INTERMEDIATE Have you heard about Nikifor? If not you still has a lot of to learn about Polish culture! In this episode you are going to learn: - What are the 4 official minorities in Poland - Who are Łemkowie and where do they live - Who is the most known Polish naive art painter - what was the story of his life and how it ended In the episode I mention another episode of mine " Szał uniesień" which you can find here: Buy the transcript of this podcast for only...
Nov 12, 2018•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast INTERMEDIATE Listen to this episode if you want to learn now only what phrases Polish uses but also why we use them! In this episode you will learn; - why we say someone is naked as Turkish saint, - who was Zabłocki and what does he have to do with failed business - what is Polish equivalent of pouring a child with bathwater and other funny and popular phrases you can surprise your Polish friends with :) Do you understand only 50 % when you listen? Read and listen at the same time. Transcripts w...
Nov 05, 2018•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast INTERMEDIATE For long time I was unsure if I should even talk about religion, because how delicate is this topic. The recent release of new Smarzowski's film which started an interesting social debate about Catholic Church made me feel this is the moment to speak up. In this episode I teach you a lot of vocabulary about Christianity, Catholicism and some about Islam. You will also get to know: - Why Poland is Catholic not Ortodox like its eastern neighbours - Why I failed some confessions in the...
Oct 22, 2018•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast INTERMEDIATE Learn why Polish people don't get marrien in April. Wedding is a very important moment in lives of many people. Students of Polish are usually driven to learn this language because of love so Polish wedding tradition are also something valuable to learn. This is why I've prepared this episode for you. In this episode you will learn: - How to ask "will you marry me?" in Polish - Why Americans are wrong calling "czernina" a traditional soup in Poland - Why wedding dress shouldn't cove...
Oct 12, 2018•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast INTERMEDIATE (You must listen to this one. This episode is a bomb! and there is music inside :) ) In this episode you will hear about: - the favourite genre of music in Poland - Disco Polo - what is the origin of it - why Poles love it so much - who is embarrased of it and why - what are the most famous bands in Poland and who are the artists I used 4 fragments of songs in it. In the chronological order: 1. Akcent, Przekorny los : 2. Biesiadne, Wszystkie rybki: https...
Sep 28, 2018•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast This episode is for ADVANCED students. Jervis comes from Australia and is an active member of Facebook groups I belong to. Also of my group "Polish for foreigners - Mówimy po polsku". He tool part in our Polish Language Challenge a couple of motnhs ago and a couple of weeks ago we started having weekly classes on Skype. I was impressed by his level of Polish and very happy because I love teaching advanced students too! I've decided to invite him to my podcast to show you becoming advanced in Pol...
Sep 25, 2018•39 min•Transcript available on Metacast INTERMEDIATE (Hint: If I speak too fast for you, you can choose 0.75 % speed or mail me: ) In this episode you will learn: - how to say fur, tail, claws and other animal's body parts in Polish - what does "kura domowa", "święta krowa" and "puścić pawia" mean - what are arguments of activists who want to ban animals in circus and what are the contrarguments of the owners of circuses - why I really, really want to have a dog but I can't have one Write in the comment: Should ...
Sep 17, 2018•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast UPPER INTERMEDIATE In this episode you will learn: - What "Matka Polka" and "kobieta pracująca" mean for Polish people - How much Polish women earn compared to men - How long is Polish maternity leave - What are other benefits families get from Polish government and of course as usually you will learn a lot of new words regarding job market, money and family! Find transcripts of my podcasts on
Sep 11, 2018•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast INTERMEDIATE Do you want to know what "grać w Małysza" mean? Do you want to know why do I think Aleksander Doba is the most impressive Polish athlete and what I think about "żużel" and "wyścigi Formuły 1"? Listen to this episode and you will: - learn plenty of vocabulary about sport - get to know the most popular Polish athlets - maybe understand why we love ski jumping sooo much in Poland :) This episode comes with a Quizlet list to study : and on my Instagram @polski...
