent suspects the "victim" in the hit and run is faking his injuries. Original Air Date: November 4, 1947
Perry White is arrested for a hit and run. Original Air Date: November 3, 1947
With Joe Martin out of the mayor's race, Perry White and the reformers have to find a replacement candidate. Original Air Date: October 31, 1947
The political machine strikes back at the Daily Planet. Original Air Date: October 30, 1947
After Jimmy's beat, Perry launches a crusade against a corrupt political machine. Original Air Date: October 29, 1947
Superman races back to Metropolis with the man whose blood can save Jimmy Olsen. Original Air Date: October 28, 1947
Jimmy is severely injured and it's up to Superman to find a blood donor. Original AIr Date: October 27, 1947
Lois lays out her evidence for why Clark is Superman. Original AIr Date: October 24, 1947
A promotional record prepared for the Independent Magazine Wholesalers Of The South Association
Will Superman save Lois in time? Original Air Date: October 22, 1947
Superman’s search for Lois and two thugs continue. Original Air Date: October 21, 1947
Clark Kent looks for the missing Lois Lane. Original Air Date: October 20, 1947
The final confrontation between Superman and Haller. Original Air Date: October 19, 1947
Superman has to stop the Superman rocket model from reaching an unfriendly power. Original Air Date: October 17, 1947
The truth about what happened to the Superman rocket. Original Air Date: October 16, 1947
The Superman Rocket model disappears mid-flight. Original Air Date: October 15, 1947
Superman has obtained the surviving model of the rocket and is ready to fix the flaw in it. Original Air Date: October 14, 1947
Superman makes another choice about his secret identity. Original Air Date: October 13, 1947
Superman has to choose between his secret identity and Lois’ life Original Air Date: October 10, 1947
The man who stole Superman’s rocket has a problem. Original Air Date: October 9, 1947
Lois and Clark go in search of the mastermind behind the theft of Superman’s rocket. Original Air Date: October 8, 1947