163. Emma McKeon on Swimming, Stress & Success
163. Emma McKeon on Swimming, Stress & Success.
163. Emma McKeon on Swimming, Stress & Success.
Michelle de Kretser on Shimmering Stories & Scary Monsters. Photo credit: Joy Lai
161. Nyadol Nyuon on seeking refuge & fighting racism.
160. Madeleine Dore on avoiding guilt, busyness & indecision. Photo credit: Prue Aja
159. Cathy Wilcox on cartoons, chance & change.
158. Robyn Archer on festivals, artistic risks & German cabaret. Photo credit: Rohan Thomson
157. Paul Grabowsky on making music.
Sheridan Harbridge on cabaret, comedy and creativity (Rebroadcast)
Violet Roumeliotis on welcoming refugees.
Cordelia Fine on Female Brains, Boys' Toys and Other Delusions of Gender (Rebroadcast).
156. David Williamson on a Life of Drama.
155. Cal Newport on deep work and the curse of email. Photo credit: Penny Gray
Joshua Gans on Parentonomics (Rebroadcast).
Patricia Karvelas on resilience and community (Rebroadcast).
Ellen Broad on what makes a good online life (Rebroadcast).
154. Harry Garside on boxing, ballet and masculinity.
153. John Safran on comedy, constraints & creativity. You can check out John's new book 'Puff Piece' here . Photo credit: Penguin Random House.
Markus Zusak on stories that mean everything (Rebroadcast).
Hugh Mackay on the Golden Rule and the Positivity Trap (Rebroadcast). Note that this episode contains some discussion of the share of people reporting 'No religion' in the Australian Census. The correct figures were 22.3% in the 2011 Census (which listed 'No religion' last), and 30.1% in the 2016 Census (which listed 'No religion' first).
Jono Lineen explains why walking makes us wise (Rebroadcast). To mark The Good Life reaching 150 episodes, we're conducting a listener survey. The survey is HERE . It will take you about three minutes, and gives you a chance to suggest who you'd like to hear from in future episodes. Thanks in advance for sharing your insights and helping shape future
152. Jill Stark on breakdowns and breakthroughs. If this episode raises issues for you, contact Lifeline on 13 11 14. To mark The Good Life reaching 150 episodes, we're conducting a listener survey. The survey is HERE . It will take you about three minutes, and gives you a chance to suggest who you'd like to hear from in future episodes. Thanks in advance for sharing your insights and helping shape future episodes....
John Bell on leadership lessons from Shakespeare. To mark The Good Life reaching 150 episodes, we're conducting a listener survey. The survey is HERE . It will take you about three minutes, and gives you a chance to suggest who you'd like to hear from in future episodes. Thanks in advance for sharing your insights and helping shape future episodes. (Photo: Naomi Hamilton)
150. Rhiannon Evans on lessons from Ancient Rome. To mark The Good Life's 150th episode, we're conducting a listener survey. The survey is HERE . It will take you about three minutes, and gives you a chance to suggest who you'd like to hear from in future episodes. Thanks in advance for sharing your insights and helping shape future episodes. N.B. Rhiannon's podcast is "Emperors of Rome", available here . Rhiannon's publications include "Utopia Antiqua" and "Caesar's triumphs over Gaul and Rome"...
Linda Burney on love, loss, racism and hope (Rebroadcast).
Sisonke Msimang on exile and home, hatred and belonging. You can find out more about Sisonke, her recent book Always Another Country, and her other writing here .
149. Turia Pitt on triathlons, beauty and happiness. Check out Turia Pitt's books: Happy & Other Ridiculous Aspirations, Everything to Live For and Unmasked.
148. Rob Hamill on rowing naked across the Atlantic. If you want to learn more about Rob's adventures, you can check out his Youtube channel 'The Cruising Kiwis' here . Rob is available for speaking engagements here .
147. Natasha Stott Despoja on pathbreaking, changemaking & 80s rock.
Pat Dodson on reconciliation, Catholicism and Yawuru country.
Alice Pung on tragedy, cultural appropriation and the craft of writing. You can learn more about Alice Pung's new book 'One Hundred Days' here .