Sep 01, 2018•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast UPPER-INTERMEDIATE : In this episode you will learn new Polish vocabulary about ecology and my trials of living less waste lifestyle. From now on you will know how to explain your friends how they can reduce the amount of plastic in their life! :) Don't forget to follow me on Facebook: 1000 reasons to learn Polish and visit my page for transcripts and exercises! Do you understand only 50 - 70% when you listen? Read and listen at the same time! Transcripts will make your life e...
Aug 18, 2018•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast INTERMEDIATE. In this episode you are going to learn: - what is the main function of "się" pronoun - Which verbs always come with "się" and which never - Where to place "się" in sentences to make them sound natural. - How to avoid saying who is the doer of the action with help of "się" Check out show notes here: and of course don't forget to subscribe! :) Do usłyszenia w następnym odcinku!...
Aug 10, 2018•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast INTERMEDIATE. In this episode you are going to learn some interesting tips about small cultural differences which will make your visits in Poland and meetings with Polish people easier. You will learn: - How many times we kiss when we meet a friend? - Should you kiss a male friend? - How to prepare when invited to Polish friends? and a couple of other hints :) I hope you enjoy this show. If you do, don't hesitate to subscribe! Dziękuję! Do you understand only 50 - 70% when you listen? Read and l...
Aug 03, 2018•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast This episode is for intermediate students. In it you will learn about: - what was the reason of big Polish community in Brasil - why we have some many French words in Polish - what does "rzucić się na głęboką wodę" - how to say "grass is always greener on the other side" - how to make yourself comfortable in your new country and some other information about Polish people migrating, my personal migration and what I have learned living in Egypt (not much but still ;) ) Miłego słuchania! Transkrypc...
May 21, 2018•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast This episode is for upper intermediate and advanced students. In PD021 you are going to learn - what does "wyjść z siebie i stanąć obok" mean and why we like it so much, - which profession is associated with anger in Polish - how to express sadness, hapiness, disappointment, anger and embarrasement in Polish Enjoy your time with the episodes and let us know what you think about it! :) Mail me: You can also to the exercise on vocabulary related to emotions : https://www.pol...
May 14, 2018•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast W tym odcinku dowiesz się: - czy da się mówić po polsku bez wyrażeń religijnych. - gdzie jest ziemia obiecana a gdzie kraina miodem i mlekiem płynąca. - kim był miłosierny Samarytanin i o kim możesz dzisiaj tak powiedzieć, - co ma wspólnego Sodoma i Gomora z bałaganem, - o kilku wyrażeniach z Biblii, których używają wszyscy Polacy. Do you understand only a half? Make learning more enjoyable. Read and listen at the same time. Download the transcripts :
May 03, 2018•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode you are going to learn Polish phrases with colours and how to use them. You will also get to know what happens to my face when I drink red wine ;) Enjoy the episode and remember to let me know what you think about it! Mail me: Read or download the transcript : Do you understand only 50 - 70% when you listen? Read and listen at the same time! Transcripts will make your life easier and you'...
Apr 26, 2018•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast Advanced | To druga część rozmowy z Kubą Wysockim, poliglotą i autorem bloga Lingwistyczny Jakub. W tym odcinku usłyszysz o - technikach nauki języka - przewadze uczenia się słownictwa nad gramatyką - sposobach na kontrolowanie swojego postępu w nauce - i o wielu innych "smaczkach" :)
Apr 15, 2018•40 min•Transcript available on Metacast Advanced / W tym odcinku usłyszysz moją rozmowę z poliglotą - Kubą Wysockim. Rozmowa najpierw miała być krótka, ale dobrze nam się rozmawiało, więc są dwie części tego podcastu. W tej pierwszej Kuba opowiada o swoich doświadczeniach z nauką języka i daje kilka wskazówek dla osób, które uczą się podobnych do siebie języków. W drugiej części usłyszysz o technikach na naukę słówek, równowadze między gramatyką i słownictwem oraz o tym, jak traktować niepowodzenia w nauce języka. Wydaje mi się, że to...
