Dialogue Between Ayaan Kirsi Ali and Richard Dawkins Part Two
Ali and Dawkins continue to discuss her recent conversion and her warning to the West.
Ali and Dawkins continue to discuss her recent conversion and her warning to the West.
Former atheist and Ex-Muslim Ayaan Kirsi Ali discusses her new-found faith in Christ with Richard Dawkins.
Dr. Craig discusses the history of this fascinating question and draws some conclusions.
Dr. Craig reflects on the legacy and views of atheist philosopher Daniel Dennett.
Dr. Craig comments on the media uproar surrounding the football player's speech.
Do numbers exist? Dr. Craig explores a variety of questions he's received on mathematics and numbers.
Dr. Craig fields questions related to his study of Molinism.
Answers to questions on personal causation, God and time, and Dr Craig's current study on the nature of Christ.
Dr. Craig takes questions on the necessity of evangelism, how God sustains everything into existence, and how sins were atoned for by Christ before his crucifixion.
Questions from listeners about visions in the Bible, the origin of sin, and whether Young Earth Creationism is an embarrassment.
Secularists often have their own version of the "God of the Gaps".
Dr. Craig reviews an article by William Dembski on the relationship between Scientific Materialism and Woke ideology.
Dr. Craig interacts with excerpts from Dr. Craig Keener's massive book on the historical reliability of the Gospels.
What questions are people all over the world Googling about God and Christianity?
Why would God create someone whom he knows will reject him? Will we be bored in heaven if everything is perfect? These and other questions are discussed by Dr. Craig.
Dr. Craig continues commentary on a conversation between Neil deGrasse Tyson and Sean Carroll which includes the existence of God.
Dr. Craig interacts with a dialogue between Neil deGrasse Tyson and Sean Carroll on the history of physics, quantum mechanics, and the arrow of time.
The Blackwell Companion To Natural Theology is reviewed by a Lutheran commentator.
Popular atheist spokesperson Sam Harris is very troubled by what he sees in current society.
Richard Dawkins talks about Dr. Craig in the conclusion of this series.
A recent interview with Richard Dawkins which includes Ayaan Kirsi Ali and evolutionary theory.
Dr. Craig interacts with a young man's provocative journey from atheism to faith in Christ.
The conclusion of Dr, Craig's comments on his exchange with Dr. Dale Tuggy.
Dr. Craig comments on a panel discussion on the Trinity in which he participated.
The conclusion of Dr. Craig's commentary on Aayn Hirsi Ali's remarkable story and her dire warnings to all people.
Former prominent atheist Aayn Hirsi Ali sent shockwaves through the international culture by declaring that she is now a Christian!
A big variety of questions including recent Webb Telescope research.
Is God just a brute fact? Is there a fourth option when explaining Fine Tuning?
Dr. Craig answers a wide variety of questions, including one on a Christian view of retirement and work.
Dr. Craig hears Jordan Peterson's favorite argument for God.