EP0769: Superman vs. Kryptonite, Part Nine
Batman and Robin purse George Lattimer in their search for Superman. Original Air Date: May 26, 1947
Batman and Robin purse George Lattimer in their search for Superman. Original Air Date: May 26, 1947
Is Superman gone forever? Original Air Date: May 23, 1947
Superman rescues Batman and Robin at George Lattimer’s house and disappears. Original Air Date: May 22, 1947
Batman and Robin try to nab George Lattimer. Original Air Date: May 21, 1947
Robin smells a rat and tries to stop George Lattimer’s sideshow. Original Air Date: May 20, 1947
Superman begins a very long walk from the lounge to the stage at Metropolis stadium. Original Air Date: May 19, 1947
George Lattimer catches Superman breaking in and uses the Kryptonite. Original Air Date: May 16, 1947
Clark Kent has disappeared as he ponders what to do about Ed Lattimer and the Kryptonite. Original Air Date: May 15, 1947
Lois Lane wants answers when Clark Kent nearly strangles George Lattimer. Original Air Date: May 14, 1947
Superman races to save Horatio and Lois before meeting an old enemy. Original Air Date: May 13, 1947
Superman is running out of time to find Lois and Horatio as Horatio makes a near fatal mistake aboard the submarine. Original Air Date: May 12, 1947
Horatio tries to find some way for him and Lois to escape their fate while Lois has given up. Original Air Date: May 9, 1947
Superman searches for Lois and Horatio while the criminals behind the sea monster plan what to do with them. Original Air Date: May 8, 1947
Lois and Horatio are captured while Superman speeds back to Canada to find answers based on test results. Original Air Date: May 7, 1947
Clark Kent takes the next bold step in uncovering the truth behind the Sea Monster while Horatio Horn and Lois Lane stumble into danger. Original Air Date: May 6, 1947
Once again, Superman has to rescue Lois and Horatio Horn and without revealing his secret identity. Original Air Date: May 5, 1947
Clark Kent hatches a plan to reveal the truth behind the sea monster. All he needs is a boat. Original Air: May 2, 1947
Can Superman save Lois and Horatio Horn from a watery grave in cold Canadian seas? Original Air Date: May 1, 1947
Their boat sinks, leaving Lois and Horatio Horn stranded while Clark Kent finally breaks free of Perry White. Original Air Date: April 30, 1947
Against Perry’s orders, Lois goes out to sea to find out what has scared all the fishermen away. Original Air Date: April 29, 1947
Lois has head off to Canada to investigate a story against Perry’s White’s wishes. Original Air Date: April 28, 1947
Can Superman escape the dying planet Utopia and thwart an evil invasion so he can live to tell about it later as Clark Kent explaining Superman’s most strange adventure? Original Air Dates: April 24 and 25, 1947 Buy your copy of Tales of the Dim Knight, http://www.dimknight.com Click here to download, click here to add this podcast to you
Zaharam has a plan to find out where Superman is on Utopia. Original Air Date: April 23, 1947
Superman tricks Zaraham but Zaraham tricks Superman. Original Air Date: April 22, 1947
Superman is totally weakened by the gravity of Planet Utopia. Original Air Date: April 21, 1947
Can Poko and Superman make it to Utopia? Original Air Date: April 18, 1947
Clark Kent and Perry White question Poko. Original Air Date: April 17, 1947
Poco makes a desperate mission to Earth. Original Air Date: April 16, 1947
Clark Kent responds to the alleged alien abduction of Jimmy Olsen by reading an encyclopedia and talking to a scientist. Original Air Date: April 15, 1947
Jimmy and an alien are brought before the King on Utopia while Superman wonders about trying to figure out where Jimmy went in his strangest story ever. Original Air Date: April 14, 1947