EP0799: The Secret Rocket, Part Seven
Clark Kent wants an explanation from Lois as to why she’s at the house of the man who is trying to sell the rocket that brought Superman to Earth. Original Air Date: October 7, 1947
Clark Kent wants an explanation from Lois as to why she’s at the house of the man who is trying to sell the rocket that brought Superman to Earth. Original Air Date: October 7, 1947
A young miscreant’s death gives a whole new meaning to “The Long Goodbye.” Original Air Date: Date: October 6, 1947
Superman pursues the boy who stole the Kent family Bible which is key to the mystery of who stole the rocket from the farm he was raised on. Original Air Date: October 3, 1947
Clark Kent goes to Iowa to investigate what happened to the rocket that brought him to Earth. Original Air Date: October 2, 1947
Superman finishes his origin story and heads to Iowa to investigate what happened to the rocket he came to Earth in. Original Air Date: October 1, 1947
Superman explains how a rocket design sold to an unfriendly power wasn’t designed by him but may be his rocket. Original Air Date: September 30, 1947
Superman is suspected of violating national security. Original AIr Date: September 29. 1947
Batman closes in on George Lattimer. Will he and Robin find Lattimer in time to save Superman and if he does, who will save him? Original Air Dates: June 26 and 27, 1947
Inspector Henderson is furious as Batman leads him to another failed bust. Original Air Date: June 25, 1947
Batman closes in on George Lattimer. Original Air Date: June 24, 1947
Punchy stumbles around and Batman tries to locate him. Original Air Date: June 23, 1947
Batman searches for Superman and George Lattimer seeks to wipe out the Man of Steel’s body and mind forever. Original Air Date: June 20, 1947
Candy Myers calls Batman in for help in locating Bud Smith who he believes to be Clark Kent. Original Air Date: June 19, 1947
Candy Myers has a plan to find out if Bud Smith is Superman but George Lattimer is determined to nab Smith first. Original Air Date: June 18, 1947
Bud Smith (aka Superman) escapes Lattimer’s trap and he plans another. Original Air Date: June 17, 1947
George Lattimer to ambush an amnesiac Superman along with Jimmy and Lois. Original Air Date: June 16, 1947
Bud Smith (aka Superman) arrives in Metropolis. Original Air Date: June 13, 1947
George Lattimer and Mac prepare to capture Superman. Original Air Date: June 12, 1947
Before he can give Superman the Krytponite, George Lattimer has to contend with McGwire, the Private detective has learned far more than Lattimer ever wanted. Original Air Date: June 11, 1947
Superman’s baseball success frustrates George Lattimer’s plan to capture him. Original Air Date: June 10, 1947
Jimmy Olsen thinks he’s found Clark Kent-and at the very least he’s found a great minor league ballplayer. Original Air Date: June 9, 1947
The amnesiac Superman escapes from police custody and gets a new pitch. Original Air Date: June 6, 1947
Superman is wandering without his memory and runs into a small town constable while Lattimer’s private eye plots how to find Superman. Original Air Date: June 5, 1947
Superman is on the run without his memory and hitchhiking while George Lattimer seeks to recapture him. Original Air Date: June 4, 1947
Batman gets a clue–from Candy Myers. Original Air Date: June 3, 1947
A former Nazi Doctor has a prescription for Superman to get Amnesia Original Air Date: June 2, 1947
The Bat Plane crashes, and Batman, Robin, and Alfred rush to find Lattimer and save Superman. Original Air Date: May 30, 1947
George Lattimer taunts Superman while Batman and Robin begin their search. Original Air Date: May 29, 1947
George Lattimer tries everything to kill Superman. Original Air Date: May 28, 1947
George Lattimer gives Batman the slip. Original Air Date: May 27, 1947