Apr 15, 2018•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate/ Advanced Do you sometimes feel like ditching learning Polish? You feel it doesn't match your expectations and you cannot push yourself to learn? Or maybe you have been learning Polish for years and you are so bored of doing the same that you end up doing nothing? This episode is for you :) Visit my website to get access to trancripts and plenty of resources to boost your Polish today! Read the transcript: Visit me on FB:
Apr 05, 2018•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast I have a set of vocabulary for you on Quizlet for this episode as the topic I speak about is a bit complicated but perfect to think about one of very important topics the world speaks about these days (years?) - vaccination! You will also learn about an unusual Polish man here. Enjoy your listening! Transkrypcja: Do you understand only 50 - 70% when you listen? Read and listen at the same time! Transcripts will make yo...
Mar 16, 2018•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Who will run in Kraków like a "chicken with head cut off"? Why learning a language cannot be just about gaming? What book should you read in Polish next? In this episode I talk with Dominika Zębala, a city guide, Middle East fan and an active language learner and.... my friend! :) Do you understand only 50 - 70% when you listen? Read and listen at the same time! Transcripts will make your life easier and you'll learn a lot of new vocabulary. Now you can buy all available transcripts in a bulk: C...
Mar 04, 2018•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast Polish people are thieves and drinkers. Arabs are lazy and Spanish never work. In this episode I talk about stereotypes about Polish people and what we think about other nations. I also give a thought to the idea why do we need stereotypes at all? I would love to discuss it with you so please comment or send me emails : Cheers!
Feb 27, 2018•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode I am telling you about a great adventurer and cyclist Kazimierz Nowak. Listen what he achieved and practice your listening skill! Also visit me on where you can find plenty of exercises and other podcasts (aslo for beginners).
Feb 19, 2018•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode I talk to Denys Zaiats, a student of mine, a fan of Poland and languages and a creator of MobiCastle - an app which guides you to castles of Poland (and other countries). We discuss Poland as a place to live for foreigners, ways of learning Polish and other languages when living abroad. In the end of the episode I analyse a couple of main mistakes you can hear in the recording. You can also make notes and write them down in the comments so we can discuss them together! Visit my p...
Feb 04, 2018•55 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this podcast I explain a not so intuitive Polish conjunction "żeby" which introduces a purpose subordinate sentence (zdanie podrzędne celu). Shownotes with transcription in Polish and in English can be found on my website
Jan 25, 2018•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate / Advanced In this episode I tell you the story of my "career" as a student who always (almost!) was unlucky with employment. You can use the expression from the title - " Z deszczu pod rynnę" when you were in bad situation, you wanted to improve it but you made a bad choice and you found yourself in even worse situation. Enjoy the podcast and let me know you listened - leave me a comment :) Do you understand only 50 - 70% when you listen? Read and listen at the same time! Transcrip...
Jan 21, 2018•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate/Advanced In this week episone I am telling you about my childhood in Polish town and what was typical for growing up in that place and that time! Enjoy and look for the transcript in upcoming week on my page
Jan 15, 2018•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast Intermediate. This podcast is about Władysław Podkowiński, a young artist from XIX who painted one of the most famous, intriguing Polish painings "Szał uniesień" Transcript is now available on my page . Read more about the topic here:,Wladyslaw-Podkowinski-czyli-Szal-uniesien
Jan 08, 2018•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast Advanced / Intermediate podcast. In this episode I talk about my trip to Siwa Oasis in Egypt with a group of Egyptians and how it influenced on my Egyptian Arabic. I also share some short stories of what happened during the trip. I hope you like it - if you do please comment because it helps others to discover my podcast and visit my page: ! Thanks!
Jan 04, 2018•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast This podcast is for beginners and intermediate students about Polish famous actress who achieved a great success in USA.
Dec 28, 2017•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast