Tune in to hear: - Do certain people have a natural proclivity for deferring gratification for a greater reward at a later date (e.g. exercise and saving) or can this also be learned? - Is whether or not you are more forward-thinking or present-oriented hardwired in you from a young age? - What are some of the things that those who “get retirement right” might know that those who “get retirement wrong” don’t? - Why is working in retirement important for many people and how might this look differ...
Jun 15, 2023•43 min•Ep 253•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - What role did Amy’s mom play in her professional journey and what drives her to do what she does? - What are the 5 steps of Amy’s process for providing effective guidance to advisors while leaving a bit of wiggle room for client personalization? - Her 1st step, “to establish and define a client, planner relationship,” aligns with the CFP’s 1st stage. What does she teach advisors in this stage that might look a little different than folks might expect? - How can we help facilit...
Jun 08, 2023•50 min•Ep 252•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - What makes up Brendan’s list of the 10 guiding principles of financial psychology? - Brendan says that “goals shift, but values persist.” What does he mean by this and how do we move from illuminating values to tying those back to specific goals? - Brendan recently interviewed a “question expert” on his own podcast. What was the biggest takeaway from their conversation and how can we craft better questions? - Brendan’s third tenant is that “the more vivid your future, the more...
Jun 01, 2023•52 min•Ep 251•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - What was the spark or impetus that led Kelsey down the path to found Aura Finance? - Why is it so crucial to help people get in the right mindset to invest and how can we begin to do so? - What are some of the specific features of the Aura app that help promote financial mindfulness? - How has Kelsey tried to hone the gamified elements in the Aura app to bring out the best possible behaviors in its end users? - What are Kelsey’s thoughts on building a community within the app ...
May 25, 2023•27 min•Ep 250•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - How has Heather’s background in mental health shifted the way she leads and the way she goes to market? - What advice, skills or resources does she try to imbue her advisors with to inoculate them against taking on too much of the stresses they help their clients work through? - As practically as possible, what does “net worthwhile” look like and how does SignatureFD make it more than just a tagline? - What led Heather to start using a bucketing strategy in the first place and...
May 18, 2023•47 min•Ep 249•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - What are some of the psychology principles that Costco gets right as a brand? - Is it better to make customer onboarding super fluid and effortless or to make it a bit more arduous and engage with the "sunk cost fallacy?" - What is the “pratfall effect” and how was it used with great effect by brands like Apple, KFC and Domino’s? - What is the “cocktail party effect” and how can we use it to our advantage? - What does Nike do particularly well and how do they induce a sense of...
May 11, 2023•50 min•Ep 248•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - Why does discussing money remain such a persistent taboo in our culture? - Why is financial intimacy so critical and how can we work towards achieving it in our lives? - How does financial intimacy, or intimacy more generally, relate to “feeling seen?” - How can financial intimacy allow us to better see ourselves and unearth our personal money stories that have gone under our radar? - We have a cognitive understanding that we can’t take our wealth with us when we die, but why ...
May 04, 2023•39 min•Ep 247•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - Dave is a “financial futurist.” What in the world is this and what does it look like practically in his day-to-day work? - What “behavioral hacks” does Dave bring to bear in his own practice when he tries to look out beyond 2 years and how does he try to stay out of his own way when thinking about what the future might look like? - Can the past be used as a vehicle for better understanding the future or is there not much to learn there and we are forecasting in ineffective way...
Apr 27, 2023•49 min•Ep 246•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - What life experiences gave rise to Mac Gardner’s mission to improve financial literacy particularly among children? - What is Mac’s book, The Four Money Bears, all about and how has his experience been when sharing it with others all over the globe? - Does Mac have any particularly memorable anecdotes about sharing the book in a classroom setting, or elsewhere, where he learned something unique from kids' reactions? - Where are we falling short as a society and industry that’s...
Apr 20, 2023•39 min•Ep 245•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - Can Manish give a bit of background on Potomac and what has changed since he took the helm? - Potomac is very committed to transparency and the idea of building in public. What has this process been like and what benefits have they seen from this approach? When have they had to follow through on their commitment to being honest about their shortcomings? - Has there ever been a weakness or failing that sort of tested his willingness to be transparent about it? - How does Manish...
Apr 13, 2023•45 min•Ep 244•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - What is the philosophy of investing Rusty grounds himself in and how does it keep his head on straight when he makes investment decisions? - For someone who is in a position to make material decisions about others’ money - what responsibility do they have to “do the work” around understanding their own values, biases and behavior? - What steps does Orion, as an institution take, to try to avoid falling prey to behavioral missteps? - How do you make the distinction between bein...
Apr 06, 2023•34 min•Ep 243•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - Ben had a crippling bout of anxiety and depression in college that effectively made him a shut-in at his parent’s house. What did he realize was at the root of these problems and what did he do next? - How did Ben’s two week “bucket list” roadtrip with friends transition into a decade plus long mission? - Ben’s project, The Buried Life, is also about helping other people realize their dreams too. Along this path, what are some of the coolest things he has helped to bring about...
Mar 30, 2023•19 min•Ep 242•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - How does Brian McLaughlin’s entrepreneurial journey fit into the mold of Campbell’s Hero’s Journey? - What was Brian’s “call to adventure,” or his impetus for creating Redtail, and how did he take this leap? - Is this “call to adventure” for entrepreneurs, writ large, often about coming up with a practical solution to a particular problem they are facing? - What needs to be in place before an entrepreneur takes a leap and who should or shouldn’t go into business for themselves...
Mar 23, 2023•33 min•Ep 241•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - How does Dr. Koochel define financial wellness, how did she arrive at this definition and what practical difference does this make in her work? - What are three actionable steps advisors can take to incorporate financial wellness into their planning conversations? - How can advisors point out inconsistencies between someone’s professed values and their actions while remaining empathetic and thoughtful about how they communicate this? - What is the role of financial psychology ...
Mar 16, 2023•45 min•Ep 240•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - Why did Eben’s company Toews create the holiday “ National Investment Risk Management Day?” - What are some of Eben’s candidates for the worst investment ideas of the year? - How can we be open to innovation and progress without becoming too easy to fool? - For folks who did “everything right” last year, they still had a really tough year - how can we convince people to engage in prudent risk management behaviors when you are still going to take a hit sometimes regardless of d...
Mar 09, 2023•58 min•Ep 239•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - In his new book, why did Dr. Sivarajan feel that a story was the best means to convey behavioral and philosophical truths? - What steps can we take to ensure we are “climbing the right ladder” and why do we often get this so wrong? - If we find ourselves pursuing the wrong goals and being motivated by the wrong things how can we start fresh? - What is the story of Ferrari vs. Lamborghini for those who don’t know and how does Dr. Sivarajan relate this to mimetic desire and mime...
Mar 02, 2023•44 min•Ep 238•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - What is Rachel’s origin story and what led her down a path that bridges social justice and finance? - What is redlining and why will climate change disproportionately effect already marginalized groups? - Why did Rachel feel like finance was the best tool at her disposal for approaching social justice issues? - Rachel gets her investment data directly from the communities that are most impacted by the issues she is fighting for. How does she get this data, how does it differ f...
Feb 23, 2023•42 min•Ep 237•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - How did Adam move from the financial planning sphere into being a software entrepreneur? Did he see a gap that he thought needed to be filled? - What is Adam’s company Asset Map and how do they create a visual blueprint of someone’s holdings? - What has he observed, from a behavioral perspective, about the advantages of having something simple and visual? - What do people underestimate about the difficulty of becoming a FinTech CEO? - Financial planning is only getting adopted...
Feb 16, 2023•36 min•Ep 236•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - Why does behavioral investing often get focused on less than other elements of behavioral finance? - What role should pessimistic forecasts play, if any, in our financial decision making? - What are some behavioral barometers that can give us meaningful insights into forward return suggestions? What clues does he think these are providing in this particular moment? - If we do away with style boxes how will we differentiate appropriate style drift from just sloppy, undiscipline...
Feb 09, 2023•38 min•Ep 235•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - What led Jeff to sometimes act inauthentically in the past and what snapped him out of this? - How does the client experience look different between those with an authentic, holistic advisor and those who have an advisor with a top producer type mindset? - What does Jeff see as the most common impediment that’s keeping people from creating a meaningful money life? - How do we get people to shift from a solipsistic approach to what Jeff describes as “other focused?” Considering...
