Last week, as Israel continued to prosecute its eliminationist war against Palestinians in Gaza, an eclectic group of right-wing bigwigs gathered in Washington, DC for the fourth iteration of the National Conservatism conference — convened by Yarom Hazony, an Israeli-born writer, activist, and former speechwriter for Benjamin Netanyahu. As our guest, historian Suzanne Schneider , explains, Hazony aspires to export Israel’s model of illiberal democracy and dispossession to the nations of the worl...
Jul 19, 2024•1 hr 6 min•Ep 96•Transcript available on Metacast Listen to the rest of this premium episode by subscribing at Just about two weeks ago, we gave a nearly real-time reaction to Joe Biden's catastrophically inept performance in his first presidential debate against Donald Trump. The fallout has been swift but not certain—a flood of stories in the press were unleashed, giving the impression that Biden has been worse, for longer, than most of us knew, all of them filled with cringe-inducing details that gave the impression...
Jul 12, 2024•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast We took the holiday week off, so we're sharing an episode from behind the paywall. Coming soon: new episodes on The Biden Problem, SCOTUS, and Israeli illiberalism as an inspiration for the global right. *** In this episode, from January 2024, writer Osita Nwanevu joins for a rip-roaring conversation about legendary prose stylist, "new journalist," and novelist Tom Wolfe. Reviewing a new documentary about Wolfe (" Radical Wolfe " on Netflix), Osita writes, "Behind the ellipses and exclamation po...
Jul 05, 2024•2 hr 34 min•Transcript available on Metacast Subscribe to Know Your Enemy on Patreon to listen to this premium episode, and all of our bonus content: We watched it, and you probably did too. Here is our analysis of the incredibly depressing, even shocking first presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. While the topic of this episode is self-explanatory, it's worth making a few comments about our conversation. We recorded this on the afternoon of Friday, June 28, the day after the debate ...
Jun 30, 2024•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast We're joined by two experts on European politics to explain the EU parliamentary election results: David Adler , general coordinator of the Progressive International, and David Broder , historian of Italy and Europe editor at Jacobin . What do the results say about the strength of the far right in Europe? And why has Emmanuel Macron of France called snap parliamentary elections in response? Is Macron welcoming the far-right into power in France, or is there some other explanation for his gamble?...
Jun 28, 2024•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Something happened to America — and to American conservatism — in the early 1990s: an unspooling, a coarsening, a turn from substance to symbol and from narrative to fragment; prevailing political myths ceased to make sense or have purchase, and nothing sufficiently capacious or legible emerged to replace them, leaving only a dank, foggy climate of conspiracy, bellicosity, and despair. Victorious in the Cold War, America was supposed to be riding high; instead the whole country was experiencing ...
Jun 24, 2024•2 hr 31 min•Ep 95•Transcript available on Metacast In this special Pride Month episode of Know Your Enemy, Matt and Sam talk to historian Neil J. Young about his new book, Coming Out Republican: A History of the Gay Right . His absorbing account picks up in after World War II, when neither party made for a good political home for gay people, which helped make a libertarian approach to sexual politics—getting the government out of their private lives—compelling, a feature that would mark the gay right for years to come. The conversation then turn...
Jun 17, 2024•1 hr 25 min•Ep 94•Transcript available on Metacast Subscribe to Know Your Enemy on Patreon to listen to this premium episode, and all of our bonus content: Matt and Sam break down the Trump guilty verdict—what happened during the trial, why the jury might have reached the decision they did, how Republicans and the right reacted, and the ways it all could matter, or not, for the 2024 presidential election. It's a wide-ranging conversation, including discussions of low-trust voters, educational polarization, h...
Jun 05, 2024•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast Historian Tim Barker and editor/organizer Ben Mabie join to discuss a thrilling episode in the history of American labor. Barker and Mabie are two co-hosts of Fragile Juggernaut , a Haymarket Originals podcast exploring the history, politics, and strategic lessons of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (or CIO). Along with co-hosts Alex Press, Gabriel Winant, Andrew Elrod, and Emma Teitelman, they've been telling the story of organized labor in the 1930s, the radical possibilities of that d...
May 26, 2024•1 hr 22 min•Ep 93•Transcript available on Metacast Historian David Austin Walsh joins to discuss his excellent new book Taking America Back: The Conservative Movement and the Far Right — a fascinating re-description of the relationship between the far right and the American conservative movement from the 1930s to the end of the Cold War. How did figures like William F. Buckley, Jr. relate to figures on the further right fringes of right-wing politics, people like Merwin K Hart, Revilo Oliver, Russel Maguire, and George Lincoln Rockwell? And how ...
