Interview with Sean McDowell, Part Two
Dr. Craig continues his personal life with Sean McDowell, including a discussion on how God sometimes uses failure to accomplish things in our lives.
Dr. Craig continues his personal life with Sean McDowell, including a discussion on how God sometimes uses failure to accomplish things in our lives.
Dr. Craig is interviewed by Dr. Sean McDowell on his life story and the people who have most influenced him.
Kevin interviews Michael Lepien, Executive Director for Reasonable Faith, on what it's like to travel the world with Dr. Craig, apologetics, and the pandemic's impact on the local church.
On the fifth anniversary of the death of his son, Kevin Harris offers reflections and an encore presentation of the podcast in which Dr. Craig interviewed Kevin.
Dr. Craig exposes what Critical Race Theory is really all about.
Another question on the Problem of Evil, the alleged contradictions in the Resurrection accounts, and the Argument From Contingency.
Dr. Craig fields questions on the "Criterion of Dissimilarity", understanding Genesis, and how philosophy, science, and scripture work together.
Dr. Craig interacts with a philosophy blog on whether the Christian exercises "blind faith" and circular reasoning when it comes to the Resurrection of Jesus.
Dr. Craig shares thoughts on the recent Supreme Court appointment and what it means for the future of the USA.
Dr. Craig is interviewed by Justin Brierley on responding to atheist "memes" on social media during the pandemic.
Amazing things happened when the Apostle Paul went to Athens and spoke to the philosophers there.
Humanism and the Real Problem of Evil, Part 2
An atheist blogger claims a secular society is morally superior to Christianity
Dr. Craig answers questions on the nature of numbers, the need for certainty, and the relationship between the Argument From Contingency and the Trinity.
An atheist professor asks for an evaluation of his understanding of Calvinism.
Pastor Tim Keller says today's secularists are seeking to evangelize Christians.
Dr. Craig is invited to respond to the most popular atheist slogans (or "memes") in circulation today.
The dialogue has produced many more questions from listeners. Dr. Craig answers some of them in this podcast and in the Question of the Week.
Dr. Craig is interviewed by YouTuber "Cosmic Skeptic" on the Kalam Cosmological Argument.
Dr. Craig takes on a skeptic who says the Fine-Tuning Argument is fallacious.
A non-theist blogger addresses one of Dr. Craig's Question of the Week.
Dr. Craig responds to a CNN statement and an atheist blogger on whether Jesus was perfect.
Dr. Craig has debated and been interviewed on multiple social media platforms. He also has two new books!
Dr. Craig is interviewed about the Atonement of Christ on the Capturing Christianity channel.
Dr. Craig listens to an atheist student who gives a case for atheism.
Dr. Craig is asked about the nature of in-house debates, causality, and a listener accuses him of "word salad"!
Several listeners who have read Dr. Craig's work have some questions.
Dr. Craig is asked about our purpose in life, Alvin Plantinga's evolutionary argument against naturalism, and Dr. Craig's research methods.
Dr. Craig receives questions on Molinism, how thinkers should relax, and a self-deceiving mechanism called The Noble Lie.
Dr. Craig defines Consequentialism in response to an article that quotes him.