YouTube Apologists React!
A group of YouTube channels gathers to discuss Dr. Craig's answer to a recent question.
A group of YouTube channels gathers to discuss Dr. Craig's answer to a recent question.
Dr. Craig talks about his special connection to the people of the UK and the significance of Queen Elizabeth's life and death.
Once again Dr. Craig takes on Platonism and its challenge to Christian Theism.
Dr. Craig highlights some of the many layers involving knowing the truth of Christianity.
Are our future sins forgiven in the Atonement? Dr. Craig answers this and questions on Theistic Evolution, The Logos, and Set Theory.
Dr. Craig continues his explanation of the role of evidence and argument in knowing the truth of Christianity.
Dr. Craig's answer to a recent question has produced multiple responses from both atheists and Christians!
An overview of one of the most misunderstood views upon which Dr. Craig has spoken!
Dr. Craig examines what a legal scholar writes in the New York Times concerning the personhood and dependency of the unborn child.
Dr. Craig reviews a Newsweek article by Dr. Stephen Meyer on how scientific evidence points more towards God than atheism.
A variety of questions including how to deal with a family member who is extremely resistant to God, and how much certainty is required to believe Christianity is true.
Questions about the popularity of the multiverse in movies, vocational calling, the supernatural, and Genesis.
Dr. Craig addresses this monumental decision and offers suggestions on what actions to take now.
Questions about Christ's deity and the atonement, the value of work, and evolution's purpose.
Dr. Roger Olson writes a review of Dr. Craig's book and a recent conference on the Atonement of Christ.
Was C.S. Lewis in any way a Platonist?
Dr. Craig's discussion on the Roe v. Wade decision and it's impact.
Dr. Craig talks about his brief stay in the hospital and some interesting insights he had while there!
A sampling of some of the most frequent questions Dr. Craig is asked.
Various questions on Molinism and Middle Knowledge and the likelihood of Pontius Pilate releasing the body of Jesus to Joseph of Arimathea.
Answers to questions about the reliability and inspiration of the New Testament, the ontological status of numbers, and the deity of Jesus.
An article by a skeptic claims early Christians taught 'blind faith'. Dr. Craig responds.
Dr. Craig discusses and article on Divine Command Theory by his colleague Dr. David Baggett.
Dr. Craig is troubled by developments at Disney corporation.
In recent interviews, Dr. Craig is asked to comment on the impact of apologetics and the current culture.
Dr. Craig concludes his overview of interviews featuring Dr. Gary Habermas and Dr. Bart Ehrman.
Dr. Craig gives an overview of interviews featuring Dr. Gary Habermas and Dr. Bart Ehrman.
Dr. Craig discusses God's immateriality in light of his recent writing and research.
Dr. Craig offers his thoughts on the current conflict in Ukraine.