May 20, 2024•2 hr 34 min•Ep 92•Transcript available on Metacast Subscribe to Know Your Enemy on Patreon to listen to this premium episode, and all of our bonus content: Matt and Sam gab about "The Incomparable Mr. Buckley," a new PBS documentary on William F. Buckley Jr., which features Matt Sitman (!) as a talking head — along with a rogue's gallery of KYE friends and former guests: Perlstein, Tanenhaus, Tait, Gage, Burns, the whole gang... What do we make of the doc? Is it a whitewash? Is it too credulous about the con...
May 05, 2024•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast This conversation is a little different. We wanted to take a break from the election-year political jousting to talk to the poet Christian Wiman about Zero at the Bone: Fifty Entries Against Despair , one of the most singular books published in recent memory—part memoir, part commonplace book, part poetry collection. As with his previous My Bright Abyss , Wiman, more than any other contemporary Christian writer, manages to shake off our culture's desiccated religious tropes to write and talk abo...
Apr 27, 2024•1 hr 8 min•Ep 91•Transcript available on Metacast Historian Ronnie Grinberg's new book Write Like a Man: Jewish Masculinity and the New York Intellectuals couldn't be better "Know Your Enemy" fodder. (Main characters include: Midge Decter and Norman Podhoretz, Diana and Lionel Trilling, Irving Howe, Alfred Kazin, and Mary McCarthy!) These writers, Grinberg shows, built and sustained a novel, secular, Jewish, and masculine concept of the intellectual life, an ideology that would profoundly affected the development of Cold War liberalism, neo-con...
Apr 17, 2024•1 hr 17 min•Ep 90•Transcript available on Metacast Subscribe to Know Your Enemy on Patreon to listen to this premium episode, and all of our bonus content: It was inevitable that Know Your Enemy would eventually discuss Arguing the World , the 1998 documentary about four Jewish intellectuals who emerged from the alcoves and arguments of City College in the 1930s and influenced American politics and letters for much of the rest of the twentieth century, and beyond: Irving Howe, Irving Kristol, Daniel Bell, an...
Apr 09, 2024•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Why are Republicans and the right losing their minds over Taylor Swift, the gifted songwriter and globe-bestriding pop star? Why do they think her NFL-playing, Super Bowl-winning boyfriend is secretly gay—precisely because he's dating Taylor Swift? Why is this slice of Americana being portrayed as a deep-state op meant to hand the 2024 election to Joe Biden? To try to answer these, and other, similarly bewildering questions, Matt and Sam talked to writer B.D. McClay, whose Substack, Notebook , h...
Mar 26, 2024•1 hr 19 min•Ep 89•Transcript available on Metacast What can four generations of men named "L. Brent Bozell" tell us about the trajectory of modern American conservatism? Well, quite a lot. In this classic KYE bonus episode from February 2021, newly unlocked for these last weeks of Lent, Matt and Sam discuss one of the first families of the postwar right, which ends up being a story about faith, fanaticism, and the "awful grace of God." From the union-busting, ad-man scion (Brent Sr.), to the fiercely brilliant and troubled National Review editor...
Mar 19, 2024•2 hr 34 min•Transcript available on Metacast The right's romance with odious foreign dictators didn't start with Putin or Viktor Orbán, and their profound contempt for democracy long predates January 6. In his new book, America Last: The Right's Century-Long Romance with Foreign Dictators , Jacob Heilbrunn traces this tradition on the right—in many ways their most deeply rooted and enduring tradition in foreign affairs—back over a century to the embrace of Kaiser Wilhelm during World War I and envy of Mussolini to the present. In this disc...
Mar 11, 2024•1 hr 26 min•Ep 88•Transcript available on Metacast Subscribe to Know Your Enemy on Patreon to listen to this premium episode, and all of our bonus content: Matt and Sam return to René Girard via Pope Francis—whom Matt personally met at a recent general audience at the Vatican, and whose homily at that audience addressed the problem of envy, and what Christianity might have to teach us about it. Topics include: how to think about Girard's Christianity, in terms both of how it informs his work and his own atta...
Mar 04, 2024•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast The late René Girard, former Stanford professor of literature and mentor to Peter Thiel, is having something of a moment on the right these days—as Sam Kriss recently put it in a Harper's essay, Girard's name is being "dropped on podcasts and shoved into reading lists," and "Girardianism has become a secret doctrine of a strange new frontier in reactionary thought." Why might that be the case? To unpack this question, Matt and Sam welcomed back John Ganz, whose four-part series on Girard is one ...
Feb 26, 2024•2 hr 40 min•Ep 87•Transcript available on Metacast Subscribe to Know Your Enemy on Patreon to listen to this premium episode, and all of our bonus content: Matt and Sam return to some historiographic questions from our episode with Kim Phillips-Fein — especially how to think the relationship between "right" and "far right" — and then discuss the troubling return of scientific racism to mainstream conservative thought. Further Reading: James Alison, " Facing Down the Wolf, " Commonweal , June 10, 2020. Matthe...
Feb 11, 2024•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast As listeners might have noticed, 2024 is a presidential election year, and already the prospect of Donald Trump returning to power is looming over the campaign and the media's coverage of it. In a second term, Trump has promised to weaponize the Justice Department to punish his enemies, deconstruct major portions of the administrative state, and mobilize the largest deportation force in US history — to cleanse the nation of immigrants who, as Trump says , "are poisoning the blood of our country....
Jan 30, 2024•1 hr 27 min•Ep 86•Transcript available on Metacast Subscribe to Know Your Enemy on Patreon to listen to this premium episode, and all of our bonus content: Journeyman actor Peter Crombie, who appeared in films such as Seven , Born on the Fourth of July , and Natural Born Killers , died earlier this month, on January 10, 2024, at the age of 71. But his most famous, or at least memorable, role probably was his five-episode arc in season four of Seinfeld as "Crazy" Joe Davola, a struggling writer who becomes ob...
Jan 26, 2024•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast When did the American conservative movement begin? Who were its chief protagonists? What were their main motivations? Is the conservative movement a social movement, like any other, or is it something different? Should scholars have "sympathy" for their conservative subjects in order to study them? And are there important distinctions to be drawn between "conservative," "the right," and "the far right?" These are the sorts of questions historians ask each other and themselves. The changing ways ...
Jan 17, 2024•1 hr 7 min•Ep 85•Transcript available on Metacast Subscribe to Know Your Enemy on Patreon to listen to this premium episode, and all of our bonus content: Writer Osita Nwanevu joins for a rip-roaring conversation about legendary prose stylist, "new journalist," and novelist Tom Wolfe. Reviewing a new documentary about Wolfe ("Radical Wolfe" on Netflix), Osita writes, "Behind the ellipses and exclamation points and between the lines of his prose, a lively though often lazy conservative mind was at work, maki...
Jan 01, 2024•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast For our final main episode of 2023, we're dipping back into the Wills well to discuss Garry's under-appreciated 2010 book, Bomb Power: The Modern Presidency and the National Security State. Joining us is our great friend Erik Baker, lecturer in the History of Science Department at Harvard University and an editor at The Drift magazine. In Bomb Power , Garry Wills elegantly demonstrates how the imperatives of secretly conceiving, building, and deploying the nuclear bomb fundamentally changed Amer...
Dec 19, 2023•1 hr 28 min•Ep 84•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Matt and Sam are joined by Stanford historian Jennifer Burns to discuss her new biography of Milton Friedman, the Nobel Prize-winning economist whose influence would reach far beyond the academy when, during his last decades, he became one of the most effective popularizers of libertarian ideas—in books, columns, and even a ten-part PBS program, Free to Choose . How did the son of Jewish immigrants in New Jersey come to hold the often radical ideas that made him famous? How does...
Dec 03, 2023•2 hr 38 min•Ep 83•Transcript available on Metacast Subscribe to Know Your Enemy on Patreon to listen to this premium episode, and all of our bonus content: Know Your Enemy Latin America correspondent David Adler returns to breakdown the (terrible) election results from Argentina, where Javier Milei, a deranged disciple of Murray Rothbard, Milton Friedman, and Austrian economics, who consults his cloned dogs for political advice and promises to tear down the Peronist state with a chainsaw, has won the preside...
Nov 22, 2023•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode, Matt and Sam welcome the Nation 's Jeet Heer to the podcast to continue their journey into the work of Garry Wills—in particular, Wills's under-appreciated 1982 masterpiece, The Kennedy Imprisonment: A Meditation on Power . The book might be thought of as a sequel to his earlier Nixon Agonistes (1970). As Wills puts it in his introduction to the most recent edition of The Kennedy Imprisonment , "I had written a book about Nixon, and it was not a biography, but an attempt to see ...
Nov 17, 2023•2 hr 42 min•Ep 82•Transcript available on Metacast Subscribe to Know Your Enemy on Patreon to listen to this premium episode, and all of our bonus content: In which we answer more of your excellent questions, including: the right-wing panic over children; how to leave grad school; Tillich, Niebuhr, and Dorothy Day; why 21st century Bob Dylan is the best Bob Dylan; how to teach a course on post-war conservatism; and more! Sources cited: Matthew Sitman, " Anti-Social Conservatives ," Gawker , July 25, 2022. — ...
Nov 04, 2023•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast Once a year Matt and Sam take questions from listeners—and they always prove to be incredibly smart and interesting. This time around was no different, with questions that include such topics as: the crisis in Israel and Palestine, the influence of postliberal thinkers on the right, polarization and our political future, the state of the GOP, Willie Nelson, conservative art (and artists), and more! Sources: Joshua Leifer, " Toward a Humane Left ," Dissent , Oct 12, 2023; read Gabriel Winant's re...
Oct 28, 2023•2 hr 36 min•Ep 81•Transcript available on Metacast