Feb 02, 2023•40 min•Ep 234•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - Why is understanding our own money stories such a valuable principle? What is Jamie’s money story? - Did Jamie’s dad’s career trajectory or unexpected death shift the way Jamie approached his own career? - Is it pretty typical for people to full-heartedly accept or reject their family of origin’s money scripts/styles? - Why do we frequently search for external answers, rather than our intrinsic value, on how to maximize our wealth? - Does Jamie foresee a world where advisors t...
Jan 26, 2023•50 min•Ep 233•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - What is the three part formula for meaning that Derek has proposed and how do these three aspects tend to shape a meaningful life? - What is the role of money in getting these three parts to work in unison? Can money help our lives be more purposeful, coherent and significant? - Why do we sometimes seem hardwired to pursue the “thin meaning” when the “thick meaning” is often accessible and a lot more conducive to our long-term happiness? - How can an awareness of our own finit...
Jan 19, 2023•47 min•Ep 232•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - Why do we take our autonomic nervous system for granted and why does it have such a profound effect on our ability to be successful communicators? - What are the different hierarchical states of the nervous system and what role do each of these play in determining the stories we tell ourselves? - How would Laura’s work with a client look different than a CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) approach and why does she believe that nervous system work should come before one should ...
Jan 12, 2023•47 min•Ep 231•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - Why are love and money so uniquely combustible? - Why do we often not give our significant other the benefit of the doubt? How can we give our partners more grace and understanding? - What do you do if a couple is stonewalling one another? - Can understanding your partner’s money type or money script play a role in giving them this grace? - How accurately are couples assessing each other's spending habits and what can be done to combat this trap of both spenders getting the ma...
Dec 15, 2022•37 min•Ep 230•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - What are some of the accomplishments of financial psychology thus far and where should we be headed next? - Why does Wade diverge from a lot of the popular thinking around insurance products and what does the industry get wrong when it comes to these products and retirement income? - Is it safe to say that a lot of the benefit of these “unpopular tools” is behavioral in nature? - What question was Wade hoping to answer when he dove into RISA (Retirement Income Style Awareness)...
Dec 08, 2022•47 min•Ep 229•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - What are some problems that money solves well and what are some problems it does a poor job of solving? - Has Carl recently pivoted a bit in his career to focus more on the philosophical or, more broadly, “life stuff?” If so, why? - Has Carl found any common thread between people who feel a sense of security, both financially and in a broader sense? - What are some things that the financial services industry isn’t speaking about that are topical and need to be addressed? - How...
Dec 01, 2022•52 min•Ep 228•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - What might account for the very low conversion rate following viral content on social media? - Are new followers a good metric for measuring the success of a post or not necessarily? - Why is it so difficult to “engineer virality” and why does this often fall flat? - Is it smart to try to monetize a viral moment with sponsored content or is this likely to backfire? - Some advisors are reluctant to become active on social media because it seems to favor negative content at time...
Nov 24, 2022•56 min•Ep 225•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - What are some of the most common misconceptions about Anika’s work and more broadly about those on the autistic spectrum? - What is ABA and why is early intervention so important? - What might account for the precipitous growth in autism spectrum disorders? Is it superior diagnostic abilities or something else? - Why do autism spectrum disorders often go undiagnosed in girls? - What are some of the unique financial considerations for advisors with clients or children on the sp...
Nov 16, 2022•39 min•Ep 226•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - What about the investment world clicked for Shannon, and drew her in, at such a young age? - Did Shannon start out as an analyst for a hedge fund manager or how did her career unfold? - Was it a difficult decision for Shannon to pivot from investment banking to managing a more DIY retail business? - What does RFG focus on in-particular and what did they win a “wealthie” award for? - Shannon built RFG in Alabama. How did she settle on such an unconventional place to build out h...
Nov 10, 2022•50 min•Ep 227•Transcript available on Metacast Tune in to hear: - How did Kurt grow TownSquare in a span of about 5 years and to what does he attribute this meteoric rise? - How does Kurt Brown believe that their OCIO function can help wire house advisors make the transition to independence? - When should investors look for passive vs. active exposure and how can we avoid paying extra for those who are being deceptive and marketing effectively passive management as active? - In the current market we are in, which is of course a little volati...
Nov 03, 2022•31 min•Ep 224•Transcript available on Metacast